HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-12-30, Page 17}
Superstars, Zi�b re each beaten once during ball season
'John Kane concentrates as he flips pancakes at the •Rotary Pancake breakfast held on The
Square. this summer. The breakfast 'attractedquite a. few 'people for 'early morning
flapjacks. (staff -photo) •
(continued from page 20
storage and management
feels it haS4the need for the
remL ader.
Baseball had an unusual
week as both the GoderiA,
Superstars of the Huron
Central Ladies' Softball
League and the 2;iebart
Rustproofers of the Godericl►
' Industrial Softball •League •
went down in defeat.: The
teams had been beaten a total
of onetime in the season.
Fourteen young ladies from
Goderich and Kincardine are
in Cuernavaca Mexico this
• week, culminating a three-
year dream made true
through co-operative effort
by residents of Goderich and
the First Girl Guide Company
of Goderich,
The Penny Carnival held at
Judith Gooderham Pool last
Friday attracted hundreds of
youngsters and was one of the
biggest ever.
• The Maitland Valley
Conservation Authority has
received Ministry of Natural'
Resources approval for a
$200,000 floodplain land
acquisition program in
Turnberry Township. ;The
affected 1,00 acres in the
township .have had a history
of flooding problems dating
back to the4940's and 1950's.
The Huron Historic Gaol
took on an added . flavour
Sunday when about two dozen
antique automobiles parked
onthe gaol lawn. The
Maitland Valley Region of the
Canadian Historic
Automobile Association held
an open house at the gaol.
- The Goderich Recreation
and Community Centre
Board building committee
has abandoned plans for an
arena addition and .will
,proceed with the erection of a
steel :roof with a'wider span to
cover• existing dressing
The Goderich advisory missing later that•day.
committee of ,the Architec- The Ontario 'Ministry of
tdral Conservancy Society is Health has approved the
split on what stand to take creation of a children's
with regard to the future of mental health center to
the former. Colborne Hotel. provide specialized, services
The committee is awaiting a for olgi`ldren and youth 'in
study of the building to be Huron -County. The new,
done by committee secretary service will be incorporated
and ' county planner Gary :under the Children's Mental
Davidson. !Health Centres Act• and as' a
The town's four school .psychia..tric facility •under the
crossing guardswill be back's Mental Health Act.
at ,their .posts Tuesday The centre will begin
orning, but for the first,time operation in the fall of 1977.
wmill b'e officially recognized
by the Ministry of Tran- The Huron County Board of
sportation and • Com- Education. ratified its Salary
munlcations as having the Negotiations Committee's
authoritytol halt traffic with a recommended contract
stop sign. sed h's
Children in the province secondaryttleschoolwithte
will he back at their work its meeting Tu,esday.. in
Tuesday with the 'official Clinton.
opening of school.. The new Huron Centre for
Enrolment at GDCI is up by Children and Youth became a
forty students, and around reality 'ori Wednesday,
the area enrolment is down September 1 wlien 'the first
slightly from the previous board . of directors was
year. elected at a public meeting at
. Clinton Public School.
The Goderich Area }lousing Formation of such a service
Action Committee is•going to became necessary following
ask, Ontario Housing ,Cor- the closing. of the Goderich
poration (OHC) •to expedite Psychiatric Hospital and its
two projects in Goderich• that ' child care and adolescent
may provide rent geared to unit.
income housing • and ac- A somewhat hurried and
c'o'mmodation for . senior •totally impromptu Airport
citizens. Committee report requiring a
Registration has begun for decision by Goderich Town •
the 'jubilee- Three beard- Council. caused some degree.
growing contest and will of concern at Tuesdays.
continue to the end of the ,meeting, but council decided
month. • after two votes to give DR
,_HMCo , a total of 25 • years'
SEPTEMBER 9 • prepaid rent at 'Sky Harbour
Three -wheeled bicycles are Airport. 1.
becoming more numerous on The . rent will enable
.town. streets and now the •renovations •to be carried out
.traffic committee will have to at the airport, previously
make a decision regarding unfeasible due to lack of
the use of' these vehicles on funds. •
town streets for safety It had been seven years in.
reasons• the making, but Goderich
The Candlelight Restaurant finally had a winner in its
was broken into on Saturday Industrial League Softball
morning and polioe. estimate • tournament, -held-every year
$2500 was stolen. on Labour Day.
The Goderich.' Police French Dry . Cleaners
Department is .conducting a battled a .come -from -behind
low-key investigation con- contest to defeat Dorchester
cerning the whereab.outs of and 'take the i3, ,division
Muncher. Muncher, an 181/2 crown.
inch alligator, was, taken •
from 'his, owner'sbackyard a�•�• SEPTEMBER 16
pen sometime Tuesday af- . •A sioryfvhich claimed that
ternoon, and ' was reported the town of Goderich has the
greatest average municipal
tax increase per household in -
the entire .province was
printed and broadcast
province -wide before it. wad,
found to be incorrect this
week by the Ministry of
Treasury and Economics.
Accjling to councillor
Leroy Harrison, Treasurer
Darcy McKeough owes the
municipality a public
apology, owing to the loss of
industry which may have
Two Menesetung residents
were treated for minor cuts •
524-9075. Llf
representing .
� •�; L.a a ;;w.=:::r:N�r,r;
AGA 21
after the window of tf'eiir.oar•.
was shattered by flying
debris scattered ori Highway
21 from the thrust of an.
Exxon -owned Tri-Star jet
preparing'kr takeoff. '
'The- Goderich` Recreation .
Board ,Building committee
has approved planS ftr roof
construction at the Goderich
(continued on page 22
Year. End
While Supply Lasts
Fronts of Beef
.49c LB.
Hinds 8 9 4 LB.
Sides 68 c LB.
Pork 69 LB.
Ripley Abbatior
Ph. 395-2905
Evenings 395-2979
f t\AN( lAL (ORPORA710N
arranged, bought and sold.
• .`Consolidate loans
• Lower monthly payments
• Home improvements
• Any worthwhile purpose
Prime Rates
Arrangements can be made in the
privacy of your home
273-3722 or :- 745-8418
These two members' of the Goderich Beach. Patrol spent`
some timedaily, cleaning the garbage.andseaweed that
-washed up during the night. The lifeguards, Susan Fincher,
9th Annual
Clinton & District
JANUARY 17, 13, 14,1
See next we ►kSignal-Star
for a complete programme
left,,,jnd Dawneen MacKenzie watched over swimmers for
the summer months. (staff -photo)
New hydro'rates effective with
all consumption.on and after
January 1st., '1917.
Minimum. bills
First Block.. ,5o KWH
Second Block..200 KWH
Preferred Block..500 KWH
GENERAL CLASS - (per month)
(industrial and business)
Minimum bills 3.50
First Block ...So KWH 6.4 cents
Second Block..200•KWH 3.5 Cents
Third Block '9750 KWH 2.65 cents
Balance 1.5 cents
Demand Charge 52.30
6.4 cents
3.2 cents
2.1 cents
2.2 cents
Transformer discounts remain at 15 cents and 25 cents
1977 billings combining consumption prior to December 31st
and on and after January 10 will be prorated: The P.U.C.
clerical staff will be pleased to explain prorating methods.
1 ten gra Your
Now that the Christmas Rush is Over,, time to get back to
the fix up -jobs. •
Come in and see our regular low prices.on many, many
styles and colours of Panelling.
Reg. 54.95 SQ. YD.'
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Sc.. 95
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nee you've saved on panelling,
don't go •home and get FLUSTERED
Doing it yourself is great, but let us advise you on the easiest and most
inexpensive way to get the job done. We have an excellent selection of
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today and see what we can do for you.
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