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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-11-18, Page 18
PAGE 8A--- QYbERICHSIGNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1976. WMs The Auburn Women's Presbyterian Missionary Society held its November - meeting at the home of Mrs.. Frank Raithby. The- president, hepresident, Mrs. . Wilfred Sanderson was in charge and:. opened with. the call to worship. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. Frank Raithby. She chose peacefor her. theme and the scripture from Isaiah. was -read. .Her Mr,s. Wes Bodged 526-7595 meditation, Standing at- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arms,: was followed by Donald Cartwright; David, prayer. Derrick and Lorie. • • call was answered by a Mrs. MargaretO'Neill and Bible verse,, containing the daughter Lynn of 'Edmonton word "Peace". The minutes and son John of Kingston of the previous meeting were visited last weekend` with Mr. accepted 'as read by the ' and Mrs.a-Oliver• Anderson. secretary, Miss Minnie They also visited her mother, Wagner. Mrs. Arthur Ferguson at Correspondence was read Pine'crest . Nursing - Home, and business discussed. Mrs. Lucknow. She will celebrate Frei -fees Clark took the study her 90.thbirthday neXt S•un- and read an article written by day. Mrs. Ferguson and her the Rev. Brown Milne who daughter Mrs. O'Neill were was a student minister at former residents of Auburn. Auburn several years ago. It The hall board dance last was -on the "visiting of the Saturday evening inthe terminal ill and .was very Auburn Community informative. •. Memorial hall drew square The financial statement dancers. . ,from several ' •com- was given by the treasurer, rnunities. The Disc Spckey. Mrs.Frances Clark who also Egbert Jacobs was iii charge received the offering which ofthe dance: • was dedicated by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Virkge.Tysick; Sanderson. Debbie Tara and Kirk of The, meeting was closed Paisley spent the •weekend with the hymn and lunch was with Mr...; anti. •Mrs Tom served by Mrs. Raithby. ' Cunningham aLnd family, A group of., eight ,men in- TRUSTEES MEET eluding Gordon' Deer, Rick Ferguson And Tom Cun- i'he trustees of the Police ningham -" motored '.to , Village of Auburn (Man- Hamilton last Sunday to see chester) met last Thursday the Hamilton Tiger 'tats play evening in the Town Hall vrith the:ToOnt`o .rgoes. • the chairman of_the trustee. 1VIr wa:and -Mrs.. Fred board, Fred Wagner in the • You iighiut ' of Woodstock chair. visited on the weekend with The minutea were accep\ed ;•Mr .,and ;Mrs Wilfred . San - as read by the Village Clerk,4, derson and other relatives in Frank kaitliby. .The financial the village. ' previous meeting were Julie I Delbergue, RR 3., adopted as read by Karen Auburn entertained them to•a McClinehey. dinner at the Bedford Hotel Roll call was answered by last. Friday evening- on . the each showing a label of a occasion of their 40th -wedding cereal product. A discussion anniversary..They presented took place on ,each:`label them with a ticket to •the telling the nutrious points of Bahamas for a week, leaving each. The costs of convenient this Friday. Mr% and Mrs. foods compared to''the ones Bert Moss are also taking this starting from sieratch'; took same tour: • . place.„ Last Sunday Open House Meals were judged "and was .held at their home when” Mexican Chilli,. -Rolls, were theirfamily presented them made. with a 40th wedding an - Achievement Day and the niversaty cake. Relatives, exhibit were also discussed. friends and neighbours 'called On November 11, a supper duringtheafternoon.. was held at the home of The' family includes Mr, Karen'McClinchey •at 5 p.m. ,and Mrs. Ken Friar (Josette), All girls took different dishes Patricia, Cynthia, Michael for the meal . and it proved and Nancy of Paisley; Mr. r ' very'successful. . and Mrs. Rene Delbergue, Vicki, Ronald Jr., Jacqueline FAMILY DINNER and Maurice and Mr. .and Mrs. Andre .Delbergue and The'family of Mr. and Mrs. Tracey all of RR 3 Auburn/ Congratulations to Mr;` and Mrs. Delbergue on this 40th:, wedding anniversary. The •Volunteer ' Services Department of Bluewater Centre for the ,Develop mentally Handicapped . •in Goderich is in need of persons who would serve in the role of foster families toresidents who are considered "Citizens of the, World". That .is, residents who have no family. whatsoever of their own. This volunteer idle is not intended as a legal obligation, but rather' as a family . tom= mittment to include a resident in . their activities once per week or' as ,time ' statements-:-were--given- ©it 7 Con', a.tul- loris -^••te•—••Miss_---peritiitted:_'-`This :cotrld_--takr. .. and discussed. . - - - the form of avisit,a drive, MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM EMPEY Sandy Andi,ews�:::_MeYeii a""Wan.da Plaetzer of'London,.on• ; receivm >- the proficiency• supper out, church on Syn-. The wedding of Darlene bridesmaids as did a• yen vote of thanks to the chair- •awardtaf the Awards Night of Helen Coultes and William trepiece on the table with the man for his work on behalf of Farili'awe College on Empey took place on October three candles, of which one `the village. Mr. Wagner had Nov.ember 5th This• award. 9'at Knox United Church, was lit by the bride and attended • many township was presented by the London Auburn. They ;were joined. in; 'groom after saying their meetings discussing the mill District'' Dental Society. Mr. vows. The pews were rate and other business of the and Mrs: Charles. Merrill of Police Village of Auburn; RR 2 Clinton held a surprise . The following are the ex- '.dinner'last Sunday to honour pensesof the Village for 1976: her nieces, Wanda and also garbage contract, $1380 Sherry who has now'received bonus delivery to West her registered nursing Wawanosh dump, $80;, use of degree. East Wawanosh land fill, Prize winners at the euchre $133.33; . town hall fire in- parties at the ' Auburn surance, $24; town hall hydro, Community Memorial every $122.80; caretaking, $15; town Tuesday evening at 8 pan. hall repairs, $5; Blythfore sharp November 2 Novelty area, ".5 percent $7,000 , :$350; winners were: Mrs. Ed extra assessment, 5 percent : Davies; high lady, Mrs. Tom 710,000. - $50; street. lighting- Jardin; low lady, Mrs. Roy hydro, $913:16; bulbs, $99.46; Deer; high man, William J: installing bulbs, $90; bulb Craig, and low ;man, Warner . cha'nger,. $15;18; light Andrews. replacement -hydro; ..$37.48; November 9 winners were: streets -snowploughing, $56; Novelty, Mrs. Elva clearing snow from tanks and Straughan; high lady, Mrs. marriage by the Rev: John C. Roberts- of Belgrave assisted by the Rev. Earl St. Jean of Auburn.. The bride, the daughter of decorated withflowers and white ribbons-, cut by the , ushers when the guests en- tered the pews. n-tered'the.pews. • Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coultes The organist, Mrs. Winona RR 5 Winghain wore a full- Thompson played beautifully length gown of white for three solos, The Lord's polyester jersey with a sheer Prayer, 0 Perfect Love and yoke adorned with pearls.' My Cup RunnethOver, sung • The train draped from her by Joyce Miller. 1 shoulders and her headpiece The mother of the bride and veilwere, beaded with wore - a full length red . gown pearls tomatch the yolk of with matching long coat the.,. dress- She carried a trimmed with Jmarabou..Her bouquet of • sweetheart red corsage was red roses with roses.silver ,ribbon to match _ her The groom, son of Mr. and" silver accessories. The •- Mrs. William Empey, RR 2 groom's mother wore a full Auburn wore a dark brown length green dress with long Windsor tuxedo with velvet sleeved jacket with• tucked lapels and vest and white - front and a yellow • rose ruffled shirt with ..shrimp ; corsage. trim. His boutonniere was ` Following' ' the wedding, pictures were taken . by Murray Coultes of Etobicoke, brother of the bride Dinner two red roses. The best ' man was John Koopman_ friend of the clearing-_ :catch basins, $185.50; cutting .weeds etc., gravel for streets .:and road repair, $232.65; •horticulture. man, Robert Turner. grant, $25; sidewalk, $2105.; Mr., and Mrs. Donald salaries, $100; hall rent Youngblut of 'London visited groom and the ushers were credit, • $185; total, $6019.56. last Friday with his mother, Rae Lewis, brother-in-law of was held at Lucknow Legion . Nominations sheets were Mrs. Myrtle Munro. the bride and Kenneth Hall with Brian Craig,'friend' filled out as Fred Wagner and Mr.. and Mrs. Tom Haggitt Empey, brother or the groom.:: •• of the groom acting as master Elmer Trommer resigned as spent the weekendwith their ' They wore similar tuxedos of ceremonies. • •village trustees.. Kenneth son, Kenneth Haggitt, Mrs. with carnation boutonnieres. ' For travelling, to Niagara Scott remained on the Board Haggitt and family at Michael Lewis, nephew of Falls for .their honeymton, and is eligible to be Bramalea. • the bride was ringbearer and the bride wore a coral .skirt. nominated: `.Interest in the Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Keller essed similar to the ushers. and vest ensemble with v,acancies were few of •• Dublin ' visited last ie carried a white •lace matching floral blouse and an ratepayers, but it is hoped by Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. trimmed ' pillow for . the orchid corsage: The groom the end of nominations on Harry Arthur and. Mr. Greg doublering ceremony. _ • wore a tan" leisure suit with November • 15 ' that enough Arthur. The maid of honour, Carol plaid shirt. • have qualified to form McDowell, friend of the bride The couple will reside at Trustee Board for the Police . and bridesmaids, sisters of RR 2 Auburn. Vi.Ilage of Auburn.' the bride, Mrs. Lynda Lewis Special guests were the SOCIAL NEWS and Mrs. Joyce Miller *ere bride's grandmother,•Mrs. dressedin deep shrimp Earl Caslick of Whitechurch home of •Mrs. Donald Cart colored gowns with tie and great aunt, Mrs, Jane -• Mr.. and Mrs. George . wright.. President Sherry jackets and lace butterfly McAllister.of Teeswater. Reuger, Danny, Terry and Verbeek took charge of the. sleeves.' They carried ''Other guests were. present Wendy of London visited last meeting. T.he minutes of the bouquets of yellow daisies from Sarnia, Toronto, Kit - Oliver Anderson; it Oliver_..Anderson; - low lady, Mrs. Robert. Turner;, high man, Mike Rody; and tow 4-H Auburn No. 1 4-H Club held its seventh meeting at- the and rust and white . mums -••-- chener, Stayner, Guelph, with ribbon to match their London, Calgary, Teeswater,U/ dresses and wore matching Goderich, •Wingham, / d / floralheadpieces. : Whitechurch; Blyth, / / / / . The floral candelabra Brussels, Belgrave and Matched the flowers of the Auburn. , ' g . . SP me CAIA Z ig,.......................i.,..,, g g day, 'a hockey game or a phone call. If you would like to make a place for a Citizen of the World in your family, call' --the. Co-ordinator of Volunteer 'Services at the • Centre, the' number is '524 7331... • , . la PERMS _ V . REG. °° NOW $ `00 t5. 12 if 17. 15. 20. 0° $18.° �r • STREA INC $17.00 at W Someone on your Christmas list difficult to buy fort _Git;re one of our Gift Certificates. W Christmas PERM SPECIAL •' HINDS ..... LB. 99c SIDES • LB" 7.9c GODERICH, London 524-9075 • representing w Life XTAG • AUTOMATIC WASHERS & DRYERS - • • : PORTABLE WASHERS. &- DRYERS 1 - WRINGER WASHERS • • PORTABLE & BUILT-IN DISHWASHER : • IN SINK FOOD WASTE DISPOSERS From the Dependability People ats-. I♦UTCHINSON APPLIANCES r. -TRADE INS ACCEPTED 308 HURON RD. 524-7831 CHOICE "A" HEREFORD BEEF • Nov. 16th FROM Dec. 18th Lon Lyn Beauty Salon Idtttirt�l PH, 524.9337 Iii1M[ tl 0010, x VII94104000406t40/401r401 1 1 1 1 FRONTS LB. 59c ' GRADE "A"PORK WHOLE OR HALF LB.69C 50 LB. -LOTS HAMBURG LB:59c Cut wrapped and quick frozen at no extra charge. SMALL FREEZER SPECIALS 50 lb. lots Med. Ground BEEF 25 Ib. lots Homemade PlainGarlic SAUSAGE 25 Ib. lots Sweet Pickled COTTAGE ROLL 25 Ib. lots . Loin PORK CHOPS 25-30 lb. lots Fresh HAM ROASTS. - 25 -30. lots meaty v SP'ARE.RIBS 10 lb. lots POLISH SAUSAGE 10 Ib. lots by piece or slices' ' • BEEF LIVER" HOMEMADE LARD any quantity All orders will be filled in 1-2 weeks LB, 59c LB, 69c LB.$ 1.09 LB.s1.19 18.98c LB. $ L09 LB. 99c LB. 35c LB. 39c � Ripley Abattoir � 392-240$ Ole 395.2974 after 6 p:m • DECISION Ottawa, November 5, 1976 The Canadian Radio -television and Telecommunications Commission announces the following decision effective forthwith. Decision CRTC 76-769 - SOUTHERN ONTARIO • Applications to amend the licences of the following cable television broadcasting. undertakings in Southern Ontario by adding thereception and distribution of the FM radio stations as indicated hereunder: Location Licensee Application LONDON 761122100 Canadian Cablesystems (Ontario Limited,' carrying on business under thename of LONDON CABLE TV Proposed Distribution on the FM Service WWWM-FM Cleveland, Ohio - WUOM-F14/1 Ann Arbor, Michigan WOMC-FM, Detroit; Michigan WDET-FM Detroit, Michigan OSHA IIA • 761063700 Canadian Cablesystems '(Ontario)' Limited, carrying on business under the name of PINE RIDGE CABLE TV WDCX-FM Buffalo; New York 94/BEN-FM Buffalo, New York KITCHENER, WATERLOO,- CAMBRIDGE, ST. JACOBS, ELMIRA:, PETERSBURG, NEW DUNDEE, BADEN; NEW HAMBURG, MANNHEIM 761107200 , Canadian 'Cablesystems (Ontario) Limited, carrying on business under the name of GRAND RIVER CABLE TV. WBUF-FM Buffalo, New. York WREZ-FM Buffalo, New.. York WDCX-FM Buffalo, New York WBEN-FM Buffalo, New York ' WBLK-FM Depew, New York WHLD-FM Niagara Falls, New York CHATHAM 761061100 Chatham Cable TV Limited WORS-FM Detroit, Michigan WWWW-FM Detroit, Michigan . .WLDM-FM Detroit, Michigan --WJR=FM..'Detroit7-Mi.Chrga,h. _ .,....... WABX-FM Detroit, Michigan WXYZ-FM Detroit, Michigan WDET-FM.Detroit, Michigan WOMC-FM- Detroit, Michigan GODERICH, CLINTON,.HOLMESVILLE . 761109800 Bluewater TV Cable Limited WI -IFF -FM Birmingham, Michigan WWJ=FM Detorit, Michigan • • - WMUZ-FM. Detorit, Michigan WOMC`FM .Detroit, Michigan ' Decision: APPROVED 'Pursuant to its Public. Announcement of September 23, 1976,. the Commission authorizesthe licensees to -distribute , the proposed .FM stations . on their cable television systems, on an interim basis, pending the Commission's further examinationof its policy on the carriage -of FM signals on cable, and representations from • the public:arising out of that 'Public Announcement., The -distribution of these stations shall terminate for- thwith upon receipt .of :written notification from the Commission to that effect.' - Guy Lefebvre, Secretary General . 11140 Canadian Radio -television and Telecommunications Commission• Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des telecommunications canadiennes • Leigh Neille neededa nursery. 1.4*.ar. sOild: Pink of btu' e? Last month, Leigh Nellie received an eight pound, three ounce baby boy, dor.- - , ens sof best wishes and a husband• with a. ion -stop smile. What she needed was a nursery. Niagara thought so too. That's -because Niagara knows a lot about peo- ple's needs. We also know a lot about money. That's .ourbusiness at Niagara. 'Mortgage money, -money for a new car, money for borne improvements, for.your_ child"s education, or, if you're like Leigh Nellie, money to Welcome the newest NIAGARA Lo ms, Mort; rges, Saies financing. Moneyin action. member of your family. If what stan ds be- tween you and what you really need is a thing called money, come hi and sit down with the people you've come to know at Niagara: We know that one way to fulfill a need is to put money into action. it