HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-11-18, Page 31COLBOINE .CORN.ER... • • Mvs G. K+ittinq. 4-11 Brenda " Sowerby reported for Tiger Dunlop Group No. 1 "Cornie Chefs" Groups No. 1 and No. 2 rnet in. Colborne Township Hall, Carlow, Monday evening November 8, The meeting . opened with the 4-H Pledge and the roll call "The label of ,a Cereal product, discuss two points of information that it gives you" was answered. by all the girls. The girls had been busy on the covers for their record books, and this was designed by Marie Brindley. The girls then divided into gro,tps and had a debate on pros and cons on convenience food. Helen Brindley took. the discussion for this meeting and Helen Fisher and Dorothy. Feagan made bot chocolate which the girls had with. 'cookies that• Dorothy Feagan had made , at home. Patty Schoemaker read the. Cre.ed and the meeting closed. This is the last meeting for • this' project ' and' the next meeting will > be Monday, November 29 when the girls will make plans for what they will be doing for Achievement Day which will be in. December. Heather Clark repyrted for Group No. 2 "The Grains of Life" who met with, Group. No. 1 Monday evening .• Novennbe &,: _They ,:f.ouod .the:- -debate "Whether to • tise convenience foods or not" of special interest and they discussed meal management. At the endof the meeting- they all' enjoyed oatmeal cookies and hot chocolate • L.eisure' World coming - • Dennis., Fincher, one of the original members of Leisure World Merchandising, -will be opening a Leisure. World store in Suncoast Mall next to A & P. Coming December 1, the 1,000 sq. ft. store will be a member of the Leisure World company, not just a franchise store.. It will be' the .'first Leisure World store in a town .the size of Goderich. The store in the oxiall will. have the ,usua crafts and games as well as a good , selecti,,; of leather wallets, handbags, brief cases and travel luggage. There will also be a large number of ptaperbacks with cloth bound or, hard -cover books to be.., added in the future. ' -. The_ store Will be totally separatefrom the Fincher - store downtown. Other World stores are located in Stratford, Kit- chener, London- and „Eaton Centre in • Toronto, It is a totally Canadianconrpany: which was . served with or without cinnamgn '(this was to make it a Mexican dish.). They will meet again Monday evening November 29 when they wilLmake plans for Achievement Day which will be at Brookside School Dedember Group No. 4 met at the home of -Mrs. Dougherty on Monday evening November 8 when they had their '6th and" 7th meetings. They call their group the, "Bran Babies" and the roll call for the 6th meeting "My two free choice recipes from the members' pamphlet" was answered by the seven members present after Joyce -Dougherty opened the meeting with the pledge. Patty Rising read the minutes of •last meeting and the girls discussed their display or_ .exhibit forD. Achievement ay. At the last meeting two girls were assigned'to make a quiz which they had at this tixne. The girls divided into - two groups, the cons and the pros, and had a debate on "Why buy convenience foods". Ann Feagan made a homemade gingerbread from the recipe on the members' pamphlet and Laurie Dustow -made gingerbread out of convenience gingerbread,. from a pa kkaac„...__ After sampling both kinds the- girls preferred the homemade gingerbread which seemed milder in taste. They made two sauces, a lemon and a brown sugar sauce to ,, go with the gingerbread -and found the brown sugar sauce was preferred as the lemon sauce s8emed to make it too tart or a shade bitter. The meeting closed with the grace. They then held their seventh meeting which opened withthe pledge by Joyce Dougherty and all the girls, answered the roll call "The label of a cereal"' product, discuss two points of information that is given you •and mount the label in your book". - The girls talked about their record books and the Exhibit they would do for Achievement Day. They then discussed judging of the gingerbread muffins they had made and gave reasons for a god -muffin aiid _ poor one. The meeting closed with the 4-H Motto. The girlsoft roup have also completed 'e rneetings >dor this project and will ntit be having any more meetings but will be' working 6n their exhibit. They, report they have enjoyed this project `•"The Cereal 'Shelf" andhave gathered. considerable.' - valuable information. --:Institute November meeting will be Thursday, November 25 in Colborne Township Hall at 2:00 p.m. For the topic there will be a speaker on Pro Life. Reports will be given of the I•furon County Rally held in October and the Area Convention in Tillsonburg last week. Members are reminded to. bring ,donations for Children's Aid Society Christmas giving. Mrs.. Gordon ;Kaitting at- SOCIAL NEWS' Tiger Dunlop Wo'men's. r'...an interesting new face with a familiar old name is now Open in Stratford at 8 Wellington) Street. Come -in, you'll enjoy the same friendly service and good quality Gordons is known for in the' established men's store. Come in and brouse through our Fall and Christmas collon of dresses, suits, 'coats,. sportswear, sweaters, blouses, stacks-, skirts, jeweliry, gloves and scarves, for toda,y's coni temporary woman. When shopping in Stratford's Downtown. District, make it a habit to drop into Gordon's Ladies Shop and see all that's new and exciting in qualityfashions: LADIES' FASHION SHOD' 8 Wellington St ; acrois kW City Hall` 271.4W tended the Women's Institute London Area 62nd Annual. Convention -in Tillsonburg November 9.and 1.0: Colborne Township Recreation Committee Meeting will be held in Colb�,ne Township wnship Hall, bCarloMonday evening, Novenr 22at 8:00 p.m. Please plan to attend. Elmer Hunter of Stratford visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Terence Hunter • last week. We are pleased to report Mr. Terence Hunter ,.has returned home and convalescing favourably after having surgery in Victoria Hospital, London. Several Colborne. Township residents and former residents are in hospital: Mrs. Norman Allan is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London; Mr. John Henderson Carlow is a • patient , in Alexandra Hospital, GOL ERICH $$IGNAL-STAR, THURSDAY; NOVEMl Gdderich; " " Mrs.' Jetties .Horton is a patient in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich; Mr. Rod Bogie is a patient in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich; Mr, Ernest Crawford who un- d.rwent surgery in London has returned to Arexandra Hospital, . Goderich. Your many friends wish • you a. speedy recovery and that you will soon be able to be home and enjoying better health: - The Beta Theta Chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority welcomed five new members at their fall pledge meeting Tuesday. The new members in the front row are Janet Hullah and Sue Scott and .in'the rear are .Corinne Walsh, Mary -Ann Johnston and Brenda Ann Snell.. (staff photo) NEW fROM POLAROID: New SX -70 Alpha 1 Polaroid's finest camera. Now even better. New monitored flash for bett= ? s ures:: New built-in tripod mount.. New electronic circuitry to p is used up. . New fill flash.capability for fla ' tures outside. New - nuine leather detachagl - kstrap. Precsingle-lens reflex vieWin 1 d focusing. Daylight pictures from 10.4" to i ed pictures when flash (flash'pictures from 1p.4" to"20 feet Takes beautiful SX -70 pictures that develop before your eyes. $179 00 And more of the best instants ever! t OtM*Ota u,NO c,autana ' ; Pronto! $59.-99 The least expensive way to get beautiful SX -70 pictures. Takes pictures from 3' to infinity ' outdoors; 3' to 12' with flash. The lightest instant picture camera ever (16 ounces): easy to focus (you -just set the distance). - Adjustable neckstrap. Automatic picture ejection. • Accessory capability. Super Shooter $26.95. The most versatile instant picture camera made: Calor pictures in 60 seconds: black and white in 15 seconds. Uses five different types of self - developing film including Super Color Polacolor 2. Automatic exposures. • . Sharp 3 -element focusing lens. HURQN CAMERA CEN'tR 112 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524.7924 Electric Zip $22.99 The instant color•'camera for teens. • Color pictures in 60 seconds; black and white in 30 seconds. Uses economical Type 88 Polacolor 2 instant film. _.... Available in.red, white or blue. • Save money! tin Polaroid Film SX -70 Type 108 Polacolor 2 Type 88 Polacofor 2 '6.69 '5.99 AGE t5 COME IN AND 5Se OUR HOLIDAY SHOWCASE OF • . • • Men's and Ladies'.watches • .Silver and. Silverware . ! Chinaware' - • Clocks (Many types) • Rings and. Family rings '0 Much, much more 166 THE SQUARE GODERICH, ONT. CHRISTMAS/ HOURS: //- MON. TO SAT. 9a.m.-6Plc FRIDAY '9 .a. .9 P. 01 114 ALL: DAY WED ESDA' >let2 ictUketgione WATCHM,KSR AND MAIM P,H//ONE 524.6572'•. 1 You, Could ; Win A MILLION.-! By doing Business with us. We are having a Free Draw for 3 sets of 10 Wintario Tickets 2 Sets of 5 Lotto,, Canada Tickets every two weeks until the year end Our Meat Processing is INBEATABLE I Custom. Slaughtering LIVESTOCK PICKUP SERVICE Mon. & Tues.• Evenings - $6:00 plus $1.00 each additional -animal 'SLAUGHTERIN Wednesday -.Beet & Pork ---All- meat- processed -in Government ' In -spec -red'- - f ilitie 'iii" can orm -"withG 'igenic - Standards Processing of meat o 'Exact E. specification .by highlydone SKILLtED wour MEAT CUTTERS OUR COOLING„ FACILITIES' are 'designed tc allow your beef to be hung.in a CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE as long a you wish at NO EXTRA CHARGE THREE CUTTING, p BEEF SLAUGHTERING $8 PLANS - 1 Regular - Bone Left in roasts -•10c lb. 2 >emi-Deluxe - Partial Boning & Rolling •of Roasts - 12c Ib. ' 3 .Deluxe - Complete Boning and Rolling 'of Roasts - 1#e lb. • ALL CUTTING PLANS INCLUDE: Cutting Steak to Exact thickness ' Trimming hamburg & stew to your liking 1 Clear Seet•hrou,h Freezer Film 2 Reg. Brown P aper': coated freezer wrap. NO CHARGE for Hamburg dr Stew trimmed as lean as y ou like and packaged -IN FLAT SQUARE. CUBES for compact storage and quirk thawing . 7 for those last minute guests. HAMBURG PATTIES . .. „ For Vn' ' .' we will make your'•batriburg iitf i patties. For your conyenieiice the patties are separated•. by paper and wrapped in 2 lb. pkg. a • PORK. • SLAUGHTERING MarketHog $6:00. 'H avy' Hog 2'/Hze/Ib. dressed PROCESSING: Ric per Ib. dressed wt. Including =1. Cutting: Roasts to'your size • Chops -to your thickness 1 Packaging - to suit your needs .Makin.g.Sausage- seasoned the same • as Dashwood sausage. 4 Rendering Lard ' - we supply :the - containers ' Smoking & Curing -' We do charge an i kw: _-cW:.tiQnal:,i�c per lb. Sp'eciam •t ure`8� Real Maple Hardwood smoke to give a Home Cured Flavour. We can cure your. Ham. Bacon. Shoulder,. Cottage Roll. Picnic Shoulder. Back Bacon and Fork Chops. - Custom 'Cut Sections SIDES : 85c lb: approx. wt. 250 It;. BEEF HINDS : 1.03 .approx. 'vi. 125 Ib., FRONTS .6Ac lb. approx. at. 125 lb. STEAK Sirloin.section approx. 2.0 ib. Sirloin_ Steak at 1.21 1b. LONG LOIN .(Flank RcmovedApprox. 45 lb. T -Bone Wing $teak at 1.65 ib. Sirloin ECONOMY STRIP LOIN Boneless. lean Tender. 10 lb. 19.90 -BEEF TENDERLOIN 2.29 lb. 1 i HIP Round Steak :or RoastsRtini.p Roasts & Hamburg - Approx. Hyl. 60 lb.. at •99c lb. Rib, Crosscut Rib. Pot Roast & CH, U. CK Blade. Short • Hamburg Approx. wt. 70 ib'. at .,73c ib. . • HAMBURG 10 Ib. - $6.90 LIVER HAMBURG PATTIES: 10 lb. - $7.50 10 lb.. - $6.30 GROUND CHUCK: b0";‘ lean Bulk,: 10 lb. 58.30 Patties '- 10 113-$8.90 HEARTS & TONGUES 10 lb. - 55,90 KIDNEYS: 10 Ib. $3.90 • OXTAILS: 10.lh. -'$3.90 PORK SIDE - 70c lb. approx., wt. 80 lb. Ham Roasts or Steak Shoulder Roasts or Chops Pork Chops Bacon SHOULDER CHOPS: Sausage Spare Ribs 10 lb. $1(1.90 Hocks Lard SHOULDER ROAST LIVER: 10 Ib. _ $4.30 Approx, wt. Sib. at $1.09 lb. DASHWOOIi SAUSAGE: 10 lb. - LOiN:' Cttt• into' pork chops wt. 12 ib.' at $1.29 Ib. RIBS: 101b. pkg. $12.90 All Above Prices include Cutting, Wrapping, and Freezing Home of the famous Oashwood Suasaye 297.3314 1/2 tulle south of Das wood's mai tt tion