HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-11-11, Page 16PAGE SA- GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1976
The Auburn Recreational
Committee met in the Auburn
Community • Memorial Hall
last Wednesday ' evening,
November 3 at 8 p.m. There
were 28.present, most of
:whom were. students. The
number of parents present,
was disappointing. -
President James T'bwe was
in charge of the meeting. The
minutes were., ap"p.Cgved as
read by the secretary Mrs.
Robert Slater,
Arising from the minutes,
involving. Little League
Baseball Crests, Mrs.
William.. Seers stated that she
felt there had been a lack of
communication within the
baseball -committee. Mrs.
James Schneider stated that
she had be'en, quoted in -
Knox United Church, Ross ` of Tordnto; . Joanne
Auburn, was beautifully McCosh of London; and Betty
decorated with a . large : Cook of Glencoe.' All
pedestal bouquet of. gladioli, - bridesmaids were dressed
chrysanthemtimS and dahlias similarly to the maid of
in fall colors andcan honor.
Mrs. Wes Bradneck 526-2695
Little League Baseball Club Coultes of Belgrave thrilred
showed receipts of $187.26 and the audience with two
expenditures of $151.08, readings.
leaving a balance .of $36.18. Kim and Patti McDowell
This d) �n.ot include baseball gave a demonstration of -a
equipme`nt totalling - $521.87 baton twirling and the
as Bradley Family of Clin`bn'
correctly in regard to the named; chairman again• The which was purchasedsang several selections. Mrs.
baseballf s••h r position of secretary follows:
Greg Park accompanied by
It was _her feeling that treasurer is. vacant,at press Balls; 2 hes $7s, $107.40; 3 Mrs. Gordon Gross led in a
$2.00 per player for the Little time. Equipment chairman is $106.$0; 8 helmets, ads, .sing -song.
League players was too high, Fred Lawrence; Grounds .-masks, $28.25; 5 belly p
but that the older play s committee; Murray Nesbit; $7L:35; 1 •ling marker, $42.00; • Mrd. Norman Wightman
sha(uld be char d 'straps $5.50; 3 and daughter Marilyn played
ee $4.95;" 3 ba tw piano
duets: Pat
a •high r Social committee, Mrs.. spikes an. bases, o,
.. Sandy Andrews, with indicators,.
Mrs. Slater replied that the—assistants.,_ Mrs. Fred $34.00; score books, $8.2$; Stackhouse of Londesboro did
, baseball: fee been Set at Lawrence, Mrs. William and sales tax, $34.12; a tap dancing number and a
skit, Two's Company Was Mrs. Donald Haines.
the organization meeting for. Seers;: Fund raising,Arnold Cook are
this season which was at- Chairman, James Towe,
ker h HORTIACubL xn HostO� ulEural Mrs Ken Ram ay with music thate Mrs, pteased to
th Lans ngort
tended by the executive of the assistants, Linda Hak s, The p eye
Committee an Powell; ac- - t met last week'iri the accompaniment laved by home after having
a sur er in Victoria Hospital,
weekend with. his mother,'
Mrs. Myrtle Munro.
Mrs. Donald Rae and
Christopher of Listowel -,
visited last week with ,her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Mr. and rs. Amis
Andrews of Go erich visited
last Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Johnston and
Miss Laura Phillips.
Mr. and- .Mr.s, Ronald
Livermore . and family of
Fordwich visited last Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and
Recreation . d Mrs Gordon owe Society
all of the coaches:The fee had tivities,cotnmittee,'req-wires, a
Aruburn Community Mrs. KennethMcDoug 11 g Y
been agreed by all present chairman and two assistants. "Memorial Hall with the . The U,C.W• skit was staged London:
and therefore it' was her ' There was much interest in president Mrs. Kenneth Scott by Mrs, Earl St. Jean, Mrs. Mrs. Luella Phillips,. Mrs.
g in charge. Donald Haines, Mrs. Maurice Fred Phillips and .her -mother
. responsibility to „collect the formin a badminton club for" from Mitchell and Mrs.
- lee as set.. the winter months. The minutes of the previous Bead; Mr`s. Peter Verbeek,
. Mrs.- Schneider .was. ad:" Registration is Sunday,,:. meetiug...were accepted as Mrs. Ken Ramsay, Mrs. Tom Frank Robinson of Toronto
vised to be present at -next • November 7, 2 to 4 p.m, at the.. read by Mrs.:Fxances •
Clark Jard:in, '. Mrs: Dorothy visited one day last week`with
year's opening =baseball Auburn Community in the absence of the Grange. The 'skit was in- Mr. WilliainJ..Craig:
meeting and to.have a motion Memorial Hall. Vickie Powell secretary Mrs. Beth Lansing. troduced by , Mrs. Jack We are pleased to report
passed .to change the fee as and Frank Slater volunteered . Mrs. Clark read. the Armstrong. that Mrs. Bell Allen has been
she saw fit: to put up' posters in .this correspondence and business She also introduced the • able to return to her home
squarethe Clinton after a couple of weeks as a.
Sandy Andrews did not regard. � was discussed. lsolos� Wheel 'NaDealers'with their patient in. Clinton Public •
agree that the older players Adult assistance is required Andrews sang of
Hospital. -
_ were harder on the equip- to supervise during the accompanying himself on the Goderich ller, le Patterson
ose rsondancing Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Brodie of
ment than the Little League badminton.. Anyone wishing guitar. Toronto spent a.£ew days last ..
players. He told the meeting to take his or her turn should The financial statement were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald week. withsneoudin, Mrs.,
that one of the ' batting contact James Towe, 526- was given by Mrs. Eleanor McDowell, Mr..and Mrs. Kenneth Scott, their cor. Scott and
helmets had been ruined by 7704. Mr. Towe would also Bradnock and she called the. .Lawrence Plaetzer, Mr. and
the . Little League. Fred like to hear from anyone roll when premiums bulbs Mrs. Leonard Archambault , Eric Stott.
Lawrence, reported some willing to take the position of ' were given out. „ ,and Mr. and Mrs. Norman
baseballs missing •that -had ' secretary -treasurer or to act Lucky door prizes went to Wightman,.
been loaned to the United on the Activities Committee. Mrs. Robert Turner and Mrs. The Westfield Songsters
Church for their picnic. Total . donations for the Thomas'Jardin. 1 Garth Walden, John
Mrs. 'Larry Johnston Auburn Hallowe'en Party Mr.. and Mrs.,; Donald, McDowell and Harvey ,
suggested that the amounted to $312; expenses . Haines showed pictures of 1VIcDowell, sang several
organization borrowing were $283.10. their California trip/and Mrs. numbers and the evening . .
equipment from 'the • The financial statement Robert Slater thanked them. closed with the Bradley
Recreation Committee should showed receipts of . $1,698.56. Mrs. Dorothy Grange took_ Family and a salute to
be 'held responsible. for its and expenditures of $1,139.52,• charge of the meeting and Auburn by the Young People
return. • leaving a bank balance of thanked everyone who had Hee Haw gang.
Sandy Andrews asked the $558.87. ' . taken part..
secretary to'_read the.: letter Following the financial • Lufich was served.by Mrs. SOCIAL NEWS
' regarding the baseball grant` statement,the amount of - D 'rothy Grange, Mrs. The Auburn Librarian,
from Wintario, •as he felt
there was ' a misun-
derstanding gars
$250.00 paid to the Hall Board illiam L. Craig, Mrs: Russel Miss ..Lorraine Chamney
for the.first six months was. / Brindley, Mrs. John Durnin wishes all Huron County
questioned. The treasure " and Mrs. books to be in on November
derstanding m is re Ernest .Durnin:
There were people in the stated that had the C It was announced that the 13th.
village who did . not realize mittee paid the hall rent at annual Family dight will be Mrs. - Myrtle Munro
that Wintario . sent . out the rate' of $8.00 per -evening, held on Friday, November 26• returned home on Saturday
equipment. as well. as cash it ' would have,•'cost them VARIETY .NIGHT •evening after visiting in
approximately�$100..00 more. London for a week with her
payments. The . Auburn Community
The. secretary stated that:The •amottnt of $521.87, for Memorial Hall was filled to son • Mr. Donald Youngblut,
she • had applied for the, baseball equipment, was also capacity last Friday evening Mrs Youngblut, Loriey Barry
c1.13 radley:
1 candelabra •
entwined with ivy, myrtle and "The groomsman was Paul equipment in earl tspring but he st ones Fred
. Lawmftee when a Variety Western Mr. and Mrs. James Henr-y
bronze mum motif when Graf, Goderich, and the did notNight program was span-
Michigan, visited
Worsell of ushers were Robert McKee, Baseball season was almost chairman,' replied that since sores. by Knox United Church last Friday with iigan,ild ,ted
Robert Kenneththe baseball equipment
Goderich exchanged wedding Donald Edward and Ben- .over.
appreciation promised through Wintario U.C.W. The committee of Thomas Johnston and Miss
vows with Shelley Kathyrn• Jamin, brother . the groom, Letters ofMrs. Brian Hallam; Mrs.
f Auburn. all of Goderich. They wore were received from Mr. and 'had not arrived•in time,•ithad Barry- 'Million and Mrs. Laura Phillips:
Grange oThomas Johnston, Miss been necessary to .par chase a
The � Rev, ar dark brownd t o aces p Arnold Cook were: dressed in; Bruce and
M and Mrstobert
E 1 St Jean,
d k tuxedos with Mrs. f b sus enough Arno 90 Youngblut Susan, B
assisted by the Rev. G. L. cream . 'shirts and „brown
Royal, officiated al=•the can- velvet bow •ties, of the Recreation .going. The resident, Mrs. Ernest.
own . Laura • Phillips and ,Mr. an Se ;cowboy attire an were to
Mrs'. Oliver Anderson for the equipment to get the
league', ., charge of arrangements. Kristen of Toronto 'spent, the'11:
dlelight. service for.the efforts p
double=ring ceremony. Mrs: Following- the ceremony a :Committee in organizing the. The equipment .purchased Durnin welcomed everyone to
Norman Wightntan and Miss reception. was held- at • the Hallowe'en .party for the was of good quality and with the evening's' program and
Marilyn nghmusi' provided the g e Valley Hall where children of the:village: the addition of the Wintario Andrew Koopmans with `his •
the wedding music and the the guests were received by Treasurer Mrs. Robert equipment, aside from the hee-haw gang. • said: their
the wedding party assisted by Slater .presented the financial purchase of bats and balls, welcome to all.
soloist was Mr. Elliott Lapp. the bride's mother wearing a thereshould be no need' to' He sang The Lord's _Prayer. floor -length. ,chiffon . en-
and The Wedding Prayer.• mat-statementwhich is included s ou The Pathfinder singing.
at the 'end of this report. make any large purchases groupTof ht
semble, the skirt. andThe •election of officers tooknextyear.
-The groom is the 'son.of Mr.' jacket tri tones of James Towe was ..
Blyth gave several,
' -`numbers and Clifford .
Ching lace and Financial statement of the gospel
and. Mrs. Albert Worsell of ';mauve, grey and _aqu. and . p
Goderich and the.bride is the the bodice of aqua -knit She
daughter of Mrs. Dorothy acre a corsage of •ink
Grange of Auburn. sweetheart roses and in uve
The - bride looked lovely in a mums. She was ,assisted by
floor -length cream gown of. the groom's mother who w ire.
crepe interlock knit, a floorle3tgth dress 'a id
fashioned.' with 'a bateau.jacket of•rust crepe with a
neckline, bodice tucked front white gardenia corsage.
" and' back and a gathered For travelling the . brio .•
waistline. The front and back . wore'' a three-piece , rose
yokes and •slightly belled colored ' suit with a floor -
sleeves were accented with
length skirt. Her corsage was
scalloped cord trim..Her lepink sweetheart roses. The
floor -length veil was held' by a groom wore a three-piece
cap of cream lace covered . re suit with a pink rosebud.
with pearls. She carried a grey
cascade arrangement of boutonniere.
yellow roses, ' fall colored Mr. and Mrs. Worsell have
mums, baby's breath -with '-taken . up residence at
trailing myrtle. Auburn.• .
Miss Jennifer Grange: of Prior to her marriage the
London was maid of honor .,'•bride was honored at showers
rt of given by Beth Ross, Chris
wearing a floor lengthski
autumn brown polyester satin Gautreau and Joanne
and a long sleeved blouse of McCosh, the staff of
cream georgette. She carried Brookside School and the
a cascade bouquet of chums in Auburn Community.
fall . tones with trailing All the flowers for . the
myrtle. . , wedding were arranged by
The bridesmaids were Beth Jean McKee of Benmiller. '
Notice is hereby given to municipal electors of
the Township of Hay, that nominations will be -
received by the undersigned,'' for the following\,
positions On the Hay Township Council.
Reeve -
Deputy -Reeve -
Council (3 to be elected) ..
Term W 1977 & 1978
The nomination period will commence on
November 10th,1976 and will conclude on Novem-
ber i5tif, 1976 at 5:00 p.m.
NOTE: The required nomination form must be
used and Tay be obtained at the' Hay ,,'T'ownship•
Wayne C: Horner
Toliunship of Hay
O0000 ° o 0 00000 00 00000 0
CLINTON- 482.1.7 90
Nomination DaX 19761
UNTIL -5:00 P.M.
Notice to all persons seeking to be nominated as a candidate
in the 1976 Municipal Elections
.':'Thursday, November 1Nh isa legal holiday, therefore the
period for filing in the .Clerk's Office will, be Friday,
November 12th, from'8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., and Monday, •.
November 15th, from 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M... .
Suggest you obtain more thanthe required number of
electors in case some are not qualified.
•.This notice is issue for your information 'and "guidance as
under' the Election Acts, Section 34 (7). The onus 5s on the
person nominated for -election to an office to file a bona fide
• nomination paper. • '
Returning Officer
Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Town of Goderich in the' County of
Huron that the period during which nomination papers may be filed in the office'of the clerk
for the purpose of municipal elections will commence on November 11th at the hour of 8:30
o'clock, a.m. and close on November 15th at the hour of 5 o'clock•p.m. for the purpose of.
nominating fit and proper persons for the office(s) of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy -Reeve, six
Councillors, four Public Utilities Commissioners; two Public. School Supporters'
representatives on the County School Board
for the -
Town. of Goderich
f which all Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly.,
and further take notice that the manner in which said nominations shall be filed is set forth
in section 34 of The Municipal Elections Act which provides that: --
• How nominated - 34. — (1) A person may be nominated as a candidate for an officeby filing
in the office of the clerk, during the normal office hours of the clerk within the period in
Which nominations may be filed, a nomination paper in prescribedform which: (a) shall be
• signed by at least ten electors whose names are entered in the -polling lists of electors en-
titled to vote in an election to such office; (b) shall state the name, occupation and address
ofthe personnominated in such manner as will identify him and the,bfffce for Which he is
nominated; and (c) shall state thename and address -of -each elector signingthe nomination
paper and, where the fice for which' the person is nominated is a member of a school
'board, that such nominaor is a public si;hool elector or a separate school elector, as The fact
is. 1974,s.20(1).
Consent and declaration to a filed (2) No nomination is valid unless there is filed with the
nomination paper a consent in writing to the nomination and a declaration of qualification in
the prescribed form by th 'person nominated.. ,
Public school nominators (3) A nomination' paper nominating a person for an office the
holder of which is required to be elected by public school electors shall be,signed by public
school electors- only.. 1974,520(3).
Separate school nominators (4) A nomination papernominating a person for an office the •
holder Of Which is_ required to be elected by separate school electors shall be sighed by
separate school electors only. 1914,s20(3)
Separate nomination papers (5) Each' Candidate for election to an office "shall be nominated
by a separate nomination paper, but an elector may, sign the nomination papers of different
Clerk to keep nomination paper (6) After a nomination paper is tiled with the clerk it shall
remain the possession of the clerk. -
Onus on persons nominated (7) The onus is on the person nominated for erection to an office
to file a trona. fide nomination paper:
If a greater number of candidates than required ty_fill the said offices, arenominated and
make the required declarations, notice of the time for the holding .of the poll, including the
advance poll and notice of the last day for making applications for a certificate to vote by
prkxy will be given forthwith:
Given under my hand this twenty-first day of October 1976.
J.Harold Walls . , n
57 West St., GodertCh'
Returning Officer , '