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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-11-18, Page 33{ GODE,RIC SIGNAL-STTAR, TI-iURS AY, NOVEMBER 18,,,1970. -PAGE 1T .' 'ri!Ym- M 12. AUCTION SALE. 12. AUCTION SALE ESTATE AUCTION SALE of Real estate, furniture and appliances for the Estate of the late CHARLES CUNNINGHAM to be held at 118 Gordon Street, Clinton, Ontario, first street south of Railway tracks on Highway 4. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20th at 10 A.M. Property consists of a two storey fr m house on a lot 66 x 132. Property will beoffered`subje to reasonable reserve bid at 11 a,m. For further information or yi trig of property phone: Richard Lobb,'Auctioneer a 2-7898. "Note" a good home for a handyman or investment property. TERMS 10 percent down flay of sale, balance in 30 days. • Household effects, upright piano; piano bench; large parlour table; book shelf; old record cabinet; Westinghouse medium size chest freezer; Inglis. fridge; Frigidaire electric stove; Sanyo combination washer dryer; wringer washer; treadle sewing machine; wardrobe with mirror doors; antique chest of drawers; 2 chest of drawers, iron bed and mattress; wooden bed and mattress; blanket box; trunk;dresser; top for old corner cupboard; recliner chair; large braided rug. Ford car be sold as is. .Also selling at the same location for a Clinton Estate Admiral square model fridge (real good); chrome table and chair set; electric stove, chesterfield and chair; RCA floor model TV; Portable TV nearly new; TV trays; pole lamp; oil lamp; 3 steel beds; 2 new mattresses; odd chairs,; fisherman's kit; . crock; 1968 Meteor car as where is; small kitchen ap- pliances; dishes and glassware; some hand and garden tools plus other items not mentioned. Selling by number • TERMS --CASH Not responsible foraccidents day of sale. RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEERS R.G. GETHKE- CLINTON - BORN HOLM AUCTION SALE . . SATURDAY, NOV. 20 • For Earl Montgomery, Tel: 527-1044, 34 John St., Seaforth, 1 block west of Main St. centre of town (extensive), 10:30 a.m. sharp. Antiques, furniture; blacksmith, carpenter and garden tools, cutters, etc. Child's press back high chair (family heirloom excellent), linen fold tear drop pulls, commode chair; dining table and 6 chairs, chest drawers, organ stool, drop leaf pantry table (exc.),.sewing machine, 2 old radios, cuckoo clock, 2 trunks, night table, 2 pine dough boxes, oak arm chair, assortment rare old walking canes, 2 cook stoves including Beech, Beaver sealer, brass candle holders, 4 oil lanterns, box new lanternglass, coaloil lamps, Quebec heater. (exc.), glazed. chamber pot,•picture frames, rare antique coffee table, coal skuttles, flat irons, team harness, iron hangers, high collar tops, 3 buffalo robes, assortment horse blankets, string of back bells, Walking plow,•buggy wheels. SPECIAL: CUTTERS - OVERLAND STEEL BODY 3/4 speed bells on shaft, wooden cutter original stencils, team cutter pole, double trees and neck yoke. BLAC-KSMITH- EQUIPMENT 2 lame anvils--2_farges, 3 vices, corks for horse shoes and nails, large assort- menc blacksmith tools, chisels, saws, .tongs, etc., 2 rubber tired 3 ton wagons, hay fork rope, chains. SULK EY JOGGING CART good Gond., feed box,- 20" gas ., lawn mower, cylinder cut lawn mower, rubber hose;, (new) waterless toilet and chemicals, studio couch and 2• chairs, 3 beds and mattresses, office swivel chair, wringer washer, . wicker olothes basket, (new) stainless steel flatware, some dishes and linens, many other items too numerous to list. NO RESERVES — TERMS'OE„SALE CASH PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD GARDEN & FARM TOOLS SELL FIRST Earl Montgomery, Prop. 527-1044 PERCY WRIGHT AUCTIONEERS KIPPEN, ONT. • 262=5515 LYLE MONTGOMERY CONSTRUCTION SAND GRAVEL — AGGREGATES 5 BACKHOE — EXCAVATING Screened Top Soil Phone 482-7644 GRAHAM ELECTRIC LTD. 62 CAMBRIA ROAD N., GODERIGH Electrical Contracting APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE ' n We service w=hat we sell OPEN TILL 9:00 P.M. ON FRIDAY CARPET DIRTY Do it yourself and save Rent 1 the pro • SMr carpet cleaner `�0w1"'7.A„�,� Si, nw,vv!ubu•ar,,rfyU1'. a! 'Goodlloss uping� 19;4 1s r1,1.11 u Cm �' tlA 1 „A 0 Have the experts do it R. • Steam gets the dirt other. methods don t reach. • Removes old shampoo. • Carpet dries quickly. CARPET CARE 216 Wellington Street S. Goderich -24•»2440 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE . 15; PUBLIC NOTICE VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB'.PECK VARNA 262-5748 tact fn 1 SKELTON APPLIANCES Inglis—Moffat—Beatty Sales—Service Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph. 524-7871 —1711 J.A. MORRIS CONSTRUCTION • General ° Contracting • Jobsite Management For All Your Home Im- provements And Building Ideas. FREE ESTIMATES CALL 524-2916 Carpentry Work Wanted •REPAIRS •RENOVATIONS contact Michael Burley ;524-2125.. 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims. against the estate of EDNA ILE.NE BLACK, Widow, late of the Town of ,Goderich, in ,the County of.Hurpn, who died ori or about the 19th day of October, 1976, are required to file the same with full particulars with the under9igned by the 27th day of November, 1976, as after that date the assets of the-'e,t,ate-wil be distributed, DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 26th day of October, 1976.. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc. 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 45-47ar Sheriff's Sale Of Land UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Fieri Facies issued out of The County Court of the County of Huron, bearing the date of the 9th day of August, 1971, to me directed, wherein Hodges Milling Limited is Plaintiff and Joseph Boel is Defendant, I have siezed and taken in execution all the right and titles and intra, a ;t and equity of redempVon of the said Joseph Boel ill and to: ALL AND .SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land . and premises situate .lying and being in the Township of Ashfield, Coun of Huron and'Provinc= of Ontario and being +mposed of: FIRSTLY: West h f of Lot 8, Concession • 1, Eastern Division of. the said Township Of Ashfield. SECONDLY: West half of Lot 10, in "the 1st Concession, Eastern Division of the Township of Ashfield, less the small portion thereof which may be more pa rticularl.y described as follows: Com- menc • at ` the South-east. cornerroof the West half of Lot ,10;„ Thence West along the South boundary 245 feet to a _ point, which said point shall, for the purpose of this description be the place ' of beginning; Thence North and' parallel to the East boundary' of said lot 230 feet to a point; Thence West and parallel to the South boundary of said lot. 247 feet; Thence South and parallel to the .East boundary of said lot, 230 feet to a point on the,, South boundary of said Lot; Thence' East along' the South boundary of said lot; 247 feet,to the place of beginning. THIRDLY: East part .of Lot 9, Concession • ,1, Eastern. Division, of the said Township of Ashfield, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the South-east angle. of said lot; Thence westerly along the Southerly boundary thereof 825 feet to an angle; Thence Northerly and parallel' with the Easterly limit of said' lot, 4400 feet more or less to the Northerly limit of said lot; 1.-_,__ rhsnnco .•Easterly `along--th limit 825 feet to the North-east angle of said lot; Thence along _ the Easterly limit of said lot to the place of beginning, con- taining 83 and one-third acres of land, more or less. On the premises is said to be located a' six room frame dwelling which is covered with white siding ` and heated electrically. Also modern hog barn with a liquid manure system and a concrete silo together with a steel granary. ALL of.which said right title, interest • and equity . of redemption of the said Joseph Boel in the said lands and tenements, I. shall offer for sale by public auction in my office at the Court House, Goderich, Ontario on Thur- sday, November 25, 1976, at l0 o'clock in the forenoon. This sale is subject le can- cellation without further notice. . Dated . at Goderich, Ontario, this 8th day of October, 1976. - FRED W. JEWELL, Sheriff, County of Huron 15, PUBLIC NOTICE I WILL no longer be responsible for any debts incurred in my name by my wife, Laura May Dwinnell. Floyd Dwinnell.-47-49 I will no longer be responsible for any debts incurred bymy wife,' Blanche Allen, • without my written consent, Mr. Glen C. Allen. -46-48 WHEELCHAIRS -WALKERS: The Humanitarian Service Committee .of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipnientfor loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524-7.217.-38eow Treasurer's Sale of land In Arrears of Taxes COUNTYof HURON NOTICE I5 HEREBY GIVEN that a tax sale will be held in the Council Chambers of -the Court House Goderich, On- tario, on Tuesday, December 7, ,1976 at 10:00 a.m. re any unpaid taxes still outstanding at that date, as shown on .the•, .fist published in the 1 ntario Gazette on September 4, 1976, NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that If any of the unpaid lands remain unsold, an adjourned_ sale will be held on Tuesday, December 14, 1976 at the same hour and place. Lists of properties involved. may' be secured at my office in the Court House, Goderich, Ontario. BILL G.'HANLY, Treasurer • COUNTY OF HURON 16!, PERSONAL FRIENDS and relatives wishing to wish Brian E.'Pollock a happy 30th birthday call 524-6665.-47 ATTRACTIVE unattached gentleman, pleasant in many ways besides plump: Wishes to meet any lady .who would be tickled pink with his moustache. Call during day at 170 Square, night and long distant calls, Phone 524-6995.-47 ARE you living with a drinking problem? AL -ANON can help. Phone Goderich 524- 6001.-40eownc MINISTRY k,of Community and Social Services will have a • marriage counsellor at Goderich Children's Aid Society office every Wednesday morning: For appointment phone 524-7356. At other times contact can be made through Wingham office, phone 357-3370.—eowar • WE INVITE engaged couples .to visit the Arbor Gift Shop in Clinton. Receive a free gift and tell your friends about our shower -and Bridal Registry Service,•No charge, no obligation.-3tf 17. LOST AND FOUND FOUND - female grey Assessment- Office, Street. 'Call 524=7326 6287.-47 • cat near Napier or 524 - 19 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 21, BIRTHS THE NAME of the game: is MONEY. Here's your op- ' portunity to -earn $1,000 -• $3,000 a month. We need ambitious, hard working!sales people whose in- terest is making money. No experience in the sales fieldis required. Full training provided. If you have a car and are willing. to work phone 524-9024 between 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. -46,47 ATTENTION! IMMEDIATE OPENING for, local represen- tative with a leading electrical appliance distributor. Oppor- tunity for right man to advance in company. For furl details call 524- 9024 anytime. -46,47 20. TO GIVE AWAY FOUR puppies,small when full grown. Phone 524-7.351 days_o_ ---52-4=7002 after 6 p.m. -47 For in this world she was one of the best. Re Lovingly remembed and so sadly missed by brother Bill, nieces and nephews. -47x REDMOND - Jim, 'Judy and Jamie are- pleased to announce the birth . of Juliet Carla Roseanne, born Nov. 9,, 1976. First granddaughter for Mrs. 11riel McGuire and tenth grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. John Rethnond.-47x 23. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duncan are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Wanda Lynn, to Kenneth Wilmer Moran, son of Mr. and Mrs; Bob Farrish, Kintail. The marriage will take place on November 26th, 1976 at Kingsbridge Roman Catholic Church at 6 o'clock. The recep- tion foblows at 10 o'clock at Saltford Valley Hall. Friends neighbours and relatives welcome. -47 -25. IN MEMORIAM BOGIE - In loving memory of a dear husband Reuben who passed away one year ago Nov. 20•1975. Silent thoughts of times together Hold memories thatwill last forever.( . Sadly missed and ever remembered • by his wife Hazel. -47 GLENN - In loving meri bfy of a dear husband, father and grandfather, George Glenn, who passed away November 17,1971: The years may wipe out many things But this they'll wipe out never, The memory of those happy years When we were all together. Always remembered by wife and family. -47 RIDDELL - In loving memory of Minnie Riddell who passed away one year ago on Nov. 16, 1975. She died as she lived, everyone's. friend She was always thoughtful loving and kind _- What a glorious memory she left behind She left so suddenly her thoughts unknown But she left us memories we are proud to own Treasure her God in Your Garden -of-Rest- �2 RIRTHS WALKER - David. and Sally are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Catherine Melissa, on Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1976 at St. Joseph's Hospital; London. A darling sister for Christopher. -47 ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McDougall, Goderich, a baby girl, Brenda Margaret, 8 lbs. 151/3 oz. November 11, 1976. A sister for Wayne. -47 26. CARD OF THANKS JACKSON - The family of the late Dr. Norman C. Jackson wishes to thank friends and relatives for their kind expressions of sym-' pathy during its recent bereavement. --47 THE SQUARE RECREATION THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL HOSTESS CHIPS REG. 25c ONLY' 5c From Nov. 19th - 26th Discount on Snooker - Boston - Pool for the month of November, Town of Goderich --NOTICE of - STREET CLOSING TAK NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of oderich, in the County of Huron intend to pass a by-lawat its meeting at 7:30 o'clock on December 13th, 1976, for the purpose of stopping up and conveying that part of the road allowance between Lots 21 and 27 in Bawden's Survey, Registered Plan No. 11 for the Township of Goderich, now in the Town of Goderich. at - , A plan of this proposal will be made available' for in- spection to any person calling at my office in the Town of Goderich. AND FURTHER TAKE' NOTICE that the Council will at such meeting hear any person who claims that his land will , be prejudicially affected by such by-law and who applies to be heard. INTHE EVENT that no objections are received, it is the intention of the Council to dose part of the road allowance between Lots 21 and 27 in,Bawden's Survey, Registered Plan No. 11 for the Township of Goderich, now in the Town of Goderich'. 1976DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this ninth day of November, ,. HAROLD WALLS Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Goderich 26. CARD OF THANKS CAMPBELL - The fantify..of the late' D.A, Campbell with to, ex- press their sincere thanks to relatives, friends, and neigh- bours for their floral tributes, donations to the Canadian Cancer and Gideon Bible Societies, during the loss of a dear father, grandfather and brother. A sincere thank you to Rev. F. Day, the Woman's Missionary Council and the Stiles Funeral Home, who made everything much easier during our time of bereavement. Also special thanks• to the Masonic Lodges No. 33 Goderich and .332 Af and Am of Stratford; for their visitation and memorial__ service. Our deepest ap-- preciation to doctors, Deathe, Flowers, Watts and staff of the, Alexandra Marine and General Hospital for their many acts of kindness during his five year hospital -confinement. Mr. and Mrs. John Maguire and Family.-47ar • 26 COAD OF THANKS HOTCHKISS - Eleanor and I.l;<ave: always felt lucky..o havesuch a very special group of friends,. neighbours and fellow workers, and because -of my recent stay in Victoria Hospital, London, we are even more convinced of-our feelings. 'Thank You' to each and every one of you for the runny cards, visits, books, flowers, and telephone calls. Your thought- fulness and concern will never be forgotten. Jack Hotchkiss. -47 HALLAHAN - The family of the late Mary Hilda Hallahaft sin- cerely.thank everyone for the many acts of kindness shown us during our recent. sad bereavement, The bouquets of flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society, Offerings of Masses, 'donations of food and all messages of con- dolence were very much ap- preciated. Special thanks to - Fathers Nolan, Hardy and Movnahan• the . Tasker Funeral Home,' the Pallbearers and. Flower. Bearers. Dan 1=lallandn and Family. -47 - MaitIand :Manor nearing completion BY ANNE. ST -.-JEAN Work is progressing welion the new addition to Maitland Manor, across from the High School on Bennett Street, and soon • the .residents at the Manor will move- into the beautiful new wing and renovations will begin:in the older part. When renovations are complete, some time in the early spring, the family One of our faithful visitors, from Goderich .Nursing Home Mrs. Frank Washington, will move into the enlarged comes regularly to play and eight -one bed Maitland\” entertain -- she strikes just Manor. the right note and' is one of the The staff 'and residents are residents' favorite people. all looking .forward to en- To regular activities has joying all the added space been added a weekly trip to and convenience of the new the High School. where Miss home. . MacKenzie and several Last month, Mrs. Jessie students deVote Friday lunch - Gwyn joined the family at times to instructi.,pn in Goderich Nursing Home and ceran ics for six or seven the_ farnily, is v"e.r_y_.hap py--te--seniors: Also--rrew.: ice" Move welcome Miss Shepherd evening, there were gingerbread men • made by the residents of both homes. The Ladies of the Legion' Auxilliary entertained at Maitland Manor for the monthly birthday party. They do a very fine rendering of "Knees up Mother Brown" -- all enjoyed the fun ar;d laughter. home from the -hos ital... . Bowling at."Little Bowl" has begun again and there r" some lively competition between the two homes. Frank Wyade and Clarence Salisbury were top bowlers last month. Early in October, Miss VanPypen's Grades 5 and 6 of Robertson Memorial School came and presented a programme for the Maitland Manor and at. Hallowe'en, residents were visited -by Judy McMichael and the Kindergarten Class. of St. Mary's Separate School who were disguised as rabbits, ghosts, ,witches `and even a chimney! Jt1dy McMichael presented a cake in the shape of a witch and the children brought cookies. Residents enjoyfd the visit and the goodies too ' Victoria Street School children • made • very nice Hallowe'en treats . for the folks at Goderich Nursing Home and for all of the little visitors -including the twenty or so who came in the ELECTIONS TOWNSHIP OF GOD'ERiCH An election will be held in the Township of Goderich on Dec'. 6, 1976 between hours of 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. A. Public School Supporters to elect one member .to the Huron County Board of Education: B. Separate Scholl Supporters to elect one member to Huron -Perth County Combined Roman Catholic Separate School Board. Polls will be open in the following places: Nos: 1 and 2 - Mark Raithby's 3 - Albert Schilbe's 4 and 5 - Township Shed Holmesville An advance poll will be held Nov. 27, 1976 at the Clerk's Office, Lot 20, Concession 16, Township ofOkoderich between hours of 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. R.E. Thompson Clerk Night" conducted by Mauric%, ' Wilkinson. *All have been following a daily routine of exercises led by the new activity director and crafts with the help of Eleanor Taman. Volunteers are needed for both fun and. fitness and crafts. North Street UCW came to visit last :week and residents are beginning td know these ladies well since they are the ones who form a large part of the list of faithful volunteers who take turns in driving to "Little Bowl" each 'Tuesday. Every Friday the ladies of the Salvation Army bring the good news in song, scripture and story appreciated by both them and the Goderich. Ministers who take time to worship with residents nn Sundays. We have lots of plans for the future but we do need help in many areas of activity. Come and visit -- you'll be glad you did!, Fleming designs Internationally acclaimed Canadian graphic artist and chief designer for the University of Toronto. Press, Mr. Allan Robb Fleming is the designer of this year's sheet of Christmas Seals. The 1976 Christmas- Seal designs are snowflakes. Employing the concept that every snowflake is. different, Mr, Fleming has created distinctively-' unique snowflake designs, one for : each of the 48 Seals contained in the sheet. It's really one of the most magnificent sheets of Christmas Seals we have ever distributed said Ivan Forsyth. and A t Dunsmore, Co - Chair en of the Huron Perth Lung sociation, Christmas Seal Committee. The 1976 Christmas Seals each' bear the. red double- barred cross, symbolic of the fight against lung diseases, including tuberculosis. The. Huron Perth Lung Association, the Christmas Seal people, are very proud of their 1916 Christnias Seals.