HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-12-23, Page 8Christmas Greetings AT TIM CLOSE OF THIS EVENT- FUL VENT-1+ LTL YEAR, WE TAKE TIM OP- PORTUNITY OF WISHING OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS A JOY- OUS AND BOUNTIFUL CRRIST- ;�tAS AND A NEW YEAR, WHOSE B7,F,SSING WILL EXCEED THEW& GREATEST EXPECTATIONS. ti Highest prices paid for poultry and all Produce. J. A. Stev:a.rt q -N A Happy Christmas and , Prosperous Ne Year to all And happy you Will be if you buy your Furniture from us. As we are offering the whole of our large stock at greatly reduced prices on our already low prices. Be sure: you get in on the big bargain sale. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY We have a fine motor hearse in connection with our business. Everything up-to-date. WE Phone 20J and 20W. `7^i"`a{,.^ � 3I�1csP` 'e,4n`3°rw �. 'ci. ale* y�(,^�,1,.9.,n ,.4Ar *** a� : ` is . e°`�(°'•:Td�� ,.a, Jj4 "," "5" rip r�' `ib •]t ,• „N' 9 "Who sows no seed, no harvest reaps" �c 2+ The BEST CHRISTMAS AS GIF` -An Independent Future A small monthly payment, or a Lump sum, -paid in advance, will assure to young and old a Canadian Government Annuity of from $5o to $5,000 a year for life payable monthly or quarterly. May be purchased "` on a single life, or on two lives jointly. Employers may purchase * for their employees. • Apply to your postmaster, or write, postage free, to S. T. Bastedo, Superintendent of Annuities, Ottawa, for new booklet and other c information required, Mention age last birthday and sex. . ` i"'y 4646 �,jib' **3if'"3 ****"'f,`'$, 1Ce31fi�31fie. * 1 2 9 9 9 9 e*'1 9 9 9 Furniture Bert i We wish to announce to the public that we can now supply a motor hearse in connection with our under taking business, Eo Gardiner OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hall, two sons and daughter, of the West, are 'visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. Eliott and other relatives in town. Mrs. W. Glen, of Hensall, was ap- pointed a member of the Women's Executive of the U. re W. O..; in To- ronto, last week. Y. P. C. A. The programme of the sports and games of the Y. P. C. A. will be pub- lished innext week's issue, also the educational programme for Wednes- day day evening. The rooms are in • course of preparation and will, when complete, he very suitable and at, tradtive. All who desire to become members who have already subscrib- ed their names and all intending to join either+ gentletilenor ladies, may now do so by' paying the fee of $5» for men and $2 for ladies, and $2 for' boys under 15 years of age, to ivtr. Cole, who will give ;a receipt and also the meni.bership button, • PHONES 74W and 743. waprunt...11 The English Church Sunday School held an entertainment in the Dome Theatre on Tuesday even- ing when a film, "Jack of the Bean Staulk" was shown. The picture was real good and was thoroughly en- joyed by the large audience present. Previous to the entertainment a Christmas tree was held in the town hall. Mr. Maurice. Harvey and Miss Gladys Harvey, wb.o ha''e• been at- tending school in London, I1ave re- turned home for the holidays. , Mr,., Will .1\fanson, who has been attending Pharmacy at Toronto, was successful in passing the Junior^ ex. aminations with and class.hoirors. Out of a class ,of 192, Will stood 24th, 21 having secured first -Class honors, This speaks Well for Will es he 'was the youngest stttclent tak- ing the pharrnaoy course this sea- s g01r., k T1 Marthe report Report r the ExeterlloWing 10 Market oorrected every Wednesday. Wheat $L75. Oats 50e, Barley 65 to 75e I+"nmily' flour $5.80. Shorts $2.25 per 100 lbs. Bran $2,00 per 100 lbs. Feed hour $3.00, New laid eggs $1,00 a dozen. Held eggs 55e Creamery Butter 63e Dairy Butter 54e to 57o Lard 32c. Ilogs. $14.50. Potatoes $1.25, Xmas Gift Suggestions SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. Framed pictures for the home. All prices. Serving trays, oval, square and oblong. Priced up to. $5.50. Statuary, very suitable for gifts, Priced up to, $8.00. Cameras, for young and old, priced up to $35,00. Snap Shot Albums, large choice. Priced up.to $4.00. Photograph frames in French Ivory, Silver, Gilt and hand -carved wood. Christmas Cards, booklets, tags, seals and calendars in great variety. SENIOR STUDIO and ART STORE. 41,0941seilt,V494esa.ro1),a.O V,ae.s*eo♦ LOCAL • THE CITIZEN RELIEF COMMIT- TEE will be pleased to receive any little donation for Christmas Cheer. The same may be left at Mr. S. Fit - ton's store. School closed on Wednesday after- noon. Miss Alberta Horton, of Toronto, is holidaying at her home. Mr. D. B. Sanders of Woodstock is visiting with relatives in town. Miss Laura Hooper, of Toronto, is visiting at her home over Christ- mas. Mrs. S. Parsons spent - the fore- part of the week visiting relatives at Erieau. Mr. Clifford Brimacombe, of Ford, is spending the holidays with his parents. The closing school concert by the public school was held Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Douglas Stewart, of Toronto, is spending Christmas holidays at his home. Mr. R. E. Southcott of Toronto University, is spending the holidays at his home here. Messrs. James and Bruce Walker of Toronto, are home spending Christmas holidays. Mrs. C. Finkbeiner, of Crediton, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Esli Heywood, of town. Mrs. Finkbeiner of Crediton, is spending the winter mouths with her daughter, Mrs. E. Heywood. Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Roberts and son Lawrence. of Exeter,. visited friends here. `Parkhill Gazette, • Mr. Harry Sweet, of Windsor, is spending a couple of weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sweet. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Elliott and little daughter are spending Christ- mas with relatives at Marlette, Mich. Mr. Gordon Ford and wife of Flint, Mich., are visiting the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Welsh, of Toron- to, are visiting the former's brother, Mr. Wm. Welsh, London Road, north. Mrs. I. Hall, of Exeter North, Ieft last week to visit for a few months with her daughter, Mrs. Rinshed of Detroit. Mrs. Earl Whiting and babe, of near Parkhill, are visiting the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. ICestle. Mrs. (Rev.) J. W. Down, of Pick- ering, is visiting her mother and sis- ter, Mrs. J. C. Tom and Mrs. W. D. Yeo. Mrs. Robt. Alexander, of the boun- dary, spent the past weak in town visiting her sister, Mrs Thos. Tier- Pick. Tuesday, December 21st was the shortest day in the year, The days will gradually lengthen . out from now On. Misses Ruby Parsons and Verde, Rowcliffe 'bave returned home from London where they have been at- tending school, .A. Christmas tree and entertain- ment wi71 be held at Bethany, Fri- day evening. A good program. Everybody welcome. Mr. Charles Ford, of Hamilton, has resigned his position in that city and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ford. Mr. E. J. Bertram was hi Goder- ich 'last week attending a meeting to arrange for the hockeyy schedule for this district. Mr. 1I'., Z. Welsh, 'who has been visiting in New York, visited his aster, Mrs. W, ,i. Bissett, before re- turning to his home ixi Iialamazoc, EXETER TIMES With the C irc1es CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN caruiGCf Rev. Janes Foote, B. A,, Minister 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible classes. Regular services next Sabbath. at 11 a.m. and 7 P.M. Prayer service. 'Thursday evening at 7:45. JAMES STREET 1VII!1THQ»IST C.kiCU1t a Rev, M. J, Wilson, B.A., rastor. 11.00 a.m.-Christmas sermon. Anthem -"Unto Us a Child is Born." Anthem -"Arise, Shine, for Thy Light is Come, 3,00 p.m. --Christmas programme by the Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. - Christmas sermon. Duett-"When T Survey." Isaac Watts. Misses Hazel Snell and C. Parsons. Anthem -"Behold Thy King." MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Goo. letcAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3.) 11.00 a.m.- -"The Shepherds." 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible classes. "7.00 p.m. -'The Magi." DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractor William and Sanders streets. Tues- days, Thursdays & Saturdays, hours 10 a.m. to 4.30 p:na. Consultation and examination free at office: FOR SALE -Two-storey frame house and 2 acres of :land in Exeter. Lots of small fruit and orchard. Ap- ply at The Times office. NOTICE. Having dissolved the partnership between C. L. Wilson and S. W. Sims all accounts are now due and must be paid at once. WILSON & SIMS ---s NOTICE. I wish to inform the public that I have started a livery at Baker's livery stable and will be glad to sup- ply anyone with a horse at any time. CLYDE HEYWOOD. - • 5 RE -OPEN LIVERY STABLE. Mr. William Hodgert wishes to announce that he has re -opened his livery stable for the winter. Phone 117J or leave orders at the Central Hotel. A Christmas Tree and Entertain- ment in James Street Methodist Church, Thursday, December 23rd. Admission 25 cents. Everybody wel- come. "I should worry" about Xmas. Cake when you can buy the good old fashioned kind at Statham's 49c. lb. Exeter. C. O. F. NOTICE. A meeting of the members of the C.O.F. will be held on Wednesday, December 29th, LOST -Saturday evening between Exeter and 2 ye miles east,: a Sable muff. Finder please leave at Jones & Mays store. Mrs. James Wanless, who was called to Exeter, owing to the illness of her father, Mr. L. Hardy, has re- turned to her home in. Duluth. Mr. Hardy is much improves in health and is able to be out. Mr. W. J. Carling, who has dis- posed of his farm at 'Brighton, is visiting with relatives in town.. Mr. Carling intends moving to Exeter as soon as he can secure a suitable residence. His many friends welcome him back. Tion. W. M. Martin, premier of Saskatchewan, has been the guest of his parents, Rev. W. M. and Mrs. Martin, of London. He returned to his home in Regina by way of Chi- cago and Minneapolis. In the latter city he was joined by his brother, Dr.. Beatty Martin, of the Mayo Hos- pital, Rochester. ri FOF What would be nicer for a Xmas gift than an el- ectric fixt� Lire or table lamp? We J. Beer. L • CARLING B. A. THURSDAY, am4"l.n'illlal.2' 2o. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Melsons. Banns, Etc, Buy Province Of Ontario Gold Bonds $1,000 pond due 1035 at S943.40. :500 Bond due 1035 at $471,70. 'leo yield 6.60 per cent interest. Interest half yearly at any Bank. BUY VICTORY BONDS AT THE MARKET PRICE Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest OFFICE: -Carling.. Block Main St., Exeter Powell's The place of big Xmas doins -Every Christmas brings joys and loads of fancy Chinav are, Fandy Teapots, Jugs, Cups, Saucers, Por- ridge Sets, Berry. Sets, Sugar and Cream Sets, Tea Sets, Aluminum Ware, Hair Brushes, Combs, • Station- ery, .Toys, Dolls, Decorations, etc., to this store. Rome -made candy,- big assort- ment of the best grades of Choco- lates, loose, and in fancy packages. The place of big Christmas doings. GOLD FISH,-ACQUARIUMS. Presents for everyone, at very low prices. Twenty-five phonographs and over 3,000 records, some at reduc- ed prices: u --"Come early and avoid the rush." Your buyings are ap- preciated here. POWELL'S BAZAAR Phone u5. The Home of the New Edison Read C. H. Skelton's advt. on the saving of coal, page 5. FOR SALE -One second-hand 3 horsepower gasolene engine, over- hauled and in good working order. Will be sold with money asked. One nearly new Fairbanks -Morse 81/4„ in. grinder and bagger. New Fleury "Rapid Easy" grinders, Vessott or Joliette grinders and Fleury roller crushers.` W11I. WARD. DON'T WORRY About the high price of suits. You won't need a new suit if you will let T. H. ELLIOTT do your Clean- ing, Pressing and Repairing. Agent for The American Dyers and Dry CIeaners, London, Ont. T. II. . ELLIOTT SUDDEN SERVICE SHOP A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office -McDonnell's Sales Stables on John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w UThe GREATeST Ili l' IN YEARS 1)..'dieeto,1 to the toiled ed Varmers q n a and composed by the gull -know„ SONGsong writer, Mr Morris Manley, i y NV'ords and Mesio 35c, postage liminiarigammo prepaid. Address: CROCiii,a P u ss, 'LustiTL'p, Publishers, 48 aad 5p.. Lombard Street, Toronto, Out, USE "DIAMOND DYES" Dye right! Don't risk your material. Each pack- age of "Diamond Dyes" con- tains directions se simple that any woman can diamond -dye a new, rich color into olcl garinenta; draperies,, coverings, every- thing,. whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. • Buy "Dia> fond Dyes" -no ;other hind -then perfect re- sults are guaranteed even if you have never dyed before. Druggist has "Diamond Dyes Color Card" 16 rich colors. We all want friends Who ex- pect much, Who will havee faith in us, who Will spear helpful. words to us, who will inspire no. We need in- kspiration more than we need infor- cation TIM 4X.)II'T.ER TIMES i' Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made known on application. Stray Animals -One insertion 500 ,three insertions for $1.00 r Farm or Real Estate for lisle 600 each insertion for one month of four insertion, 14liscellaueous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and found locals 25c. Local reading notices etc., 10e per` line per insertion. No ,notice ' less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction sales $3 for one insertion. and $1.50 :for each subsequent in sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advertising 10c and 5c el line. Apples Wanted I will pay 25c a hundred for Tolman Sweet apples...I am also in ,:; position to buy a limited quantity of hard appels. O. K, Steam Cider Mill running every day, pressing cider, cooking apple, butter. Custom'work done as .rapidly as possible. Sweet cider and apple butter for sale. .. J. V. C�; Exete r Phone 115. Plan oar Christmas- Shopping no if you get .it here its ail right It's easy to upset good form with an out of form tie. That's why it so often happens. The remedy is here in good form Ties, Scarfs and Four-in-hands. Gloves,Collars, Shirts, everyything in Men'A Outfit - tinge correct to t"he minute. OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK IS HERE W. NV. T . M A N p 0 N F. 8 'rtget�as "o-�re a MIEMEMMOZZOr ii."n „\ i �7;;:.\e� ' _ yNE \tet i/ 1i �;11E \ I i/ \ „ : ke //y `�� iat' O*-. SOUT-HCOTT BROS. At this Season there is. one good old custom. we like to fo! I w.._ex tenpin .the 4g.ad hand" to all our friends and c ice! s t o p s ,i e r s. S or , we wish' you, One and all.. 1 the Merriest of A. Merry Ohristmas and a Good and Prosp r^ sus New Year. SOU'I-IIC .. ;+4 • 'ulcer; eel