HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-11-18, Page 1•
, •.
The December 6 municipal with . contests
elections in Goderich will ' seats on town
prove to be a low key affair: public utilities
y for council,
confined to , and for the position of trustee election of 1974 when she
council, the on the Huron Perth Separate "against Bill Clifford for
commission School Board. ;..position of deputy -reeve.
Goderich Mayor Deb
Shewfelt and Reeve- Bill
Clifford have been acclaimed'
• to those posts 'for the 1977-78
term as no other candidates
for those positions filed,.
•nomination papers by the
deadline of 5:00 p.m. Monday.
Goderich, 'trustees 'on . the
Huron County Board of
'Education, Cayley Hill and
Dorothy+aWallace, were also
returned to office. by ac-
There will be a contest for
the position of Deputy -Reeve.
A councillor during the last
term of office, • Leroy
Harrison wasnominated to
seek election to that post". The
position:will also be contested
by -Eileen Palmer who.served-
as a town councillor during
the 1973-74 term - and was
defeated in the municipal
Mayor Deb Shewfelt
• acclaimed
Reeve Bill Clifford
The Ontario Ministry of Housing
recently announced the approval of
$26,196 in grants to municipalities in the
County of Huron. Thegrants are
designed to assist municipalities and
planning Boards in preparing • official
plans and zoning by-laws or in bringing
these up to an acceptable level.
According to the Ontario Ski Resorts
Association, if the recommendations of
A..:the `Blair Commission on taxation._ are
_ .putanto,effec.t many operators will face.
j R being taxed out of existence:._ `
Page 5
Tuesday's headlines were screaming
"One step toward independence." The ,
hysterical over reaction of Canadian
journalists and politicians to the election
of . the. Parti Quebecois• in Quebec .on
Monday is hard to understand.
The Canadian=Arab.. Federation has '
not developed since it was founded 10
years ago. The organizers wonder why it
has failed .to gain widerespect in
Ben Sheardown
Bob Cornish
Jim. Peters
Herb Murphy
Harry Wartall
o for depot
Eight . candidates filed
nomination papers for the six
council seats. Incumbents
Eileen Palmer
second try
Leroy Harrison
first try
Stan Profit, Dave Gower, has a challenger this year' in
Robert Allen and Elsa. the person of Gordon Crabb.
Haydon will seek re=election Mr. Young has held the
while newcomers John
Doherty, Don Wheeler, Ben
Grahatn and Joan Van Den.
Broeck will appear on the
ticket. Former councillors
Frank Walkom and Jim,
.• Peters will not he seeking
Mr. Peters will be trying
• fora position on the local
Public Utilities Commission
along with two other' new
candidates, Herb Murphy and "
Bob Cornish. Incumbents
Leonard Sheardown, Bruce
Ryan and Harry Worsell will
seek re-election bringing the
total of candidates to six.
There are four seats• on the
P.U.C. • with former com-
miss'roner Harry Crane not
seeking re-election:
- Huron -Perth • Roman
Catholic Separate • School
Board trustee Vince Young
Goderich trustee's seatsince
the organization of county-
wide.school boards,
Vince Young
Gordon Crabb .... newcomer.
129 YEAR -47
Beginning January
Board members to
All members of council -
appointed boards and com-
mittees will receive $150 per
annum beginning in January,
1977. —This decision was
reached at Monday evening's
council session following a
lengthyand sometimes
hated debate. e a e about
honorariums for Goderich
citizens serving ink the in-
terests of the municipality.
A motion was approved as
presented by Deputy -reeve
Bill Clifford and Councillor
Elsa Haydon, but not before
there had been'. considerable
discussion. A recorded vote
on the motion showed
Councillor Daye Gower and
Councillor Leroy Harrison
"Those who •don't .attend
meetings should be docked a
percentage for absenteeism,"
argued Councillor Gower.
"To annum
pay $150 perum
whether members attend or'
not is not fair to those, who do
attend faithfully."
"The chairmen should'
receive more than committee
members," Councillor
Harrison felt. "In.rripst cases,
the chairman does a great'
deal of work between
meetings and the chairman
should.be paid more for these
extra efforts.-
"It is an honorarium,"
Deputy -reeve. Clifford told
council. "Therefore it is only
a token of appreciation for
doing 'the job, and is notin-
tended Sed toe
r present dollars
frl exthangefer effort's."
' Clifford went on to explain
that `in the past, some com-
mittees have been • paid,
others have • riot. Some
.chairmen get rnore than other
chairmen. He called these
-inequities" and said. it
tended to make . "some
Goderich area could get
50 unit sr. citizen complex
Goderich may have. a 50
unit senior citizens complex
under construction as • early
as the spring of 1977 if the red
tape involved with the project
can be cleared on schedule.
The complex, ' a 'creation of
the Goderich area housing
action committee, received
the approval of the Ontario
Ministry of . Housing this
month and now moves into
the developmental stage, at
the OHC level.
The con'xplex was brought.
an .stream by the housing
actioncommittee midway
through . 1975 when the
committee -members
ana,lyzed.housing needs in the
Goderich area and found' the
town lacking in senior citizen.•
accomodation. The . only
senior ' units in town are
located quite •a distance from
The Square and are fully
occupied.. A brief . in-
vestigation into the needs of
the elderly showed a serious
need for housing and
pr.,ompted the committee
• made up of -members from
•Goderich and Colborne and
Goder-ich,townships, to delve
into the issue. . • t
A needs study was com-
pleted by the committee early
this year and the OHC was
requested'" for assistance for
units. The ministry informed
the committee that the study
• they had done was in-.
sufficient• adding ' that, a
-complete survey would have
to be dons -detailing incomes,
holdings . and health stan-
dards of the elderly before
Goderich could be considered
for assistance: The ministry
had at that time 11 people on
file as being in need of
assistance, not enough ac-
cording to their statistics to
warrant construction of units.
The committee advised the
ministry to conduct a . full
survey based on the results of
the committee's study' and
the result showed 25 people in
immediate need of assistance
andprojected that 50 would
need assistance by the time
anything could be • con-
structed. `.
The . town• and townships
have no financial respon-
sibiltiy with regard to the
construction of the units and
are only responsible to pay
seven percent of. any losses
the units incur.
The ministry now should be
in the proces's of looking for a
site for the units, preferably
in thecore area. OHC told the
committee that the ministry
has a set of guidelines used
whenpurchasing a site for the
units and the government will
not pay inflated values for
land acquisistion. If the land
cannot be•found inthe desired
area the ministry officials
simply investigate another
After the site .has 'been
designated the OHC . com-
missions an architect to
design the building according.
(continued on page 20')
Hydro rates jump 24
The Goderich Public Utility Com-
mission announced that effective
January 1, 1977 the average monthly
hydro -rates will increase by 24 percent.
Hazen Bagley of Ontario Hydro's
Consumer Services Department • in
London revealed the increased rates'to
the Goderich utility commissioners at
their last meeting. Residential
customers will face an increase of 23.6
percent and business and industrial
rates will -rise 24.4 percent,
_The- monthly mininyum charge will
remain' at $3.50 per month with . no
-changes in the block structure.
billings in the new year incorporating
consumption' at the old and new rates
will be pro -rated. Therefore the dif.
ference in the rate will be multiplied by `.
the number of days at the old rate over
the total number of days in the billing
The estimated hydro requirements for
Goderich' in 1977 willcost the local utility
$1,523,741 and the revenue from hydro
sales is expected to reach $1,898,171. •
If an average residential bill
amounted to $50 over a two month period
the 23.6 percent residential increase
would boost that bill to $61.80,an in-
crease of $11.80 for two months,
The last utility increase faced by
Goderich residents occurred in May of
this year when residential rates jumped
13.8 percent and industrial and business
rose 13.6 percent. .
150 per
committees se,e.m more
important that. others".
"All committees now will
be paid?" asked Councillor
Bob Allen.
"Yes; that is our intention,
said Clifford. "We feel all the
committees and boards
should he treated alike
Councillor Haydon disputed
Councillor. Gower's
suggestion to dock board and
committee -members whe are
absent from meetings.
"That doesn't apply at the.
council table,'.' Councillor
Haydon reminded Councillor
Gower. "Whoever is here,
whoever isn't, whoever
works, whoever doesn't we
all collect our money and go
home happily. Surelythe
people council 'appointsto
these committees and. boards
are responsible people.
Councillor Gower's
'suggestion is lacking in logic
in my opinion.
In response; Councillor
Gower then • assured Coun-
cillor Haydon that .it -may be
well to dock, council members
as well who 'are' absent from
It was pointed out the
committee . did discuss at-
tendance, but agreed that
council does ` retain some
control. If attendance is poor,
those absent committee
members just aren't ap-
pointed for a second term.
Councillor Jim Peters
pointed out; however, that in
rpost cases it would take up to
two terms' to catch up to this
kind of , situation. He•
suggested the honorarium
should be based on 80 per'cen`t
Councillor Peters moved an
amendment, later . defeated, a
which suggested that upon
receipt of a letter from the
secretary . of the board or
Committee, noting ;that:
members were in attendance:.
at least 80 per cent •of the
meetings, the honorariums "
• would be paid. The only
legitimate excuse for ' ab-
senteeism wbuld be illness.
Otherwise, no payment for
service would be made.
"It's often not what is«done
at meetings that counts, but
•what is accomplished bet-
ween meetings." Councillor
(continued on page.20)
Mona Davis, president of the Goderich Branch 109 Legion Ladies Auxiliary., is pensive as
she lays a wreath at the foot of the eenotaph in the service held November. 11, Reinero...
branee Day, Mrs. Davis laid the wreath on behalf of the Legion Ladies. Auxiliary. (staff'+
.photo) ••