HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-12-23, Page 1ORT t'-SE,r,ozaD YEAR--NO:.2277 xic EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23rd h� L 11111IIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIHII11111111IIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11E 1 MINN • C MONIS a. MEMNON SWIMS • MESON •• C 1. SIMMS WOMEN • SIMMOM • IMMWMM mammll esomms MORRIS COMM SIMMS IMMO MEOW MOMS Jones & May Exceptional Values in Christmas Mer= ch�andise! Store open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings, December 22nd, 23rd•and 24th. We have an immense stock of merchandise bought specially for the Christmas trade. Many of these lines are shown at greatly reduced prices. Shop early to insure best choice. We offer a few suggestions: FORS LADIES AND GIRLS -Fancy Parasols, Silk Hosiery, fancy Camisoles, Handkerchiefs of all descriptions, Bedroom Slippers, Gear getteaand Voile Blouses, Leather Purses, -Fur sets, Cloth Coats, etc. .FOR \.CEN. AND BOYS -Silk and wool Mufflers, Ties, Braces, and Garters to match in fancy boxes, Hockey Shoes, Arm Bands, Suits, Over- coats, etc. A SILK HOSIERY BARGAIN FOR CHRISTMAS SELLING. LOT NO.. 1. -Fifteen dozen Ladies' Heavy Fiber Silk Hosiery in Black and Navy. Regularly priced up to $1.7,5 pair, for Christmas sell- ing reduced to only $1.25 pair. LOT. NO. 2. -Six dozen Ladies' Pure Thread Silk Hosiery in Black and Navy. Regular value up to $3,00 ,pair, on Special Sale at only $2.00 > pair. No luxury tax on these. " TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT OFF FUR SETS. Furs make a very sensible Christmas gift. This is youropportunity to buy beautiful sets at real bargain prices. Don't forget 25 per cent discount until Christmas. SWEATERS FOR EVERYBODY. We have a large stock of Sweaters for Ladies, Girls, Men and Boys. Many lines greatly reduced in prices for the holiday trade. MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE. FOR THE BALANCE OF THIS MONTH. ALL LADIES' AND MISSES' COATS, SUITS AND DRESSES TO CLEAR REGARDLESS OF COST. MO..iPISMOMOWN4160.111IMMIMMS MOWS WOWS WOW. M MINOR e sem 10.111 MIMEO WOMEN ammo Mena MINN MEMO Sammie 1920 fro EVERY ONE z Qjcg M[EIY CKWSTMA S M�t HAEPY NEW Mai' faiMMIMUMMIMMOISIMMIRSOMKSIMIMIIIMMVSM STORES OPEN EVENINGS. The stores of 'town' wilt remain open each evening until Christmas. MINISMA Mir WkIWWW PHONE 32: -1 e& '317ay PHONE 32 liisd�Szx+.;w�..:r y. c�r�? ..::_ a qmz . • _. a �t .w::... .r �IllllillllllllllllllllllllllNIIIIUl11111111111111IlI11118IIIIIIIlIIIIlllllllllllliilllllllllld 11 ` II IfIIIIIIiIINilllillilllllllllllllflllllllllliPr 11111121.10 rr - Christmas f i ii:i THAT ARE SERVICEABLE. T i 1110710 ' Gifts AL,,.: gid/ The lowest possible prices mark BISSELL SWEEPERS. /A\ ed in plain figures. At $6,00 and $6.50 i \ i 6 UNDERWEAR: v A1.1 wool, regular" -$2.00, Sn).e %\ Price x Fleece -lined, regular $1.25, Sale r " LADIES APPRECIATE W Price v fi >r ds r .99 1847 and COMMUNITY/ ! I ` ... SILVER PLATE.:,., Big Slaughter Sale I LUXURY TAX REMOVED. The luxury tax was abolished on Monday and the announcement was, received with great satisfaction by themerchants of town. The luxury tax has been a source of annoyance to both the buying public and store- keepers. The public will now feel free to buy, knowing that they will not be confronted with an addition- al luxury tax. SHOTTING MATCH. On Friday afternoon last Mr. John Hunk::a gave a shooting match to his tfr:,etids and the following scores were made, Wes Snell 6; Fred Derr 9; W. E. Sanders 9; H. Ford 9 ; J. S tanlake 6; A. Hackney 2; P. Passmore: 6; T.i-Iut- chisoa 8; J. Pa:ssnrore. 6; G. 'Cantelon 8; S Dougall 7; T. Rowcliffe 8; R.E. Bell 9; W. Sherri* 6; M. Trick 8; Out of five -W. Wilkins 2; C. Den- ney 3; Shenk 4. $19.00 FOR 19 DOZEN. Mr, C. F. Hooper last week ad- vertised that he would pay $1,00 a dozen for new laid eggs. On Thurs- BOOTS AND RUBBERS. Practically everything in stock will be sold at a price that will stag ger you. OVERALLS: Blue Stripe, regular $3.75Sale price 9,�?,i7. Regular $ 3.25, Sale Price $2.73. FARM SOLD. Mr. Peter Moir, of the 2nd cou- cession of Usborne, has purchased] the 100 -acre farm of Mr. P. Case, of the London Road, north, for which he paid a handsome figure. The farm is one of the best in the township. HIGHEST TAX PAYERS. Tuesday, December 14th was the last day for paying of municipal taxes without an additional 7 pet cent. being added. The total amount of taxes collected was $26,513.65. This, does not include $116.00 for dog tax and $474.70 for street wa- tering. Taxes were paid at the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce and the big rush came on the last day when $6,125.19 were paid. On Monday December 13th, the bank received $3,•224.30. The paying of municipal taxes is more or less a drain on the bank account of those who are for- tunate, or unfortunate enough to own property. The taxpayers of Exe- ter, however, are to be congratula- ted on the low tax rate of the town. Considering the assessment, the rate of 36 mills is not high in compari- son with the tax rate of other mu- nicipalities. The Times has gone o OF OVERHALLS, UNDERWEAR day he received 60 dozer. from 30 customers. On Friday he took in 90 dozen from 36 customers and on Saturday 110 dozen front 49 ens- ' toniers. The quantities taken in ranged from 3 eggs, for which the party received 25 cents, all the way to 19 dozen, this last lot being brought in by Mr. Jaynes Brooks, of Usborne. Mr. Brooks is getting about 30 eggs a day from his hens. Of the large. number of eggs bought only 18 did not pass the negrlaid eggs test. AUTOMOBILE HOCKEY SKATES. From $2.00 to .$8.00; Hockey - ;Holts 35c up; Hockey Pucks 20c and up. POR GENTLEMEN: ,..: Auto Strop Razors ....$€3.00 Gillette Safety Razors $5.000' Ever, Ready Razors ,,..$1.25 English makes of Pen and Jaclt Knives, a..75e-$2.00 Flashlights, all si%es.• BERRY SPOONS. COLD MEAT FORKS. TEA SPOONS. DESSERT SPOONS. TABLE SPOONS. BUTTER, KNIVES: 1 - POOD CHOPPERS. BOOTS: Men's regular $ 6.75, Sale Price $5.49 / Boys'• heavy shoes, regular $ 4.75, Sale Price 0$3 g Also a fine lot of Children's ne. fi shoes almost at your own price ' / RUBBERS: 4 Men's regular $4.25, Sale Price $3.'75r$t$ PrMeen''s white, regular $4.85, Sale Men's leather top, regular $5.45&.25, Sale Price (``\� ien'slong white rubber b 4 boots, 4 regular, $7,50 for ...... ..........$6,09 "A Youths' leather top, regular $2,50 Por .... ,$2,.0.5 Youths' long tubber boots re u- lar $2.25 for .... ......... $1,90. Men's pullover rubbers, regular y $1.75; Sale Prion • $1.40. 4i SPECIAL: Men's Woolen Mufflers, only a few, regular $8,50 for , $1,B Also, Gloves, Mitts, Socks, Sweat- er Coats, Boys' Pullover Sweaters, q• at prices that Will make YOUthink VQof pre-war days. If you ' 'want to save dollars, it will pay you to see 1 Maxwell's Food Choppers ..$2.25-- $2.50. Staffer attachments for same,. e ,,�qa r - 834 . � Hardware 27r4V' PHONES 27J $360.50 FOR TURKEYS. The poultry store of Jones & May has been a busy spot the past few days anct fowl of all descriptions has been shipped to the city from here to the city for Christmas trade. Several farmers have delivered large quantities of poultry and have re- ceived handsome cheques in return. The largest single cheque was paid to Mr. Cephas Pyne, of. Usborne, who received $360°.50 for 721 pounds of turkey. The price was 50 cents per pound. A. F. & A. t11. ELECT OFFICERS. The election of officers of Leban- on Forest Lodge, A: F. & A. M., was helot Monday evening, when the fol- lowing officers were elected; Wor. Mas., I3ro. E. M. Dignan; S.W., Bro. R, W. Puke; S.W., Bro. 3. M. South cott; chaplain, W. Bro, M. E. Eac- tett; secretary, Wor. Bro. R. N. Creech; treasurer, Wor. Bro. C. H. Sanders; trier, Bro. S. Sweet; audi- tors, Bros. T. S. 'Woods and A„ Hast- ings. Mr. S, J. p'inkbeiner of the I3ur- ' Iii, 1bCA,CI�TEN7)tC SON, rbugh's Adding 'Machine Co„ De- trolt, is spending -it couple of weeks EX5Dl1R NORTH with. iris sister, Mrs. Dsia Heywood, town.. Phone 107. of ver the list of taxpayers and picked out the names of those who pay $100 or upwards, It is not pretend- ed that this list is complete or abso- Iiitely correct. We believe it will' make interesting reading as showing 1 those who are carrying the heaviest burden of taxation. Exeter Canning & Pre- serving Co. $802.51 Canadian Bank of Com - coerce idolsons Bank Harvey Bros. J. G. Jones J. A. Stewart Dr. J. W. Browning I. R. Carling S. Martin & Son 525.50 455.84 445.25 440.27 325.70 309.18 286,96 278.31 C. B. Snell 263.61 Gladman & Stanbury 236.21. Rd. Pickard Estate 218.92 3. G. Dow 203.60 McDonnell & Dickson 20.2.83 Wrn; Leavitt 200.82 ' W. J. Hearnan 198.79 A. T. Mayo 19 8.0 0 • Mrs. John's estate 197.95 Grand Trunk. • 194.0:. 183.69 182.80 178.28. J. Senior Thos. Acheson Ross -Taylor Co: F. Wood 170,87 J. Luton ....,... 164.00 ltd, Yellow 162.60 R. G, Seldon 151.62 Dr, Hyndrnail 145:82 R. N. Rowe ,.;.. 148.00 inn. Ward 134.29 Elworthy 'iJiwo.rtlLy 131.69 E. Heywood, 126.49 W. S. Cole 122.19 S. Fitton .,,...,,, 121.23 II. T. Rowe ., 121..00 John Wal per 110.50 Ontario •Flat Co. 115.20 ?sell Telephone.. .... 112.50 S. M. Sanders ... 112.40 Wm. ,Sellers 103.20 Jones & May 101,70 1„ ea r � f' Tre, 1" cT. iiirlt .k cY ., 1 , if .,,'l > xetet Cream ,,,, 100.,21 THE LATE MRS. HACKNEY. Another of the early pioneers of Thames Road psssed, away to her reward on Sunday, December 19th, in the person of Mrs. Jaynes Hack- ney, aged 86 years and 11 months. The deceased had been confined to her bed for about eleven months. Mrs. Hackney's maiden name was Margaret Millar. She was• born near Arbroath, Scotland. In 1853 she carne to Canada with her parents, Daird and Elizabeth Millar and fam- ily and settled on the Thames Road. She was married to the late James Haclney. Six sons and one daughter survive, viz: Mrs. Alex, Turnbull, with whom she has resided since the death of her husband; John, of De- troit; David of Regina; James of Saskatoon; Dr. Wm. Hackney, of Calgary; Rev. Geo. Hackney'of Car- lisle, Sask., and Charles of 'Mother - lisle. One brother and three sisters also survive, viz: David Millar, of Spokane, Wash.; Mrs. Ramsay, of Exeter; Mrs. Robert Monteith, and Mrs, .Alex. Hackney, of Usborne. The deceased lady was beloved by a large cit- le .' , ' ' was a sincere and devoted christian and loyal to her church and up until bier illness was a regular attendant at the Thames Road Presbyterian Church. The funeral was held on Wednesday, conducted by Rev. Dr. Fletcher, interment in Exeter ceme- tery. Nominations for municipal office takes palce on Monday. As yet there is very little stir among aspirants. BORN .1 LBRIDGE:--To ,Mr. and Mrs, Prank Dclbridge, on; Decerft.beal ;2nd, the gift of a little son,. ANDERSON -At Dr. Hyntdman,'i Hospital, on Sunday, December' 19, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Tupper, Anderson, of Stephen, a son, CHRISTIE-At Dr. Hyndnran's Hos- pital, on Sunday, December 19. 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Christie, of Stephen, a son, ?EXHALE -In Stephen, on Decem. ber 16, 1920, to Mr. and 'tire. Ed- ward Penhale, a son, EICHELBERGER_KOBHLLIl_ At the James Street parsonage on De comber 22nd, by the Rev. Wilson, Mrs. Adeleine Koehler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Koehler,. of Usborne, to Mr, Chris Eicheiberger,, of Hopewell, They will reside in Oklahoma. FISHER --At Cromarty, on Decent- ber 20, 1920, Joseph Fisher, in his R2r.A veer. - HACRX' 1 -in Usoorne, on Sunday, December 19,'1920, Margaret Mil ler, relict of the late James Hack- ney, aged 86 years and 11 months, Mr. Amy Wexler was assessed $1.61 at the County Court in London for damages in connection with a collision 'between his auto and a buggy belonging to C. A. Powell otK the Proof Line near Arva on Decent - her Ot.h., �9IIlIIIIIIIIII111IIlia'IIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIII 1IIIIIIIIIQIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH11IIHHIIIIIIII Harvey's Mill la Um. muomm mrlwit waWkal wwww Movalm IMMO burSaall Mammal ikfma Who caters to us, one and- all, And grinds our grain, both spring fall, And answers to our hungry call? Harvey's Mill. Where is the finest Sour made And everybody loves to trade, To buy good feed of every grade? Harvey's Mill, Where buy Manitoba's Beet And Model Flour that stands the test, And Welcome, too, with alh the rest? Harvey's MiII. And now dear .friends, who read this rhyme, 'We wish a Merry Christmas time, Happy New Year too, to you, With all God's. blessings, rich and true. ary S. kronsimm ragman krkergai 11.1101. Mmilbmalk kussato wkielemw MwWWW �"�IIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIIrIIIaI� " ' �� ' I • aG9I III�III_.il�lllIIII119IIIlIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIII� Ohristmas Greetings: .The Spirit of the season prompts us. to express again the pleasure we de= rive from our business repations with your and to wish you A Merry Christ= mas and 1 Happy and Prosperous New Year. PHONE 102 A r� T v. firTey. ome R DleLIVER Y ttr .Friday. d - a, ittd . . Paraniipun P:ctl l e, M''G fltll:rin Ma i•e Normand• psi l d '' ` AlahbllSSl. i cents: