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St. Augustine Roman
Catholic Church, St.
Augustine was filled to
capacity on Thursday,
December 9th for the Funeral
Mass for the Reverend
.Monsignor Louis J. Phelan,
who served in retirement at
St. Augustine for almost
seven years, Reverend
Father S.C. Quinlan, First
Curate to Bishop G.E. Carter
officiated at the funeral mass
accompained by three
priests. There were 20 priests
in the sanctuary'. The
Reverend Father Ed Den-
tinger, C.R. Parish. Priest of
the combined parishes of
Kingsbridge, St. Augustine
and Lucknow delivered the
Homily. Interment was in St.
Michael's Cemetery, Blyth.
Following the services ladies •
of the ,St. Augustine Catholic
Women's League served
lunch in the Parish Hall.
The Ashfield Township
Secondary Planning
Workshop on "Urban
Development" was held at
the Brookside Public 'School
on Monday; December 6 at
8:20 p.m. Allan Glb-
son,chairman, introduced
Gary Davidson, of the -Huron
County Planning Board who
showed slides of the villages
in Ashfield Township,
Dungannon, Port Albert,
Belfast, Kintail and
Questions asked by the
chairman were:
1. What kind of 'services do
the Village of Dungannon and
Port Albert provide to the
Township? Are they
2. What 'changes do you
think these villages will see in
the future?
3. Dungannon: (a) Where
should the boundaries of
Dungannon be set? (b) What
type of development should
be planned for ,Dungannon?
(c) Are any additional ser-
vices required in Dungannon
at present or to accommodate
future development? (d)
Should Dungannon develop
its own planning regulations
and, if so, what type should
they be?
4. Port Albert: •(a) Where
should the boundaries of Port
Albert be set? (b) What type
.....„_„pf„. development should be
planned -for-Port Alb -Pr -010
Are. any additional services
required in Port Albert at
pre -sent or to accommodate
future 'development? (d)
Should Port Albert develop its
own planning regulations and
if so, what type should they
5. What -type of develop-
ment should be allowed in the
smaller hamlets such • as
Kintail, Kingsbridge, Belfast,
etc.? •
6. If you were thinking of
building a new house, would
you want to build it in one of
the villages, one of the
hamlets or in the coun-
7. Do you feel that non-farm
residences should be allowed
to scatter throughout the
g. Do you think that there
could •be. problems between
the farmer and the non-farm
residents in the countryside?
9. Do you feel that the
Township should have per-
manent, properly planned,
mobile home parks or should
mobile homes be permitted to
locate anywhere in the
Township or Villages?
Due to the stormy weather
there were not quite as many
people .present at this
meeting, The Mo.nday,
Mrs. Joe Courtoeg 529-1199
--.- • `..
December 13 meeting on
Natural Environment and
Extractive Resources with
Chairman Grant Farrish was
the last meeting until -after
the New Year.
On Monday, Januar Y 10,
1977 a "Summary Workshop"
will be held with the chair-
man Warren Zinn.
A large crowd attended the
Arinual Turkey Bingo held in
St. Joseph's Parish Hall at
Kingsbridge on Saturday,
December 11 beginning at
8:30 p.m. Winners of the ten
turkeys were Blaise Doherty,
Loretta Doherty, Jim FIin-
nigan, Sylvia Hackett, Jean
_Van Rooy, Ella Hodgins,
„Vera VanDiepan, Bill
Hackett, Betty Doherty and
Brother Phil Tremblay.
Winners of the special
game was Vicki Lynn
Doherty, the -proceeds to go to
Goderich and District Pro
Life Group.
Winner of "Snoopy", the
door prize was Sheila Bushell
and a second door prize was
won by Lonny Doherty.
As a consolation prize a
free game was played on
tickets obtained from the
door with the money being
divided four ways. Winners
were Donna Maize, Maurice
Schuurmans, Brian Drennan
and the fourth* winner's name
was not obtained.
The Kingsbridge Youth
Club sold coffee and cookies
during the bingo.
Reverend Father Raymond
Hughes, C.R. who is stationed
at the Ressurrectionist
Parish in Louisville, Ken-
tucky spent the past weekend
with Reverend Father Ed
Dentinger and assisted with
parochial duties by delivering
the Homily on Saturday
evening and celebrating Mass
on Sunday, December 11 and
12, in St: Joseph's Parish
church in Kingsbridge.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Schuurmans (the former
Dora VanOsch) of London
spent the weekend with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Due to the stormy, wintry
weather, the high school bus
Goderich District
Collegiate was forced to turn
back—on-Monday, December -
13 making an extra long
weekend for students at-
tending the collegiate.
Congratulations also to Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Hayden of Ash-
field Township on the birth of
a spn who weighed in at 8 lbs.
15 oz. at the Wingham and
District General Hospital on
Friday, December 4th.
The Santa Claus Parade
held in Lucknow on Saturday,
Detember llth was enjoyed
by the young and the old.
Free treats were given at the
Lucknow Central Public
school. a free movie starring
Don Knotts in the "Shakiest
Gun In The West" was shown
and free skating in the
Lucknow arena was enjoyed.
Santa's visit was sponsored
by the Lucknow Businessmen
and Lucknow and District'
Kinsmen Club.
Ray Hogan was honoured
at a party held for him at
Miltenburgs on Saturday
evening, December llth. His
marriage to Mildred Vega
will take place in St. Joseph's
Parish church at Kingsbridge
on Saturday, December 18th
at 4 p.m.
Wilfred Austin who has
been hospitalized in the
Alexandra Marine and
The residents of the Counties of Huron and Bruce are served
- by the District Office at 546 N. Christina Street, Sarnia,
Ontario, N7T 5W6, phone (519) 344-5229.
Federal Building
35 East St.
Goderich, Ontario
Open every Wednesday
From 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Phone 524.6583
Federal Blinding
100 Scott Street
Walkerton, Ontario
Open every Thursday
From 9:00 a.m. to 3:00
Phone 881-0871
General Hospital, Goderich
and the University Hospital,
London since Saturday,
November 20th was released
from the hospital on Monday,
December 13th and is con-
valescing at his home here.
He expects to be able to
return to employment at -the
Dominion Roads Machinery
Company at Goderichafter
the New Year.
Herman BPrgel of
Whitelaw, Alberta is spen-
ding vacation at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riegling.
Mr. Borgel was met at the
London airport. by Mr.
Riegling on Sunday,
December 12. Mr. Borgel is a
good friend' and _neighbour of
Clem and Phyllis Steffle`r of
Whitelaw and will live close
to the Rieglings when they
move to Brownvale, Alberta _
in 1977.
Volleyball teams' from St.
Joseph's, school at
Kingsbridge motored to
Brookside Public school on
Monday, December 6 for
games there.
Congratulations to the
Kingsbridge Senior Girls who
won 2 games fo—Erookside's 0,
and to the Kingsbridge Senior
Boys who defeated Brookside
2 games to 1.
On Wednesday, December
8 Brookside public school,
came to Kingsbridge for a
return match. The
Kingsbridge Senior girls
again defeated the- Brookside
Senior girls 2 games to 0 and
the Kingsbridge Senior boys
defeated the Brookside Senior
boys 2 games to 0.
A Soccer Banquet was held
at Sullivan's Restaurant on
Wednesday 8th between 12:00
and 1:00 for the Senior and
Junior Girls Champion
Soccer Teams. Presentations
were made to each individual
House League Crab Socc4er
has' started in the Primary
Grades. Toronto beat
Mongreal 6 - 1 in the Kin-
dergarten to Grade 2
All grades are preparing
and all teachers are involved
with the Christmas Concert
to ,ho hold on Deoomhor TIct
at 8:15 pj.m. in St. Joseph's
school at Kingsbridge. Fre
schoolers are invited to take
part by singing or saying a
On Wednesday, December
15th at 12:30 p.m. the parents
and teachers will take on the
Senior House League
Champions tn Volleyball in
the school gym. This proves
to be an interesting game.
Everyone is'invited to- come
to the school to either play or
view the game.
On Monday, December 6
students attended' Mass for
Monsignor Louis J. Phelan
who died on Sunday,
December 5th.
Friday, December 10th was
a Professional Development
Day within the Huron -Perth
System. Students enjoyed a •
holiday while parent -teacher
interviews were held.
Students attending
Universities began Christmas
Holidays on Friday,
December 10.
133, Britannia Rd.
Phone Evenings 524-8 146
Judy Cruickshank and Denise Mitchelmore were selected as the most valuable girls'
basketball players in the senior and junior divisions respectively. The girls received their
awards at a school assembly last week. (staff photo)
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