HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-12-23, Page 11•
No room
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'"4lcA u :L. brar `,
52 Montreal St,,
lYt1f)i,:�� r,t17 Oxit. N7.P 2G4
Travelers in Canada -are _familiar thrilling message of God corning to
with motel signs indicating dwell with man in \order to redeem
"Vacancy" or "No Vacancy". When man. What will it mean to you ,this
the search for a stopping place is put year? Wilfif'be the stable or the inn for
'off until dusk, many "No's' seem to Jesus? When He comes to the door of
light up. your heart, will He find a"No
"No Vacancy" is what Mary and Vacancy" sign or "Welcome'r?--1
Joseph founthwhen they came to the Is it possible .that. Jesus will be
inn of Bethlehem that first Christmas.. crowded out of your life an your home
When God's Sonpcame down to earth to this Christmas by the visiting and
vi,s.it and redeem His people,"ithere entertaining, the shopping and baking?
was no room for Him anywhere except Is it -possible that because of the parties
in a lowly stable. and celebrations, you won't have time
This is symbolic of what happened to to meditate and to pray? Is it possible
Jesus all „ His -life. Isaiah • had that you will stay home from church
prophecied, "HE IS DESPISED AND on Christmas Day because you are too
REJECTED OF MEN . . . AND WE busy preparing an elaborate dinner or
ESTEEMED HI„M NOT." John wrote with your gifts?
sadly, "HE CAME UNTO HIS OWN Many lives are troubled and homes
AND HIS OWN RECEIVED HIM. , -are torn apart. Why? Because we have.
NOT." crowded out Jesus. He could solve the
Has the attitude of mankind changed ' problems of business. He could bring
Very much in our day?;Isn't Jesus 011 peace and happiness, if only there was
,greeted with the :"No No Vacancy" room for Him in their live''.
sign by many people when He knocks This Christmas, once more, there
on the door of their hearts? will be a soft knock at the door of your
What about our own hearts? Do our heart and home. Jest's is standing
lives, too, become so filled withyother there with na.il:scarred hands, seeking
things that there is no room in the inn entrance into your life. "BEHOLD I
of our hearts for Jesus? Do we send STAND AT THE DOOR AND KNOCK;
Him out to the stable of our lives where IF ANY MAN HEARS MY VOICE
He can be called only if we need Him? AND OPENS THE ..DOOR I WILL
Daniel Whittle says. in his hymn: COME IN TO HIM AND WILL SUP.
"Room for pleasure, room for WITH HIM, AND HE WITH ME.
business, But for .Chrisf the Crucified, Two thousand years ago, there was
Not a place that He can enter. In the no room for Him, and for many today
heart for which He died." there will be no room either. Will there
Christmas is here again ---with the be room in your heart and home?
the Changed Christmas
Where has it gone to?
The fresh, natural trees.
• Where are the carollers
Whose songs spread their glee?
And where are the cards,
So fine and homemade?
With pictures and verses
And lines that don't .fade:T
Yes,- ChristTas has changed
Fromm a long time ago.
The lights are much brighter,.
There's artificial snow.
Oh, what will it be like
Fifty years from today?
Will the children be happy?
Will the songs still be gay?
By Theresa Taylor
Brookside School
Grade S
the best partg host
What's the likely response to a.
Christmastirpe get-together without
Boos, of course.
Frankly, you're 'mistaken if you
think you'll incur the displeasure of
friends.andneighbors if you refuse to
serve them alcohol- Some might be
offended, but you. may be surprised to
find that the majority would enjoy a
non-alcoholic party, or one where
alcohol is kept to &minimum, perhaps
even more than a party where alcohol
is flowing freely.
This, after all, is the season for ,all
good hosts to come to the aid of the
partygoer by recognizing 'that the
festive spirit doesn't all corhe out of a
bottle . . by realizing that seasonal
fellowship and goodwill cannot be
poured into people,
You don't need to be a party pooper,
of a Scrooge, to celebrate with your
guests in a way- that doesn't equate
being groggy and pie -eyed -with having
For those who prefer to drink
something other than alcohol make
alternatives available: coffee, for
instance, of fruit p(hch. Fpr those on
the stronger stuff, you don't have to
issue a ration book; but you can keep
their drinks 'to measured one -ounce
shots, increasing the amount of mix as
the evening wears on.
A further consideration of your
guests' livers,—and perhaps their -lives
when you think how many alcohol-
related-traffic.accidents occur atthis
time of .year - is to serve coffee and.
food at some point duringthe party.
This won't sober up those who have had
too much to_drink, but it will separate
thern from the booze supply, enabling
them to metabolize some of what
they've consumed.
When it's time to call it a day, the
host who's concerned for his guests'
safety would do. well to look closely at
guests who are on their way home.
Never mind getting them to say "The
Leith police dismisseth us." Those who
look as though they'd have trouble
driving safely should be given a lift by
someone who can, or put in a taxi ... or
put up for the night. Many drinking
drivers wind up not just vliith
hangovers, but as headlines, especially
at Christmas and New Year's for what
you might call the mourning after,
Running a party where the guests
enjoy themselves without seeing
double or falling flat on .their faces
doesn't mean you have to be mean --
just considerate. By being a good
Christmas host, you help your guests
live to attend next year's party. -
Ministry of Health.
Vhf eoberith
—0— The County Town Newspaper of Huron —O—
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Businessand Editorial Office
TELEPHONE 524-8331
area code 519
Published by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd.
ROBERT G. SHRIER.--president and publisher
EDWARD J. BYRSKI — advertising manager
mailing Address:
P.O. BOX 220, Goderich
Second class mail registration number -0716
To Naylor Grade 8 Brookside
By Shirley J. Keller
It is hard to believe that it is
time againto write a
Christmas column. Thee,year.
1976 has just flown • and
judging from the comments
of the people with whom I
come in contact in most
weeks, the time has flown for
everyone. It is enough to
.make one wonder'if the days
and hours are really getting.
shorter or if the clocks and
watches are actually spinning
We've had so much snow
already this fall (it still isn't
officially winter at time of
writing) many folks are
already tired of it all and
planning a trip to,the,south. If
the snow keeps, up into
January and February, there
won't be enough airplanes,
trains and buses to move the
tourists to the warmer
climates. There may.even be
a number of citizens who will
pickup and leave this part of
the world entirely.
On'e of those could well be a
young reporter in this office.
Ron Shaw, who rejoined the
Signal -Star staff this summer
after a two year stint in
Africa, isjust tolerating the
weather -we've been having in
Goderich. A,ccording to Ron,
the temperature got pretty
low on the desert last winter
at times - but it only lasted
overnight -or at the most two
"We've had " this rotten
weather for over. two months
now," Ron complains_
I wasn't surprised the other
day when Ron. mentioned a
suppressed desire to head
south - Mexico' maybe. Itchy
feet is part of it, perhaps,, but
this solid winter complete
with blizzards and shovelling
has the•most •to do with it, 1
+ + +
Ron and his wife Peggy will
be travelling this .Christmas
but only to a farm•near
Perth in the. Ottawa district
where Ron's parents reside.
Dear Editor:
It is my hope that the
`columns of our weekly
newspaper are not going to
become cluttered with such
emotional drivel as I have
just finished reading in a
letter -to -the -editor entitled
—"Save the Seals."
Does the writer of this
Willard and Vivian Shaw
have a beautiful old country
farmhouse, tastefullsy
decorated with antiques and a
variety of handmade crafts.
•It should be a marvellous
place to spend Christmas.
My husband and I visited
the Shaws this summer on our
way home from the east
coast. Their- hospitality was
simply great aria I
remember thinking then that
it would be a terrific place to
go home to, especially at
Christmas. Lucky Ron and
+ + +
Jeff Seddon, another
reporter on staff at the
Signal -Star, will , have a
somewhat different Christ-
mas this year. .teff and his
wife Sued are ,expecting their
second child any day now (he
(5r she may already be fiiere as
you read this). That's why
Jeff: isn't exactly certain
where,he'll be celebrating
Christas .... or even when.
Jeff. and Sue and daughter
Tonia-moved earlier this year
to Goderich Township where.
they have a farm. The Sed -
dons are crazy about horses
and to have horses one
must live in the country.
Anyone who knows Jeff
knows him as a fun -loving
soul who enjoys the simple
things about living. It was
quite like Jeff to saddle up his
horse one evening last week,
ride back a ways on his farm,
chop down a Christmas tree
and haul it home for
"A real old-fashioned
Christmas," joked Jeff the
next day. "You should have
done a feature on it."
Dave Sykes was a bachelor
until September when he
married Joan Gammie from
Cambridge, Dave's
hometown. Dave and Joan
Dhow reside in Saltford.
'Dave tells us he's
Ukranian. You wouldn't know
it to look at him, but after
attending his wedding and
letter run around in her bare
feet and eat only vegetables,
because our civilization has
been killing and eating beef,
tanning the hides and making
leather for many generation?
Has the writer ever been to
a slaughter house where
cattle, hogs, and sheep are
slaughtering by the
thousands every day?
Does the writer realize
when she puts on a wool
sweater or eats lamb chops
that the lamb had its throat
cut in order to provide the
Certainly the seal
population should be
protected from over -thinning
so that extinction does not
become a possiblity. But,,
humane officials have closely
watched the kill of baby seals
for a number of years, much
in the same way as they in-
spect slaughter houses to be
sure that the . an'ntal,
regardless of what species, is
killed as humanely as
For several years we have
been subjected to over-
emotional people attempting
to protect seals, wolves, foxes
and many other species to the
extent that predatory
animals have become a costly
and-, dangerous peril to the
farmers in this and many
other areas. While it is very
nice to be kind and con-
meeting the whole family, it.
is easier to believe. What a
party -loving group! Why,
Dave even has a gra-idrna
who makes beet borscht : ;d
cabbage soup!
Anyway, Dave and Jcr,tn
will be heading straight tn•.
Cambridge at Christmas, and
according to Dave they rave
a busy round of parties'•"land.
dinners to attend. Christmas
Eve seems to be the big night
when Dave and Joan will get
together with Dave's mons
and family and all Dave's
uncles, aunts, cousins and
friends to greet Santa Claus.
Apparently, Santa Claus has
traditionally taken time out
from his busy Christmas Eve
schedule tcY make a personal
appearance at the Sykes'
party. Maybe Santa's
Ukranian too. Who knows?
The Keller Christmas is
destined to be a disorganized
one this year. We're moving.
Yes,' we're moving from one
(continued on page2 7)
siderate to all God's
creatures, let us nor'lose sight
of also being realistic.
A realist.
Good idea
Dear Editor,
I have had for a time what
some might think to be a
"Pipe" dream, I have
discussed it with a number of
( continued on page 21