HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-12-02, Page 30PAGE 18A--GODERICHSIGNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1976
Goderich Build -All
What special abilities
would you bring to the council
I could answer the question
better if it had read, "What
experience andtraining do
you have thatyou feel will
assist ypu in carrying out the
• responsibilities of a con
cilor?" To that I would say
that I have had Armed
• Forces, University training'
and practical experience in
the fields of Administration,
Economics, Accounting,
Public Relations and
Technical and personnel
supervision. I have had ex-
_ 'perience and training in the
operations of all levels of
government, Federal,
Provincial and Municipal.I
have 'some municipal ex-
perience, here in Goderich, as
a member of the Goderich
Area `Housing Action Com-
mittee, and previously as the
Mayor of. an Armed Forces
Community, ' Mont Apica,
Quebec. Apart from the
above all I can really offer is
the` determination to carry
out the responsibilities of a
councilor to the -very best of
my ability.
Do you as a candidate,feel
you have the time necessary
to attend all meetingsof
council and its committees
and to be . in attendance
during the whole of those
A definite Yes.. I believe
that it is essential to attend all
meetings of' council, and any
committee or board to which
one is assigned. The member
should also try to be in at-
tendance during the whole of
those meetings 'to ensure
continuity.. I . realize there
may be times when the above
.is impossible, however it.
-should •be ones aim to 'con-
' form--wi-t i. -the--above. I have
missed only one meeting of
the Housing action committee
., since my appointment to that
committee and this was due
to conditions beyopd my
control.,.•. „ -""• •
dormer mayor of armed fortes community in Quebec:.
where to cut budgets would be
determined by the needs and
priorities at .budget time.
Needless to say allsuper-
fluous expenditures should be
cut and the townshould en-
sure that it co-ordinates its
major expenditures so that
they are integrated into
Federal and Provincial
programs so as, to take ad-
vantage of all subsidies and
grants available,
Do you feel that the
Ministry of Transports
recommended redesign of
Highway 21 through Goderich
is the best possible solution?
I have• looked at the other
solutions, ie, By Pass, cut off
and extending. the road
straight through. All these
alternatives' xcept a By Pass
would cost considerably more.
and the By Pass 'would 'not
solve the problem insofar as
it exists due to local trafflc.It
comes down to whether there -
is a need to do something
about the problem or not. The
survey of two years ago in-
dicated that there.was.indeed
a bottle neck at Britannia
Road. but caused largely by
through traffic, however with
the • opening of the- Mall and
the ever expansion of the
industrial park the problem is
being caused more and more
by local -traffic. A solution is
needed and up to the present
the redesign seems to be the
best and most economical.
The Mayor's .inaugural
address promised Suncoast
Drive would be paved during
the 75-76 . term. This has not
been done. The Inaugural
address also said the main
priority .for the . 75-76 term
would be road improvement.
Do you think this promise has
been fulfilled? Where does
road improvement' stand in
order of priorities for, the new
. Except for Suncoast, road
improvement has been given
priority and should continue
'to be given a high priority. As
for•Suncoast I understand the
problem was that. the street
had not been accepted by the
Council 'by by-law and
therefore was not eligible for
subsidyk. This is either being
remedied or is now remedied
and since Suncoast is still on
the planned estimates forthe
If expenditures had to be,
cut during the coming term,
where would you economize?
Harbor, Airport, Parks,
Works and Engineering, or
other areas? It is difficult to
arbitrarily pick one area and
say I'd cut back -there. Each
budget has to be examined
individually to determine if
economies . can be made:
Smaller budgets like Parks,
Airport and Harbor are only a
small part (percentage) of
• the whole budget so savings
in these' areas would do little
to cut down the overall
budget. , My approach to the
_question of economies ....and.
—•• Factory.
Plain or safety toe
142 The Square
Goderich,. Ont. •
next five years it will
probably be done. However I
understand Suncoast will be
building on the opposite side
of the road in 77 and until this
phase is completed it would
be foolish to pave the road
only to have it broken down
by heavy trucks and
machinery. As stated any
municipality should have
street maintenance as one of
its highest priorities, however
these construction and repair,
programs should be planned
to take advantage of such
programs as NIP etc so we
get the most , out of the
municipal dollar.-
At present assessment in
Goderich stand at about 60
percent residential and 40
percent commercial. Ideally
this shou)d be reversed. How
can this be achieved.
Fortunately or un:
frortunately, depending on
•your point of 'view; Goderich
is a residential centre. In
single unit dwellings we
exceed the provincial'
average by over 15 percent.
We also exceed the provincial
average .by more than 12
percent ' in the number of
retired and senior citizens.
For these reasons our
residential stock and
therefore assessment, is
greater than our commercial
The only way to change this
would be to have a dramatic
increase in industrial
development over a .short
period. Personally I don't
thank this is desirable. I think
steady planned growth is far
better than explosive growth..
When explosive growth takes
-place both community
planning ' and 'quality of life.
seem to suffer. Some of
communities to the north will
probably attest to this. So :
with planned development we
would not be able to over-
come the, assessment
problem in the short term so
its something we will just
have to live with.
In . what terms do you see.
Goderich 20 years from now?
How during the upcoming
term can the new .council
prepare for the future in.
terms oflong range financial
planning, servicing, tram
sportation, land acquisition,
I would like to see the town
grow steadily to about 10,000
to 12,000 in the next 20 years.'
As implied before I really
believe in planned rather
than explosive growth and it
is therefore the responsibility
of councils, new or old, to be
continually preparing for the
future. An updated forecast'
should be requested from the
planning . departrnents and
,the steps necessary to meet
the forecast planned for.
Short rangeplans should 'of
necessity be the most detailed
with longer range plans
allowing, for change, Help in
planning is available from all
the senior levels of govern-
ment..Possi"bly a 5*year, 10
year --and 20 year plan
covering your points would be
• Do you, feel public par-
ticipation is desirable? If so
what wouldyou do to increase
public . participation in the
affairs of the municipality?
I think public participation
is not only desirable but
essential. Part of my cam-
paign is designed to promote
more public participation in
the affairs of the community.
I would also like to see more
women on the more im-
portant Boards and Com-
'' mittees. Apart from Coun-
cilor Haydon the only com-
mittees with female
representdtion are Day Care
and The Rec Board. This is a
poor show 'as far as I'm
concerned. • F'emale
representation on Housing
Action, Planning Board: etc
would 'not only be desirable
but also prudent. •
Can citizens • fully and ac-
curately, understand ,,,the'
dealings of council through
-the local press?
Yes and No. The Goderich
Press and the London Press
give what I feel is first rate.
coverage '`to municipal af-
fairs. By. reading thepaper
one can know what is going
on, however to fully gun-
derstand what the problems
are, why they, were saved in
a particular way, takes a
little more involvement. I•.
wouldn't want to make it a
three ringed circus but I do'
think . more people should
The electrical rush hour -5 to 7 p.m.
Try to avoid it
`During the winter months, the,
rushplhour for electricity is
between 5 and 7 pm. That's
when more lights are turned on:
the heat is turned up, meals are
cooked; radios and TV sets
come on. These all add up :to.
create the rush hour for electricity.
Your Hydro' has toupply the •
power to meet this extra demand.
And the higher the demand, the
more facilities are needed...
more transmission Tines, trans-
formers, generating units... -all
Of ,course, you can't' turn
everything off at this time,"but
there are some things you can
do. Try,not to use the clothes.
washer, dryer, dishwasher and,
other big appliances during rush
hour. Don't turn on TV, until you
are ready to watch it. Take baths
or -showers later in the evening, •
or first thing in the morning.
If- enough of us use Tess
electricity during the rush ,hour,'
it will help to conserve valuable
resources, acid to keep costs down
contributing to the Cost of power.
Anything you can do to avoid
the rush hour will lighten the load.
While not wanting to redu a the spirit of Christmas, Goderich Public Utilities points out the
need to moderate the sitef.the Ijghting display as part of its conservation program.
It has also adopted the slogan of "Off until 7 p.m. and off again at bedtime" regarding
indoor and'outdoor lighting displays for homes, stores and offices.
• ••-•09-1)E.RICH•
your hydro
attend and observe council
sessions to see how the affairs
of ,their community are
handled, In some cases it
could be a real eye opener; I
also feel that anyone making
a presentation should have a
copy for the press,I'm sure it
helps you and makes your job
a little easier.
What motivates you to seek
election ' to Goderich Town
Council? "`'
Mymotives go along with
your•question 8. I believe that
people should participate in
the affairs of their conl-
munity and I feel with my
background I can make a
constructive andpositive
contribution to the com-
munity as a council member.
Candidates speak o
(continued • from page IA)
upgrading roads and sewers
in.the north east portion of the
town pointing out that by
upgrading ' the facilities
through NIP the town would
be getting half the costs paid
by the federal and provincial
"If you can get a 50 cent ,
dollar for roads you're going
to build anyway, you grab it,"
he said.
If the town becomes in-
in NIP it may pay half
the costs for upgrading the
roads and sewers in the area
bounded by Victoria Street
and Huron Road and the river
bank. The one problem
plaguing council is. whether
or not the town has the inoney..>
to pay, its half of the costs.
Mr. Harrison saidto the
Lions that other communities
are taking advantage of NIP
money and - asked why
Goderich shouldn't.
"It's my idea of a good
-deal," he said..
Elsa Haydon . told the
service club she had no.. in -
Also, and this may soundold
fashioned and corny, I believe
in Service, I served my
country in the Ak'med:Forces,
I belong to a service
organization and I feel as a
member of Town Council I
wilt have the rare opportunity,
to be of further service to our
community. Even if ,not
elected ,I will offer my er-
vices to carry out any task the
town may want to have me
I realize • the answers to
your questions are not nearly'
as complete as I or you would
have like them, if you_ want
me to expand en q,nypoint I"
would be most w=illing to do
so. Thank you for this op-
portunity to express some of
my opinions.
Ut ...f•
tention of commenting on the
Borg-Warner motion that
came before council, but felt
that the ` two candidates •
preceding her prompted her
to touch on the subject. She
said that it would be very
simple minded to assume that
anyone voting against the
motion council had belfore,
them ate -their Thursday af-
ternoon meeting was voting
against jobs. She backed her
comment by '•adding that
council voted in favor of a
motion, stating its intent to
make the Borg-Warner
agreement beneficial • to 'all
parties. Council passed a
motion to meet with
representatives of the
'company, the -town and the
ministry of the environment
to discuss all facts of the
argument. . - •
' "People who voted for the.
first motion today simply
didn't know what theyy were
talking about," said Mrs.
• She steered away from•
issues raised by. the can -
(continued on page 23A)
Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Town
of Goderich in the County.•of Huron that whereas more
candidates•'have been nominated to each of the following
offices. than the number required to fill such offices,
therefore polls will be held at the times and places stated in
this notice for the purpose of electing the holders, if such
offices. .
• Deputy Reeve
• Councillors.
• Goderich Public Utilities Commission. •
• Huron. and Perth Counties Combined Catholic Separate
School Zone Board.
• Separate school elector for the Huron County Board of
Date: Saturday November 27Th, 1976
Location: Municipal office
57 West Street
Date: Monday, December 6th, 1976
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 14
No. 5
No. 6
Na. 7
No. 8
No. 9
No. 10
No. 11
No. 12
No. 13
No. 15
57 Picton St. E.
148 Britannia Rd. E.
92 St. David Street
174 Regent Street
47 Raglan St. E.
10 Nelson St. E.
171 Brock Street
115 Victoria St. N.
225 Cambria Rd. N:
97 St. Patrick St.
57 West Street
56 Wellesley Street
187 Britannia Rd. W.
107 Britannia Rd. W.
187 Blake St. W.
All polls will be open from 11 o'clock a.m. until 8 o'clock p.m.
and no longer. .
A person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply to.
the clerk not later than 5 o'clock in the afternoon. of Tuesday,
November 30th, 1976 to receive a certificate to vote by proxy.
Given under my hand this 17th day of November 1976
J. Harold Walls Returning Officer
RRc11.9y_ . `Sky Harbour I milt
Klncard int 33 miles
H u•A 51