HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-11-25, Page 18COLBOERNECORNER 6.111.11111011.1111.1111111.11.1111.1111
those in attendance were then.
answered by the panel.
It was the consensus of the.
panel and the audience that
. there is a need • for sex
education, both in the schools.
and the home and the earlier
this is started the better.
Please plan to attend the
next meeting wh'7ch will be
held •in January 1977 at
Robertson Public School.. The
topic will be "Parents and
Teachers Wqrking
TheGoderich • P-olice'
Department was.. called to
w investigate four accidents
during the past week, two of
.which resulted in major
damage estimates.
A .two -car collision at the
Intersection of Bruce and
Victoria Street resulted in a
total damage estimate of $480
to vehicle.- -'riven by Clement
Desje 4iines,.60 Albert Street,
Goderich and Mildred
Montgomery ,,RR4
The •Desjardines Vehicle-:"'
was backing out of a parking
position on Victoria Street
when it was struck .by the
Montgomery vehicle.
Damage to the Desjardine
vehicle was estimated at $80
and "$400 to• the Montgomery,
vehicle. There were no
A single car accid.ent..
November 20 resulted in $500
damage to a vehicle driven by
.Stephen Chase, 137 Warren
Street, Goderich after it came
into • collision with a hydro,
pole on Maple Street: There
`'wereno injuries.
also mentioned the donation
--f a hand knit' 'rogue by Mrs.
urdy of 'Hensall. Mrs,
'Alexander won the auction.
There will be no more
meetings of the Auxiliary now
until March -31 when the
annual meeting will be held
with the election of officers.
'Could. you use a
' ,
If a $200 bonus for,, buying a new car :'Fall
drive yqu happy, tOda'y's the day to see JIM
HAYTER C#IEV for a Chevette or,'Vega?
•* p,-4
You have until Decembe00, 1976 to place. •
a factory order and specify they model, color
and equipment you really want.
Or you can buy from JIM ,HAYTER
CHEV'S stock on hand up.to January 10th,
1977 and stijl get your $200. bonus.
All Chevetteaid Vegas' come with four -
cylinder econo :° and •. the kind of per.,
formance./and alit ¢ keep'. you happy .a
• long 'time
Okay isn't that the happiest news you'v,
heard today? ,A r$200 G ,;;;bonus for buying
that Chevette lira Ve ,gilt .now..-.. ,from
Across the Road from Culbert's Bakery
5 ML 10 BAG PKG. 83c
10 BAG PKG. 43�
4AG5 IO BAG PKG: 38c
Monday, December ° G6,
Colborne Township residents
will have a chance to vote for
council members and trustee
on Huron. County Board of
Education.. In the Colborne
Township Council, Doug
'McNeil as Reeve and Norman
Durst as Deputy Reeve have
been put in by acclamation
for another term. The three
council members, Russell
Kernighan, Grant MacPhee
And Wm. Bogie are in
cumbent and seeking another
term as c cil members
with Robe (Bob) Jewell
challenging'"' or a seat on
council' for the first time.
Mrs.' Shirley Hazlitt is in the
running for trustee on Huron
• County. Board of Education.
Particulars • in regard to
Shirley'Hazlitt''s platform will
be found elsewhere in this
There will be .poling
r'Stations in .Saltford, Ben -
miller, Carlow and the Sunset
Golf Club; off highway 21
north. Check where you vote.
We- ask . you please make a
special effort end get out to
vote Monday:
Colborne .__T.o._wnship
Recreation Committee met
d evening, November 22 in Carlow Hall. Institute' meeting will be this
of special interest to many
and proving' -.to be worthwhile.
If anyone wishes to join make
your wishes known to Mr.
Hoernig or the Recreation
Comfnittee, Did you ever
think how you would benefit
healthwise by anticipating in
this form of recreation.
Cross • Country Skiing
There • also was a meeting
regarding. this project.
recently. There •will be an
outing in January 1977 and
anyone interested please
contact. Mr. Hoernig, phone
524-6976. In connection. with
the skiing, the section on the
Maitland. Trail from Auburn
to the Little Lakes Is ideal for,
this sport.
Plans are being made • for
card parties in. •Colborne
Township Hall, ,. Carlow,'.
euchre and 500,' starting in
January 1,977, on the second
and fourth Tuesday of every
month. Talk this over with
your friends and : further
particulars will be in
"Bulletin Board" or other-
wise in the Signal and in this
column next month.
After further discussion on
various matters and business
being concludedt was moved
that the meeting be ad-
i.uronviery Auxiliary plans Christmas fair
The November . monthly
meeting of the Huronview
Ladies Auxiliary was held
,,,,,Monday-,-- November 22.
President Mrs. Wilfred
Colclough was in charge.
The financial report by
treasurer . Mrs • Mary
Robinson showed a balaice of
$392.91. A discussion followed
on the proceeds of the fall
Mt, Seston, assistant at
Huronview,, demonstrated
and informed the ladies of the
need for wheel chairs, par-
ticularly those for geriatric
patients. Mrs. Webster and
Miss Peck moved the motion
that was later approved, to
purchase two chairs from the
proceeds from the -bazaar.
Mrs. • Mattie .McGregor,
convener of -crafts, niade a
donation of $500 to Mr. Seston
for .eeotlier worthy project
,at Huronview, thelift, . < Mrs. Scratch ,who was
absent for' a month,_made a
donation to the Auxiliary. She
also informed the members of
the coupon box at the home to
collect Zehr's coupons.
Seaforth ladies are to be in
charge of the Christmas Fair
on December 6 Tor residents
Christmas . shopping. It was
noted the Town Seaforth
will be making a : ribution
of Christmas Fair gifts.
'Winners of the draw for
groceries at A and. P in the
Suncoast Mall areas follows:
on Monday Tiger Dunlop Women s Kn X oriatos
Mrs. Ruby Bylsina and :Mrs.
Wm. Treble, Londesboro;
• Mrs. Stoll, Kippen; Miss
Mary Gibbings, Huronview,
The monthly birthday party
PTA meeting
will be in the char8e of the
Huronview Ladies Auxiliary.
The president reminded all
members to firing two dozen
cookies to the Christmas Fair
ex education
Sex education in the schools
and at home.. What is being
done and is there a' need .for
This was the topic for
" discussion at the' Goderich
Home and School meeting on
November 18 at the. Victoria.
Public School.
A panel Y of professionals
Was introduced by Mrs, Sandi-
D.avidson :which -consisted of =
1VIr `D ErBi len;:Principal. of
Victoria Public School Mr.
G. Harland, Principal. of
Robertson Public School; Dr.
P, .Stein, Psychiatrist; Miss
Margaret McLean, Public
Health. Nurse; Miss Sharon
.Kirkey, R.N.; , and Mr. B.
Eckhart, Superintendent;
Huron -Perth Separate
Each panel, member gave
an up-to-date account of what '
is being done in the way of sex
education in his or•her par-
ticular area. Questions,,;,fro�rn
for the residents. Blyth ladies
offered to come early to help
with some -of the
The president
acknowled$ed the abundance
of baking which: contributed
• to the successful bazaar. She
Owing to the inclement Thursday, November 25, in • wasa slim.ie
weather thereColborne Township . Hall.
attendance. The president, Reports will be given from S . t O M.
Mr. Wm. Bogie chaired the delegates - to the Huron
Meeting. Reports were heard County Rally in October, also The November meeting .of.`,
regardingprojects during the speaker, on Pro Life. Mem- Knox Church WMS Afternoon
^ year. The swimming classes bers are reminded to bring Auxiliary was - held in the '
this past summer were a donations for"Children's Aid church . parlor, Tuesday,
decided success .with 81 Society Christmas giving. November 16. The president
children learning to swim. Come and bring a friend opened the meeting with a
Those in charge report no everybody welcome: short meditation and.
problems arose and everydne members joined in singing
co-operated. A special thanks Hymn 382. Mrs. . ,Edward
is extended to those that were SOCIAL NEWS spoke briefly mentioning
in charge and `organized the Colborne Central School special items of interest in the
swimming project - you have report there will be no classes Glad Tidings. Minutes of last
done a great deal for the.,. this Friday, November 26, as meeting were . read and
children of Colborne Town- it . is Professional Develop- adopted and roll. call showed'
ship. ment Day. The Colborne 29 members and two visitors.
Bill. Jewell reported en the • Central School will hold their present.
-: softball activities -this past
mp Kintail
Christmas Concert Monday; Items of business were
summer: Over one hundred • Deceinber20. promptly attended to- moved
children took part in softball The students • are . quite= by ' Mrs, Erskine and
with five boys' teams, com= active making arrangements seconded by Mrs, F. Lodge
prjrsing oversixty boys and for putting a float that we have our December
three gir1steams with over 40 Christmas parade December meeting_ a week -earlier,
girls playing. They report an 4. Tuesday, December 14. Mrs.
active season playing with There. will be a Volleyball James Horton and Miss Hazel
teeing from Hullett, Auburn; Tournament at G:D,C.I. that Macdonald were reported in
Stanley and.. Goderich the senior students will take hospital and several mem-
Township ,and in the inter- part in on December 18;hers convalescing at home:
township games three of: the • Colborne Central school
Cards of thanks were read
boys' teams, senior, junior. students are also entered into • from . Mrs. Ernest Bogie and
and tykes, won trophies and, the Knights of 'Columbus family, Mrs. R. Bell and Mrs.
;the senior, .,girls were alSso - Basketball Free Throw at' James appreciated cards
winners. Whether they win or G°D.C.I. on December 11: , sent them recently.
lose the . children derive We are sorry to report the Mrs: Enright, Literature.. '.
° considerable benefit from the principal, Mr. John . Kane, Secretary reported • several.
sport A;pecie»hanks to the had an unfortunate accident interesting books available to.
coaches and all who take the recently, but in spite of the the members for reading,
- time to 1p in the softball handicap he is able to carry Study book program for nxt
project it on and we wish him a speedy. year .'was explained and
The Snowmobile Club hada recovery, approved. Treasurer's report
meeting Thursday evening was received and adopted on
with a splendid attendance We are pleased to report, motion of.Mrs, G. G.
which showed keen interest in Larry Mitchell, Goderich, MacEwan and Mrs. Stokes.
this sport. At this meeting formerly of . . ColborneMembers brought their mite:
they chose a new executive Township is home making bones to this meeting and
with the- exception of the favourable progress from. the Mrs. Straiton, supply
president, Butch MacLaren, painful accident he had a secretary, reported $68.32 has
who has been very in- couple of month; ago. been received,- Offering was
strumental in the suecess of • Also Mr. John Henderson, received anbd dedicated.
the club and who is acting as Carlow, has returned home . Devotions for the meeting
after ' being • a patient in were in charge Of Mrs. Ron.
Alexandra Marine . and McCallum, Mrs. Frank
General Hospital, Goderich Wilcox and Mrs. Don Croft, ..
forseveral weeks. who., jointly. .gave an in,
Mrs. James Horton is at teresting account or the i
present in Victoria Hospital, highlights in the life of Eunice' `•
London where shehas un-: andi Lois as found in, II`-
dergone surgery for her knee-. Timothy and Priscilla:; as '
injury in her recent accident..
We are pleased to report she
is improving and hope she
will soon be back to Goderich,
found in Acts 18, and Phoebe
Rom. 16, women of the Bible.
Mrs: Edward thanked the
ladies for their interesting
discourse of the characters
The matter of giving
financialaid to Camp Kintail
project *was •discussed and it
was moved: by Mr's. G. G.
MacEwan and ';seconded, by
Mrs. Crooke that we give
$50.00 to Camp Kintail project
from Mite Box receipts.
The meeting closed with the
singing of a hymn followed by
the • benediction, after which
president for another term.
This club is also quite active
and a special thanks to all
who devote time for the
furtherance of this sport and
anyone wishing membership
• please contact Butch
MacLaren. Fee is $10.00.
Mr. ' Hoernig reported on
the Maitland Trail. This is a
project whichis certainly
going ahead and fast gaining
enthusiasm. They have made
considerable progress this
past year and have made ,
many improvements in the
walk, especially in the walk
from B,.rtrniller to the Palls.
"Pus is one recreation tiroiect
'all enjoyed agocial half hour
The company I . represent
insures •
one out of five persons
in Canada and the U.5,
Don't you want
to do business
with a leader, too? .
9 Percival St, Clinton
N 482-7703
To The Citizens Of Tho;;
Town of Goderich
As Directed 'By Resolution ..
Of The Municipal Council
1 hereby Declare
Wednesday, Dec. lst, 1976
Flag Dedication Day
6.. J. Shewfelt-__
1 ..