HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-11-18, Page 24PAGE 14A GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1976 K1HGSDID9E KAPERS MAN HAS BIRAY THD Congratulations to Jim Keane of Lucknow and for- merly -of Kingsbridge . who celebrated hjis 92nd -birthday.. on'Wednesday,. November 10. Relatives, friends and neigh- bours visited with flim on that evening bringing birthday congratulations' and best wishes.' Jim was born on November 10, 1884, the elder son of John and Theresa (Fougherty) Keane and moved with his parents to Kingsbridge from their farm at Sheppardton when. Jim was 61/2 years of age, living on the 6th con- cession of Ashfield Township. As only 4D acres•of'land'was cleared at that time; Jim tells• how every spring five acres of land was marked out and cleared of willows, poplars, and elms. Using three big .horses to cultivate, the first crop grown was a crop of peas which was solt at the' elevators in Lucknow(where the pig yard is today) . Jim• is macried...ao• •the former Irene Moran and they have a farnilyof one daughter Ruth, Mrs. Bob Currie of St. Marys, and one son Roy of Cardiff, Ontario, five, gran- dchildren and one • great grandchild. • They sold their farm in Ashfield to Mrand Mrs. Derk .Logtenburg- -and moved ,to. •._-hueknovv--ire_-1960 mJinn- has i - keen memory and is in good`, health except for a knee that has been bothering him. Jim was admittedto the - Wingham • and District General Hospital on, Thur-. sday, November 11 for x-rays on the knee and hip. His many 'friends wish • him a • speedy recovery. SOCIAL NEWS • r • Mrs. Fred Vasella is •a ' ' patient in the University Hospital, London. Commencement . exercises at the F,E. Madill Secondary School, Wingham were held on Friday . evening, November 12 in the auditorium at 8:15. Presentation of the 'Proficiency . awards were made by Mrs. Marian Zinn of - Ashfield. Congratulations to Miss Rita Hendriks, daughter of.Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hedriks. who •received her Secondary School graduation oma—presented by --Mr. R.J. Elliott, assisted by Mr. K.E. Wood. The ceremonies was followed by arcception h • the gym. A large crowd attended the Memorial Mass for the war dead and deceased Knights of Columbus members • spon- 'sored by . the Knights of Columbus .council 5420. The mass was celebrated by Reverend Father Ed Den - tinker, C.R.. on Thursday, November 11 at 8 p.m. in St. Joseph's Parish church, Kingsbridge. Following the memorial mass, Mr. and Mrs. Jack • Needham presented a travelogue in the Parish Hall. Master . of ceremonies was Mr. Eugene Frayne. Mr. and Mrs. Needham showed slides of ' their trip' to Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg and Kenya and told of their volunteer work. Tne highlight of their trip was. meeting with their foster child in Nairobi. Knights of Columbus Grand Knight, Mr: ` Jerry • Petrie thanked • Mr. and Mrs. Needham a and presented them with a gift •of money. • • Coffee and doughnuts were served : and a •spcial hour followed. .Mrs. Joe Caurtu'eij 523-7189 •'l Jim Keane is 92 yrs. old Tower" and. "Nation• al War Hamilton Grade 7 teacher , PLANNING WORKSHOP Memorial". and Mrs. • Maithel Wilson - A planning Workship Grades_ 3 and 4 . sang Grade 8 teacher. - program for the Township of "Blowing in the Wind"; and Parents were told that, Ashfield will commence as "Parents and teachers are the Brookside Public. School-" Grade 8 student Debbie Austin recited "ReMern- partners in Family Life • on Monday, November 15. at 8 brance Day" Father ,. E,d Education. Togetherwecan pmMr.' Warren Zinn reeve nd 1 children row a f. i Dentinger spoke 'followed by hep c d . , g o Ashf eld Township will be a minute's silence then a filen,• understand the beauty and chrman' , for this in - the laying of Poppies' and 0 complexity of human love. In trodu&ctory workshop. Canada.- our family ;life program. we On Monday, November 22 try to give each child an Finlay' MacDonald will be Games of volleyball are understanding of what itis to chairman for "Agriculture now being played, League be a man or woman. Children, • November 2,9 Mr: John Austin standings are as follows: need to knowthefacts of life. • will chair the workshop Senior Rouse Leagues, and children need to hear program on • --Recreation, Toronto ('cream A) 3, Toronto• these ;facts from us - the Urban Development chaired (Team B) 0; ' Montreal 1, parents = Priest and teachers. by Allen Gibson will be Saskatchewan 1. Inter- - Teo easily they can be presented on:Decemb.er 6. On mediate House League misinformed Whispered half December 13 Grant Farrish Volleyball., Toronto 2; truths quickly destroy the will discuss. • Natural Saskatchewan, 0. " sacred Christian attitude we e,nvironmen't arfd Extractive On December 15th the try to provide for youngsters. Resources and on January 10 Teachers and, Parents. will Together let pus teach our •Chairman Warren Zinn will play volleyball against the children about the beauty in -conduct . the Summary students. MrS.,Nancy Park is all human relationships - man Workshop. captain of the Teacher°'si to woman, parent to child and All 'land owners and team.'. • • person to person". residents of Ashfield It is very important'that the Miss' Hamilton explained Township are urged to attend residents of • Ashfield the new course to be taught to these very important' .Township attend the Planning the Grade 7 plass, and Mrs. workshops. Workshop Program held at Wilson.explained the Grade 8. - . thea Brookside Public -school course which has been taught SOCIAL NEWS each • MQnday evening to Grade 8 students for three Winter hit this area with beginning at 8 p.m. Be there years and has not been quite a severe blaston and voice your opinions! changed. The film "Maturity Sunday, November . 7th. A and Health"was shown, blast we weren't quite ready Several from this area followed by a question and for. Snow, drifting snow, poor attended the reieption.for answer period, Coffee and visibility and minus 7 tem - Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ferguson , cookies were served. . . peratures caused traffic to on Friday • -evening, proceed with caution: November 12 in the Ripley• _ SOCCER The Goderich and District Comps; -•••-.•__.--...--,—.-......._.-.._.... -.•_.-_.,... The_ Se tar_ , arid•..-._J13.11i-ar----Pr-o -L•ife-Group.. are,•plantrripg•a_ Mr. and Mrs. Con Hogan Girls return.. as- soccer garage and -bake sale to be visited during the past week champions from -the Huron- . held in Mike's Auction with their daughter Fay at Perth Competitions a week Rooms, South of Goderich 'on Owen Sound. - ago, gave Str Joseph's school Highway . 21 on Saturday • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hef at Kingsbridge hopes in the November. 20. Donations fernan and family of Essex direction of the Goderich and , would be sincerely • ap- visited on the weekend with • District Elementary Schools • predated and can be left in his parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. goccer Tournament for thea ..Lucknow at Gerry Ross Auto Gormand Heffernan. - weekend of November 6. Body Shop and .at Clarice - Once again, Kingsbridge Miss Joanne Hamilton and." Dalton's garage at.' 'will be marked on the road -Mr: David•-Zyluk had been Kingsbridge. map. With the opening of assigned 'the task of Congratulations; • to "Sullivan's Restaurant" the organizing the tournament: Henriette Mann, the former Department, of Highways With help from our neigh- Henriette VanDiepenbeek installed new "Kingsbridge" bowing schools the schedules daughter of Mr. and Mrs: highway signs on Tuesday of and venues were arranged. Frank VanDieperibeek who last week. Individual schools were given - successfully passed her areas in which'. to help and Registered Nurses (Intended for last week) then the trouble came. Examinations. Mrs. Mann On •Thursday Mr. Zyluk attended Fanshawe College, ' • FAMILY LIFE • sent out an `inclement Victoria Campus, London: Parents of Grades 7 and 8 weather". policy .to•the Severfil from this area. students- of . St, 'Joseph's- parents of St: Joseph's, attended "Trigon 76'' an School, Kingsbridge attended . Kingsbridge, Friday" it evening of. ' one , act plays a Family Life Program snowed. Friday the fields' .presented in the Goderich presented at the. school on . were covered with water.. District Collegiate- Institute Wednesday, November. 31' Friday Mr. Zyluk and Miss Auditorium- on Friday and Master of ceremonies, Mr: Hamilton phoned CKNX, the. Saturday, November 5 and G. David Zyluk, Principal of the , schools .and the parents. The Asta art for.Mr. Kenny school weted ed ireparents—`soccer-tournament.-had_to-be-----A st p and introduced speaker: Mr cancelled - the games are off. Moran was held on Saturday - Evert Middel' 'from the evening .November 6 at Eckert newly elected.s. >• superintendent of the -Huron_ Goderich United Soccer Club Miss Wa da`Dun an will take Perth S,._.:...,.,, Scheid had arraneed referees. It had place in St. Joseph's Parish church at Kingsbridge on . Friday, November 26. T Mr. and Mrs. Stan Guimond Students at, St. .Joseph's schooL, Kingsbridge presented, a Remembrance Day program in the school's gymnasium on Wednesday afternoon, November' 10. Interested parents • were guests. Mr. David Zyluk, principal of the school was the Master of ceremonies for the program. Grade 7 What Remembrance Day Means to Me •in 1976, Grades Kin- ~ • dergarten to Grade 2 sang "Soldiers, --Sailors", Grades 5 and 6 did readings, "Peace System; Reverend )~ ather Ed Dentinger, C.R.; Mrs. O'Malley - Principal of Sacred Heart School, Wingham; Miss; Joanne i LARGEST STOCK IN THE COUNTY WORK BOOTS —Industrial — Farm• – Factory Plain or safety toe PUNCTURE 'PROOF SOLES • SHOP 142 The Square Goderich, Ont. Flowers for All Occasions & Distinctive Gifts -I Weddings + Funerals t Fresh cut Flowers Dried Flowers Plaints 1 1 5• 4 T 51144.10.-- 1ST. i 511014,814S SQUMii -- GODERICH call' anytiwfe f" 524.2132 *diem iiwereleesieieemoilisoweeieroometiless000tesso."'"ilms promised to be a good tour- nament but now we didn't require, referees. There were NO Soccer Gamest and three daughters, Valerie, Nadine and Nancy of North Bay,visited with his - sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Champagne and daughter. Christine from Friday, .November 5 until• Monday, November 8. Several from- this area donated blood at the Blood Donor Clinic. held at the- Goderich District Collegiate Institute on Wednesday, November 3. • Wayne Courtney, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Courtney is .attending a 10 week Advanced Carpentry Apprentice Course held at the Mohawk College of, Applied Arts and Technology,.. Hamilton. Classes began on Monday,°November 8. Wayne is employed .as a, Carpenter Apprentice by_ D. and G. Construction. Congratulations to Betty Hendriks, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hendriks who received wordthat she had successfully passed the Registered . ' Nurses Examinations;, Miss Betty Hendriks is employed :at the Owen Sound General and .Marine hospital. ' Parents Night was 'held at the Goderich District Collegiate Institute on Thursday, November 4 from 7:30 to 9:30. Due to the falling snow and the slippery con- ditions- of the roadsin this -area not many parents were able to 'attend This very' im- oortantfunction: Congratulations to Mr. [OCHA[SH. Sympathy of the corn- munity is extended to Mrs. Jack MacKenzie and family in the suddenpassing of her brother Mr. Murray. Walden. - of Pine River. • Ken Elphick returned home from hospital, but was unable to finish his fall work. The neighbours got together and did his fall.plowiug doing over 130 a ores in one day. • Mrs. • Rhoda MacKenzie spent. Wednesday in Hanover at a seminar for tour guides, escorts and travel agents. Due to -the bad roads and storm was forced to spend the night in Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. ' George McGregor of Hamilton spent .a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Sykes and Marjorie former residents of this ,area and now of., Ridgetown called on friends inthe area during the past week. . Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Luther were recent visitors in Ridgetown with relatives there. Welcome • home to Mrs. Douglas Martyn • and new baby Scott from St. Joseph's Hospital, London: Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Webster were their family •Jim. of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs, Atlee Wise and Patricia. of Ohio. Eldon Austin -of Dungannon who was the lucky winner of , $1,000.00 i'n . the Royal' CaiT dian Legion,B-rane°h 1� 50-50 : Club Draw: held. in. Goderich ' . on Saturday, October 30. • DAVE HAYLOW ELECTRICAL Serving Industrial, Commeicial1 Residential Needs 524-6038 5'. Duc harme Excavating -Dashwood 236-4230 TRUCKING- BACKHOE - & DOZER SERVICE CAHICK DOWHANIUK 524, 6240 tuGOERICHL btandard A6.-- AUTO GLASS LIMITED "THE GLASSMEN OF ONTARIO" For vinyl tops • convertible tops • car upholstery • windshields • body protective mouldings. • Van sunroofs 4► Pinstriping 356 BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH CALL 524-2136 } Anstett Jewellers LIMITED• - 1.1 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 482-3901• OPEN WEDNESDAYS For Yqur Co:n"venience. HOURS: Monday through Saturday, 9 a:m° - 6 p.m.; Friday nights 'till 9 p.m. • AUTb.OR-I-ZED-, SALES & SERVICE + Vacuum Cleaners • -. i Washer:Spin Dryers Portable Dryers available on easy terms HUTCHINSON APPLIANCES TRADE INS ACCEPTED 308 HURON RD. 524-7831 REVOX A'77 STEREO TAPE RECORDER • n MUSIC'S PRICE 1079. Revox have made professional quality tape ,recorders since 1950 establishing a reputation for mechanical precisionand long term reliability. The A77 has 101/2" . reel capacity, three motors, three heads, feather -touch con- trols, various mixing, transferring and echo features and excellent sound quality. Come in for a demonstration. • Frequency response 30.20,000 , • Signal to noise ratio 62dB • Wow and flutter 0.08% • Warranty two years, ' ilk 1 I. ill ilk A 1G Oitnrie Street,' %trathord 271.2960 Because of our increase in business we find it necessary to move to a larger location.. We thank all of `you, our customers, for making this possible. "r'o make our : relocation easter we are • having a moving • CA.S.H AND CARRY:SALE CONTINUES STOCK ITEMS ONLY -Or .ROLL. ENDS .& 0 REMNANTS • OFF 50% OFF RUBBER BACKED 'CARPET LEVEL LOOP; SHAGS ' SCULPTURED PAINT 0% OFF PRATT & LAMBERT INTERNATIONAL 50% OFF CLEAR OUT NO DER . INS ne�v+r40.DECOR CENTRE WALLPAPER VINYL STRIPPABLE $ .9 5 SINGLE ROLL 61 Hamilton Ste 524-7117