HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-1-13, Page 2----ea, shoe bex—a favorite fairy tale cars be
5( bk.. i prettily illustrated.
' Such. boxes iiiitIce pleasant surprises t
for holidays and birthdays, and they
also afhord much enjoyment to the
child, who can help eut ,out, paste and
uggest the arrangement of groaps,!
even if older anti mere caetious fing-:
era have to manage the more difficult
How One Little Girl Learned, to Head.i clean elothiog near an open flame, details. tea,
light or fire. The naatter a lighting le one of
I have never taught a (Sala to rend!
hat I know: hew one little eirl learn.) Don't all any lamp or ^-steve with great intereet, especially to the young tee
ea; ;Ina in se•he ee en the theeriee end; gasoline, or coal oil while they are builder. Strong daylight through the a'ar
is!! the "madam methals,”I still thir.lc lighted. Keep the burners of all paper "sky" is good, but the night 1 two
hobj=k,.atwiatigie:, taoseiteanT
that it vas the best way et tee world, , lamps and stoves thoroughly clam lights are still better when the box Mrs. Mathere had not been above
v.asen ehe asaea what the malice eni Dart put ashes in wooden boxes or the electric. light bulb,
:item meant, :the was told the MIMS, or
and Fill them during' the day time. is held just under the lamp or gaslight.. :staeafear ah!ioi ac:4f, .en:: sseeereenalss beeeee teereialliotipaulgieeliucroQuattirlotr. immediately out a
harrele. Keep ashes away fronn . , "Mr. Price! Ain Jones!, Come -up! When th°Y. l'eaehed Ill'ain Street,
ecores more joined in to see what the
The eldid had alphabet Irlatke.
et the lettere, and she keened them) boards. Hot aallea will take Pre bYl Heaith_the Everiastitw ,
5,,zst as she learned the news of themselves, as frequently they have : Pinkie leaped out of the room and' sexigqteenle teenette7ttaste %Ile= atilePeee5eliaelan colh end for
to see you. I -tele Are
rachn 0etss suea us chair, sheet -el small bits of coal mixed in with therm! Realirah
a lap the stairs with a great clumping.of
,,,.... e. „ „ speed amounting te a half ran. Some -
a recipes, _or palatable cracker and
two at a time, Breken Jones close. excited hoodlums pieked up $andwieh fangs.
lf yeter guests care tor cheese, you
tetrie. siress. etc. Her father :null Don't aectuetnete eueatta in prone; To uothing, else touching his lite earl, WS eng, eeea lee mounted th,:- stairs of the
mealier did not care to have her learn!: is'es. 'cellars or workshops, and don't the apborism nsts a man thinleeth la - brickbats and heaved them pramisar-
et :teed: thee- elneight n was, craze as: deposit suelt materials in boxes or his heart se is he be more fittingly 1-)e:hind him" i ously througli plate -glass windos s. can tennit their appetites with a filling
weh. fee lier to l)e inteeestea in reses, aarre:s unleea it i's to he removed at applied than to a man.s ileatthe, On the, upper laeding Mrs. NI:stile:re. That made panic in the llslerSi Street a cheese and pickled +=ion. Grate the
en i ante end I! ale nrooite ar.J. tre-es : °ace; while awaiting removal.elteeP Health eau be establlshed Only be :stood. Her faete watt whute. she was:stores: The crash and the smash and cheese, mince the onion and add a lit -
toe friehteaed to talk Nish: - the egies alit' Mete to z e eecettente,t te N .1..egal , or be the white of three
tee •h • . . . s --„ • •
fa;11 4 Oa S , anti it:2 eY were rot it erawil such material in covered receptaoles. tbleking health., just as disease is es- eitehn e ei.toi g a' opd ,..h, ..,. d for L1 11 The rack eege sax; and slotely stn' in one and
r!..•,c,": she w011ki lle ear: !ll learning tol Don't keep matches in anything but tablished by thinking disease. Just There's el..ith .'•I'-'el:r1V 11rIt data- an maad - - -.- - ' -
scor crack of papers in front of Seraee's -,,e,--s..
- se beehe when the time annie. la closed metal reeelsiacle. Use safety as you, must tiara; success, expect it, and the door is iiieketi. Irarei cart elf room t;its h. -i.lt d / ; •I''' t .-ht" "e•bal enPfuls d grated ebee5e and
5'41 , i"ee,(e4Islt ethlY .." a il, pi-
Meaawirile, they read aload to her. ii ratI4'lles. visualize it, mare Yeur mind a huge the gas away back here!"
Aura emt tIdtae:
Dn et hale storage closets un
der' success magnet to attract it if you are Pinkie Amped for the floor. - !Cobb City troiley came to alinattgb- rup-galtte paprikaThen sread the mx
esreahly ng pens, rd
t ture on crackers and bonthe crack-
sletereetellia", ,
:wren they cead. she always looked eIrt:' stairways. Fires in these plaees cut, to attain it, so if you want to be "Con I bust it in, Mi s' Mat s'stop en the Main Street switeh, The. ers in the even.
'he hver, Cie -dually it eame to her 7, otr Your nlain exit" 7: healthy, you must think bealth, Tat "Get her aut SlnuellOw. Get her oat rioters leayed aboard ' and stripped Oyeter erecters may be crisped in
-rah the: a geatip a letters stood for: Delft :wore oile, pstinte. grease or must expeet it, you must visualize it,En900:11A0Viet-Aungie mar be deir'l Oh, the ear of OrerYthicq sliitatZe for the oven, dipped in hot butter and
• i aesaalt. sperea ward. and she' began to pelithe ht •,! fate in house. Keep them outside you must attract it ley malting your - . . - • weapass of
P it h
He Teaches the Rattle -Brain a Few Fine Paints of Small,
" Town Newspaper Ethics.
Canadian Song Writers
To protect. you from fraudulent soNe.
WRITING sTtilliOS, eubmit yoUrsong
poems to me, and L wilt advise you as
te musical settinee. International copy,
rights and pubileatten of your song.
Resident* of Oanacia communicate
Profeseional Bona Arraneer.
The tiospitabie Hour.
Winter is the season for easy tea
parties. A homelike room some hot,
fragrant tea and a plateful of tempt-
ing sandwiches will look very inviting
to guests who have framed through
rolled ngrated cheese QV n ant
in ,O t rew a. Ins athletite Then the ' lasse rens h. a 0, t'e ClUtil4q• er t te ma b t 4 11
es Kai.: ward as f.". Iv". re'd thaul i if pesstrale. If YoU must have sueh mind a huge health magnet to attract mew weight „ - ,, ,a ee., , . _ i ,t i t Te . . i , . t Y Y 0 ma e. n't I.
a at,aln`" le h-tst tan- Calne n a•sg 1 • e nos•alle 414" en14-' Onions" er strawberry icing
• cease. i row: hearita, them read so 1 bm: with a lid ert in
el long as physical defects, weakuesses, third loosened the Mimes, The door naut of human deseruction,
or diseased conditious exiet in the careened inwardomieed, fell over with The print-saop wtrsdows were firet nate that have been mashed to a peeve
imagiaatioe, as long the mind I.5 a thump and a hollow rattle against to go. Dozens were cut by the flyiug are air:an g°°4, $o are butter crack -
A Peep-Shtetv BM l
i raw wth vision of ill health the body the cheap wooden bat-IA.34,s foot, glia. am., sight. of the ,,,,„,fid, bloody ere, canal with a rnixttnei of cottstge
Fln. a atornlY day 41. emvaleseerht, must colaespond, because our bodies board. figures in the chaotic 111.4F.i; 0111:z added elieese atul blackberry jean, or with a
rAnselllent 'UT a peep -sage, boa. Mage are but an extension of our thoughte, I . The boy went in. Degally tames of te the general Ilyeteria. Into the offsee paste made of cheese aud apple butter.
sttlie len-seed the versss by heart, et" thume on bend, put them in a metal, more Ilealth, abiuulant health. s ele. A eccend tey broke the loe ed the place in one invir••ib'e juage"
Cheese u eters spread with, dates ;tad
etten. ard linore !mg be was saymg
orer by herself, making believe
t else was eeading. aad e..ointing to
▪ words. ae she spake them. She
'1 tae„„te°1131I; "ecaslennillr' and In hert; on the plan of the big sugar Easter; our Blinds oeteeteeee. ; the thick gas made hie head reel. He thee. brake, the nalfswlieed Jones al To make a deliteieue sweet cracker
i held his breath By th i's 1" ht ":' thelr heed Courier were quickly el 1 t
ue you s'nn° s° eggs that have little views inside them. , pour e nee.a e sauce and ,grated wal-
eateee ea,-, eee„..s.en. A w. 1.. .01 , A Health le based upon the ideal of ' ' e ' 1 n lg cs e • - •
the hall temp he saw the figure of the overtuened. files seat flying. Desks ,
--• .,,t• -a. ------a reo". "'""ee ',' An ordinary :candy box will answer, the body's perfection and the absolute lite...weary sell ohne, nuts over well -bettered reception
denial of disease, the denial ot every- , her weight and
o the b I. were skewed arouni and smashed.
nl "Z-:.°C.!/e•'" or "yo -u' as “eolue."' if one of sufficient length and height He lifted' flukes, or melt a Checolate cream on a
Shale1:1•"ea she spelled a word °laud is eltosen. Cut out most of the top thing but the Meal cow -mime; upon stumbled out—and eollided :with and their contents. skewered over the Plain eraclzeT•
Type cases were torn out, liftee aloft,.
mei vekeel rhat I": was or what it:: et- the Ike and paste ova' the opening the idea that only that which is good Bralten Jones coining in. Ifrolten Jones beads of tile' mass in sting:fig slivers, Coceenet marguerites are eaey to
rite:Ina e e, ': a piece of thin. strong white Paper for us can he real in the Itighest sense *lifted a eliteir -clumsily mail smashed of lead. The proof prete went over make. Boil a cupful of sugar 'in one.
Sbc;,,,was esP°7iallY *44 °4 l'ae for a nekylight." Paint or paper the at the word; that all phyaical diseerds ' out the olio window. .As the glass —the big roller fell heavily and erash- quarter of a. cupful of water until the
"Ir'n'74"3eITY Gil." and bel.'"17-'e her ficor of the box green or brown and are only the abeeace at bemoan, mit ' tinkled on the 'cellar lailltheasi below, ed A rioter's foot He emitted a bel-uoNture epine a thread. While it is
.ehee arid mother reelized that she te ea . -1 e ed aud a lit , t is i e
e ei es grae or o ue. or grim tue rea s o air e ne. the trails of 4 great drefts of pure, fresh air eame low' of rage and smelly. aed struel: out
dehig eay urge then ret'ting it ,,,,, into the room. blindly with his fisi i. Then dee figil. ,..
ii0t, r5ilr it over the well -beaten white
a ••• • • - • a shy, 11..ith perhaps a daintily colored' us, Health is the everlaeting lea
: - - "" " "Brill her i to i ro a "" 4 a in beeline enerel. Tre'ie tint SOh 04 an egg, add a third of a cupfulsanef
*ad 1e/117/C*71/14 re31 i'• -a tw°11tYtmle bit of latielseaae cut from a post card eiseese is the absence of reality. It ii,/ g h lato Y ..4‘1' "toe' g " g ' e' ' .., e freels-greted yoga:mut and a teespoon.
ie rs. , Tat ers. "Oh, Allgle —Avenel plant was an ever-increasing meat en t. ,a .„
"'"45* 741474.eeVelt.' in reading thi3, at the end to suggest distance. Fm
ro, Is oely seerniug. t To think after all taese year! Aud surging, struggling, fisting. swearing t , n•1 e"moa• For rmandutiuu, use
had !earned eon:e two Istinred ard your collegtiOn a old holiday eards, In proportion te the fillYsidall'S , the fight you've always =AA% against human panderaonium. •: small, plain crashers. Put a spoorful
lif•th' ever4s• and could ret'Vnale 'them eta out little figures, flowers and ani-' ability to .suggest ptereet gaminess of everything!" I doe Dicks has been worklag at his , of the mixture en each eracker and
tieeviieret ehe knew from the, conteat reale, !eaten a eaten nap by which! both' -to Ittz5 patieut, to vienalize him "It was the Iiiirte, rotten roehy in machine 1401011 he heard the first roar brown the cracrers in n made.rate oval.
tetint most a there meant.
Before she was aeven years old,
wes reseerng not only the Rolle Beeks , by be made apparently to stand alone.' the lilted at his patient the image of ,
' each can he gummed into piece on the' as pbeeleally perfect; la proportion to to -night's Paaer made her try it!" of that devastating. mob. etis Witte hou eau eerre soda cra,e.here :its:
she a r tit shle of the and there
oer o e : box, a - i *
his rowel, to see lee to impress upon cried Broken Jonce hoarsely.
His face was white. For the first ic2.1vVonwslIdneng' ire .if ieilee In'y taotwarnrirroil 337:1;ealgtfjsdyer;:pkholifusluwgaaf abr5'1Ne:.autratIT.
hut Gulliver's Travels and The Pil- time ;Ire. Mathers ea‘v tears on he Joe. He knew Insthwtively what was a quarter of A Cllpf111 Of Riga)? evel.
Arrange the figures or groups to ' the ideal, instead of that of the dial cheeks, and they looked---ludieroue. afoot.
Mines Pogzeseeeomitth2g the F,er: form a pleasing vieta when viewed, eased, diseoreant, euffering individual, rit the fire until it begins.' to burn, add
But there Was nothing ludicrous about "Out of the back way, Nan!
Inc11:4.: “nd n° cne* hnen. wil3 Jinn through the peep hole, which should' will he he able to help him. the look in Broken Jona s eyes. , it bathe syrup, pour both over OM egg
take care of myeelf!" ,
"Some one'll pay for this!" he deo , His wife's composing seek clatter.: atifflY wiliaacd, and stir in chopese4
dared terribly., 'They got to answer ed to the Ikon She steeped and lifted pecan. nuts and a little eanilla. Place
to me --Jones!' the child from the cerriage. When the the crackers in the oven tautil the ichez
taugae her. Fernaps this way of be cut in the end of the box or thel
learre:eg to road is not according to Hd, or through both, according to the
any of the twentieth century theories At the Top,
type of the box. Tiny houses, trees,
of edueatione-but it worked. zo forth, can be gummed to the There's ever a crowd in the vane)* Mss Mathers, begged tee boy. "I'll crash, she ran down the room, pausing ci t biscuits f I
"See if you can bring her round, window gave way with'a terrifying; rises
ales of the box in such a way as to And at the base of the climb; 1 nattiest tea are anti iar,
Dent's For Fire Prevention. t obliquely, or like the wings But there are few that appear to vtow !run and get a doctor, and tell Sam irresolutely by the big drum press. but , 1 , . 1 d •
ate a \Sale we come an are easily
I Hod!" There fear for her husband's safety
)on' allow children to play with o . age. Keep the best things for At the crown of the height sublime.prepared. Make a paste with eaft but -
Fifteen minutes 1 t 13 1 3 held I .Andthe b
I the back end, where the eye focuses The plain is filled with the turmoil, —wild and hatlesu and disheveled-- through and collared him,
A or, re ten CMOsher.when le trio CRIlle
matetes,scream ter, half a cupfsil of sugar and two
Don't throw away lighted matches, with greatest ease. A bit of mirror The outward struggle and strife. half ran and half fell in to Frank after scream came from her. Then tablesaeonfuls of ground cienamon.
eigars or eigarettea; after using: them glued to the floor for a lake, or art- But the Spirit broods o'er the soil- Benoit's cigar store on Cross Street. she turned deathly white ond fainted, Spread it on trackers or on rounds of
maize It a habit to break the match fully arranged to reflect a part of the tudes "Boys!" he cried thieltly. "Angle the baby in her arms, but the two of toast elleed thin, and heat the toast
In two. scene, will add to the effect. On the higher ieveIs of Me. Lashees dy•int! She tried to kill her- them merelfullY Protected by the big or the erackers in the oven.
Don't go into dark closets, bedrooms Charming Christmas groups can be self 'cause the poetry in to -night's newspaper cylinder. Peanut -butter fillings are equally
er cellars, ueing matches or candles made with little trees, holly decore- You are Jostled aside in the valleY, ?amt.!, jr it—the .her tired Then above tile craehin and
..t .. . . g. popular. Mix half a pound of con-
eart e did city eeller who smasning and lignting and cursing of ,
ta light eour way. For the lower a soul descends, fectioners sugar and a level table -
thinks he csin run this place by callers. that melee came the fatal tries of
The more It finds or the smaller sninds us =nee whenA
he likes!" "Lynch him! Lynch himl" And a big spoonful of butter; thendd two table -
That seek but their selfish ends; 1 Somehodtalaughed coarsely. Came hairy man who worked in the process spoonfuls of peanut butter and suffi-
:collection of Easter cards. With But there's elbow room on the mouta on awkward silence. Somebody swore, works core -room col)areil the Dicks cient :cream to moisten the mixture,
Ihe. t uee gasoline or benzine to larger space—for example, a child's tain, IA second oath was added to the first, boy and jettuned him with a cruel Yen can nutke a filling that has a
And, freed from the Laver din, Broken Jones le.aned his poor hunch- sinash • t tiia wast wnlI
There's a chance to beer with some ed back over the edge of one of
liner ear
The call of the voice within.
'ups and Santa Claus figures, and
equally pretty are the egg and rabbit
-combinations that can be made from
Den't use kerosene or gasoline in
lighting fires to quicken a slow fire—
nay iesult in death.
There's companionship in the valley;
With others your lot is thrown;
But the man who tries for the large
Frank's mar cases and wept C0111111.
sive sobs.
A mob is a queerly made thing. Not
ale of the men in the -cigar store
had any idea of starting one as they
gazed uncomfortably and sympathetic-
ally at the weepihg hunchback. But
By ALFRE.I) FITZPATRICK, Principal Frontier College. prize some ef than started suddenly into
Must travel the heights alone. the street, cursing—some who had
One means of eelving the problem real part in thie permanent policy for
i I mployment is for the Govern- relieving uneniployment. Let thous -1 He must make for himself a pathway relatives among those whom the Dicks
cf une
Where no other foot e'er trod, tboy had 'handled roughly. They cot -
silents of Canada to begin the long- ands of iadividnal farmers apply for ' Tn content- lided at the door. ' Someone shouted:
overdue task of prepering its bushill he grows complete i
bush lots of 160 acres each in the clay "He ought to be run out of town!"
Came another curse and a guttural:
"His place ought to be smashed so it
don't occur again!" There was more
piling into the street, and a try: "Let's
do it!" '
There was some disorderly colliding that of a missing son. The mother of
with pedestrians on the walk. A knot one of the thousands of unknown war-
ef loafers turned abruptly and came riot's any one of whom might be ie -
over to find out what was up. There
posing in Westminster Abbey, laid
was suddenly a whole walk full of
three war medals, the Mons Star, the
shoving and fighting and gesticulat-
ing and confusion and angry epithets, Victory Medal and the British War
and threats. Then, at the physchologi- Medal on the grave as she passed in
cal mornent, Broken Jones himself the line. They had been awarded to
tqached -off the explosion by snatching her only son, who was wounded three
lands for settlement in the c:ay belts lands. All applications should be lo -
of the North. Owing to summer calized in townships most suitable for
s, far,rg cf northern clay lands future settlement. .at convenient
hes large:y been a waste of time and centres in such townships the Govern -
money. Only by clearing whole areas ments should provide comfortable and
will this barrier to settlement ever be attractive community camps. Farm
evercome. Farming under present bands should be hired by the yeax.
conditions, whereby each settler clears Instead of being turned adrift wben
a small patch, is putting the cart be- the busy season is over, to congregate
fore the horse. and is wholly uuwar- in the towns and cities, they could go
ranted. At least 65 per cent. of each north for a short period to help in
hat in carefully selected townships clearing the bush lots of their em -
should be cleared by mewls of large ployere They would not, of course,
gangs living in community camps. be asked to live in shacks on the he
Herein Hes one solution of unemploy- dividual lots. They would reside at
ment, now stalking before as daily in the nearest community camp,
the breadlines of the cities. Work share in all its social activities.
eauld thus be provided, particularly There need be no elaborate prepare -
In the fall and winter months, as well tion for this work. Men in chugs of
as during special periods of unera- a practical bush foreman could be sent
ployment. This policy of extended north at once with warm clothing,
land -clearing should not be simply an tents and small portable sawmills. A
emergency measure, but should en- suitable site for a community camp
gage the attention of theFederal and could be selected in the centre of each
local Govenunents the whole year township opened, and the necessary
round. Should any of the workers at buildings erected. The work of fell -
these community camps wish to re- ing trees, cutting ties, pulpwood and
raain on some of the cleared lots they other lumber could be started Ira -
could be sold to them on easy terms. mediately.
For the next 20, 30, yes, and for 60 Beca,use of existing conditions of
years, land -clearing in preparation. for settlement many men, even among
future settlement should be art urgent the unemployed, are naturally loath
and essential department of every to face the hardships involved. The
Government in the Dominion. writer is Of the opinion that this pre -
The big industrial plants of the Do- judice can largely be overcome when
minion, as well as the Governments, the men are well clOthed and housed
can assist in this great undertaking. in_ fully eu
quipped community camps.
Every large industry should aeply for Why ipencl, so much on Able-bodied
a whole township or more in the huh men in -the cities, when an equal ex -
lands. Land -clearing might be made penditure in well -organized efforts
e business department of many Cana- would provide stimulating employ -
Ilan enterprises employing great num- ment to many' thousaeds in the'
here of Workers. Instead of "laying- healthier environment of the north.
off" Men when a pinch comes, they Well-fed hmen in comfortable emu:
coiild establish large land -clearing munity camps, not the bread lines of
• caMpS and homestead by proxy. In the cities, is the solution. •
this -way an outlet would be provided Let Canada, for all time abandon the
for a cansiderable percentage of the foolish policy of homesteading her
able-bodied employees, now tarned in- bush clay lands- by individuals, work-,
to the streets. If as ably handled. an bag separately against unequal bar -
other departments of the busMess, the tiers. Rather let her undertake now.
land -clearing department would un- a great permanent land clearing policy,
deubtedly prove remunerative. L11111- by using large gangs of unemploged,
her, ties and pulp will always fled a men, living in ce,ramunite camps, sne-
teaey market in Ganada as well as in plied with eeryfaCility for education
1,- bol Jering Sta'kes. and entertainment—the mo -vies oat
,eners, too,. cae take a very excepted.
ment sweet,
As he learns to walk with God.
There is glory upon the rctountain,
Though the summit is cold and
Yet the radiant burst of the dawn falls
Like a blowing rose, on the peak.
Though tempests are in the valley,
The sunshine is on the height;
And the golden day, ere it speeds
There rests in its lag good -night.
Then dare the paths of the mountain,
0 spirit with Godlike fire,
Whose depths are stirred by an in-
ward Wprd
To struggle and to aspire.
Be not content with the sluggard
In the valleys of life to stop.
Turn with eager soul to the higher
, goal
And end your place at the top.
(Coecluded in next issue.)
Tributes Cover Tomb of
"Unknown Warrior."
Scares of touching instances have
been witnessed at the tomb of Bri-
tain's "Unknown Warrior" in West-
minster Abbey, as long lines of men,
women and children have passed the
black marble slab covering the grave
distinctly Oriental flavor if you Tub
to a paste a dozen stoned dates and
half a teaspoonful of ground cloves,
and thin the mixture with a UttIe
orange juice or cream; spread it on
moderately sweet crackers.
Minard's Liniment for Burns, etc.
Sending Children to Bed
for Punishment.
for several days sinee the burial there Some parents have the habit of pun -
of the unidentified soldier. ishing their children for wrong doing
The fact that no ofie knows the by requiring them to go to bed during
name of the man who lies beneath the the daytime. There is danger in such
slab leads many to offer tribute in punishment Children who lie in bed
the hope, perhaps, that the body is unoccupied are likely to develop bad
habits. A. child should not lie in bed
at any time while he is awake unless
he is kept busy in some wholesome
way. When he is sent to bed:for pun-
ishment the 'chances are that he will
not be occupied and the consequences
are apt to be harmful.
, Some parents encoura,ge thacie chil-
dren to remain in bed and reit after
a club from somew eie an declaring , times and afterward reported missing. they awaken in the morning. It would
he was going to show the fresh young
city chap Inc place!" He started for: A soldier's modest offering Of fiewers be better for them to arise at once.
, If they really need more rest than
they can get from a night's sleep, they •
should form the habit of taking a nap
at a regular time when they are tired
and sleepy.
Parents who discover (hat their chil-
dren have already acquired bad habits
from lying in bed anoccu.pied, should
explain in a frank but kind way the
dangers arising therefrom; such par-
ents should' follow, this explanation
with redoubled efforts to keep the at-
tention of their little ones filled :con-
stantly with wholesome thoughts and
Evil habits are prabably acquired,
more largely through -the practice of ,
lying in bed awake or being sent to
bed for. punishrnent than frorn any
other one cause.
ore e inscription. loving
ward, and the mass of hoodlums fell
in behind to see him do it. And the nte°3°TY 01 my two. pals and all the
mob was born. _ other pals!'
They took the middle of Cross The epitaph placed on the slab
Street—there was no room far them rea.de:
on the walks. In the vanguard, was 'Tor King and Country—Greater
Broken Jones, a strange, wild, out Love Hath No Man Than This,"
landieh figure. Before they had gone
The enlargement of the directorate,of the Bunk of -Montreal, which was
decided upon at the recent annual meeting as, a result of the extending
scope of the institution,' has resulted in two gentlemen of national 'reputation
being added to the board, namely, the Hon. Sir Lorner, Gouin, Ie.C.M.Go and
General Sir Arthur Currie," G,C.el.G., K.C.B., LL.D.
First Funeral by Air.
The first ease here of a funeral by
air, says a London despatch, was ar-
ranged when the Handley -Page Co.
was asked to quote its rate for carry-
ing the body of a woman by `air from
London to 'Paris. It was explained
.that the body had to be in Paris by
Thursday and that air transport was
the only method _which would.guaran-
tee -its punctual arrival. .
The cOst of an air funeral was
placed at E75, or approximately $_300.
Noah's Fate.
Teacher—"Now, Johnny, cair you
tell me what became of Noah and the
ark?" .
NO Drinks forsomen.
In Uruguay the law forbids the aale
of intoxicants to women,
- For various 'reasons, inchiding crueI
ty to animals, t,-ruesome details in
Johnny—"The baby sucked all the crime, irreverence, and excessihe re-
paint offal. Noah, and pa stepped on volver shooting, the British Board -o!
the ark.and smaseed it." Film Censors rsised objections to 253
films last Sean
Million Dollar Coat.
The gorgeous feather 'coat that was
the imperial robe of King Karneharne-
la, when he was ruler of the Hawaiian
Isladne, is displayed in a 'museum in
Honolulu and is valued at $1,009 000.
inard'a Liniment Relieves Colds, etc..
Bulk rIot
O. t1.70