HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-1-6, Page 8BXB?E.R AAI, LIGATE, THIPRBILAY, JAN. 61 isai Exeter Markets Changed each W dnesday W:neat 1.$0 Bence„ ;neer , , .. , 65 to 75 Oats, pew ...,.. , ,, , .50 Family Four , .,,5.60' Sho t^* , ,. "1".".•'"'2,15 e -d Eges ,.... , +«« .• ... 55 New eland Eggs ..., ,,,.. ,,. S0 Dairy Butter ,. ,,,., ...... No 54 Creamery Butte; .•.t, 62 Lard . . _ •t ....... . ....,. Feed Flour 35 16,000 Local Doings WiQU m Dignan, an Exeter old boy, is re elected; councillor in Lucan. New Y'ea,rs Dei Wee very quart: incl town. The <v sitors ;were fewer then for Christmas. , Several of anti shooters attended is 'bird match in 'Trill last week and gat en the. money. Thomas Church Av'as elected Mayor of Toronto on New Yeats Day „ fcr the seventh time. His majority was Hay ,...,..,.....,... ,,,,,i,, ,,, 27,09 i A receptiok-i, was held on FridaY ev- Has Y.. ... 15.50 en jg, east at the ;home of Mr. and, Mrs, Jolla H. Brock. of I.Isberae, in honer of Miss Agnes Feneeck of Farquhar, who The Je mien gnaw cane early this .s ..e ev.ng shortly to train for e. nurse • e '. - n on. as early as the la she Western, Hospital, Toronto: ,An reoaeh is ' F ;ivy days we haveenjo;ab'.e evening lyras spent had , .7nu L spr.n. :.e weather not seasealb.•e, bu. etf31 appreciated by GIVEN CERTIFICATE. seen; o.c n; to the shortage of fuel, ee,e the h(eh preee ere coal. Ho.ekey Jdixrey Bertram waslast week gram - end eigztene. ern' e,e sets are ;villa n;; ed his certificate topay with Exeter - for .elder wee. -ter. ' Zu eli hockey tease inth'e league --•----- ° _,...,tee. Ws tent ficavte was withheld WOlfEN'S SAY OF PRAYER 'o- eerne time ow ng to the residence FRIDAY, JANUARY 7tla, 1921 t",:ase. 1N A1ti STREET CHURCHCHURCH! \1SUPERANNUATED, 'V 1' S ;:'CLOCK P.\1. INTERDENOMINATIONAL. EVERY i tOv ..ao^ty of those ;ork ng. under \\°t?1f IN URGED TO ATTEND `'`ne, Vata-io Provencial Government ! heee been, supe;axtnuat..d under tlae *r 'act passed"last seaslam. 'Many of hem are license inspectors, and amen.T n. e ;tames we notice that of Mr, Edwin Braune and daughter o k,P.t`.;% OPENING MONDAY, d ANL'ARY 10, 1921. Ar 7 p.rn. The official opening of the Y.F.C. 'A. rooms will be held Monday eve- ning, program bet arming at $ pan. Addresses will he given by Dr. True - MOM of Termite and A. Dicks, M.P. P., of Centralia. Musical selections hy • Iocal talent. A cordial n o invitation is extended to al.. An offering on be- half of the Y.P.C,A, will be taken. Can we eiraplifY your milk uroblem io: you? Sec liervey's ad. on front NOTICE OF TENDER M"ed Leaders w11 be rec i;gid far aagye cord of 16 inch wood, Beach Maple, to be de,%vexed at the ;:taste schwa. Ce tract to be aomp'.eted on or before March 31st, 1921 Re,.;:Vag of Tenders to dlos': on J: -guar ' 22, 1921. J. W. SI;.INNER, Sec.-Treas. START CHE NEW YEAR RIGHT Titc:re is a time, 40 do the right t?n'.ng, and the man who dces the eight thing is a,ways conscious of having done ,his duty. New Year's is a good time to start, so betore ycu renew your subscription to any paper, think n momert Lor The Farmers' Sue and what it means to yourself and the le avers of 's'he Province; The paper is exiled by 'the farmers, and publish- ed vo'e'v in thea: interest. No other paeee ,latnates its entire energy to the tarn'ers' pause. When sending irnyour subs ription, get your neighbor to subscribe, then you will both be do- ing the right thing et the right time. Th•,nk o; the prick, 104 issues for en- ly $1.50, There is no ,other paper just !eke I' e Sun. The Farmers' Sun 7Co •_into, • I. R. Carlin', B..A Banister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissione; Selicstor for the Moly. seas Bank, Pte. Buy Province of Ontario Gold Bonds $1000 Bond due 1935 at 1$943.40 $ 500 •Bond due 3.935 at $471,70 Yielding 6,60 per cent, Interest balf,yeoly at any Bank. Boy VICTORY BONDS at the mar- ket arItet prices Orders received by me. 6loney to loan, at 'lowest rates of initerest,. Office—Carling Bk,, Matin Se, Exeter Mr. Reg. Parson returned Tuesday to Eraeau to resume Seedling. :lir, Benjamin Grigg of Waterloo visited relatives here over New Year. ,Hiss Irmo Sweet returned to. her teaching duties at Paisley* on ~Monday. Miss May Sanders has ,been visit- ing, relatives in WAclsor .for a few days. Mrs. Woods of Strattgrd is visit - ;Ale et the bogie ;of her sort, 4r., T. 5. Weeds, Mrs. B. l\ dare of Dayton, Ohio, has been, s' siting her sister, Mrs, F. Chapman. Mr, Norman Herrn and fancily ei Nor- wich spent New Year here with 4r. Hern's parents o. n enrolee, late Incense axnspactor Brantford );ere New Year visitors in •" nos n with r'ela;tLve,s, .‘Tr. and lirs. Harry lflworthy intend leas•:n ; in `a lew days for Calitornia t wend several weeks. \Mr, Harold, Kuntz returned to Wat- t \icord has been received that the St, food •Meeday, after spending the hole Harps' Q. H. A. intermediate team has t forte u eh seas h t season, re 1.0 have played Goderich team in God - e :cin on Tuesday night, The district we'd new be composed of Goderich and Exeter with probably home and home genies, double schedule, goals to count. 'FL> was the first arrangement be - :ore St, Marys entered, JIEAVY LOSS, South Ilurrxn, I r. li.' RY S IdOCREY TE A M DEFAULTS. • If you want to order a daily paper or magazine, or renew a present sub- scription, leave your order at the Advocate Office. We save you paper, .envelope postage stamp and cost of money order .and when clubbing alit - Ile more besides. Mr. J. J. Morrison, of Toronto, Provincial Secretary of the will address a meeting on January 6th at 2 p.m. in the Exeter Opera House. At the close of the meeting the shareholders of the Community Laundry will meet for organization. LOST—Saturday evening between Exeter and 21/2 miles east, a Sable muff. Finder please leave at Jones & Mays store. 0 • WANTED AT HIGHEST WAGES. Exper:eaced Flax Scut chers -;wane by ;:rst-class scutchers need apply, who can earn high wages. Apply to, The Canada Flax and Seed Company, South Oshawa, Ontario,: idays at his borne Jtere. Mo. and Mrs. George Stoles of De- troit visited Mrs; Geo; Sanders for a few days during the meek. 1M, and lairs, Ed. Short returned on \Monday from a visit with the fernier's brother at 'Mount Bridges. Mr. and \Tis Woods of llarnilton spent elle „leek end „withthe latter's brother, \1r, Herbert Walters. ti'arai data bean receTt" d here arose •resurtae. his duties \h'. C. 11. "tic.Avoy ,returned Monday :;tri ingside, Sask., that a fen- days bee:, Drug ,Compeny alntDetr4 Detroit. before Christmas Mr. F, It 1.1 alis, sen of Mrs. Jamas Willis of town, had ht: re stortune to -have u heavy loss by fire. Its general store, ,drug store pot office and a large. warelouse were totally destroyed, with a loss of about $40,000 end oan which was an insure =tee of $15,000. Mr., Willis' resid- ence in.; saved with difficulty. GIVEN STIFF SENTENCE. George Pearce, who broke jail at Hensall, was later recaptured and at- tempted to break jail, in. Goderich, was last week sentenced by Judge Dickson. on the theft charges to. two years in the penitentiary, and to one year on the jail .breaking, the sen- tences to ran, concurrently. His wife and family are beng Iooked after by the Salvation Army .in ,London, and they w 1! be senna ..to the wife's home in Northern Ontario.. Y. P. C.' A. The program • of the. Y.P.C.A. for Wednesday night is exceedingly in- teresting. Rev. Jas, Foote, B. A., will gine a twenty minute talk on "Men who made the Trail—Abraham and Abraham ` co a d Dr. Graham Lain ]n, n will speak far twenty minutes ,on "Physiciel Danger ,Points," The ad- dresses d •dresses begin at 8 P#1,, and are open to ail male members, After the ad- dresses an organizing of the member- ship' will -take. place, All intending to join should do so at once. DON'T :FORGE I' TO BRING YOUR -,TOI?AGE BATTERY TO THE LN._' -?1_ SERVICE STATION MiLO SNELL FORT)UEALE: , .XETER HOUSE AND TWO ACRES LAND FOR SALE. Lots of fruit, and house is :n good ccndltion. Ap lqr at' Advo- cate Office LICENSE INSPECTOR FOR HURON W. T. Pellow of Goderich has been apnontcd . by the Ontario Govern - meet, license inspector for Huron, his dirties .commencing January lst. Mr. Pellow was recommended a few weeks age by -Huron County Temperance. Association: of which he. has been special Officer for five years. Former- ly there.; were two inspectors, John Torrance...far South Huron and John Mitchel leer North Huron. These have been superannuated, and will likely receive an annual allowance of about half thele former salary. The .entire expense of the enforcement of the Act will now be bovine by the Provincial Government as provided by the On- tario Temperance Ace. * : •TURNI' G w:SILL All kends ro: Turning, Gumming Saws, Etc., done on shortest natiae. S. J. V. CANN, Phone 115 DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP. Thepartnership heretofore - existing between C. L. Wilson and S. W. Slims ZS . grocers here, has been dieek)lvied and the business in future ennui'' be coin- .tiaued by . Mr. Wilson,. All accounts Clue the Iate Eire are payable to Mr. Wilson and must be settled at .once.' VIOLIN. LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, An,dsew Se. Apply at ariy time 4 to f( o'clock; evenings f7f2. JOHN -GSI -ARD,. Chi,roaractor, Witliuu,. an,d, Sanders • St., T`uesd'ay, Thursday and Saturday. 1:0, to , 4.30, Consultation and examination free at Office, 0.. Trivia Memorial Church ' 11 a.m.—"The Holy Name." 7 pen.—"Jerrem:ah—optimist." Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector; Miss Anne Sanders returned Mon- day anorn'.ng to Stratford, after spend- ;rai 'the bo',idays at her home here. lir. and ,firs. Henry Gould of Wind- sor have been visiting relatives and friends here and at the Bend fro a. few days. Miss Amy Jahns, after spending the holidays at her home, returned Mon- day to her teaching duties at St. Cath- arines. ler, and Mrs. Harley Sunders and family, after et Week's vi. it ,here, re- turned to their home in Windsor on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, W. D. Wood, after a visit with lir, John Gillespie and fam- ily, returned ito their home in Wind- sor Tuesday. 11r. pod .'efrs. Becker a New „Ham- burg and ler, Percy Browning of Toronto ispent New Year with Dr. and Mrs. Browning. \Liss Winnie Baigent of the '.olden Road Seigle has eommenced on a aur - sing course in Grace Hospital Train- ing School at Detroit. Mrs. John. Snell chars s1 dnn g the winter in Windsor with her daughter spent New Yehar at ,the home of Mr. lend :qrs. A. E, Fuke, 1 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible classes. Regularservices next Sabbath at .11 a.m, .and 7 p.m, JAMES .ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wiesen; B.A. Educational Anniversary 11 am.— The Pa. stna- 3 p.m,—Sunday School and Bible Classes 7.p.m.—..Dr..Trueman, of Torontoo. Appropriate music. AIL welebene, .ivIAIie ST:;.METHODIST CHURCH Rev sreti. McAlister, M. A.• Phone 21r3 •Our Uni.izersities and Thcologiea,i Ca&leg 11 a.ir rtt OcCYrye J. Truman p m SUfldav cin hcl and . Bible '... Classes, 7 pial. ;Ae)*. • George McAlister, M.A,' P,E L hA vY-2.30 13ethane. 7.30 D_•. Geos 5: 'Truman. Big Slaughter Sale of Overalls, Underwear Boots and Rubbers PRACTICALLY EVERYTHING 1N STOCK WILL BE SOLD AT A PRICE THAT WILL STAGGER YOU, OVERALLS— Blue. , Sreipe, regular $3.75, Sale price $2.99 Regular $3.25, ,Sale Price $2.75 UNDERWEAR— All wlocLl, ,regular .22,00. The Sade Price$1.49 Fleece: lined, regarlar $1.25. Sale' Price ..,,99 BOOTS Men's regular $6.75. Sale Price $5.49 Boys! heavy Shoes', regular $4.75. Sale Price s' $3.79. Also a-rine''loi" ,Children's fine shoes alm'oist alt your own price, RUBBERS Men's regular 44,25 Sale Price .$,3:75` \Men's, Willie, regular $4.85 Sale Prilce $4.25:. Men's Leather Top, regular $5.45. Sale Price :..4 Men's ion bite; rubber boicts,reg- ular $7.50 for ' , $6,99' Youths' leather top, regular °2,50 for ,.. w $2.05 Youths' long rubber' boots, regular $2.25 for $1.99; Men's pullover , rubbers, regular Sale Price ee. $1.49, t i 1 PH. NE 32 11 JONES & AY PHONE 32 STOCK TAKING WE ARE TAKING STOCK 'THIS WEEK' AND FIND THAT THERE ARE MANY ODD LINES AND BROKEN SIZES TO BE CLEARED OUT. BELOW WE GIVE A PARTIAL 1.1ST OF PFIE E •- Men's and Boys' Winter Under Greatly Reduced in Price ear 25 dozen \fen's Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Dr ;►vers, odd limes and sizes, all wool at per garment ...... ... ..... ",.... r„ ,,. ,$1,25 25 dozen. Men's Heavy Fleece Lined Shirts and Draawers, sizes 52 to 40. Regular Price $L25 foe. .. , ,;., .. ,, 98c. .-tanfieid s Heavy Red Labe Shirts and Drawers, regu'3.5e Reduced to $3.90 garment of per suit,,,.,. .....,,,.: M„ $5,75 Starnfield's Greer; Label Shirts and Drawers, regular $Z.75 a. garment, reduced to „,d„• ,., .. „ ,., ,.,, , .,. ., .,. 12.25 each. 25 Dozen, Boys' Fleece -lined under.vea:, reg. 85e, to Clear garment t9e.. ltr Dotes Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular up to $150 gar- ment, cleering all siaes at ......... ............. ...... ...... ...... ...'.., $1,00 garment Big Bargains in Men's and Boys' Overcoats Visit Baur Clothing Department. We are offering big reductions :lien's and Boys' Overcoats. Alen's Heavy Meters, as low as,„ Young Men's .Stylish Coats from ., t,. $12.Od t ,$18.00 up. JONES & MAY Mr Ales. Stewart of London was weekend. here for 'kine , e Miss Mabel Kieffer ]las seturrned home to Haggersdlle, after spending the holidays with her ,friend, Miss Dor- othy ,Kuntz, Pong I; Wong, the Chinaman, who has been conducting ;the laundry here for a number of years, deft Saturday far China where he will visit for a time and then return, bringing one of his sons with him. The son here. will con- duct the business during Pong's ab- sence. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. by C. H. Saretere at the. Advocate SPECIAL- . ;rMen s +Wooden ,Mufflers, only a Lew,. regti1st 23.50 ..or ...,..:... ........: . $1.25 Also Gloves, Socks, Sweat- er Coats, Boys' Pullover Sweaters, at prices that „Fill .make you thunk of ore war days. 'If.lyou want to save dollars, ,it „fill pay you to see R, MACKENZIE & SON EXETER NO1tTII Phon;e;1,07 DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon. McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter_ (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY' SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter, Calls promptly attended to day or night. HORSES WANTED • ! want an unlimited . number of Horses in good condition. 'Geldings, 5 year old up, weighing , from 1500 pounds up. 1N/fares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 poursds` up. Partie3 haring the ' required stuff, write or phone &3 Exeter. G. J. D'OW. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Hunon and Middlesex '.P'rises' Reasonable 'and' Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, Ontario. WESTERN ONTARIO BEST COM- MERCI'AL .SCHOOL. .' CE 1TRAL ,/./ZS S't RATFORD.-; ONT, • Our winter term co-nmenc,es Tues day,; January 4th, and students may registei au our 'Commercial, Short- hand' a. Telegraphy De'nartments at any :'time. Our courses are>,thoron,gh and practical, and we .assist era.d- uates. to' positianis. Get our . free Catalogue D, A. McLachlan, Principal MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan oa farm and village pterr9 Gt low rates of interest. LADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr, A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office—over Gladman & ° Starnbury's Office, Main Street,,e'xeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night. Officie— D.r. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR far Countries of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock -Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Wanerooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. Rouistare L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons, .Notice ! GREAT BARGAIN IN FURNITURE R. N. ROWS THE UNDERTAKER AND FURNI•' • TURE DEALER Motor Hearse in Connection: Phones ZQJ and 20W. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery Line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken illi' exchange Jas. Gould SOU!EIICOTT BROS. PHONE ,134 At this Sejalsiolni these la one good old custom win like to follow—the extending of the "gland hand” ,to a411 our alfri;e;nds pad customers, sa, 4Pe wish wou, ono and all, re a Good end Prosperous 'New Year. Sottoot t ° Bross