HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-12-02, Page 20PAGE 8A .c ODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY DECEMBER 2, 1976
(Editor's Note) Mr. Bob
Allen chose not to follow the
form established by the
questionnaire and responded
to the questions in a general„
statement. It shouldhe_noted..
that Mr. Gower has not an-
swered a number of questions
responded'. to by the other
candidates; What , special
abilities would you bring to
council? If expenditures had
to becut, where would you
economize? Do you feel the
Ministry of Transport's
recommended redesign of -
Highway 21 . is the best
possible solution? Where does
road improvement stand in
the order of priorities? How
can ` a- more balanced
assessment be achieved? .In
what terms do you se
Goderich 20 years from now.
Do you feel public par-
ticipation is desirable? Can •
citizens understand the
dealings of council through
the local press? . What
motivates you to.seek election
to'Town Council?
All Mr. Allen has done is
review his activities in public
office•to date.
You have .asked whether I
had the time for council
meetings and committees. •
• It has been my pleasure on
the last council' to be chair-
man of the property com-
mittee, where we looked after
. all.town owned ,.buildings.
• Duing this term I have
prepared a feasibility study
to up -date the town hall; also
a study of the fire department
and police department. Thee
drawings and .reports have'
'now been to the appropriate
committees for their'
The MacKay Hall has had,.
major repairs to the roof etc.,
to keep•it functioning.
I worked on the report for
council to find the ownership
of Indian Island. This has
been concluded . and only a
right of way or easement is
yet to be negotiated.
{ I served on the tourist.
e committee, where •the -tourist
boothwas my responsibility,
. and an' extension of this
• committee was the Tri
Jubilee Committee, which
will make preparations for
our 150th Anniversary.
I served on the recreation
committee and this group has
had an awesome respon-
sibility thrust upon it. with the
closing` of the. arena. .I am
council delegate to the
building committee, which
has the re -construction
started, With completion date
set for March 1, 1977.
I served on the housing
action committee, where we
successfully negotiated the
building of 50 senior citizen.
' apartments. We also .worked
at getting the Ontario
Housing _renewal _program.
`• started to help citizens
• making under $12,500. . per
annum to update the stan-
dards of their homes. We are
also trying to set up a com-
mitment from . the federal
government for a Neigh-
borhood Improvement
•w �• program to up -date the.
services to the older sections
of the town, where these
services are required, .so that
paving of these areas can
finally be done and flooding
eliminated. We are also
working on a minimum
aintenance bylaw for the
town, which will make us
eligible for grants and
programs to : help keep
Goderich "The Prettiest
Town in Goderich".
„I. feel it is not whether a
councillor has the time, but
•that he makes it available to
do the town's business, even if
it means personal sacrifice. '
There are many decisions
to be made in the oncoming
term for Council, and I can
only promise to approach
them, willing to take the time
and effort to try and work out
thea best decision for the
people. of Goderich.
Thanking " you for this op-
.... DRMCO
What special abilities
would you bring to the council
table? . •
I would bring eight years of
Always. _available•
..., postman
What special abilities
would you bring to the council
My jnterestoin community
affairs and experience from
serving on various com-
mittees. '
Do you as a candidate feel
you have the time necessary
to attend ' all meetings of
council and its committees
and to be in attendance
during the whole of those
Yes - . as ' a committee
member over the past two
years I have made ' myself
available at any time to at-
tend all: meetings whether
regular or special. If elected,
I would commit myself. 'to
attend all meetings.
If expenditures had to be
cut during the coming term,
where would you economize?
Harbor, airlort, parks, works
and engineering or other
This would require careful
study and consideration but.•I
feel that it would be better to
assess each area individually
and then possibly reduce each
budget instead of eliminating
one area.
Do you feel that -the
Ministry of Transport's
recommended- redesign of
Highway 21 through Goderich
isthe best possible solution?
Public input meetings were
held on this design with a
Ministry representative in
attendance, therefore this
redesign is the best possible
solution arrived at under the
spendingrestraints set down
by the province..
The mayor's inaugural -
address promised Suncoast
Drive would be paved during
the 7$-76 term. This has not
been "done. The inaugural
address also said the main
priority ' for the 75-76 . term
would be road improvement,
Do you think this promise has
been fulfilled? Where does
road improvement stand hi
the order of priorities for the
.new term?
From my own observation,
from the Dependability People att.
I notice that Suncoast Drive' is
paved from Eldon to Sunset
Drive. I feel it would be a
waste of the taxpayers'
money to pave the remainder
of Suncoast until such time as
all underground services are
installed. Good roads are
important to a community
and therefore should stand
high in priorities.
At present assessment in
Goderich stands at about 60
percent residential • and 40
•percent commercial. Ideally
this.•should be reversed. How
can this•be achieved?
Active industrial promotion
by the town' would correct
this. •
, In what terms do you see
Goderich 20 years from now?
How, during the upcoming
term can the new . council
prepare " for the • future .in
terms of long range financial
planning, servicing, tran-
sportation; landacquisition'
etc? •
In twenty •years, I feel •
Goderich will still be a small
town of less than 12,000.
Reserve funds could be set
aside on . a yearly basis for
financing future' servicing,
transporta,t.ion, land
acquisition, .etc'.
Do- you feel public par-
ticipation is 'desirable? I:f so
what would youdo to"increase
public participation in the
affairs of the.municipality? , '
• Very much so. I would try
to impress to the public the
importance and personal
satisfaction gained by ser-
ving on com.niittees within
the community.
Can citizens fully and ac-
curately understand the.
dealings of council through
the local press?
Yes,. but all citizens are
welcome to attend council
What motivates you to seek
election to Goderich town.
As an interested citizen I
am most willing to 'devote'
time and energy to'make our
town' 'a "better place in which
Eight years experience
experience in municipal
politics. Two spent as deputy -
reeve,• six as finance chair-
man and the last two as
chairman of Works and
Engineering. I have been
Planning Board chairman for
six years, on the Landfill
Committee for eight years. I
have also served on the
parks, traffic arid airport
committees. I have served on
the Maitland Valley Con-
servation Authority - for two
years., and am now the
chairman of the Water
Management Advisory
Special committee work
involves the chairman of the
Court of Revision concerning
the South Storm sewer.
I have 'been a life long
resident of Goderich involved
in community affairs such as
treasurer of the Rotary Club
secretary treasurer of the
Pentecostal Church` . and
member . of the Board of
directors of the Maitland
Country Club.
As a former businessman I
have had a close contact with -
the community and am in-
terested in community affairs
and the quality of community
life in the area because they
affect me and my family.
Hopefully I have the ability
to make positive and
thoughtful decisions without
undue procrastination.
Do you, as a candidate, feel
you have the time necessary
to attend all meetings of
council and its committees
and to be in attendance
during the whole ofthese
Yes. - .My " record of at-
tendance for the past eight
years justifies my answer..I
haveattended at least 99
percent of required meetings.
If expenditureshad to be
cut during the coming term of
council where would.- you
economize? Harbor, . airport,
parks, works and engineering
or other areas?
Each committee feels its
expenditures are necessary,
but I feel we must look again
at our basic needs and what
taxation was designed for. -
Taxation was originally for
basic services required by the
town .e.g. education, water
and sanitary services,
transportation systems,
police and fire protection.
We have:gone from basics
to frills . which have raised
taxes to a prohibitive level.
Those on fixed incomes are
really caught in a squeeze.
The users of the frills should
bear the greater burden of the
We 'must re-examine our
priorities and those that go
beyond the necessary basica-
should be cut back first:
Do you feel that the -
Ministry of Transportation
and Communication's'
recommended designfor the
widening. of Highway 21
through Goderich is the best
possible solution?
The Mayor's inaugural
address promised Suncoast
Drive would be paved during
the 1975-76t term. This has not
been done. The inaugural
address also said the main
priority for the 75-76 term
would be road improvement.
Do you think this promise has
been fulfilled? Where does
road improvement stand in
the order of priorities for the
new term?
In reference to: the Mayor's
(continued on page 1QA)..
I solicit your support at
the polls on cember 6th. -
RespectfHly, 1VINCENT YOUNG'.
TO eooeRiex
as proven during his term as Chairman of .
the Goderich Area Housing. Action • Com-
POLLS..CALL 524-7807
'There could be an outbreak of flu in Ontario this winter.•So
your Province is recommending vaccination against both
swine flu and Victoria flu for people age 65 and older, and
people age 20 and older who have certain chronic
illnesses such as diabetes, heart, lung or kidney disease:
We plan to vaccinate them with one inoculation before the
diseases strike—.if they strike.. There is no charge.
We are also offering no -cost swine flu vaccination to
other people age 20 and older who Want to be vaccinated.
But no one: will be required to accept vaccination: it is a
personal and voluntarydecision.
What these flus are •
Both 'flus are caused.by contagious viruses that spread
directly from one person taanother, just like the common
° cold. (Swine flu is not caused by eating pork.)
Swine flu is suspected of being similar to the 1918-19 flu
which was responsible for the deaths of 20 million people
world-wide, including 45,000 Canadians. Victoria flu was
responsible formally deaths and illnesses as recently as
last winter.:; +•
The symptoms are usually fever, muscle aches,
headaches, chits -and coughing. It takes one to three days.
from the time the varus gets into your system until you start
feeling 111. The flu lasts two to seven days. With severe
infections, flu can kill. Swine flu can kill within 24 hours.
Ontario's no -cost vadcination program
To ward off these two flus, Ontario's 44 local Medical
Officers of Health will administer a province -wide , •
vaccination program. Dates, places and times of clinics in.
your alea will be announced.
kilVY of Ontario's 2,200 public health nurses will carry
out the actual vaccinations, Some family physicians will,be
vaccinating their own,chronically-'ill patients. Your Ontario
Government pays all costs.
Vaccinations will be given with traditional needles or with
fast painless air spray injectors that shoot a light spray of
ThisTs how
tario's no -cost
will work.
vaccine through the skin of the arm. The injector can
vaccinate 1,000 people an hour, and it has been. used
safely for many years. Flu vaccination does not leave a
Possible side effects for those who should be
vaccinated •-
Most people will have no side effects from this vaccination.
Serious•side effects are rare, but they can occur - as with
any vaccination. Minor side effects can include a sore arm,
headache, fever and muscle aches, lasting one or two
days. If these minor.symptoms persist, contact your
doctor. Protection through vaccination starts in about three
weeks and will probably last a year or rnore.
Who shouliNOT be vaccinated
° 'If you are allergic'tochicken eggs, chicken or chicken -
feathers, don't be vaccinateiiat all, becay"se the vaccine is
made from chicken eggs and cah cause a severe reaction.
If you have- fever, acute respiratory or other active
infections, don't be•vaccinated while you are ill. No one
'should.be vaccinated for swine flu -within 14 days before or
after any other vaccination.
Flu vaccine will protect 80 to 90 per cent of those •
vaccinated — but there is no drug or antibiotic to cure flu,
so vaccination is desirable.
For further inform -Aon about the flu vaccination program,
contact your -hit -al public health unit.
Ministry of Health
Frank Miller, William Davis, -
Ministelk,, - Piemier
Province of Ontario