HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-1-13, Page 6a17
I j,.
UNHEARD OF SLUMP Big Wheat Shipments
IN OCEAN TRAVEL, to United States
Liners and Freighters Being i A depatch from \ rio nipeg
Withdrawn From, Briti sae's t---- Eittports of wheat from
A ter ca> Route, different pouts 't'est to the
United States. seers 'to be in
,A despatchin Land la! spays"---'. creasing daily, The threatenedW
itlaill a raon t all tie pas- passage of the Emergency Tariff
Banger ships in the Britieb.-Antericatt Bill , the 'United States Con.
am -vice will be -withdrawn.-withdrawn. The Vol)"te ,r less has gi'v'en a great impetus
Star timer Cllsnngir and the Cunatalers to the buying in .
Aquit&uia, Mauretania sand Iinpers.tor 3''� g Canada.
will he laid up, ostensibly for repair- During the fir; t three clays
ing and refit: ixa , but in reality het this week 180 cars. of wheat i
cease of the aanpneceden ed, suite an. went $01101 from s,1.t000e Jaw and
'Ocean travel. district. Most of it was eon -
The, OlyTtapie already is undergoing signed to IiIllinezipolia. a
repairs and enlargement of her oil, Buying from sample has reach -
tank , and the Aga..;anta w Il make' ed large proportions. The
her final voyage €runt Liverpool in-' freight car situation has also
stead. of Southampton o^. Je auery `22, greatly • unproved of late, Buyers
A lame ounnther oa free nal leas alto I9r IT -lilted States firms are se -
are being withdras-n from the Atlari�`:
tie serLiee, because sire ertleve tine radii?:g &i the ear's u ley refjmre. 1
Still Armed.
trade depreseion has stra:_gied for
eige, tradFti'e real Toth
freights mai e'sl+'.'ees.
Yat tree British tot.Eppirett welted a enact-„. Tt:e peep,, of 0,e -many -end mare
ab an has ariseri which is without pre- l pereoats a*.its ide Ger nn any -are watch -
rodent. Yn esp^.aai:ariora, a shipper s g with deep 'interest the course of
said: "The market et is rarov: g etted ►vith, affairs is Ba art a. That country ap=
sides. T•Ite woe/ has 8,5tg0a1000 toes peers to s°e the moat couservattve and
ass noire F9;i s afloat than before! the teeter aeriublitan of an • in the old
"• t'`x a 6 S
the war, Ozv.,.�, to e•oaa,mi,.oras its E'ean- t+r .tan Iw allele. Munich, life Qtieern
tral Europe there is less strait to German cities, had its rev+thorn ri any ,"
carry." !t uelie uvel u 191.8; bat since the death
'Of Kurt Ei€iter. the Socialist prennaier, r
at has reverted to eemethirg )?l;ts re-• ,
aMtarn. The Bavarian countryside is
Roman Catholic, old-fashioned acrd y
no nneaan#i its love with the moilerin
political theories that rule Berlina,
Bavaria has oat yet disarmed; as
tr7nany ag. ere a'e i.oi:ca3n:. Joan. GaaaSpeelting at the,
burs lreds of thousands of rafies� still in 1'ore'iga :samples Exhibition, which
pr,vate tenth'in l3ava -i4. 'dost of hos been instituted by the Department
hem are in the barns of ?tnembets c,t cf Qrzrseas Trade, aro wbk1 cern- svDll nadvade South Australia, laws and uPet dniine a daminent the
he nwehnerwebr, or Citizens C'iv.1 prisee one hundred thousand saniplea n , trsl Bolaihovists ignore the teachings of
Guatrd wln.cli is a tri-sterzeru;, organ- New 2ea.,ai:tl, and finally. Gaxiada T'h � s
y f of el � ll tsd � � .
To Face Court -Ma
waft John MacNeil. amble of t'
Sue; Sine }<einer% reeteity arra
Da Mian. who will .etaazd his trial
Te >lor.treab Assoebtioi for the Sand ere holding nunieronis local
4S3 at tips to awaken Public intentst in the good work that is goie:g on.
;g tie most inte':estaeg of their ;aetfeit;es care lir.:pun•antak4cy and cltair-
Caaair.; lay l+li,rad; 'Olney; Vont cbe rndetawal Ic-sue, eee,ling of Braille. type,
nritatg fe-a:iat the '<lict_plaaat:+. knitting eeehe and enttli.in a Ii" Ta c' n b'
t* r ten, cif a y
tho pinta -"i r zbi. 47113ca . 1'i3otAa Shunts a eerty t.' rttidenzea at their work.
WM Mahe a Tour of Canada
and Other Dominions,
3aition will get a warm welt
t•ouglraut the demi:done. Its
+will do inuelt to remove the
pression that British merehainats de
t realise the importance of trade
tee the Empire, and the great op -
levities of tl 1 ' g 't 'tin' the
eve' open x 'within
dominions and coionies."
The: exhibition ;starts neat Summer
on a series of overseas v i ts, which
Climatic and Geologic
Upheaval, Says Scientist
despatch from Paris say$;
-The world is in process of be-
ing made over: climatically And
geologically as a result of recent
tremendous sei,sma tae disturb-
ances in the Arctic seas and
Northern Asia, according to a
recent statement by an eminent
scientist, Professor Guillaume
Bigourdan, President of the com-
mittee on longitudes.
"We are traversing a period of
v olcan�ic disturbance similar #o
that occurring before the crea-
tion of man, and which caused
the disposition of the present
continents, oceans and chair of
nountains," he said.
Red Teaching. •
European niagazin ee for children
are ntakiag their appeararwe in. which
the effort es made to sweep away all
"supers titions" about God and the
church and to atm in airdireetikns the
�ee� of C
l s
a hatred.
The 'Ohilci is
taught to believe that the employer is
the enemy of the employed and that
the lie% have no heart for the mar
and rte right to any aecunxulation trf
possessions. There is to be no rising
by honest tail and the sweat of the
brow to any post of vantage above the.
general level of mediocrity.. Ambition
is a delusion, cant the will to exeell
points the way to misery for those:.
left behind in the race. There will be
no incentive of reward and no coin.-
In their effort to invert the natural
' -x a - - a meta ;noire_ gaols ca ee from ro,lucts of {141 history, the results of hm..att =per
nation not 'controlled h the govern- , la + exhaat: .revs. ares
u y g all over the worm, vrdactili are in citta- rw;areaert: [ in alae ebltihition, ienae. The ;chaals in RUS3iaa to -day
mont, I- Rea o ganazed and is led by petition with iihaitefi Kingdom mom.' aro founded on the shiftiti send f
one George Escherich. a universitt ; fuetaieers, the Priece of Walee remark -i aatheb ni, at the extreme of the react
gi ,dit,�ate with the title of Doctor. who ed; al any v-ea�y glad to hear that ibs� Rea ltlg 15 New tion from the one impregnable eon -
has. been superintendent of the Ba -',tut Ntee,e) Bret abieatian of this ;;rear Vicar y of Tiflis ser •+atism 4£ the orthodox church..
The } e:lshevists ilave a song whew
London says: ' burden is, "We have gat rid of God
arta chief J'astiee a.ow let tea go otter the Sari€arts." In
a e»c , v. ae as :t corsenaent word date. Pin no: ra•etet tour a,hroughtar l aorreper Speeiai Areba�,=r.;laae to the the De«.ember issue et *aThea Red.
coined front the first syllables of they oto mina I n aline:i that we are ins, note 1 taatea, oats decide+b to u.°zept Dawn" is this pat:.age:.
wens "Org?,nizat:' n Es,heridA" , ,danger of losana ern hod on certain the past et Viceroy of India, a'Wc deapiso their Int�lhi.a-b Christ -
The Orgesch is officered wholly, marizet in the 4:oanhaiors in which we The appointment of lad heading rias; we de.=,pise their church and
with veteran soldiers; it drills openly, were formerl;, - :,;►,este•, and from WI '4'ieeroy of India was announced tr•air etate, orris .ars-y :std their nano � .
l:o:ds slootin ; tontrnaments annd owes which i
ill allegiance to none but Htre Bsenherich, by foreign competition. 1 ant mate then called to the feet that fog theladies ind their great Well; we deb -
a g ,
vartan (wrests and wino has a repute prt,,ye , ta+ tend a totaa-iaag exhibition (Xi
tit= as an Afrae •an explorer and big- )Rratuha „aa.tiaa;f a;ztares to the doitir,nionslg A deepawit fr
:game hunter. I.o;ally it is'eafed the is l ke,y to be c aeanlaneted at :ass early1I.erub Reeding, tli
O,, h „h. h .
d"' a avhich vve ..ear eredually being ousted *eactrel days ago, inzd attention vt•tis their artists and their poets, their line
Pala :who says that his militia force is re -:sure. bum -tear. the amaer is only tem- f ret time in history a Chief Justice piss theta root and branch We laugh
cruitealt solely, to re- at the spread of,
x - - Bolshevism. But Bolshevism is not a.
RESTORE 'V ILHEt danger that anyone in Germany seri-
ously fears to -day, whereas the/
TO GERMAN THRONE? ` Ovgeseh thrives and grows steadily
--- more formidable, Meet people think
Things Coming to a Head in that it is kept in condition to be used; Toronto.
Fatherland, Says: the Ex
porar3 aazel vvlll Ia . 1 %dl eon iid ant Bn ad lima named as Viceroy. at them and all their flunkeys, wheth-
it be a l iieh,p or a god; for they are
not ours."
The Bolshevists are jealous of the
invasion of what they coneider their
bailiwick, by the Friends, or by the
Weekly Market Repor
l e acation caro; ci!a- rsaik+. tilts, 2G Salvation Arany, or ,b en other body
S• y S
for the restoration of the monarchyi M nitoba wheat No. 1 Northern, to '27e per Dlo
in Germany. Certain it is that when Si.9� `ha;; No. 2 Northern. $1,880,e; No. Smoked n. at. -hells, so to 6e; whose influence goes to contravene the
Emperor. an attempt was made to extend its/ 8 orthern, $1.81ts ; No..1 tete !t, Imes. med..:8 to 41e; heavy, ,'31 to teachin s of destruction, +hatred, ir-
r1 dcrpateli from Paris sa s: organization to }?riissio its sponsors/ $1.r2.`n. 39 ; coelted harms, uo to 58e; baeks, religion. The hastly mischief is
y Manitoba e: to --No, 3 t'l', ,,3e; No, boneless 5i'i to 60e; breakfast bacon, that the Bolshevists spread the poison
t hat Ex -Kaiser 'Malebo of Germany there were men of such wall -f nown • 3 CW, 50e; (-slaw No. I feed, ,,1}u; No. 40 tet 48e; special, 51) to O,e; cottage of their doctrine axone the youngest
eoriiuently erzpeats to regain his monarchical views that the presentl j feed, torte; No, 2 feta, oeete, rn1Ia,^,4 tv ;;Oct lrnd the moat susee rtiiate, The chit -
throne within a short time anal that Prussian government suppressed it, Month -Om hailer -No. CW, 8bale; Green meats -Out of pickle. le 1e,t,'tiren are al }nothing •._
Ile is in constant communication with firmly. The came thing occurred in. No. 4 OW. iiaas4'; fete', tl;ait; rejea•teO. than smoked. 1 allowed to hear yare old.
his friends in Berlin, is the etatetnent: Saxony not long ago. The real re -67 ate. Barrelled manta--Beanpork, $4O;'and they believe what they Are, told.
a matt woo has publicans in Germany distrust Bert =1)1 above in store, bort William. short cut or family back a49• i' •sane Tho future *Mess a 4,-plorable pros -
node recently
"known the ex -Kaiser fuer many years Escherich and aro kept in constant un -
and who was a guest at the Castle of n easiness by rumors of approaching
Dorn at the re�eent wedding of the
'daughter of Count Bentinck to the =-
Emperor's aidacle-camp.
Ontario wheat--F.rab: shipping Welt, boneless, $o3 to x$54; untitled. peat of a laud overgrown by the tures
points, according to freights outside. rolls, $5ti to $iib; Riess por)c, $38. of vicious doctrine where good wheat
?�7o. 2 spring, ti 1.80 to
revolt in Bavaria The name of Gen ' Winter, $1.85 to $1,90, ^~ ., tons, 26 elated
to 29e; in 'rases, 27% to cruelties 5nflicted on evicted nrista- Plottedto Destro Jewel
o . ,
For eeSecretary to de Valera
Placed Under Arrest.
A despatch from Dublin says;-.•
Twenty: -four military rad were made'
in Dublin. Detachments of ` soldiers
and sailors on. Thursday surrounded'
a little island in Cort harbor and
seanelietl it thoroughly. One arrest
was made, that of I trick Sheehan,.
at one time secretary to Eammon do
At three e'eloel. Thursday morning
Patrick Purr, aged twenty=.son of a
farmer near Ballintober, was shot:`'
dead by a gang of masked men. Durr
'MRS called outside of the house by the
lien, who found him asleep cin the
piece with two others. Be was ord.
Bred to dress, and when he appeared
at the door he was shot thrcugh the
right eye, his heart anri a leg. He was
let in a pool of blood. The other two
men Jumped from a rear window and
es Tped.
he c;irectors of the Freeman";
Journal, who have been in jail fox
some week*, were ordered released
Thursday might by the authorities eta
the ground inti of ill -health..
It was stated officially on Thursdays
iiy= &lim Fein leaders that no peace
ne4otit}tions are under way, and. that
President do Valera will not elisduss
any ;peace proposition with the British.
Cabinet which does not embrace the
recognition of the Irish Bepiiblic.
De Valera i$ "on the run" here the
same as all other Sinn Fein men bergs
of Parliament, and is liable to arrest
at an moment.
A large fore of British military,
with armored cars, nude raids in Fer-
unoyr, County Cori;, on Thursday. They
seized goods valued at about $500
from. four tradesmen and saloon-
keepers. The people of Fernley on.
eidere1 the raids and the seizures ass
a flue levied on the city, and Thuraday,r
night, as a measure of satisfaction,
all the mnnrt3aal law posters in ton
were torn down,
Slated for the Enst
Lord Reading, former British Atrn-
barsador to the United States, who
has accepted the vice -royalty of India.
Ludendorff comes now and then to the y , 1 t
American tore -Prompt shipment, ..8 a c, .. leer bellies, 30 .s to 81? nc; fat clots aro not so dreadful as the sys-House in ;ilio Tower
surface when such rumors aro afloat; Mn. 2 yellow, triad:, Toronto, $1.15, • backs, 22 to 24e. +° tematic debauchery of the minds of London ToE er
In relating the matter, he said: "I he is suspected of being Derr Eseher- Ontario ones No• 3 white. 5 to Lard - Tierces,. 25 to 2514e; tubs, the out under
1 -,ad a. teen -minute talk with the former ich s military adviser. At the same:53c, according to freights outside. 26 to 26tfic; snails, 28 lig to 2G tee; - young g pretense of liberty
wiser, during vvhfrh he expressed time it is whispered that France is! Barley -Malting, 85 to 90e, anreord- prints, 28 tri 29e; shortening tierces,
himself freely, and hopefully. I rens- not entirely hostile to the Orgcsch and to freights outside. 16 to 17.a per pound.
,.that its re !prompt
Ontario hour -l'4 inter. in jute bags, Good heavy steers, $11 to $12;
c..:,er him saying, 'Things are connsrg pal of nava have winked rom t shi ment. straight run baler,. butcher steers, ,ehvice, $10 to $11, do
to a read in Germany because of the at the refusal of Bavaria to give up. seaboartii. $8.50, norninal, good, $8.50 to $9.50• do, med.. 7 u0 to T n
.� _ } .� and _ _ $ he clay belt o! Ontario is a stretch'•
the growing Bolshevik menace on the French believe that they could set • Manitoba flour -Track, Toronto: ors, choice 9 t $10; do med., new ant i of or Northern Quebec + $ o , + $6 to tarso, extending from the Quebec
The Clay Belt of Ontario.
k^�ereh tepee -anon on one side and
its rifles pistols, because the, peas No. 2. $1.75 to 51.50 oat:ide. 8$50 cin COM"41 to $G butcher heif of n land 3 \ 1
li ments seized by the police in a raid
in Ireland.
The documents, it is added, con-
tained written instruetio; .s "to take
as little life as possible."
The use of time bombs was sag
Special precautions, the Daily
Sketch adds, have been enfo_ ced at
theTower to guard the royal regalia
kept in .the jewel house.
Lieut. 1ticLerie, svho piloted an S.E.
5 in the .communication eervice be-
tween Camp Borden and Toaonto; tole -
erect the 60 odd miles in 'thirty min-
utes, The flight will be made every
day this month, -which .is considered
by flying amen to be the worst mental
in the year.
A despatch from London say:;-.
The Sinn Fein platted to blow up the'
jewel house in the Tower of London,.
according to the Daily- Sketch, which,;
says the plot was discovered when the
authorities read a number of docu-
etie_•. There will soon be need of the.. along amicably with a Germany in. First patents. $10.90; second patents, $8; do, come $4 to $6; 'butcher cows,
ern ly ewer e» wench can bring the 001.111.-: which Bavario was the chief power, $10.40, according to freights, 81.85 to chpice, S8 to SO: do, med., $6 to $7;
""' l atilt to arty-tbe house .se of Ho- ,though they are .mpIacably suspicious' $1.90. canners and cutters $8,50 to cw•4; but-
s of Prussia and hostile to it. ., j Buckwheat -No. 2. $1 to $1.05. cher bulls, good, $7 to $9; do, coni.,
la n o .ears Then wall come the bine Re. -No. nominal; : o.:3 $1.50 $4.50 to $5.50;do, fair, $6.50 to $7.50;
.fes whieh I am waiting in confident Muth is going on beneath the sur- y2, ' t
ee; e ration. Those who Say that nay face of German politics that we can to $1.55. feeders, best. $9 to $10.50; do, good,.
I43illfeetlCarlot<'delivtreri To 800 lbs $8.50 to $9.50; do 800 lbs
:sly n s paved are going to have an only}
guess at, but whenever another ionto freights hats inchided. Bram, $7 75 to7 $8.95- db, comb q5' 75 to $7-
a:eerpeeted awakening.' +r
Sir Edward Carson Gives Up
Ulster Leadership
eruption occur; we may expect to find per ton, $38:25 to $40.25; shorts, per milkers and springers. ''choice, $100
Harr Escherich and his organization ton, $40.25; white middlings, 847.25; to $150; calves, choice, $15 to $17; do,
near the centre of disturbance. feed flour, $2.75 to $3. Hied., $12 1* $14; do, eom., $5 to $1G;
Cheese -New, large, 26 to 27c; Iambs, $11 to $13; :sheep, choice, $5
Toronto -Reports reaching the fin- twins, 27 to 28e; triplets, 28 to 20c; to $6; do, heave and bucks, $4 to $5;
aneial district here are to the effect old, large, 32 to 35c; do, twins, 221,-a do, yearlings, 810 to $10.50; hens, fed
that Britain is repaying $150,000,000 and watered, ,$15.25; de, o9f cars, $15';
A e>l wt, h from London says: -lots creditSutter-Fresh elairy, tlioice, 19 to da, feeb., $14.21;; do, to the farmer,
Edward Careen has decided to relit'- granted during the war by a 50e. creamery, No. 1, 55 to 58e; fresh, $14.
to 331z e.
moi�h the political bade ship of the group of Canadian banks. It is stated 58 to Ge Montreal.
Taster Unionists and also not to taloa that the loan is being paid off at the Margarine -35 to 37e Oats Can West No 2 73e• do
office in a new Ulster A iministration,
rate of $5;000,000 a month. NiE +
Eggs,_ --No. 1 74 to 7Gc• sell• -les 7$ No. 3, 70c I+'laur, 14ran e�irrne- wheal
e,ecordir:<� to The Londrn Times, -'* to 80c new laic, in tartans, 90 to 95c. patents, hrste, $1(? 00. Rolled Oats, bag The flaming sword at the •ate of .-
Port Arthur The provincial Paper Beams---CFn'adlaii hand-pl:eked, hist, i70 lbs., $3.70. Brain, $40.25. Slaoa-ts, the Garden of Eden IZo rad Rivers,
'Ocie: °`t considers his work, which Mills, L r h t Three a s, Que.-The Interna -
, mandary westward, estimated to eon-
tain at least 16,000,000 acres of arable
land of a rich clay or clay loam, re-'
markably free from atones, and there-
fore easy to break and cultivate. A
large percentage is said to he tillable,
and many settieltis have already made
good In this area. Such a percentage
can be considerably increased by
drainage. Several thriving settle-
ments have sprung up in this part of
the Province, which is traversed by
the Temiskaming and Northern On-
tario Railway and the Canadian Na-
tional Railways. The clay belt varies
in depth north and south Irani 25 to
100 miles.
as td., have secured a pulp woad $3.75 to $4.20; primes $3 to $3.5a; $40.25. Hay Iso per ton, car lots,
Ulster leader, ensued with the passing limit of some 1,220 ;square miles, well Japans, 91ke;� T.inias 'Madagascar, .' 30 to $31.: u,
of a Mime Rule act acceptable to his timbered, in the Nipigon district, and 10aio. California Limas, 121/2c. Boucher heifers.. •conn.,$5,
$' 50
followers s •and will make way now for Maple products=Syrup, per innp, butcher, irons, med., $5 to $7.50; can -
gal., $3.40 to $3.50; per 5 imp. gals., ners, $8.25 to $3.50; cutters, $4 to $5;
$3.25 to $8.40. Maple sugar, ib.. 27r butcher 'bulls, eom., $6 to $6.50. Veal
to:, 30c. i calves, $13 to $13.50. Ewes, $5 to $6;
Honey -60-30-1b. tins, 25 to 26c per Iambs, coin,..,. $6.1a 01. Hogs, selects,.
lb.; Ontario eon* honey, at $7.50 per off cars, $15.
a younger Ivan. He goes to Ulster
scan to receive the thanks of the
Unionists at a great farewell demon
nen uaiion which is being planned."
will commence operations in this city
immediately. Finances for this under-
taking has been arranged by the
authorization of an issue sof $3,000,-
150Q in bonds.
ays IS. an
the hands of the British administra-
tion of Mesopotamia. •
There'•s a real reward awaiting the
manor woman who dis•cov*ess a use
for Christmas cards after their ster-
eotyped messages 'have passed their
initial reading.
tional Paper .Company, of Canada, the:
subsidiary of the. International Paper.
Co. of America, which commenced -op-
erations "a couple of weeks ago, is now
turning out 60 tons of sulphite multi '
daily. When the thtll ie completed in.
the :Fall of 1921; it Will have --a..eapa.
city of 240 tons -of newsprint daily.'
l la .l .R FELLE,' ^,By' � one Byh'nes •
' 'Nt . e Nis:-' ,�
tank Nos .
Ro' 4 curl
VOMSZ.Ve. wcc