HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-12-23, Page 10PAGE I0--GODERICH SIG NAL-STAR.f:;IURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1976 • r' F „#'' .,i .d '' •ate•* . '.. ,i ' ' ' 7' " , ' 10** % ' ° . ` t' ' ' ° 30°.4; ;411.07. t z 4.0: + ' 30; 1 ' 1 .0' .i?' .a ' .W:. : * 1 10' • ' ,f„ The Ch,r�istmas stor is the .,, eo good r t .,. God. in the highest, but the multitudes of men and women living on earth! The more that song of praise bursts forth spontaneously from the lips of more and more men and women year •by year; the more will peace on earth be assured, and good will prevail. We know that to be true for we have tangible evidence of it at Christmas time. We have the same sign that was given to the shepherds for whenever men and women give a thought to the Babe • of 'Bethlehem and sing songs of praise to God, there is peace in the heart, and there is good will among men. The true spirit of Christmas is the spirit of Jesus Himself dwelling in people's. hearts when they can find room for BY REV. JAMES REDDOCH 1„ Luke chapter 2 verses 8 - 9 reads 'And there were in the same country shepherds ,„ abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, • and the glory of the •Lord shone\ • round about them: and they were sore afraid.' ur In those days fear was the `normal reaction of people to .the presence of God. Even ,great men like Moses and . Elijah. When the 'angel of the . Lord appeared to Moses, we react„.that Moses hid his face for he was afraid to look upon God. The same is true ,of Elijah when the Lord passed by and he heard the'still small voice. 'And it was so, when Elijah heard it that he wrapped his face in his mantle'. If men like' Moses and Elijah felt afraid, it is not 4410 surprising that humble shepherds ,'should be so terribly afraid when the glory of the Lord shone round about them. From the dawn of history man has had a fear of the unknown. A fear of the future: a fear of d ath: how tragic it is that manhould be so terrified even of God! The first message of the angel of the Lord to the shepherds was a word of assurance that they 'need no longer be afraid. 'Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great;, joy, which shall be to all people,.., What was the gd'bd news that would dispel their fear and bring joy to the world? For the wise men from'th'e East it was not that they had .,•discovered a • new and brilliant philosophy of life that would solve all human problems. For the Hebrew shepherds the good news was fn,Qt that the mighty Roman Empire had been overthrown 'and that the Jews were now masters of the world; but, that the Messiah,. the Prince of Peace was born in Bethlehem. The corning of Jesus into the world was the good news! Not only what Jesus said or what He did; but Jesus Himself, so that He could say, 'He that hath seen me hath seep the Father'. Also He so perfectly revealed the true nature of Man as God meant him to be,' that He could say, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life'. • So the shepherds 'were told, 'This shall be a sign unto ybu; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in - swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. The reason for their joy was in finding Jesus! 'And sud- denly there was with the angel a multitude of . the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in th,e highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.' The hosts of heaven rejoiced at what was happening in the world. They praised God for the ' •Divine event.,God breaking into human hitory to bri :g light to them that sit 'in darkness; to drive •fear from the hearts of men and to Huronview resident reaches 100 years Mary Turner will long remember December Ilth, 1976 as a milestone in her life. It was the day she celebrated her1001hbirthday. The , youngest and last surviving child of 14 born to Edward Turner and Eliza Code; Miss Turner spent most of her early life on the farm where she was born, Lot 29, Concession 3 Huron Road Survey, Tuckersmith Township. Edward Turner Sr.; Miss Turner's grandfather, bought property- from the Company 1833 generations in the Cana Today, farm da six remains it in family and is the farmed later, Turner by one SUp MENGE Bob McCALLUM • Reprss•ntative 11 Cambria Rd., God•rich 524 -7345 - replace that .fear with hap- pineess, peace and joy. 'On earth peace, good will toward men', Two of the most vital and urgent needs of the world today. Butlbefore peace ' and good will can become a reality, it is not only the multitude of -the heavenly host who must give Glory to 574415( 4.'t 2�>l�ta rtl No hangovers, please! Dear Readers: What shall I 'wish' you for Christmas? Right now, the very best thing I ' can think of is -to hope you will have a Christmas , with no hangovers. Oh, I don't mean the kind that comes from consuming . 'too many alcoholic spirits, although tha„t goes without saying, of -course! Hangovers are the result of too much of something, and most of us are guilty of packing much too much into this glad and beautiful season. The result is we often wake up from the festivities.with post -holiday `blahs' wondering if it was really worth it. There's been too much travelling. Too many late nights. Too much money spent. Too many people around. Too. much mess to clean up. Too many gifts. Too many pounds put on. Too much sadness when the children leave to go back 'to their own homes: Too much. Too much. Too much of almost everything. It is not that we get too.much Christmas, for Christmas is a wonderful time bringing with it sweet memories of the past; happy feelings as we gather with our loved ones and best of all, it gives Christ and his wonderful message of love more .free publicity than any other time of the year. No, we , don't get hangovers because of Christmas but because of our `misuse"of it. They come from too much of the wrong things. We spent too much. Many amities will be in debt' for months paying up for what they spent on Christmas. We spend too much on the wrong, things. Gifts are a splendid symbol of love and should . be given as a vivid reminder of the Greatest Gift of all. : of Miss Turner's gram f .nephews, George Turner. In 1894, Miss Turner moved with her parents to Clinton, where she lived until 1920, when she moved to Wingham. She_Lived- most_ of her adult life in Wingham, spending nine years, until 1969, in Nelson and Chilliwack, B.C. On February 3rd, 1969, at the age of 92, Miss-fiurner becam.e " a resident of Huronview, where she presently resides. spending time with some others who desperately need a word of 'encouragement • or cheer. We protest there is just so much time to be spread around, so perhaps' we need to be more selective -in our socializing, going to those who need us most. You• know the ones I mean .. , the recently bereaved or divorced, thesick, the old, the unlovely and the unlovable. We want to have too much fun, wearing ourselves out by dashing from one party to the next,, jamming our days with an agenda calculated, to give us pleasure. Our intentions may be to get to church, spend some time reading the old . Christmas Stories, having some really meaningful talks with our children. But the next thing we know the days have slipped by without having achieved any, of these and we find ourselves emotionally famished and spiritually depressed. - And, of course-, we all eat too much. We cannot blame those imaginative cooks who, with skill and craftsmanship, concoct all those fantastic foods. No, our eating hangover is caused by.our own gluttony and' we close our days with more Eno Salts than thanksgivings. • So, having said all this, what I do not wish for you is a nerve- racking, energy -sapping, Christ - neglecting extravaganza that leaves,you with a giant emotional hangover. What I do pray for you is a time of happy gatherings with God's people, intimate conversations with your children as they gather from far corners. Loving talks with other relatives, friends and neighbors about the wonder of God's love that came in the form But as another writer, LeRoy , of an . innocent babe. Dugan, 'points out, the Bible makes it clear Christians are to buy brad for the poor and needy not trinkets for the fat and. full. We may do too much visiting with people who really do not need us around instead of Rejuvenating recreation, • long restful sleeps buoying you up for. when you return to your daily duties. No regrets, no after effects,no hangovers. Have yourself a very Merry Christmas. news Him! It was.not in evidence in the world before Jesus -was born, and it can only come when He is born anew in us. At Christmas time when good will prevails, men and women are not only being their best selves, but their true selves as God meant them to be. When we praise, God, and when we know the peace of God, and are free from the fears and the ten- sions of life, and have good will towards others, we are living as God meant us to live. What better news in. these troubled times than that we need not be afraid, if only, like the wise men and the humble .shepherds we would pay homage to the Prince of Peace; the King of Kings; the Saviour,which is Christ. the. Lord. ' MONUMENTS MARKERS- Bronze Plaques -Cemetery Lettering For expert counsel and a fair price rely on a firm you can trust. T. PRYDE & SON LTD. Serving :„Huron 'and surrounding area since 1920. Head' Office - EXETER, ONT. DON DENOMME Full time representative - Appointment any time. PHONE : 524-2373 oR 524-6621 Visit our showroom at 75 Hamilton St. in Goderich and ask Mr. Denomme about our Seasonal discounts now in effect. _ SUNDAY IN THE ii �\� • CHURCHES MP( Reflecting at Christmas, we give ° thanks to our many friends, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26 AT HURON MEN'S CHAPEL UNDERGROUND EVANGELISM REPRESENTATIVE IS GOING TO BE PRESENT TO SPEAK ALSO SPECIAL MUSIC BY "CHAPELITES” DON'T 'FORGET OUR CHRISTMAS BANQUET AT THE CHAPEL DECEMBER 23 7 p.m. i-,BEREA-BY—THE-WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH ij i� (.4.-......•-.4.••••••-•• _. _•-••-••••••••••••.......................-••�..�..._. 4,..m.. i I ( Iii i 1. / i and on earth Once again we rejoice as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour ... Prince of Peace. this joyful spirit we say thank you to all our friends. May your Christmas be rich In in peace and blessings. .BLUE'S. •-SUPEltIVIARKET 104 THE .SQUARE GODERICH • I• Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS Pastor: C. Fred Day 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 7 P.M. EVENING SERVICE —Meeting-atRobertsor Memorial School (Blake and Eldon Streets; Goderich) DECEMBER 24 7:00 P.M. CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP CHILDREN'S PRESENTATION DECEMBER 25 10:00 a.m. CHRISTMAS DAY WORSHIP DECEMBER 26 REGULAR MORNING SCHEDAL.E. j Marvin L. Barz, Pastor 524-2235 • "Preaching peace by Jesus'Christ: 4 77.4`He is Lord of all" Acts f • SPECIAL MUSIC • PASTOR PREACHING • DECEMBER 31, AT 11 P.M. "A WATCH NIGHT SERVICE” FOR TRANSPORTATION - CALL 524-6543 BUS ROUTE TO ALL -GODERICH "WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH IIATFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC—FUNDAMENTAL REV. R. BR'UBACHER Pastor SUNDAY DEC. 26th 10:00 A.M.'FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL AT 11 A.M. & 7:30 P.M. SPECIAL FEATURE THE "MELODY THREE TRIO" THE PASTOR PREACHES AT BOTH SERVICES WISH FOR EACH OP YOU A BLESSED CHRISTMAS SEASON WED. 7:30 P.M. - PRAYER MEETING BETHEL HOLINESS CHAPEL BIBLE MISSIONARY CHURCH Sunday School 9:50 a.m. - Classes for all ages Worship Service,11:00 a.m. Prayer 6:30-7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.m. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Matthew 5:8 1 Huron St. & Walnut St. 'i Kennison W. Lawton. -_ Pastor_ _.: _.,---- - 524-2T85 North Street United Church ,' /.; The Rev. Ralph E6king, B.A., B.D., Minister ( I D Miss Clare McGowan, Visiting Assistant t Mr. Lorne H. Dotterer, Director of Music . E i (Friday, .December 24th 7:30 p.rii. - Christmas Eve Family i ( ( Service ( ( SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1976 I I Worship at 11:00 a.m. i SERMON: "IF I HAD NOT COME" , i t ( 9:45 a.m. Sunday School withdrawn this week i 11:00 a.m. Sunday School as usual I I Nursery Facilities i /I Come and Worship with�us ST.. GEORGE'S .--......-.......-..................CHURCH -1 t � e ; CHRISTMAS EVE • I I. WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH -FIRST BAPTIST'CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) • MONTREAL STREET (near The Square) ri. Sunday after Christmas, St. Stephen's Day December 26th ( 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Nursery and Children's Program • also Junior Congregation, this week. i 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Sermon: "The Face of an Angel" Acts 6:15 ( 4:00 p.m. Holy Baptism. . ( Rector: the Rev. Robert J. Crocker i1 Choirmaster -Organist: Joseph B. Herdman ii. THE SALVATION ARMY (' 18 WATERLOO ST. S. i SUNDAY SCHOOL— 9.45 A.M. Rev. W.H. McWhinnie F.R.G.S. Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett- 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Morning' Worship Special Music • Come and bring your friends I ( Knox Presbyterian Church '( THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., M. DIV. Minister ( THE REV. RONALD C. McCALLUN, Assistant t WILLIAM M. CAMERON, Director of Praise " J.Christmas Eve, December 24 )':00 p.m. A Christmas Eve Family Service (A Short All -Family Gathering) December 24th 11:30 p.m. Midnight Holy Communion, special music, address. CHRISTMAS DAY December 25th 9:30 a.m. Family Holy Communion, hymns, Children's message. i 524-9341 I ( FAMILY WORSHIP -11:00 A.M. (( Home League (Ladies) Wed. 8:00 P.M. WEEKDAY Prayer & Bible Studies Thurs. 7:30 P.M.' ( f OFFICERS CAPTAIN G. HERBER CAPTAIN M. MacKEN.ZIE - EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 7:00 P.M, 11:30 p.m. Traditional Christmas Eve Vesper Service ("To Herald The Happy�iAorn") Sunday, December 26 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship - Sermon: "FOUR CANDLES AND THEIR MESSAGE" (Nursery Facilities) .Christmas Family Service - (Sunday Schools Withdrawn For Today) - Merry Christmas - Enter to Worship Depar) to Serve All Are Cordially Invited to Attend • ,▪ . .e. ...�.. e.. ......_.._....:....:..• ..�..�. Victoria Street United Church ( ( HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP Minister: Rev. John D.M. Wood, B.A.B.D. it ( Organist and Choir Director: Mrs.. J. Snider I 1 11 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICES AND SUNDAY SCHOOL ( 1.30 P.M. BENMILLER WORSHIP SERVICE AND i ( SUNDAY SCHOOL W-E-L•C-O-M-E s'�.Y.V.a!'.,,.Y.'V.Ny4..b'�.WMu1VbWI.,✓O:YYVL.i'�.YO.YMV's.IWY.. .,..A..IwAY"�1.'�MAi.4.M/'�►'aa1Y'�Y.a.\..• �.. \.Yaws.'O.sY.....�a.•�..iYYa V6�M1►Y..4...'tieY'►Y'INIY•. Y >'O.aY'Aes'1raYOSR►Y W'4.i1`�,.YY W.YOSJ