HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-1-13, Page 5A * CONTINUED • 1$1 1 ‘ 1NISTERIATJ ORDSI ER IYARAII"- • I TINING CERTAIN AREAS ON ACCOTeNT OE THE EUROPEAN e . CORN' RORER AND RESTRICT., INC/ Tette :MOVEMENT OP CORN REDucTioN SALE A -ND CORN PRODUCTS IN SAID AS, OWING TO THE GREAT SUCCESS OF OUR PRICE REDUCTION SALE IN DECEMBER WE ARE GOING TO CONTINUE IT Through JANUARY TO G1VE OT.IIERS A CHANCE TO •GET SOME BARGAINS, REMEMBER. THIS IS A REAL REDUCTION SALE, AND IF YOU WANT TO BE IN px SOME OF THESE BARGAINS COME LARLY AS GOODS ARE GOING FAST. R. N. Rowe PHONE 24 ease 20W. FuRxrruRE,,& UND .RTAKING AUMON SALE, AUCTION SALE ov Faun nom - e. vv. Robinson has received iu- OF HORSES, REGISTERED STIORT structions to sell by public auction HORNS, CI-10ICE BRED A/M- on\ AND HEREFORD CATTLE LOT G. CONCESSION 7, USBORNE •CLE.?ARING • NOTICE Ole QUARANTINE NO. 2, (Domestic.) Effective on and atter the 2etle day of November 1920. Thefact has been determined by the Minieter of Agriculture and no- tice is hereby given that an injuri- ous bisect, the European, Coro. Borer, (Pyrausta rnthflafls Hubner) ;tow and not Iteretoforce widely prevalent or distributed within and through- out the Dominion or Canada, exists in the province of Ontario, and that there is danger -of this insect being spread into otter districts by reason of the movement or cora plants or portions of plants infested with th pest. Now, therefore, I, Joseph Hiram Grisdale, the Deputy to the Minister of Agriculture for the Dominion ot Canada, under authority courerred upon me by section 7 or the De - ruction Insect and Pest Act, 9-10. Edward VII, chap. 31, do hereby quarantine the following township -e: Waintleet, Humberstone and 13er- tie h the County of 'Welland. Moulton aud Sherbrooke in the County of Haidimantl. Dereham, Norwich N'orth, Nor via. South, Oxford West, Oxford One tattle south of Elineville on. UOEJ I' • E. •-• North and Nissouri East in the WEDNESDA., JANL.13119, 1921. .!n auctentster, has receive County or Oxford. the tollowing; ; ed insteuctione from the undersigned • Usborne in the County or Huron. C,ATTLE—Pure bred. One pure; to sell by public auctiore en Bayhara, Malabide, Yarmouth, bred dual purpose cow with twin Lot 7, Con. 10, Township of Hibbert Dorchester South, Shoutivold, Dun- e 2 Miles Eest of Cromarte wieh and Al:thorough in the County alves at foot; 1 pure bred boiler, 10 months old; 1 pure bred buil WEDNESDAY, JAN. 190, 1921 or moo . Horses—Matched team mares 5 and D t west . t calf. 8 menthe old. ore tes er North, rams er, e years old; mi 5 years old; gelding GRADE CATTLE—One reneweds -seers ea Delaware, Camden Nissouri West. eine; 1 vow due at time of eale; 1 Catele-1 cows due at thtle of sale; Loudon, Bidduiph, Lobo, Adelaide. cow due January 22nd; 1 cow due 3 cows due in Apr".l. or May; 1 heifers hletealte, Elefrid and. Mose in the January 24th; 1 heifer 3 years old due in May; 2 eowe supposed to be •County ot Illiddiesex. due January 20th; 1 COW due Mardi 'ea calf ; 1 fe.rrow COW ; Durham Buil, Zone, Ortord, Howard and. Hare 12th; 1 cow due April lettli; 1. COW eoeal ICtehetter," Rcg. No. 138790 , wieb in the County of Kent. 20 months old; buil eat reg4ereel: All the afore mentioned townships «Be°. 6'111(411315 old; 36 steers beiug in the Province ot Ontario and. 2 years old; 2 heifers, 2 years old; 1,3 due iu May. These cows are all bred to the stock buil. Lavender Lad, 12270, brea by the 0.A.C. and sired by Proud Diamond, 02502, one ot the best breeding bulls the college 'ewer owned. Ono steer rising 3 years old, fat; 1 heifer rising 3 years old, fat— .cash. or 0 per cent added; 2 heifers 2 years old, bred December 1St; 1 steer rising 2 'eare old; 3 heifers rifting 2 years old; 2 steers 1 year old; 1 heifer 1 year old; 3 spring calves (heiters); 4 fall calves. PURE BRED REGISTERED YORKSHIRE 110M --One sow due to farrow January 25th; 1 sow due Ararch lst; 6 .young sows due to 'farrow in March; 2 young boars fit tor service; 5 young boars 21/4 mons. and sired by Riverside Duke, 1st steers, 1 year old; 2healers 1 year old 9 spaeng, calve'. Hogs—Yorkshire sow, duo at time o sae; 7 'Yorkshire sows due end Feb.; 10 legs about 100 lbs.; 13 pigs about 120 lbs. A quantity seed oats, a quantity ot mixed feed. Im1gemen.s—Sereng tooth retitle:Ito? 4 horse dew harrow, new; farm trade new*i3 horse gasoline engine, new; ettshesenew; heavy belt, 14 it. long, cutteig box, cream separator, 2 incuba- tors, 120 eeg cap., coal, heater, new; uulper, hay fork. sap pan. and 80buck- by this Notice of Quarantine No. 2, (domestic), do order that no corn nor corn stalks, including broom corn, whether used for packing or other purposes, green or sweet cern, roasting ears, corn on the cob or corn cobs, shall be moved from any localities in said quarantined town- ships to points outside those town- ships. The quarantine shall not apply under the following conditions: 1. To the articles enumerated when they shall have been manufac- PHONE 134 I ICOTT BIROS et> eutter, set brass mounted harness tuned or processed in such manner ne:elv now. ;nee at 1 cenlock, sharp. the European an shelled corn and Corn Borer. Make Your Dolgar4 Count -This Month COME IN AND SEE.,OUR VALUES T1IIS MONTH, ALL, WINTER GOODS MUST BE CLEARED OUT. LOOK OVER EVERY ITEM IN THIS AD., AND "SEE WHERE YOU CAN SAVE MONEY. MANY OTHER LINES NOT IN 'THIS LIST. SALE LASTS FROM JAN 12th TO FEB. lat. ONLY BLACK WOLF SET IT -neuter price $4750 SAle Price —$37.50 1 .NLY BROWN WOLF SET Reguier Prc 37.50 ,Seee. Partce $27.50 ALL WOOL DRESS SERGES Blue Meek Brown. Reeutar $.3.00 a yard. Seee Price ..... $2.35 LINEN HAND TOWEL Reece. 'Priceper yard 35e. -Saese Price per yd. ?.Sc TEA TOWELLING telEN'S HEAVY MITTS Regular Price 20c. Great Value - Sale Prece per yard 15c. Regular neeue $2.Z5 and SZ.5e Sale len'ee $1,50 COATES COTTON SPOOLS • STANFLELD'S BLUE LABEL 200 yds per _sew!. SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Regteer Price 12 ene e. Reeuear Price $4.,.'0 • Seen: Price. ....... ..... ..le: Sele, pelce earinee.? $3.35 M X'S WORSTED ST:ITS STANFIELD'S RED LABEL All new mod4I • SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Reguler Values ..$3S.50 i Reenter Price SelePrice . $29.50 Sale P,r,CC .. . ... ...32.$5 MEN'S FLEECE e elF.N'S GREY TI,VEnD SUITS leetillel'S ANI. DRAWERS Regular Values $30.00 Reguler value $L2'5 Sale Price -$2«.50 Saee Pnee .. . .. ...98e. IBEX FLANNELLETTE BLANKET LADIESAND MISSES COATS Largest size 12x4 Grey or Whete Regular %nem: per pate $4.50 Regular $25. • $30, $35, $4e Our Big Sale Price 33.65 Take. your -choice—Sale prise $1.75 CHILDREN'S VEST & :1ORAI,V1eRS !FINGERING YARNS Regteer 40e. and 50e. !. lieek ,er GreY Sate .priee. each ... 35set Regular value 40,25 a lb. Sale Price per lb. ...$1.75 MISSEe •er WOMEN WOOL GLOVES :. , C. A, TICKING... Reeettlar vale= 75e to $1. Sale prece pair 25e 50 ier. MEN'S FINE IT.T.713BERS Reestelar value $1.75 Seee Price $1.3 STRIPED FLANNELLe.TTE 500 yards 35e. value Sale Price coTrox BATS—lib. Size Regular value 45c. Sae Klee —see. '450 PR. MEN'S T.:RNS CALF woes nee 40.1 Reguler value per yard 90e. Regular value 0.44,1 Sate Price ...e.......75c.- Pete, Priee , ........ ICHIXTZ FOR. COMFORTERS 'DOMINION RUBBER BOOTS Regular value per yard 50e. Re?7,d'ele value $0.03 Sale peke- per yd 35e. Sale HEAVY RIBBED COTTON HOSE Greatior Boys & Girla • Regular teem 50e. Al size 3 , • 1NER RUBBER BOOTS Regular value $7.50 Sal'eepric ...... ...$6.75 WALKER AND BIG BEN OVe.RAIXS er, SMOCKS, REGULAR PRICE $3.75; SALE PRICIt. $3.25. ALL NEW SPRING WALL PAPERS AT 10 PER CitNT DISCOUNT THIS 'elONTIL • Southcott Bros. as to eliminate risk of carriage of • emit- over ethat amount 10 moe,ths, AUCTION SALE 2. To tie 3. To shipments of the articles OF FARM STOCK' & INIPLE3,1ENTS enumerated, transported through the quarantined areas an a through bill of lading. 4. To shipments of the articles enumerated, for experimental or scientific puproses' by the Dominion Department of Agriculture or the Ontario Department of Agriculture. 5. To shipments of dried seed corn on the cob for exhibition, pur- poses and •consigned to the Secre- tary of a Winter Fair or Exhibition duly recognized by the Dominion De- partment of Agriculture. Such ship- ments shall be inspected at point of destination by an inspector duly ap- Pointed under the Destructive Insect Terms—All sums of 310 and un.der, • cleaned seed of broom corn, credit sen turnesiung approved town prize boar at London aud 2nd prize notes. A discount ot 5 per cent. off sow also, also the stock boar, Lake for eash. View Roy, 57304, this boar has been No reserve as the farm is changing shown at Toronto, Ottawa and Lon- hands Grein and roots -cash, don and has always been in the JAS- JONES, Auct, Perth & &Huron. MRS. AGNES HOCKING, Adm!istr3trtx.l money, he is a good getter, active and sure. Ten pure bred S. C. BrOWn Leg- horn Cockerels. asRms—$1O and under, cash; over that amount 10 months credit 'on furnishing approved joint notes -or a discount of 4 per cent oft for cash. C. W, ROBINSON, G. W. MINERS, Auctioneer Proprietor PRANK COATES, Clerk CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, REGISTERED SHORT HORNS, GRADE CATTLE, HOGS SHEEI' AND IMPLEMeNTS. Win. E. Nairn, Auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions to. sell by Public Auction, on Lot 19, River Road, two and a half miles south-east of Fullne- ton Village, on THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1921 Commencing at one o'clock sharp, the following Horses—General ,purpose mare 9 years old; heavydraft colt, 4 years old heavydraft colt, 3 \years old; roadster colt 4 years old; roadster colt 3 years zed. Registered Cattle. -4 cows with calv- es by their side; heifer due in March; cow due in. A,pritl; heifer, fresh; 2 heifers 1 -year-old; 2 bull calves, 7 months old. The pedigrees of these cattle will be furnished day of sale. Grade Cattle -3 grade Durham cows, due to calve in March; Polled Angus cow, due i Ap.rili; 5 2 -year-old steers 5 2-yeer-old heifers • 6 heifers rising 2 years old; 5 yearling steers; 5 calves Iegs-4 brood saws, bred; 30 shoats from Veto, 120 lbs. 'eatch. She,ep-30 'good breeding ewes. •Hens -10 hens. • Hay—Mow mixed hay. lImplements--Masseyeliarris binder, 6 -foot cut; Foist & Wood mower, cultivator, •disc barrow, set iron has- - rows, seed drill, 2 -furrow riding plow, walking pow, wagon and box, trucks, • dray week, stock rack, set scales, 1,000 lbs: capacity; car, doz. grain bags, to buggy, open beggy, cutter, root pulp- er, set doubl eharness, 3 sets •single harness, forks, hoc, shovels and a let • of useful articles always found on, a I "e Positively no reserve as everything will he said: Terms—$10.00 and under, cash; over that amount liV:lne months' credit will • be given on*furnishing approved joint note.s, or a diseount of 5 per cent. off foe- cash in: ]ieu of notes. C. E. HA CKNEY &E. ROGER, Props. WM. E. NAIRN, Auct. Advertising space in the London Daily Mail costs $25 an inch, and a whole page .$6,000. In English papers generally the larger the space an ad- , Vertiser takes; the higher the rate. .11ai ...11111•••••••••••••• We Want Expert Dealers REMARKABLE Opnc•reunitty for one high grade dealer in each territory, preferabely one who las a knowledge of farm con.ditions. The position is per- manent and the work pleasant and profitable and Pest A.ct. Experience not essential—We Any person who contravenes this train you. Exclusive territory, quarantine will be prosecuted as provided for in the Destructive In- sect and Pest Act. This order shall take effect im- mediately and be in. force until far- ther notice. Witness my hand this date and seal of the Department of Agricul- ture, Canada. (Seal). (Signed), J. H. Grisdale, Deputy Minister of Agriculture. Dated this 29th day of November, 1920. ' liberal co-operation and excel)), ent pay, To men ,of energy, ability and absolute Integrity this posi- tion. offers a valuable association, and one that is of real service to the community. Write us to -day The SHINN .MFG. Co. of Canada Guelph, Ontario Secretary & 11/Imager W.H. Day (Frmerly Professor of Physics., of the Ontario. AgrIculturae' College, Guelph). Will the party from Exeter, who an- swered last week's .advertisemeat, but forgot to sign Ms pame please write again? WESTERN ONTARIO BEST CON/I- • IVIERCIAL SCHOOL.... CENTRAL SISRATFCIRDs. ONT. Our winter term commences Tues- day, January 4th, and•students may register in our Commercial, Short- hand or Telegraphy Departmeets at any time. Our courses, are ,thorough and practical, and we assist grad- uates to position's. Get our free Catalogue • D. A. McLachlan Principal. Tett & • Coffee Store For the choicest aroceries fruits, spices , teas, Coffee and" every- thing itt the grocery line f)a,11 and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. by C. H. Sweden at the Advocate e London Business.institute EUNDAS & RICHMOND STS, LONDON, ONTARIO It pays to eivestigate before choos- ing a school. Waite for information. Now is a good time to enroll. J. MORE.= N. STONEHOUSh, Vice-Prin. AND HOUSEHOLD El•FnCTe. Lot 28, Concession 2, Usborne, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1921 At 1 o'clock, sheep, the following: Stock—Span general purpose netres; spen devong horses; 3 .oves with acif at foot; 3 cows due ue April; COW due i, May, 7 eeareings; 21 ewes sup- posed to, be in lamb. A number of Barred Rock hens. Implemenis--Massey-Harris 6 foot binder,In good working order; mower 5ft., in. good Working order, hay rake root pulper, hay loade.r, nearly new; Noeon seed drill, fanning mill, spring tonth custivator steel land •roller, 3 drums; grind stone, manure. spreader, emery grinder, turnip sower, seuffler, set diamond harrows, 2 walking plows, plow for lifting, sugar laves, 2 lumber wagons, light wagon, 2 ep--,bobsleiglis 2 cutters, top buggy, 2 open. buggies, gravel box, moveable Tack, wagon. box, whiffietrees, forks, shovels, boes, cart pair horse. blankets, 2 robes, igtraie bag s, sugar kettle, quantity rock elm basswood and white ash; 15 tons of Alfalfa hay, 400 bushels oats, set work- ing ibarnes, nearly new; 2 sets plow beeness, double set driving harness, saddle, quantity smooth wire, 2 crow bars, cheese van, 500 gallons, cook - stove, some tables and chairs, side- board, 3 bedsteads, Daisy churn, Mag- net cream separator, nearly dew; pots, pails and pans and other articles too numerous to menition. Piano, nearly new and in first-class shape. Anyone wishing to, examine os try the piano Ware sale may do so. 'Terms—U(1'4d under, cash; ,ovet that amount 12 months' credit on ap- proved joint notes. A discount of 3 per cent for calsh. , C. W. Robinson, Walter Keddy, Auctioneer Proprietor Frank Coates, Clerk. RAND TRONA7eNtrE'a THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between /40N'TREA.I. ." • :TORONTO DETROIT and — CHICAGO UnexceBed dining car sPerrleet SlieelliMe Cara OD night trains and I,Pastor coo on principal day trains. FuUinfoirmation from any Greed Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing DietskS Patalenner Aieeet, Toronto Jas. Gould N j DCBtE ?ha"' 46' Arena Fleeter ee, Hay KEYS—LOVE A ulet wedding took place, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Love, Hills Green, on Dec. 29, when their eldest daughter, Anna NI., was united in marriage to Mr. Albert E. Ke.ys of Blake. Rev. A. 11cFarline of Bayfield performed the texemony. The bride, who, was unat- tended, was becomingly attired in nigger brown satin, with embroider- ed trimnfing. After the wedding din- ner the happy couple left on a trip Ito Toronto and Hamilton. HURONDALE The regular Dec -ember meeting of the Woman' nsltitute was held at the ;home of Mrs. C. Pyre on Dec. 29, thir- ty-se.ven attending. An excellent pa, leer on "How to. add cheer and com- fort to the homes in, winter." was given by Miss N. Keddy; instrumental music by Oliss M. Morgan, and Mise Helen leetve; and club swinging by Miss Andrews, were interesting nom- , hers of the program. The special flo- wer collection was $4.41. The next !meeting will be held ei the home of the president Mrs. J. Morgan. —..--..... MITCHELL—On December 3rd a quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George. Prueter of this town, when they eldest daughter, Miss Wanda Pructer, was united in marriage to Mr. Roy W. Miller of Montreal. EGMONDVILLE—Mrs John Prend- ergast deed at the. :family residence in Egmondville on Dec. 31, aged 73 years. Born in Ireland she came toHibbert Township as a child; and li- ed most of her remaining life in this neighbor- hood. She is survived by a son and four daughters Zurich 11111.1.111111MOIOWINOMINIMI ... Mr N• E Debates, primeval of Zur- 'EALTHFOL HABIT Protect your vital forces and build up your re- sistive -powers with a littl ich Public, School. has, resigned be- cause the Trustees refuse to give. hem est increals,e of $200 in salary, so as to bring it ;up to the schedule adopted by the teachers of West Huron. Accord- ing to their agreement no other teach". er- wuili atonly for or accept the pos- ition; and the question ill his fellow teachers keep faith"? • Clandeboye - " - (Intended for last week.) eer. Harold Atkinson and Mr. A. J. Smith of Harnikton, are ,visiting rela- tives here.—Garland and Harold Bice of Detroit spent New ,Year' S here.— Dr. E. Bice has returned home from British Columbia, where he has been for the, past year.—Quite ` a number from here attended the New Year's dance at Lucan,.. Opera Huse..—Th e Farmers' Club IhtalS received another car co. -Monday was a busy day around those parts owing to, the ace- tions.—Mr. Keneth ,McVicar of Lon- don, has returned home, after spend- ing a week with relatives here.—Mr. Hanes Lewis of Swift Current is seletives in ties vicinity.—Mies Merle Hodgson of London spent a few days with her parents here. eteeeesnteel.iee, nee coTT'S. EMULSION thrice daily after meals. Tens of thousands daily prove that taking • Scott's Emulsion is a healthful habit. Scott & Bowne. Toronto. ,Ont. 2n-71 1 gligailliallbarmaimassans 1- AfARRTAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of flee, Strictly confidential; no witness. i)11„ A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon, 11,1cDonell's Stables, John, St., Exeter (lately occunied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Oftice—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter - Calls promptly attended to day or night. HORSES WA.NTIeD want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition, Geldings 5 years old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRA_NK TAYLOR •• Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. • Credlion. — Ontario. MONEY 7() LOAN We have a large amount of psivate -funds to loan on farm and- village property at low. rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Bassisters, Solicitors Exeter Dr, A. R. KINSMA.N, L. D. S., D. D. S. Hance. Graduate Toronto Univereity, Office—ever Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. • MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness., 'DRS. SWEET & 17INING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night. ' • 05fice— • Dr. Sweets old Office Phone No. 120 . Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Hueon Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Steck Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Wareroome, next dootr to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons.