HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-12-02, Page 22'PAGE 0A—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY DECEMBER 2, 1976
Natural to analyse
. • • • ' • • , , .
.... proprietor of
electrical business
Mr. Graham declined a
Signal -Star offer to answer a
sat of questions put to all
, candidates for town council.
1.... housewife
. I -
(continued frompage 8A)
promise, one man is not
capable of fulfilling a
promise. He must answer to
and get support from eight
others on council. I must
point out that the paving f
Suncoast Drive w s
scheduled for 1976,- b
through budget restraints and --
uncompleted preliminary
work by the developer nec-
cessitated the work to be
postponed until 1977.
In retrospect the town has
berifikfitted by the delay.
Suncoast Drive will now
qualify for a subsidy, thereby
reducing the town's cost
burden. The development
south .of' Suncoast will also
help to offset the'tax cost to
the municipality.
Since assuming the'pOsition
as chairman of Works and
Engineering my first priority
was to develop a five year
road program for the Town of
Goderich with an alternate
five year -program.
Improvements, cannot be
made all at once but as
budget allows and on a
systematic projected plan.
Projects completed in '75,
'76 paving, curbs ana gutters
Eldon Street, Britannia Road
to Sunset; Vincent Street,
McDonald. Street', Blake
Street, Waterloo and Nelson
paving. Storm sewers,
Waterloo and Nelson Street,
Raglan, 'South and Keays
There is 'a, plan. instituted .
-that will tentatively set
project's over the next five
What special abilities If expenditures had to be.
cut during the coming term of
would you bring to the council
council where would you
• table? Many people have excellent economize? Harbor, airport,
abilities; the extent of ap-
parks, works and engineering
plying them makes a dif-
or other areas?
First I would want to see
Special? I am an ordinary what the specific) ex -
person whose aim iti. is topenditureare in each
make sure that a whole lot of categoryp before I am
ordinary people, of different *prepared to take a stand. For .
lifestyles, would be heard and instance, if there is urgent
respected. I have no personal need to upgrade the harbour
political ambition beyond facilities, I would weigh it
representing people in a against the requirements of a
manner in w.hich I would like • proposed major project for
to be represented.
the airport. In the works and I believe I have these engineering budget I would
qualifications for the task: personallyleave out • the
Being completely
Highway 21 South widening in
dependent, from any
favour of building sewers
interest group I am
, • where there aren't anY. So. it
sUbject tany degree of depends on the. nature and
direct or indirect private .
urgency of specific projects
rather than generalizing
• 0 • • interest pressures.
ndtistrialists looking at I have a natural inclination
about categories.,
Supplied and.set-viced
by M ,Loeb Limited
i However, as traditionally •
GOderich would also be aware to_analyse, reason and look at
of our plans. " re enough council
. the whole of something ,in-
I feel somewhat responsible stead of allowing myself to be members paying more at -
for not pushing more pushed into hastily arranged •tention to some categories
others, I have alwaysthought
and shrugging off someadamantly for this. • The decisions or being cornered
future council must develop by crisis situations. it is essential that somebody
this Master plan to deter the If -Cornered by a crisis
should promote and upgrade
pressure being placed on . situation I am not a ."fence -
the neglected areas and fight
them now. sitter''. I prefer to face. the
for the underdog, particularly
There are several projects music 'grid have it all Over
as at times an underdog
that are in the developmental with, the good and the bad out
subject at the council table
stage such as the widening,pf in the open, so that W'e can
may be one of much higher
Highway 21, the N.I.P.- turn our attention to the next
•4( priority with •• the public in
(Neighborhoci Improvement task.
Program), land' acquisition... Controversy does not alarm
for road - e•xtens ion, me. I do not find it difficult 'to •
Do you feel that the'.
revitalization Of the core take a stand, al,one, if •
Ministry. of Transportation
area, general upgrading , of necessary, and I always tell
and' Communication's
services, enlattement of the you •my reasons so that you
recommend% design • for the
pollution control plant; a new • can judge my values. At
widening of Highway 21
water tower and acquisition '• times an individual's solitary
through Goderich is the. best
of the water treatment plant. stand will bring into focus
With all these„: items being some aspect of' a situation pbssible solution?
NO, I don't: I • have never '
very much evident, it which may have, escaped our
been in favour of this project
behooves the new council to serious attention otherwise.
and I fail to recognize even
adopt or at ' least begin to I do not sulk. When 'the
adopt- the aforementioned "fight" is over (won or lost) I the urgency of the problemin
proportion' to, the . town's
mater plan. approach people and subjects •
overall requirements. •
The quality of life.we enjoy with a clean slate. Ido not
now and the quality of life we have personal feuds. . .
want for • our. future I haye great respect for the
generations to enjoy must be office of local government as
Drive would be paved iduring
protected-. by strict .control well as ' longstanding
the 1975-76 term. This has not
and the implementation of a . dedication to cOmpalete
be: donei, The inaugural
master plan. Let' s 'have openness in council work. On
address also said the main ,
growth at a reasonable and ' the surface this sentiment
planned constant, not growth• May sound 'overworked, but priority for the 75-79 term.
would be road improvement:
at all costs. . , ,. • allow me to remind you that
Do you think this promise has
at important portion of work been fulfilled? Where - does
."- Do you feel public par- is still • being done behind .been
imprOv ement- stand In.
ticipation is desirable? If so. closed, doors in 'the 'County
what would you d,o to increase and the Board of Education the order of priorities for the
• new term? • - •
public participation in .. the business on our b.ehalf. One .•
In Ontario,, a • Mayor's •
affairs of the inunicipality? cannot take -things- for 4 inaugural ' or olher..specir. it
I'ni not sue that the public. granted. ' ,. ..
promises amount to a nic 7.,
wants more participation. In These are son.' of: the
gesture.. of ceremony. Fig' hs
the last eight years very few, qualifications I attribute to the same one vote as any
have, attended council or . myself. You an judge frorn
other committee meetings. . my six years :of council work —other council member. He
Perhaps a survey could. be whether I am ° on the right— must "sell" his ,idea -to the
done to • see how much the track. Y
first arid then there must be'
public really wants to par-• . . . ney to- Implement
ticipate. '• •Do you, as a candidate, feel ' enough money
The Signal Star has kept the you'have the time necessary any undertaking in the usual
At present assessment in
Goderich stands at bout 60
percent residential and 40
percent commercial. Ideally
this—should be reversed. How
could thii be achieved? ,
Simply more industrial and
commercial growth and no
More -residential deli -land, as.
the taxation basis stands now.
The provincial government
sets the assessment on both
residential and commercial
properties. •." Perhaps 'When '
taxation based on market
value is implemented a more
equitable tax 'base will be
The government, realizing
this could become a political
football has arbitrarily
delayed this action to the
expense of the residential tax
In what terms do you see
Goderich 20 years from now?
How, during the upcoming
term, can. the new council
prepare for the future in
terms of long range financial
planning, servicing, tran-
sportation, land acquisition,
ete.? - - -
Looking at the projected
growth rates the population
will probably be 10,000 in 20
years. The new council will
have, to develOp a master plan
for the Town of Goderich to
accommodate the growth and
development in an orderly.
• manner.
In council'I have talked on
numerous occasions about
the development of such a
plan so that not only present
councils but also future
councils would know where
they're going and all
residents and prospective
The Mayor's inaugural
address promised Suncoast
. •,
public informed and aware of to attend all meetings of manner.
what council is dping and council and its committees To make his inaugural
address more meaningful a
what is taking place in the • and to be in attendance -
community. If that is not during the whole of these mayor could consult, the
council -elect beforehand, to
enough all one has to do is meetings?•
attend a few meetings -or Yes, definitely. I feel that obtain a'better idea of how
contact the elected officials. full participation is most sympathetic the majority
One assumes that the important. I have no patience may be to his plans and
majority of residents is either With council members who visions.
satisfied with the present are exceedingly busy with I am not trying to reduce
of the
council or is apathetic. their business or personal the importance
affairs and, with some degree -mayor's position, but in order
Can citizens fully and ac- of impatience, give only to , understand the Ontario
eurately understand the fragmentary attention to local government system and
dealings of council through council matters. We • seek to function within'. it ef-
council positions freely,
elected) it is very important
• the local press?
• No. Not *completely. They nature does not place it upon
to put this frequently
. •
fectively (as electors or
should attend meetings andus, therefore we should be
misunderstood basic pr in -
become more involved to ' prepared to give it all the
• ciple into proper focus that
fully understand and ap- time and energy the work
although a mayor can inspire
preciate the work,of council. requires. There is no other
a council, he has no real
Space dictates that the press way to be an effective council
. power over it and his position
deal in generalities not total member.
discussions verbatim. The (continued on page 14A)
background work, dealings,.
and discussions that evolve in
a decision are not normally
reported by the press.
The responsibility to inform
• is not totally up to the press
but partly up to the citizen
who must exercise his
responsibility in keeping
himself informed: I wonder` if
most people are as informed
. as they wish to be?
Whai motivates you to seek
election to Goderich Town
• Council?
. My motivation 'is to
maintain and improve the
quality of life in Goderich and
to have a direct input into
decisions affecting it.
No. 1 No., 1
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