HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-11-11, Page 20PAGE 10A--
Debbie Spring and Ed Taylor go, through a song: and
dance .'routine in the Huron Country Playhouse
production of The Hide -and -Seek Odyssey of Madeline
Gimple.. The Playhouse troupe is, performing for
elementary school children in classrooms throughout
Southwestern Ontario. (Photo by Lorne C. Bannister)
HuronIa h
p • � ouse _.
actors on tour --
15 attend meet o
A subcommittee, made up
of Joe Herdman, Mary
Forsythe and Pat Hamilton,
hili . meet with Goderich
Recreation Director Mike
Dymond this week in an at-
tempt to hammer out an
official purpose, list of needs
and order off priorities for the
proposed Goderich y Arts
The subcommittee will
base their discussions on
suggestion's corning out of a
general meeting , held on -
Sunday evening of , those
interested in forming such a
council•, ..__
According to Mr. Dymond
is people attended the
gathering and held a general
discussion on just what an
Arts Council was and what it
would do in Goderich.
One of the central questions
Was "What are the needs?" A
nutnber_.of suggestions were
put forward including that
such a body become a funding
group; that it act as a co-
ordination organization, it
develop • and look for
facilities; and . that it' work
especiallywith young people
to develop an appreciation of
the arts.
It',was also pointed out that
according to a recent
University or Waterloo
survey, the local area is
strong in the field of the
performing arts, and weak in
visual arts. It was suggested
that the committee might
stressa program aimed at
' Some of those ;attending the
meeting felt the Council could
bring ' in shows and. regular
art displays as well as to
provide general community
education in the arts by
providing more exposure.
• In an interview after the
meeting Mr. ,Dyimdnd said,
If we don't have an im-
mediate plan and direction I
think .the group will die.
How the time flies. •
_especially when you have a
- Four actors and their stage the loss of individual identity lot to see and a lot to do.
manager, all members ofthe in a mechanized society, are The trip south was very
• Huron Country Playhouse well received by the older good - spent two nights and
Young Players, are now ones. three . days getting here but
touring to elementary schools - The group's first week ..of didn't rush things. You were
throughout. Southwestern performances were in public doing :sixty-five to seventy -
Ontario: libraries in towns including. five just keeping up to. the
This five-week stint, ending St.. Thomas, Strathroy, traffic - you could stay at
November 16, is the first p
- course, when she has such a
great shop of her own. Have
you .been •to her new "`barn"
since she moved from Pipers
• Dam?
The Whitemans have a
beautiful set up just two. or
• three miles out of Dunlop.
You turn at Dunlop towards
Auburn but just go to the first
cross country road and turn
• right
You can see their big house
-""at h'e'cu re d'f"ttte"roa'd i eati'
art Ingersoll, Woodstock and fifty-five = the speedlimit - for
- of the . Playhous'e 1976-77 • London. Since then, the .-a while and you'd be all alone
School Touring Program. The company: has performed 'in or holding up traffic and that
" "Young "]?layers Tourtfig . ae schools .•.tri �l ucan ..:.
1?undalk is woe se than g mg over the'
tiyities will resume March. 1, Winghatn•and.Milverton. speed limit,. •
1977. Once the initial opening So we made good time but I
The show this year, entitled . performance problems were stopped • often - about ;every
The • Hide -And -Seek Odyssey worked out, Madeline Gimple two hours and fairly early in
Of Madeline Gimple, is a 1967 has proven to be the most the evening, so didn't get too
script by Frank Gagliano. It popular ' Young Players tired.
is the story of an orphan girl's production to • date, with We left Windsor early
search . for her imaginary . students and teachers alike. Wednesday' morning when
' parents, and her travels The Production was the weatherman 'said there
through Balloon Land and directed by Playhouse would be 'a break in the'
Litterville. She meets fan- Managing • Director,-james weather,. and so had good
es su.nny west er all the durin
• y. g • -Sun Fiesta Week"
tasticalcharacters such as Murphy.. The cast includ h
of you and then the cute barn
comes into view, •
I don't know if it would be
open now '.= perhaps by ap-
pointment - but Arleen and
Stan have •worked so .hard
again to make their place the
most interesting and
beautiful spot seen. They are
really a hard working pair!
We ..arrived in Venice
Puppet Man, Balloon Man, David Douglas and Domenic On both' stopovers I • had . When : a lot of things• are
and another character who Cuzzocrea both Londoners,
heavy* frost to scrape of the happening. There were many •
windows before we courd get arts and crafts shows,
away in the morning:: bazaars - suppers and antique -
I don't know why, but on car and other shows; besides
this trip it seemed we were in a big parade.
the mountains twice as long When you see the work.put
as any other titne, into their parades I wish you.
The colors were so brilliant' too could see them. But, there
- more so than I have seen in ' .isn't•.:•an•ything that.' e
our north - but they.have so couldn't db for our own
many oak trees and trees parades if we just get to it and
• , on oners,
reappears_ in eachnew land, and Debbie. Spring. and Ed
but as a different person each • Taylor from . Toronto. Brian
time. The play •' includes Mizzen stage manages • the
music, magic and mime. • ;production.
Madeline Gimple appeals A. grant ,from the Ontario
to most elementary • school Arts Council helped make this
students, and the themes. of year's Playhouse .School Tour
the problems of pollution, and.. possible. -
MacKay Hall was buzzing
with merriment. last Wed-
nesday as the ladies:tried
their hand at liquid• • em
Kathy Desj ardines supplied.
each with sample pictures
and tubes of tri -chem paints.
Kathy is a sales represen-
tative of • T-ri-C .Products
and travelled from London to
demonstrate her hobby.
Tri -Chem "Liquid
Embroidery" -colors come in
unique ballpoint tubes that
are wonderfully easy to work
with even though• you've
never drawn or • painted.
before. Colors are fast drying.
and come in a dazzling array
of tints.- and tones. Once ap-
plied all _colors are washable,
dry cleanable and will last
If you're wanting to make a
gift for someone, but don't
feel• you have been blessed ,
with any creative talents,
perhaps liquid embroidery
the craft for you. Kathy
showed several completed
projects that varied from
simple wall decorations to.
charitiing quilts,
Sharon Wrafr•eminded the.
ladies that the Santa Claus
parade was fast"approaching
and urged the group to plan
for their float in ,the ar d
Looks like the Parade
Committee • will be'recruited
by ah "army volunteer"
Each week's program is
designed to- appeal to : a .dif-
ferent aspect of a woman's
busy life. • Why not declare
next Wednesday morning. as
your special day, and join the
gals at Women's Day Out.
See You!
Norma -Jean
with sm,a111eaves •that had the • DO it, •
most brilliant reds I have Of course they have warm
ever seen. weather on their side - but -
The oaks with their , you have only a few hours you
beautiful range of reds were • can be out in that sun - so you
fantastic and those. large see it works both ways-- hot or
trees were surely showing off. cold. . •
But more single fun things
This time we missed the fog
in the mountains - for whichI
- was thankful - as ybu could
d h
spen ours' and hours
crawling along through it.
Tlie folks here had been to
Gatlingburg the previous
week I :may •haye the name
spelled wrong = but - it is a
beautiful town` that
specializes in crafts' of every
kind and is nestled in
beautiful scenery.. in the
Smoky • Mountains, off our
trail, but.some day I hope to
go there.
Arleen Whiteman can tell
you how interesting
everything is and how the
whole town is planned around.
the arts and crafts, .-
Arleen would love it, • of
Domestic -Commercial -Industrial
`133 Britannia Rd.
Phone Evenings. ' 5 2 4.8 1 4 6
A Management Semial
Co-sponsored by Goderich Businessmen's Assoc. •
Ai Sunset Golf and Sport Club, Goderich
oN Monday, November 22nd, 1976 __ _._. _ ____... 9 00AM to 4 30PM
Would you like to affend7If so. please complete the coupon and return it along with your. cheque, to the
• address below. For further information please contact Bill ;Prest
at. Stratford', Ontario Tet. 271-5650
111 + tIr• ilii NM II 11/111 tll� - INN
The Manager..
Federal Bustness.Oevelopment Sank •
1036 Ontario Street
Str,1ford, Ontario
• wilt attend the business management
sem,mar at Goderith
November 22nd _
• Postal Cddei ...v_._....: Tei
prr flegisttAtion gee. of Sf5`0'0 per person isctudes iuncneo,
can be made ahead, like some
of the•' creatures in the big
• 'Al" MacDopalds' ads you
see on TV, It takes hours 'to
make those funny heads and
you. have to consider the
hours it takes for them to dry.
' Such was the case two years
ago when the suggestion of an
Arts Council was first
presented. One meeting was
held to gauge interest but
nothing further developed.
A second general meeting
" is planned this: tithe for the
Dutchess Room at the
' Bedford Hotel on Sunday,
December 5 at 7:30 p.m.
It is hoped to have John
Harrison, president of the
Grey -Bruce Arts Council as
guest speaker at that time:
Mr. Harrison was to have
addressed last .Sunday's
meeting but due to. weather
conditions was 'unable to get
to Goderich.
Another, king - if you go to
all the trouble to make -funny
heads - go to :a little more
effort and make them so they
can be used again. Have a
good base so your papier-
mache doesn't buckle and fall
to pieces.
. PIECES - that is the word
meeting of the Goderic
Duplicate Bridge Club. In th
_North-West •competitio
Eleanor Erskine', and Mary
Donnelly amassed 100 point
to . lead the field followed by
Bill Cochrane and Fred
Egener with 94. • Verna
Worthy and Audrey Tobin
were third for the • evening
with 93 points and Evelyn
Galbraith and Dawna Sproule
finished fourth with 91,
Bill :Bradley and Aelian
Weerasooriya - put together
111 points to : lead the East-
West pairs at the end of the
evening with Lee'. Ryan and
Joan Duckworth grabbing
second with'99 points. Jo
Shrier and .The Martin
combined for 87 points for
third spot over Gail Hovey
and Cathy McDonald with 80
points. l
Ted Plante 'and Frank
Donnelly .topped the North-
South section of play with 71
points at. • the October 26
meeting of :-'-.the Goderich
BridgeClub. There were,
seven tables in play.
Dawna Sproule and Evelyn
Galbraith finished second
with 69 points one point ahead
f the team of Mary Donnelly
nd Eleanor Erskine.. Verna
Worthy and Jean Cook were
urth with 61 points.
• eee-wer-e_seventab.les.:%n=
lay ' at the ` November 2 •
when working at this
• fascinating craft. Make sure
,.your paper is torn in LITTLE
pieces and glued on in every
direction criss-crossing back
and forth, up and down. Use
different colors of paper•' -'for
example do a layer of regular
newsprint - after, you get a
good •base finished, then, go
over the whole thing using the
colored sheets of the funnies,
then' when you've covered it
completely go back to regular
ridge Club
_ A ;W eerasoorrya --mid t3M
Bradley scored 96 points to
h lead the competition : in. the
e East-West division, The
11 teams: . of Lee • Ryan • and
Joanne Duckworth and. Jean
s Papernick and Auleen Curry
tied for second' spot with 76:..
Mary Lapaine and Gail
Hoyey took fourth spot with 61
points, : ..
Arie • an der Endo will have an
in the Suncoast Mall, Goderich, on Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, November 11, 12 and :13,.9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Come and get some 'good ideas for Christmas — there will
be a good range of sizes and subjects — all paintings may be
purchased there or ordered for later delivery:
1 / .studio4&artgallery'
RR 2,' Goderich,' Ont:
Effective Management of Human
Resources and Cost Controls
can help to increase efficiency
and profitability in your business.
Here is a business management
seminar dealing with these
two problems.
would like, to call you with
"housewarming gifts" and in-
formation about your new
location. The Hostess 'will be
glad to arrange your subscrip-
tion to the Signal -Star
Call her at 524-2057.
You're sure to have four or
five layers at least this way.
Sometimes this is enough -
perhaps you'll need more.
Try it. •
Industrial •
— Factory
Plain or: safety toe
142 The Square
Goderich, Ont.
Nominations for ...�
Reeve , '
Deputy Reeve -
Three (3) Councillors
1 Represetative on the Huron County Board of
Education representing •Ashfield, •and West
1 Representative'on the Huron -Perth' Roman
Catholic Separate School Board representing the.
Townships of Ashfield, West Wawanosh, East
Wawanosh, and Colborne. ow
---for the years 1.977& 1978'wiil beheld during the
per6.iod Thursday :November 11, 1976 and until 5
of nomination day Monday, November 15,
In case a pod is demanded, polls will be open
Monday, December 6, from 11`A.M. - 8 P.M.
Advance poll will be held Saturday, November
27th from 11 A.M. to. 8 P:M: •
Donald M. Simpson
Returning Officer
Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the
.Town of Goderich, Town of Clinton and the
Township of :Goderich
in the County of Huron that the period'during which nomination papers may be filed in the
office of the clerk for the purpose of municipal elections will commence on November 11th
at the hour of 8:30 o'clocka.m., and close on November 15th at the hour of S o'clock p.m. for , •
the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office(s) of one member of the
Huron and Perth Counties: combined Roman. Catholic Separate School'. Zone Board
representing the Town of Goderich, the Town of Clinton and the Township of Goderich for
the Town of Goderich, Town of Clinton, Township of Goderich; of which all Electors are
hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and further take notice
that the manner in which said nominations shall be filed is set forth in section 34 of The
Municipal Elections Act which provides that:
How nominated 34 (1) A person may be nominated as a candidate for an office
in, the office of the clerk, during the normal office hours of the clerk within `the period fin
which• nominations may be filed, a nomination paper in prescribed form .which: (a) shall be
• signed by: at least ten electors whose names are entered in the polling lists of electors en-'
titled to vote in an election to such office; (b) shall state the name, occupation and address
of the person nominated in suchmanner as will identify him and the office for which he is
nominated; and (c) shall statethe name and address of each elector signing the nomination
paper and, where the office for which the; person is nominated is a member of a school
board, that such nominator is a public school elector or a separate school elector, as the fact
is 1974,s.20(1).
Consent and declaration to be filed (2) No nomination is valid unless there is filed with the
nomination paper a consent in writing to the nomination and a declaration bi qualification in
the prescribed• form by 'the person nominated.
Public school nominators (3) A nomination paper nominating -a person for an office the • V
holder of which a `)required to be elected by public -school electors shall be signed' by public
school electors only. 1974,s20(3). o
Separate school nominators (4) A nomination paper nominating a person 'for an office the
holder of which is required to be elected by separate schobkelectors shall be signed by
separate school electors only. 1974,s2031'
Separate nomination papers (5) Each candidate for election tti an office shall be• nominated
by a separate nomination paper, but an elector may sign the nomination papers of different.
candidates. .
Clerk to keepnomination paper (6) After a nomination paper is filed with the clerk it shall
remainthe possession' of the clerk.
Onus on persons' nominated (7) The onus is an the person nominated for election to an Office
to file a bona fide nomination paper.
Given under my hand this twenty,first_day of October 1976,
7. WJest.HarSt:, old Wallis
Returning Officer