HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-12-23, Page 5Pr' • -.7,n Inn. -nun- , mimvAlimvAlgAlmv:NvAvAv ODONBANNON DOINGS wtAwAvAvAvAvAtz•NvAv:NvAv "XMAS" EXPLAIAD The Rev. H.G. Dobson'. spoke on the topic, "Xmas", • during worship for Christmas Sunday at Dungannon United Church. He said the X is like the unknown quantity in algebra, there are unknowns in indidual interpretations and ways of celebrating Christmas. The- choir, ac- companied by Shelley Rivett at the. Organ, contributed to the service. Nile Sunday School presented a Christmas concert at Nile United Church at 8 p.m. on Sunday evening. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated on - January. 9. -t• SOCIALNEWS Tom 'McFarlan of Kinlough, visited Mr. and , Mrs: Chris Shelton on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pen tland held a pre -Christmas get-together on Friday evening for Nellie's father, Mr. Peter Bilstra" and her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bilstra and two sons of Thamesford. Mr. Peter Bilstra leaves on Tuesday to spend Christmas and New Years in Holland. Mr. and Mrs. George Dawson and family of Goderich _arid Mr. and Mrs. David Dawson and, family visited. on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. K.K. Dawson. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thom- pson on the death of his brother Bert Thompson, whose funeral took place in Bi:antford on Saturday. Mrs. Cecil Blake and Mrs. Lorne, Ivers, visited, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown in_ Lucknow on Sunday. Sympathy to the family of Adrien Van Dongen. whose funeral took ,plaCe on Saturday. , The young People of Christian. Fellowship Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Martin on Saturday for an evening of fellowship. On - Sunday morning Student Pastor Doug Zeh,r spoke on "Why Emmanuel?" based on Isaiah 7. The fourth Advent candle for hope was lit. ' James and Marilyn Wagler are home on holidays from • their Volunteer Service Work in the United States. • BROOKSIDE SCHOOL HAPPENINGS Brookside School staged their annual Christmas concert • in the school auditorium on Thursday evening, December 16, before a capacity audience. . Don Cameron conducted' a choir of Grade 8 girls as they sang several numbers. The principal, Mr. Gary Jewitt welcomed those present. Mrs. Louise Wilson's Grade 1 class presented a selection of songs and drills •on the "Train" theme with James Menary as conductor and Donna Raynard taking a solo part. Grades 3 and 4, under the direction of their teacher, Mrs. Dorothy Chisholm presented a dialogue called, "The Official Visit" in which three members of the school board paid a visit to the school room. Lorelee Howes acted as teacher and Wayne Bos, Paul Strong, and Steven Dow represented the school board. • JOHN BLAIR The company I represent insures one out of five persons in Canada and the U.S. Don't you want to do business with a leader, too? John Blair 9 Percival St., Clinton 482-7703 Metropolitan Where the future is noW. Mr. Liddle's Grade 7 boys put on a "BaCkwards Drill" which left the audience holding their sides v With laughter. - Kay and Karl Morrison played duets very capably between numbers. The two Grade 6 classeS, taught by Mrs. D. Graham and Mr. Greg Hazlitt, presented a play called, "Santa's Spec- tacles" in which Santa's specs were lost, found, and used to change a grouchy wom.an's outlook on Christmas and finally returned to Santa so he could make his appointed round on time. Paul. Martin as Santa, Brenda Bus and Mrs. Cruickshank, Jeff Filmore and, , Gordon Jamieson as elves, Duane Rivett as Jack- in-the-box, Kathy 'Little as rag doll, Karen Purdon as the cat, Cathy England as elf- twinky, and several elves and Wooden soldiers helped to make this an enjoyable performance. The choir sang, Away in a Manger, .and the concert closed with 0 Canada. AvA,-vA-vA.vev Dear Santa, For Christmas I want you not to just bring me presents, but everybody else that has been good. For myself41 I would like a typewriter so• I can type letters. (I would not like a baby doll.) also I would like a big stuffed dog that you can ride. I would you to help me be a good and kind person. I also hope I don't have fights with my friends. I hope you bring my teacher a present (Mr's. Tebbutt) and all the .other teachers. I will leave - cookies you, and an apple for Ruldolf. Have a Merry Christmas, Santa Claus? With Love from Wilma Vandervelde Rm. 3 Brookside • GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, DECHI4BER 23, 1976 -..PAG .5" Four members of the Dungannon. area- 4-H. club received Provincial Honor certificates at .Achievement Day Saturday. The recipients are (left to right) Elaine Stewart RR 1 Dungannon; Cheryl Hackett, RR .7 Lucknow; Lori Miller, RR 1 Lucknow; and Mary Van Kiepen, RR ..64 Goderich. (staff photo) The Dungannon area 4-H club held its annual Achievement Day at Brookside School last Saturday. Recipients of county honors were (front row from left) Karen Campbell, RR 7 Lucknow; Lori Hackett, RR 3 Lucknow; Sharon Alton, RR 7 Legion A •I• uxi wry . - The Ladies Legion The draw for the cake was Auxiliary, Branch 109, made and winners are, 1 celebrated " their Christmas Lenna Pennington, 2 - Sharon party December 14.. Scruton and 3 - Lou Petre, all Gifts Were exchanged. of Goderich. ,. Lunch was served by Ann Sprung and Hilda Hirst. - Members went to West - Annette Stemp was in minster Hospital Sunday, charge of tickets for the December 19 to deliver a Christmas cake, which was -tape deck with six tapes for made by Annette and Veterans for the Iron Duke Room. decorated by Edna Powell. ._ - - -, - ") : 2.0:41:10:021.:0:.:40t 10:44r.:0:40rA-:021....4r2ST:al.:41r:d4r:410::40r.2Z' ArtaW0-:•.• Lucknow; and Janet Wilkins, RR 3 Lucknow. The back row includes Monica Young, RR 3 Goderich; Lorna Young, RR 3 Goderich; Brenda Feagan, RR 4 Goderich; and Connie Baer, RR 5 Goderich. (staff photo) - DAVE IHAYLOW ELECTRICAL Serving Industrial, Commercial, Residential Needs 524-4038 RI SI WSPIRAll THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR GARDENERS AND HOME OWNERS • . •••• . 2121211 22111. . ,•• • • "NEEDIE'trims, edges, and mani- cures your lawn with amazing speed and safety. "Needle" slashes unwanted grass and weeds in hard to gei to places that can't be 'reached with conventional trim- * mers. "Needie"-turns yard work into fun. Try "Needie". It cuts • with fishin' line. t.k 3 MIN. 40 SEC.! LVIN'S YOUR HEAD QUARTERS FOR • T .ROGERS MAJESTIC TV .EXPERT TV SERVICE i• ANTENNA & TOWER INSTALLATION 162 MARY ST. GODERICH 524-9989 •• DINING ROOM CLOSED - .8:00 PM DECEMBER 24th -DECEMBER 27th LOUNGE CLOSED 6:00 pm DECEMBER 24th - DECEMBER 27th • NO JEANS AFTER 6:00 pm BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY. HOLIDAY •ANN & FRASER . Join us and the Jubilee Committee for an OPEN HOUSE NEW YEAR'S DAY 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. All residents of Goderich & Surrounding Area are Welcome HARBOUR pARK INN The 168 West St. 524-6205 ImpI3t5il*:7Z1=W,;13tgA5klef*It5I3i3:5k3MWMcDt513WEA;15::715:5A3r5An;S)V535:*.VIVS'5:4;15,11WAYZEElltp5ztaSZSAree 1 .• ••• ! 5 • .• • • 1 11 "Needle" is Safe. 411. BEFORE -- No need to shatter bottles or other objects double tieh7inlstillyat oefd tfheer dhoeuesbelelosevfdestyEvenusing fun with "Needie". THE NEDIE BY WEED EATER THE PERFECT GIFT FOR SPRING GARDENING ALL SEASON LONG. hidden Needle" women in ARGYLE• MARINE & SMALL ENGINES il 88 BRITANNIA RD. E. GODERICH 524-9201 .2$1:0 Ar !a: ie 1 .21. : 4 0 r ,:a .20- 44r ...Or 10'42' zett 9$1 LW ...A" 41- za" zeir ....Or lig• .t.Oic lea ...40 ik ! , AFTER tk. ttri the grass. That's t4 And "Needie" is A and children have GARDENING, FOR e. • ,24 .•.;• *21 2W.515W0•• 5,••• .0 2, • e ,::5•5,5W.5•5555,5 4255 0, 3•• % , "i6, 2)2' AP • r. •• • W CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS 1., CLOTHES FORAM GODERICH ONTARIO 524-6681 itgOtotlossmtilisAlt6t0mastoMissolsoroPSMito$00AimitiVISI*A.MItAitsitimogiitroMel Christmas is the perfect time for remembering the friendships we cherish. We count you among • our dear friends and wish you every happiness now and always: To all our Customers and Friends a very MERRY CHRISTMAS & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Management and Staff of 2). TiX01I550518s811:1$51143708 •