HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-11-18, Page 32PAC 16-GODERICI-1, SIGNAL•STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1976 1.ARTICLES FOR SAIF SINGLE horse cutter for sale. A-1 Condition. Only interested buyers call, 524-2469.-47 THREE long dresses', 'size 10-12, one red crepe; one crearri colour with sheer jacket embroidered in pink; one blue crepe. -Like new. $50 each. Phone 524-9035.-47 - SKIS Downhill, top quality pair, complete 'with boots and poles, suitable :for teen-ager„ $45. - Extra boots also available. ,Phone 524-8895 after 4 p.m. -47 GREAT Christmas., present! Rally Chopper bike, 3 speed., Like new. Asking $75 or best offer. Call 482.3253.-47, CHILDS spring horse. Phone 524- 9009. -47x 24- 9009. -47x NEW 2-G 78-14 Atlas Weather Guard Mark II belted snow tires, on 1969 Pontiac rims,$80.00; 71/2 H.P. Johnson outboard motor .with tank, $100.00 solid. Phone 524-7162 after 5:00 p.m. -47-48 HOMCO Ambassador mobile home, 14 x 68, two miles north of Goderich in Huron Haven Village. Call 524-9808.-47tf. ONE PAIR Goodyear snow tires on rims. 978-15. Used six months. Also grey lamb 3/4 Jacket with mink' fur collar, "size 16; and one • new'Dresden Plafe pattern quilt. Phone -5 -2A -9.134j-477- . ho ne-5249.134:-47.:_ •PAYING ,a Mint for Rental Mats? Stop Dirt at the'Door. Save cleaning dollars with exciting new TUF-n-TIDY II Indoor Outdoor Dirt Stopper Mats. --Cut cost to $.28 per week for Giant 4' x 8' size neat. --New durable ink and stain resistant fibres. --Dries overnight --3 times -faster than nylon mats: --Big Water, slush capacity --Easier to clean with - broom, vacuum or hose. --6 rich new colors -•6 mat sizes plus runners. .--Three Year Wear Surface Guarantee --CANADIAN MADE --Low, Direct Price $2.12 sq.,ft.--standard mat sizes. 2' x 3'; 3' x 4'; 3' x 5'; 3' x 6'; 4' x 6'; 4' x 8'. iN STOCK NOW ++-i- Free Delivery Sanway . Siipply ,Com- pany, 67 Water St: S., St. Jacobs, Ont. Tel: 664 -2834 --Open Mon. - Sat. (Dealers Wanted) -47-50 39" MATTRESS. with matching box spring. Complete with legs. Seldom used, in good condition. Call 482-3253.-47 SKI BOOTS Nordic Cortina size 9, used one season. Cost $127. Skis Swiss, made -MISTRAL. approx 68" (173 cm) complete with safety bindingfor size 9.ski boots. Call 482-3253.--47 SKI BOOTS, Henke, size 7, like new. Will take best offer. Phone 482-3253.-47 • 30"- KEMMORE STOVE, TWO DOOR Frigidaire refrigerator, Phone', 482-9761 . after 5:0.0 p.m. -47x 1971 MOTO-SKI Capri, 19 hp. In good condition. Phone • 524- 6936.-47 1970 SKI DOO Nordic Excellent condition with single trailer. $450.00 complete. Phone 524- 8838.:--47x 1972 SKI DOO 15 H.P., call 524- 6434.-47 . BOARD feet of Black Walnut lumber, Cherry and White Ash, in tl•ickness 1", 2" and 3", lengths • run between 6', 8' and 10' long. Phone 524-8798 after 5 p.m. ---46,47 FIREWOOD for sale. Call 524- 6278 after 6 p.m. -46,47 ' Sewing Machine Sales and Service • Repairs to all Makes and Models. O Sales on New Zig Zag & Stretch Stitch machines. Your Authorized & Fran- chised B"ernina &' Omega dealer for Goderich and district. For appointment phone 227- 4884 (Mon.,. Tues.,Wed„ONLY) or Write. , Gerald Courtney Box 233, Lucan, Ont. DEADLINE FOR TAKING CLASSIFIED ADS 1 2 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER CLASSIFIEDS 10c per'word,'minimum $2.00 1.ARTICLES "FOR ,SALE Sealy Royale mattress or box spring: 54" Sugg. List 5199.95. Special $149.95 EACH Spinesaver mattress or . box spring. 48" only at this price. Sugg. List $109.95. $79.50 $149.50 EACH UNIT 36" units, mattress and box spring. $69.95 Cash and Carry 4 BLLACNSTONE FURNITURE • west SI'..'0O0ERICH BEST OFFER - One 4 piece chesterfield set. Chesterfield and matching chair in brown,• plus- one chair in gold and one chair in green. All in good condition. Also one Electrohome humidifier. Practically new. Phone 524- 6238.-47 JOLLY jumper; pink pile snow suit, fits to 30 lbs, detachable _ mittens and ,boots;,dress, size 8, like new; red jumper and bkouse set, size 2; size 13-14 .beige coat;- size. 7 snow boots. Phone .529' 7937.-47-48 WINGHAM Clipper wood stove. Good condition. Phone 524- 6413.-47 SINGER - For Authorized Sales & Service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners,parts and notions, service to all makes. Pratt's Sewing „Centre, 73 Hamilton' St., 524-8431; Goderich.-28.,29tfar MOBILE Home, Bendix Paramount located in Meneset Park. Must sell have purchased home. Phone 524-2495 or 524- 7221.=46,47 BOOKCASE, chest of drawers, two antique desks, dresser with mirror, ten speed bike, antique coffee table,:: blender, numerous household effects. Phone. 524- 9997.-46-47x •LOTO CANADA - The Big one, Dec. 5. Twelve prizes of $1 million, 31 prizes of $100,000. and over- • 90,000 more. See Ernie Barker for tickets, 197 Bayfield Rd., rear apartinent`after 10 a.m. or call 524-6232.-46,47 1973 440 SKI-DOO, Blizzard, from Argyle's -Racing Team. CaTI Clete Dalton, 529-7124.-46,47,48 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE • ,t, REPOSSESSION 975 Bom- bardier Moped Deluxe. As is. Call. 524-8357 between 9 ' a.rri. and 5 ipaip ,-46,47x• • NOVELTIES, stocking stuffers for Christmas,. Christmas presents, cosmetics, 'pens, pencils top quality socks, panty hose, numerous other articles. Best price in town. Tri -J Enterprises, 43 West Street, Goderich, phohe 524-6594.-46-47 AM -FM STEREO with speakers, record player and stand, $100.00. Phone 524-9175 after 5 p.m. or 107 Wolfe St., Goderich.-45tfnc • eee %%%%%%e eeeeeee • i i i r Vincent Austin & Sons GRAVEL -TOP SOIL RR 1, Dungannon 529-7240 4.eeeeeeeee• i i r 1- Queen Size_,Bed s 170. 1 - Stereo System 1 - ColOr,„TV . 19" Admiral 1 - Chesterfield & Chair $70. $150. 5200. 1971 Mustang As is' PHONE RAYMOND 524=2015 1500. CHECK our prices .cn ichester- fields, mattresses, chrome suites, coffee tables. C & E New 2A. ARTICLES WARTED WANTED: 40 or 50 ft. TV tower without antenna. Phone 524-6230 after 5 p.m.--46,47nc FURNITURE, glass, china. clocks, bells, brass, copper. Will buy for cash or sel•I by auction. Mike Cummings, Auctioneer. 524- 9064.-2211 • BROWNIE uniform,good con- dition, size 10 or 12. Phone 524- 9470.-47nc RELIABLE older model, 4 or 6 cylinder car, for , transportation to work. Call 524-9815.-47" WANTED to buy - complete set Elite Works Limoges china Bridal Wreath pattern. Call collect, 396-2703.-47 and Used Furniture, 524-7231, 1,/2 mile south of Goderich.-tf . 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE AUTOMATIC Toilet ,Bowl Cleaner ,removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffineyer .Plum- bing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-l4tf APPLES, McIntosh, Cortland, Delicious, Ida Iced, Northern Spies. Bring 'container. Ross Middleton storage, one mile east of Bayfield, north of river. Phone 482-9136:-45-48ar - •-19'74 SKIDOO TNT Everest 'Snowmobile ridiculously low mileage. Perfect machine. Lic. 59604. 8900. Ken McGee 524-8391 or. evenings' 524- 84P7.-41 artf MUSIC UNLIMITED ' - your complete music __centre, rentals and sales. 79 Hamilton St. Phone 524-2711.-26tf APPLES - Maclntosh, Snow, -Delicious, .Spys, Cortland. Potatoes and onions. Fresh Cider. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm . RR 2, Goderich, phone 524- 8008.-42tfar SEWING 'MACHINES. Large .selection of good •used sewing machines,_ Singer, White, and others. Repairs to all makes: All machines and repairs guaran- teed. 29' East St., 524-6012, •La Boutique.-38tfAR APPLES Northern Spies, MacIntosh, Wayne and • Red Delicious, 13.50 per bushel and --tt-p. F -re -s -h ci-d-er, potatoes, cooking and Spanish onions, and honey. Delivery around town, Art Bell's Fruit Farm, phone 524- 803-7.-97tfar PJIIIIIIIIIIIUIIII1111111111111IIIIIIIIII111111111111IIIIiii111# :2_197.4 ARCTIC= CAT 1 • 440 'ELTiGRA Low mileage, new tra this =year. Si,000. or bes offer, Apply, E. SMITH" FARM & GARDEN' CENTRE PHONE 5244761 - rfi rrE�.. Or Nights 5247243 riilllllflllllll111hIUI)IIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIlIIIhIllfllH,Mini, 1976 BUICK. Century Station - wagon, many options, 12,000 miles, safety checked; 1972 Ford '/2 ton pick-up, six cylinder, standard transmission, rear step bumper, radio, safety checked. ?hone 524-2766.-46.,47 .• 1973 FORD Cortina, automatic, with radio, four new tires, plus good spare, two snows. Certified. Only $1,075. See it at Tank and Tummy, Bayfield.-45tfnc 1974 GREMLIN X Deluxe, 281000 "miles. Make an offer, 524-7160 after 5.p,m.-45,46,47,48,49 6ACCOMMODATION TO RENT 8. HELP. WANTED 1974 CHEV. Impala " Custom Coupe. 37,000 miles, new paint , new tires. , $2700: Phone 482- 7724.-47 1974 VEGA, automatic. Win- terized and certified. '$2',000:. Phone 482-3027.-47 1969 VAUXHALL. Phone- 524- 8853.-46tfnc 1972 VEGA GT. Three speed• standard'excellent condition, 29,000 miles. :Finished in burgundy. I'm open' to your offer. Call 524-6729.-47 3A -PET. STOCK • AQUARIUMS, birds, rodents tropical fish, plants. Complete line of pet supplies,,Goderich Pet and Hobby Centre. •Phone 524- : 2883.-28t1. TROPICAL fish, canaries. Complete pet supplies. Pat's Pet, Shop, 350 'Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and Friday evenings.-20tf 2.AR.TICIE•S FOR REAL 6. ACCOMMODATION'TO RENT FCeRVAL' RENTALS. for all' occasions. Free style borchure. 30' FOOT winterized, furnished Rawsons Shop for Men, trailer. Call 524-6008.-46,47 Goderich. -20tf 1 FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it ' yourself with Deep Stearn Extraction..Bluewater Cleaners 524-6231. ' We can suit you for every occasion with FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTAL "and JEFF'S•FORMAL WEAR Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS LEASING Check out the reasonable rates and excellent service of the nice guys. • E4 • REEN PARENT • FORD MERCURY SALES LTD. 263 HURON RD. GODERICH RENT -A -CAR SPACIOUS three-bedroom town house, parking -and recreational facilities available, utilities in- cluded, $180.00 per `month. In Vanastra, information at D Bldg. Unit 8 apply after 6 p.m. Phone 982-3085. =23tf ar 2A. ARTICLES WANTED • WE 'ARE now handling ipts or part lots' -of furniture and ap- pliances. If you have articles to . sell privately dr by auction contact R.athwell's Auction Service. Phone 482.3120,29t1 KNAPPS will buy outright complete household estates. or single pieces of furniture. Best price paid or will'sell by auction. Do not hesitate to can us. Our aim is to• please. 67 Main St. Seaforth, Phone 527-1336'••21 tfar APARTMENTS AVAILABLE - TWO BEDROOM ONE BEDROOM BACHELOR Include fridge, stove, ,cable TV, air conditioning, and utilities. BENNETT ST. GODERiCH For information "call ERIC KROHMER 56.5-2843 TWO and one half storey brick house, five bedrooms, close to Square, immediate possession._ Phone 524-2766.-47 THREE BEDROOM house, available December 1st, cen- trally locate' in Goderich. Phone • 524-9277, after 5p.rn.-47 LOVELY, warm, furnished, two bedroom mobile 'home, in sheltered area, north. east ' of Bayfield: Only adults with reference need apply_ Phone 482- 7652 or 565-281.3.-47t1 NEW THREE bedroom, -brick bungalow, carpeting throughout, available • immediately.. Rent $250. plus utilities. Phone 524- 9501.-47tf TWO STOREY house, one bedroom downstairs, within one block of Square. Available im- mediately. Apply Drawer 41, c -o, Signal -Star Publishing Ltd.-47tfnc NEW two-bedroom apartment in country, ten minutes north of Goderich on Hwy.. 21. Available immediately. Phone 529-7775.-47 7. WANTED TO RENT THREE or four room apartment - or house, unfurnished. Phone 524 - WANTS to rent garage to store vehicle for the winter. Please call after 6:30 p.m. 524-8793.=45tf 8. HELP WANTED MATURE' salesperson required - for Retail store. Apply in own handwriting, giving age, ex- perience etc. Apply Drawer 40, c- o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd. Box 220, Goderich, Ontario.-47ar 8. HELP WANTED 5T MARY'S SCHOOL Ii 1 requires TEACHER for kindergarten 5O% and or music 20%p. From January 3rd to June 30th 1977. Apply to: L,H.,COOK (principal) St. Mary's School 524-9901;. 70 Bennett' St. E. GODERICH RESPONSIBLE woman to live in . • occasionally., to look after thirteen year old • girl' and dog while parents are aiway. ,Must, have references': Reply, to Drawer 39, c -o 'Signal -Star Publishing Ltd.,-- Box 220, Goderich, Ont. -47 EARN money' for Christmas. Introduce friends and neighbors to Tri -Chem Liquid crafts. Call 524-6476.-43-53x THE WORK IS ALL DONE THIS F --ALL what -shall we -do this winter? Become a Watkins distributor and earn more money than you did last summer. For ,interview ..phone 1-349-2469 or write Watkins, Box 101, Lakeside, Otit.-46,47,48x COMMISSION SALESPERSON Commission' bonuses, in- centive awards, no experience necessary, no canvassing, leads supplied. We train. Car required_ Interviews on . Friday and Saturday November 19th and 20th at 10 A.M. sharp. ' 44 West Street GODERICH, ONTARIO .9. WANTED (General) COMPLETE household effects or small lots wanted•. Call C'and E Furniture, 524-7231.-4,f '13. SERVICES AVAILABLE PIANO lessons available. Interested? :Call Arlene Darn brough, A.W.C.M. at 524- 2035.-17-50 ' VANASTRA-- APARTME[TS FOR. RENT Bachelors One Bedroonil Two 'Bec joom. STARTING AT '135 AND UP 1 Ali Utilities included. . i New Shag Carpets • Stove & Refrigerator , • Central Laundry Facilities. Near Recreational Centre,.. Available December A P,, ,0,1,11 8 2;4 8 30 • tfn_ 11. TENDERS i 1. TENDERS TENDER To supply 'furnace oil to Saltford Valley Hall from. December 1, 1976 until April, 30, 1976. Deadline for tenders is 12:00 noon on November 26, 1976. ' Forward all tenders to P.O. Box 183, Goderich, -. Ontario TENDERS Tenders for Snow Removal at Saltford Valley Hall. Deadline for applications is 12:00 noon November 26, 1976. Forward all tenders to P.O. Box 183 Goderich, Ontario ' For further information phone 524-6009 524-8038 Corporation • °.,z' e°V ' Town Of God. 110 TENDER .FOR :GODERICH AIRPORT :' ' ELECTRICAL SERVICES SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until throe o'clock in the afternoon Tuesday, November 23rd, 1976. The work consists of electrical contracting for supply and installation of Airport lights and auxiliary work. Specifications and tender forms available at the Municipal . Office, 57 West Street, Goderich, Ontario. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified -cheque made payable to the Corporation of the Town of Goderich for ppercent of the amount of the tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. HAROLD WALLS Clerk -Treasurer 1,3. SERVICES AVAILABLE LAYING and -finishing concrete:, floors for basements, garages,°'\ patios. Call George Barraclough 524-8158.=43tf FOR INSTRUCTION on ac- cordion, piano, organ or guitar, phone 524-4711. .(Instruments supplied.)- '26tf MAN with t/2 ton truck to do light delivery work,. trim.bush'`es, and clean up basements and garages. Phone 524-8553.--30tf ar SNOWPLOWING df driveways and lots, 24 hour service. Call Del at 524-2464.-46-51 DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391 190 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. Two trucks, to serve you. Phone H.T. Dale, Clinton 482-3320 and Seaforth 527-0284. HOFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES 55 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis washers, .- dryers refrigerators, dishwashers; ranges GAS Ranges, barbecues, lights, ranges Wm.. R. Nelson CARPENTER Area Representative for. TRALEE KITCHEN CABINETS and vanities 528-2949 FREE ESTIMATES INVITATION' TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the projects or services listed below, addressed to the Head, Tenders, Contracts and Ad- ministrative Services, Public Works Canada, Ontario Region, 457 Richmond Street, P.O.' Box 668, London, Ontario, N6A 4Y4 and endorsed with the project Name and Number, Will be received until 3:00 P.M. on the specified closing dale. Tender documents can be seen or obtained through the office of the Head, Tenders, Contracts, and Administrative Ser- vices, Public Works Canada, Ontario Region, 457 Richmond Street, London, Ontario. PROJECTS No: 082809DN000 - FENDERING REPLACEMENT, SNUG HARBOUR, GODERICH, ONTARIO. CLOSING DATE: -.WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1976 Enquiries: 679-4323 Area Code: 519 INSTRUCTIONS • To be considered each tender must be submitted on forms supplied by the Department and must be accompanied by the security specified in the tender documents: The lowest or any tender not necessarily accel5ted-- - A. F. 'Jackson, Head, Tenders, Contracts and Administrative Services, London, Ontario. . November 1976 11140 Public Works Canada,, Ontario Region Travaux public Canada Region de i'Ontario rR BAt'IO.E SERVICE' BASEMENT' EXCAVATIONS DUMP TRUCK - BULLDOZING. SEWERS Septic Tank Installations Government Licenced FREE`"ESTIMATES Sid Bruinsma Goderich 524-8668 FOR YOUR Carpet and,. Upholstery. Cleaning Needs Superior Maintenance • Now Offers STEAM or DRY SHAMPOO For Free Estimate Call 524-8892 257 Warren St., Goderich r isms . •1 r' Hanging FALL PotsBULBS - Plants f I Tulips, Daffodils ' Hyacinth, Crocus 1 WINTERI'ZER-WEEDER Terrariums• FALL PLANTING ' Shrubs - Tps Seeding Sodding f -1 ART'S 1 Landscaping Nursery INDOOR GARDENING 166 Bennett, Goderich. 5214N -9E11026 9 till dark 1 closed Sunday AIMN OR MRS RIM -MIME NUJ