HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-12-16, Page 2914. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 14; NOTICE T..00REDITORS , 25. IN MEMORIAM
All persons' having claims
against the estate of .John
Scotland MacFarlane, late of 65
Montreal Street, Apartment 4,
Godertph, Ontario, who died
November 22, 1976, are required
to file proof of satne -with the
undersigned on or before
January 15,1i)77;:after which date
the estate willbe distributed with
regard only to the claims of
which the undersigned shall then
have notice and the ,undersigned
will not be,liable to any person of
whose claim she, shall not then
have notice. -
DATED' at Goderich, Ontario,
this 29th day of November, 1976.
Margaret Elaine MacFarlane,
by her Solicitors herein,
Hunter, Parker & Rivers
Barristers and Solicitors-
olicitors44 North Street
Goderich, Ontario.
In the matter of the bankruptcy'
105 North Street, 'in the town of
Goderich, in the County of Huron,
in the Province of ` Ontario,
unemployed; formerly C:O.B.'as
Lorne Brown house builder in the
Village of Lurgan, in the County
of Bruce. "
Notice is Hereby given- that
Lorne Melvin • Brown, of 135 North
Street, 'Goderich, Ontario, made
an assignment on the 7th day of
December 1976; that • the first
,meeting of creditors will. be held
on the 20th day of December,
1976, at the hour of 3:00. o'clock in
the afternoon, at the office of the
Official Receiver, Robert.
Kaplan, Dominion Public,
Building, ;457 Richmond Street,
Sixth Floor, Board Room, 'Lon-
don; Ontario, and that` to be
eligible to vote, creditors must
file with me, prior to themeeting
Proofs of claim and, .where
necessary proxies.
DATED at Kitchener; Ontario,
this 9th day of December, 1976.
Glenn B. DiegelrC.A. Trustee
133 Frederick Street,
Kitchener, Ontario
' R761666,
. Ontario -.
Municipal Board
17(5) of, The Planning` Act
(R.S.C. 1970 c:349),
- and -
1N THE MATTER a reference
to this Board by the
Horiourable John R. Rhodes,
Minister of Housing, of an
application by Lakeshore
Developments Limited for an
amendment to ,the: Official
Plan for the Huron County
Planning Area to change the
'designated use of Land§
comprising parts of Lots 8 and
9, L.R.W. Concession from
Agricultural to Seasonal
Residential to 'permit the
development of a 99 lot sub-
division for cottage
development, Minister's file
WL 0120, Subdivision File 03-
40T-24030 - Township of
Stanley .
BOARD hereby appo'infs
Monday, the 10th day of.
January, 1977 at the hour of
one o'clock (local time) in the
afternoon at the Township
Hall, in the Village of Varna
for the hearing of all parties
interested in supporting or
opposing this application.
1f you do net attend and are
not represented at this
hearing, the Board may
proceed i'li your absence and
you will net beentitled' to any
further notice of the
proceedings. '
In the event the decision is
reserved, persons taking part
in the hearingmay request a
copy of the decision from the
.presiding Board Member,
Such decision will be mailed to
you when available:,
DATED at Toronto this Sth
day 01 November, 1976
All persons having claims
against the Estate of ERNEST
mer, late, of the Town of
Goderich, in the County of Duron,
who died on or about the 21'st day
of October, 1976, are required to
file the same with full particulars
with the undersigned by: the 25th
day of December, 1976, as after
that date the assets of the.estate,
will be distributed'. ----_
bated at Goderich, Ontario,
this 24th day of November, 1976.
Barristers, etc.;
33 Montreal Street,
Goderich, Ontario.
' -Solicitors for'the Estate.
the Humanitarian Service
Committee of the Rebekah
Lodges have equipment for loan.
Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-
9623 -or Fred 'Fritzley, 524-
WE INVITE engaged couples to
visit the Arbor Gift Shop in
Clinton. Receive a free gift and
tell your friends about our shower
and Bridal Registry Service. No
charge,no obligation.-3tf
ARE you living with a drinking
problem? AL -ANON: can help
Phone Goderich 524-6001.-40eow
nc •-
MINISTRY of Community .and
Social Services will have a
marr,iage counsellor at Goderich
Children's Aid Society .office
every Wednesday 'morning. For
appointment phone 524-7356. At
other times -contact canbe made
through Wingham office, phone
OPENING for local represen-
tatibye; with ;a leading electrical
appliance distributor. Oppor-
tunity for right person to advance
in company. For full details call
524-9024 anytime.-50,51ar
Canada's leAdIng Furniture strip- .
ere wlth.25 shops coast-to-coast
Has Available the following 7
Southwestern Ontario
dealership territories ...
• GoderichClInton • Woodstock:.
Ingersoll • Tlllsonburg • Wallace-
. burg' • St. Thomas -Aylmer •
' Strathroy • Chatham
•• Complete cost per dealershlp
includes equipment and supplies Ini-
tial chemicals, training, advertising..
.and operations manuals 'and exclu-
- sive territory.
• For mRETore 1URN UN--INVnformation E STMENTfactual
phone or write:. •
': Mr. 6. white, -- .
Dip 'N Strip, 215 Ashland Ave.,
London — 453.5100
Dip N Strip-dealarshlps can be operated
I on either a full or part-time basis.
GERMAN Shepherd dog, gentle,
good with children. Phone 529-
7998.-51. J -
TWO black pups, mother lab,
phone 482-7038 after 5:00 p.m. -51
ROYAL: Mr. and Mrs. David A.
Royal, (nee Louise Doyle) are -
happy to announce the safe
arrival of their. daughter, Erin
Mainly, on December 6, 1976, at
General Hospital,, Fort
McMurray, Alberta.-51nc
HAINSWORTH: Jack . and
Barbara Hainsworth (nee
Henderson) . are pleased to an-•
nounce the arrival of a daughter,
Cathy Anne, at St. Mary's
Hospital, Kitchener, on
December 2, 1976..A sister for
WITTER: At Alexandra Marine
Hospital on Dec: 10, 1976 to Mr.
and Mrs. Mervin Witter,
Goderich, a baby girl, Erica
DOAK: At Alexandra Marine
Hospital' on Dec. 11, 1976 ,to Mr.
and Mrs. Steven Doak, Goderich;
a baby boy, Jeffrey Steven.—n-c
TEBOW: At Alexandria Marine
Hospital on Dec. 11,'1976 to Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Tebow,
Goderich, a baby girl, Laurie
Lynn.—nc -
HUTCHINS: At. Alexandra
Marine Hospital on December 10,
1976, to Mr. and Mrs. Williams
1 Hutchins, Goderich, a baby boy,
Bradley John. A brother for
Steven and Brian.—nc
BEACOM: In loving inemory of a
dear . mother and grandmother,
Myrtle Beacom, , who passed
away December 23, 197.5. •.
Many a lonely heartache, .
Often a silent tear
But always a beautiful. memory
Of one we loved so dear: Sadly
missed by Bette, Mait, Bill and
Marion and Bev and Mary and
families: -51
MURRAY: In loving memory of
Florence Murray, , who - passed
away December 17, 1972.
God took her home, it was His
But in my heart she liveth still.
Sadly missed ' by hpsband
Lionel. -51
WIGGINS: The family of the late
Bill Wiggins would 'like to thank
all those who have helped in any
way during his long illness and at
-the time of his passing. 'Special
thanks to Doctors Korrin and
McKim, the nurses on second
floor Wingham Hospital, and to
all those who helped in any way
dulring'his many stays in hospital.
Thanks also for'. the beautiful
floral tributes, donations to the
heart fund, etc., sympathy cards,
for food brought to the house and
lunch served by the U.C.W., and
to Rev. ' Dobson, MacKenzie
Funeral Home, the pallbearers,
and to anyone who has helped
make his illness and passing a
little more bearable. .52
McCHARLES: Word's fail to
express the way we want to say
"Thank You" to everyone who
has been so kind in our recent sad
bereavemnent. The neighbours, --
friends and relatives who brought
food, sent floral tributes, donated
to the Cancer Society.and called
so many times during. Allan's
illness are all greatly ap-
preciated. Those folk who did the
farm chores, kept the home fires
burning and offered prayers on
our behalf and the hundreds of
letter's 'and cards that have been
sent to Allan's -wife, his brothers' -
Donald and John and to ourselves
will long be remembered.. Allan's
wish was that contributions be
made direct to the rcM.elanome
research centre at Royal Victoria
Hospital, Montreal, where he had
been under treatment for seven
months. It would be impossible to•
write each one individually,
therefore through the media of
thelocal paper we hope you will
accept our thanks and have a
happier heart at this Christmas
Season: having been so kind.
Sincerely Oliver and Marion
Mcgharles nc
HAMILTON: I wish to say thank
you to my relatives and friends
for the flowers and cards they
sent to me while a patient in
Alexandra Hospital. Special
thanks to .Dr. J. W. Wallace,
nurses and staff on second west,
my teacher Mr. Yeo and fellow
students. Shelley. -51
OVERHOLT:'' Words cannot
express the deep appreciation for
all kindnesses shown in the loss of
'my beloved mother Elma. Our
thanks far the beautiful floral
tributes, donations to the heart
foundation, and cancer society,
sympathy cards, and to relatives,
neighbors and friends. Special
thanks to Rev. R. Crocker for his
kind words, pallbearers, Stiles
Funeral Home, Dr. A. Deathe,
Dr. R. Flowers, nurses and staff
Alexandra' Hospital. Special
thanks also to Miss R. Stewart,
and particularly the assistance of
Mrs „Stiles. Mary Anne daughter,
sister Mrs. Kack Fellows and
PHELAN: The members of the
family of Rev. Msgr. L. J. Phelan
P.H.•thank you for your kindness
in the loss of a dear one. Special •
thanks to. the Bishops, Members
of the Clergy of London Diocese. "
To Dr. 'M. H. Corrin, Lucknow,
Members of the nursing staff of
Wingham Hospital, Rev. A. L.
Nolan, Wingham, Rev. E. J.
Dentinger, C,R., Kingsbridge,`
Lloyd Tasker' Funeral Director,
Blyth, •, Msgr's. neighboursand
friends, members of St.
Augustine parish and Catholic
Women's . League and Father
Nagle, :Council of the Knights of
Columbus, Goderich.-51
TAYLOR: I wish to express my
sincere thanks to all those who
remembered Scott and me with
gifts, flowers, cards, treats and
visits while in Goderich hospital.
Special thanks to the nurses, Dr.
Thompson ,and` Dr.'Watts! Also .
thanks to my cousins for their
help since coming home. Kathy
and Scott Taylor. —51
THOMPSON I would like to
express my sincere thanks to
nurses and staff, Doctors
Lambert and Thomson:,for their
kind care given rite while I was a
patient in Alexandra
Hospital.—Ken Thompson. ---51
DODD: We would like to thank
all who remembered us while we
werepatients in the Goderich
Hospl7kr, fat-mitt—and flowers.
Special thanks to Dr. Wallace,
nurses and staff on second West.
Olive and Harry Dodd. -51
STARK; Mr. and Mrs. Tim Stark
would like. to thank everyone- for
the lovely shower and wedding
gifts received.. -5 '
HUNTER: The family of the late
Elizabeth Hunter wish to express
sincere •. thanks to relatives; .
friends and neighbours for floral
tributes, card donations and food.
Special'. thanks to Rev. R. J.
Crocker, Stiles Funeral home,
Dr. J. W. Wallace and most
notably' the Goderich Nursing
.Home. For the last five years she.
received the warmest,friendliest
care anyone could evert ope for.
Sincere thanks 'to all: Irving
Hunter and family.-51ar •
I would like to thank my neigh-
relatives, local 1863, and
Victoria Jr. Choir for their cards,.
gifts and fruit baskets, etc. -while
I' was in University Hospital. Also
to Dr. D. Smithe and his team,
and to the nurses on 4th floor east
for their kind attention. W. H.
Westlake. -52x -
Huron Perth Separate School Board
CEMBER 16,1976—Phot 17
Name, family life co-ordinator
By Wilma Oke
Ronald Gladding, 34, of 1.981
Redford Crescent, Stratford,
was named Family Life Co-
ordinator by Huron -Perth
County -Roman Catholic
Separate parate School. Board at a
meeting 'in Dublin Monday.
He replaces Anthony Chater
who resigned September 30
aftereight monbeinths.g with -the Board
Mr. Gladding, a teacher ata
SL Michael's School, Strat-
ford for the past eight years,
will ''begin his new work
January 1.
Mary 'Ann (Phillips).
Johnston of '360 John. Street,
Goderich, was hired as .half"
time teacher for—the ¥in-
dergarten class at St. Mary's
School, Goderich,, from
January 3 to June 30.
The Recreation Depart-
ment of the' City of Stratford.
will continue to trade ice -time
for the students" in • the
separate schools in Stratford
St. Michael's, St. Joseph's St
Aloysius, Immaculate
Conception and St. Ambrose -
for the useof outside school.
facilities during the summer
of 1977,Trustee F.J. Vere of
Stratford said, "It's all free."
Mr. Vere said he was told
'by an official that the .
Holmesville News
By Blanche Deeves
Church News
Holmesville United
Church's worship service was
the third Sunday in Advent,
the candle of courage. Rev.
John Oestreicher was in
charge, with Mrs. Marilyn
Oestreicl7..er speaking at the
UCW meets
TheHo Imesville UCW met
in ,the hur'ch hall on Wed-
nesday afternoon at 10
o'clock Mrs. Dorothy
Whitelyand her group, who
collecte $188;75 in /pennies,
hosted rs. Doris Batkin and
her group, who collected the
most pennies - $192.26 .- to a
delicious smorgasbord
dinner, enjoyed by all
_present. Mr. Elmer Potter
presided at the meeting. She.
told of customs and con-
ditions in the Holy Land at the
time of . Jesus' ,birth. Her
group took partin the
devotion and readings.
Mrs. Phyllis Cox chaired
the ' business. Roll. call . was
answered with "What
Christmas means to me."
Mrs. Dora Heard favoured
the ladies with two whistling
selections. '
The following donations
were approved: $10 to the
C.G.I.T. Fund, Toronto;. $:10
to the John Melton Society;
$25. to • . Children's Aid,
Goderich; $50 to the Mission
Services' Fund, London; $160
to the Family Centre Mission
Services. Items not sold at the
sewing booth of the bazaar
were donated 'to the
Children's Aid Society.
W.I. gathers . .
The December meeting of
the Goderich Township W.I.
was held at the school in
Holmesville. Bernice
Macllwain was in charge of
the meeting and welcomed
everyone in attendance. The
Mary Stewart collect was
followed^ by the rollcall,
which each lady answered by
telling of a simple way- to
brighten the Christmas
season for someone else.
Alice Pptter read the minutes
of the last meeting and the
A discussion was held on
going to Clinton to` learn how
to quilt. There was also a
discussion on the next card,
party which is to be held on
January 13th at the school.
Alice Potter gave an in-
teresting talkon her trip to
the board meeting.
The evening's en-
tertainment began with a
reading by Maytle Banter,
and Mrs. Carol , Fisher of
Bayfield gave a very in-
teresting demonstration on
making Christmas
decorations and gave a good
display of their work.
A sing song followed with
Molly Cox on the piano. Barb
Betties. gave a humorous
reading slid Gerda Brand
favoured the ladies with
several numbers On her
accordion. • Alice Porter .and
Bernice Macllwain each gave
a reading. Winners of the
musicalgifts game dere
Carole Penhale, Gerda Brand
and Corrie Brand: Carole
Fisher made the draw on the
wreath that was won by Barb
Bettles. '
An.exchange'of cookies and
Christmas gifts were held. A
social time followed the •
lunch, which was served by
the group in charge.
"' . Mrs. Irene Cudmore is in.
Ottawa helping out, while her
daughter-in-law is ill;
Sorry my phone was not
:,,working to callall you kind_,
helpers in and . around
Clinton '
With the . Clinton and
District Winter Carnival only
four weeks away, the Car-
nival committee has roughed
out a schedule that will be
finalized within the next week
or so.
This year, fpr the first time
in its eight-year .history, the
Carnival will be held in Mid -
January instead of mid-
The event will get un-
derway on Wednesday,
January 12 with a card party
for senior citizens, -followed
on Thursday by the crowning
of the queen and Las Vegas
On Friday January 14, a
.girls' hockey tournament will
be staged, followed by the
snowmobile torchlight
parade through town, and the
veryNight. popular Hospitality
On Saturday, the Carnival
,parade will wind its way
"down the main streets in
town, followed by a children's
afternoon entertainment
program, championship
broomball and hockey
games, 'a family skate night-,
and at least two dances.
The traditional pancake
breakfast will kick off the
final day's program on
Sunday January 16, followed
by a snowmobile poker rally
in .the afternoon, and a figure
skating program.
Admission to most events
Willbe $1 for adults 'and 50 .
cents for children, and those
wishing further details should
contact Ruth Lombardo
482-3640, or Clarence Neilans
at the .arena,,482-773 ] .
Travel Agency? _
Baby Food?
•• Detergent?
Development yr
Working With People
Who Are Helping Themselves
I.O. BOX 18,000
Recreation Department
received much more co-
operation from the separate
beard • than from the Perth
,board. The Perth Board has
to pay for their students' ice
time, 1Wr. Vere said he was
was more ice -ti
available to the se
schools if needed, but he -said
at the present time it was
sufficient. -
Mary Ann Dietrich was
hired as a school bus operator
for St- Mary's School, Hesson,
with her duties to •begin
January 3. ' •
Chairman Arthur Haid of
RR ' 4,- Listowel, was
presented with a gift by
Trustee , Ted Geoffrey of
Zurich on behalf of the board
for his 'leadership during the
past year.
Francis Hicknell of RR 5,
Seaforth, and Howard Shantz
of Stratford, • who are both
retiring this year's- were
presented with gifts by
Gregory Fleming and •Vin-
cent Young respectively on
behalf of the board. Both men
spoke briefly. Joseph Looby
of : Dublin, who is also
retiring, was absent from the
meeting as he had left for a
vacation in Florida, •
The inaugural Meeting will
be held January 3.
Canoe Club �oc
The ` Menesetung Canoe
Club, in conjunction with the
Goderich. Lawn Bowling Club,
held a Christmas party at the .
local Royal Canadian Legion
Hall on Monday evening. -'t,,
Don Smith and Harold
Knisley, the presidents,
welcomed over 100 members
who sat down to a dinner
served by the Legion ladies.
Mr..Knisley -with the Rev.
John Wood at the piano led a
carol sing -song after which
bridge, 500 and euchre were
The high prizes for bridge
went to Mrs. Margaret
Kinkead and Lorne - Mat-
thews; in 500, :Mrs..: V.
Stanbury and George Allison
stood first; euchre prizes
were' won by Mrs. Dorothy.
Craig and Les Evans. To
complete, the , evening lucky
door prizes were drawn.
Lloyd Young, 'Mrs. Mable
Walkoon, Mrs. Mary
Mac Laren, ' Mrs, Margaret
Shackleton,: Mrs. - C. King,
Mrs. Jessie Snell, Harry
Shackleton, Mrs. Pat Martin
and Mrs. E. Osbaldeston
were the happy winners.
Purchase six new buses
"Contingent .:upon ,, Ministry of
Education grant approval" the Huron
County Board . of 'Education moved to
approve the purchase of six new school
buses at its meeting on. Monday af-
ternoon. -
On . November 22 • the Management
Committee of the Board discussed the
advisability ,of the purchase and agreed
to .recommend that the move be carried
out. -
Four of the new buses will be of 72•
passenger capacity with the remaining
two being fitted for 60 passengers.
They are to be delivered during the
period of January to August of 1977.
At the wedge, we have that special something to
-make your Christmas gift -giving easier.
W,e can help you select a sensational fashion gift that
will make her Christmas dreamscome true.
Unique one-of'a-
kind fashion gifts..
See our con-
temporary collection '
of sweaters and
sweater sets, the
latest look for the
festive season.
Blouses, in all the .
latest shades land
designs.. Jumpsuits.
Loungewear. - Knits.
ScarKes to com-
plement. By all• the
famous makers.
For your holiday- ;
parties, see our
dazzling collection of
evening dresses,
modestly priced.
We gift wrap for
And we're now
open "til 9 p..m. daily
until Christmas Eve.
. "
. O'." ?
t,� ,� .` y
rtto, t
I Its
Win a trip for two to Florida.
Enter at the wedge - one ticket
with every $5.00 purchase.
h. wcd$
8 King Street, .Clinton