HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-11-04, Page 37a - SCK Vki'docee BERRIES OR PRUNES? Perhaps you've heard about the -congregation that was planning to hold the best Strawberry 'Supper ' ever. They worked on it for weeks, making colorful posters and ,advertising far and: wide.. this superlative strawberry festival. They went out ' and sold tickets by the hundreds and people for miles around were eagerly waiting for the night of the fabulous meal. Unfortunately, there was a drought which resulted in a failure of the) strawberry crop. But, the advertising had been done,the tickets had been sold, and the supper must go on. •• Whet the patrons arrived,- their mouths watering and set for juicy strawberries, they were met with a sign which read, "Due to the failure of. the strawberry crop, we are serving prunes instead." What a let down. And what alet down many people get when they look 'closely at our churches. They observe our advertisements, they look at our banners, their appetites are whetted, "My," they say, "these Christians must be a bowl of strawberries!" Then, taking a closer look, they often find to their dismay a saucer of dried" up prunes. Then they push it aside sighing wist- fully, "If only they could be what they say they are." "They say they are loving yet , we' seldom find real caring among them. "They. say they are tolerant but they are not as tolerant as the people we meet in the cocktail loui ge. "They say they 'are peacemakers, yet we find them , fighting amongst themselves over doctrines and creeds. "They say they are humble, and we often find them stiff necked and proud. 'They say they are -sym= _pathetic, • yet we find more. • understanding from the members of our clubs. "They say they love purity and virtue yet we find them, afraid to stand up and'. be,_ -':.counted over moral issues of 'the day: And so on down the list. The world expects one thing and gets something else. • There is a story that one day. Francis of Assisi was wandering through a small Italian village. Suddenly, a •'humble peasant came out from behind a hedge, tugged at his sleeve and said. • "Good Master, I pray thee, be as. good ••as we think you are!" The Church, or Christian community is being: attacked in unprecedented fury these days. But perhaps underlying this furious censorship there is a strong longing to see Christians riseup and start to behave .like they're supposed tp. To be what they are. The trouble is often many of us go through life play-acting the part of the Christian. We say one thing and do the. ther. We talk about honesty and practic dishonesty in iundreds of ays. We speak out fee • g the poor, yet manx Chri ians are caught up in theagfeed of our times as much maybe more than those outside the churches. The world doesn't want substitutions. It wantsthe real thing, - ' Christ wants the real thing, too. He wants His people to be strawberries, not prunes. It's not always easy. There will be droughts in our fives,' times of discouragement, sorrow, . disappointments, criticism and •hardship.. The world looks at us to see how we react to these situations. It wants to see us be what we say we are. Itwants to see Hope,'Joy, Love and Victory. When • it • looks •for Strawberries the last thing it wants to find is Prunes. Branch The -chairman of the Legion Branch 101 Poppy Committee announced this week that plans are now complete for the annual* Legion Poppy Canvass, the Legion Church Parade and service of remembrance at the cenotaph. Organizations and business concerns in the community have • '"been contacted requesting their support of the poppy fund and the chairman reports that •their response has , been , most favourable. On Friday evening, November 5 and Saturdays November 6 members of the 109 Le Legion and Ladies Auxiliary. -will canvass ;the community to give each citizen an op- portunity to purchase a poppy. Poppies are also available from poppy boxes. which have been placed in, strategic locations throughout the community. Donations to the poppy fund are held • in' •a trust account and their. use is restricted to providing irrlmediate relief of distress among veterans and their dependents and bur- saries todeserving 'sons apd daughters ofveterans_ Last year the Branch -109 Bursary Committee awarded over $1,000 to veteran's Two- new- residents were welcomed to the Home this past 'week. Mrs. Ed Ball and •Miss Sybil Courtice, Marie . Flynn, • Lorne Presbyterians expand Camp at KintaiI At its meeting fast week in. Listowel the Hamilton and London Synod of the Presbyterian Church, ap- proved • a plan for im- provements and expansion at Camp Kintail (on Lake Huron about 20 miles north, of Goderich) but turned the problem of raising about - $24,000 to pay for the project, back to the camp committee. Construction will be allowed to " start when 65 ; percent of that sum has been raised. Rev. Ed Dowdles, chair- ,• man of the site development committee, said he • was disappointed the synod• wouldn't • approve an assessment of the 50,000 Presbyterian's' in its eight presbyteries. That would -have started the project by - next year, he felt, and now it. • has been delayed for another year. • Original plans called for several buildings in five phases at a cost of about $300,000. Changes • approved by the .synod incorporated everything including a new dining room, kitchen, chapel, library, ' health station and office into a single building for $243,000. • • According to Rev.•Dowdles the project will extend Kintail's camping season and increase its use as a retreat and marriage enrichment centre as well as a camp. At .the moment, the com- mittee has ' $5.1,000 in . hand from the sale of Camp Goforth at Dunnville and $14,000 raised •in the past HEAR: REV. J. BERKLEY REYNOLDS OF ELLESMERE UNITED CHURCH IN TORONTO ' PLUS DAVE CJACKSON and "THE CHAPELAIRES" WILL SING SUNDAY, NOVEMBE 7th at p.m. ,.auiK .fx a r" EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING Hurofl Men's Chapel AUBURN year. It had hoped the synod would levy the $179,000 dif- ference. --Some members doubted the synod had the authority to order the presbyteries to raise the .money:`Others felt alternative methods of fund raising had not been suf- ficiently explored. pE RIIOJ I O] A LS 1 BOb MCCALLUM Representative 11 Cambria Rd., Goderich,. 24-7345 GOI)ERICH SIGNAL -STAR : THURSOA'y, iionprepares for children to financially assist at 10:30 a.m. and parade to these students in their ;7 ---North Street United Church education at the university for the annual Legion Church and community college level, Parade, On Sunday, November 7 On Remembrance Day, Frlembers of the Branch and November 11, citizens of the Ladies" Auxiliary will. district are invited to join the -assemble, at the Legion Fall . Branch for a short service • Lawson, Norman Speir and Charlie Ruffell provided the music far Monday's get- together and the-, Christian Reformed..volunteers assisted with activities. Jim Laurie of Blyth arranged anddirected the Family Night and, The. Swinging Gospel Singers who provide their own • ac- companiment sang several gospel numbers with Hugh Whorton and this son .Jim,, Sylvia Brom•er and family. Beth and Lori Charter entertained with, Highland. 'dancing; • . accordion solos 'Were played by Angela Duttman; acrobatic and step dancing' wast offered by Catherine Battye,•' and organ and guitar duet by. Mrs. Bert 'Elliott and her son Ted was heard. Jim Laurie thrilled the audience with his Scottish solos and Ted Elliott who won the • Ontario 'Championship this year for the • down east stepping, danced a' number: Mrs. Mary Appleby thanked • the entertainers on behalf of , the residents. [OVEMBER4,197 •1 AGE 29A 9.4 and wreath laying ceremony Legion or Non -Legion are at . the Cenotaph on The urged to • attend both the. Square. Legion church parade and the All veterans, whether service at the Cenotaph. b_. m r •• r � Rem► b �a► r� � e e� e • Nancy Rowe, a student at GDCI, offers some instruction to Elizabeth Blake as she prepares tp paint her ceramic creation. Several students at the highschool are offering their time to senior citizens.for art classes on ,Friday .af- ternoon. (staff photo) • . •• •: • The annual bazaar bake • P sale and tea sponsored by the Huronview• Auxiliary was { ' quite successful, •. The proceeds were donated to the { -• purchase of a new am- bulatory lift for the Home. ,k. The residents enjoyed an .hour; of organ music on t Thursday afternoon with Ed .{ Stiles of Goderich at the • console. r . VETERANS (Goderich and District) ARMISTICE SERVICE —4 • Thursday, Nov. 11 th 1 1:00 A.M. Parade Forming at Legion Hall, Goderich , 10:30 a.m. EVERY VETERAN Whether or not a Legion Member is asked to parade e• This Advertisement Sponsored by 'STILES FUNERAL. HOME COMRADE ED STILES BRANCH 109 i/ SUNDAY IN THE CHURCHES Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated with the .Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada '• 'CORNER OF.ELGIN 'AND WATERLOO.,STS - • Pastor: C. Fred Day.• • CHRISTIAN 'EDUCATION 10 A.M. Something For Which Each Family Needs Free Bus Transportation 524-6543 MORNING WORSHIP 11 A.M. Congregational Singing Responsive Bible Reading Prayer, Bible Message COMMUNION AT '7 P.M. "The Lord'S Supper TUES. PRAYER M, EETING 8 P,M. THURS. - BOY CRUSADERS 7 P.M. FRI. - YOUTH MEETING 8 P.M. - "Your Friendly Family Church" "JESUS... THE WAY, TRUTH & LIFE" CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH PATFIELD ROAD AT BLARE STREET EVANGELISTIC— FUNDAMENTAL ,REV. R. BRUB•A.CHER Pastor, 10:00 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 142 IN ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY 11:00 A.M.WORSHIP SERVICE ... . GUEST SPEAKER: REV. JOEY ALLEN CANADIAN REPRESENTATIVE FOR "WORD OF LIFE" 6:15 P.M. - Y.P:'S'tWORD OF LIFE CLUB, 7:30 P.M. MISS RETA BURNS MISSIONARY ELECT TO HOLLAND WITH BAPTIST MID -MISSIONS WILL SHARE HER TESTIMONY & SHOW SLIDES WED. 7:30 P.M. SERVICE OF PRAISE & PRAYER WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH • • ._•._•.••,•••••...••••••.r.",.._.. _.._..�.._.._ "{) •••••••••••••.... FIRSTBAPTIST CHURCH ( Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET (near The Square) Rev: W:H, McWhinnie,vF.R.G.S: i - Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett 9:45 a.m. • Sunday'School 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship Special Music Communion Service Come and bring your. friends • -. BEREA-BY,-THE—WATER , LUTHERAN CHURCH • j : Meeting at Robertsor Memorial School i i- (Blake and Eldon Streets, Goderich) , i SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7,` 1976' 9,;301 a.m. Sunday School for all i ' 11:00 a.m. Worship l J SERMON: "GOD AT WORK: BAPTISM" { t j Marvin L. Barz, Pastor 524-2235 - j "Preaching peace.by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all" Acts 10,$6 { f ;_ l { I /. I RETHEL HOLINESS CHAPEL BIBLE MISSIONARY CHURCH,. Sunday School 9:50 a.m. Classes for all ages ' Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Prayer 6:30-7:00 p.m. • Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.m. Blessed are the pureirrheart for they' shall see God Matthew 5:8 t •� - Huron • St. 8. Walnut. St. Kennison W. Lawton, Pastor • 1 524-2785 t North Ste et United Church i The Rev. Ralph E. King, B.A.; B.D.,, Minister • Miss Clare. McGowan, Visiting Assistant Mr. Lorne H. Dotterer, Director,.of Music" Sunday School Ages 10 and up at 9:45 a -m. Sunday School for ages 3 t 9. from Worship at 11:00 a.m. • Worship at' 11 a.m. - SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1976 Sermon: "DO WE REAP WHAT WE SOW?" Branch 109 Royal Canadian Legion will attend service. Nursery Facilities. Come and Worship with us • • ST. GEORGE'S` CHURCHi - f { " TRINITYXXI •"' - • • { November 7th ( • -REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 1 1 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion 10:00 a.m. Junior Congregation 11:00 a.m. Nursery and Children's Program 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon - the Rector Remembrance of . World Wars. Rector: the Revthe, RoberFallent,Jof . Crocker . Choirmaster -Organist: Joseph B. Herdman. THE SALVATION ARMY. 524.9341 i is WATERLOO ST, S. " { SUNDAYSCHOOL� 9:45A.M • FAMILY WORSHIP -11:00 A.M. • EVANGELISTIC SERVICE - 7:00 P.M. ? Knox. Presbyterian Church Home League (Ladies) Wed. 8:00 P.M. { THE REV, G" LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., M. DIV, Minister WEEKDAY Prayer & Bible Studies•Thurs. 7:30 P.M. ' THE REV, RONALD C. McCALLUM, Assistant 1 ',OFFICERS CAPTAIN G.HERBER CAPTAIN M. MacKENZIE 1 WILLIAM M. CAMERON;•Director of Praise t All Are Cordially Invited to Attend t { Sermon - C "RETURNING TO THE LORD" C., (Nursery Facilities) j (Senior Sunday School retires from Service - Junior Congregation immediately to Classes) 7:30 p.m: Young People's Society SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1976 11:00 a.m. Public'Worship IpEnter to Worship .....�....... .... �••.••..-:.. i { Victoria Street United Church ? i� HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP Minister: Rev. John D.M. Wood, B.A.B.D. Organist and Choir Director: Mrs: J. Snider 10:00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL • li:0o a.m. WORSHIP ° 1:30 p.m. Benmiller Sunday School and Church Depart to Serve i' W C-L-C-O-M•E - • ••vw•rr•ehi•• 14wr�.wr,l�.�►u..-+.✓`...•.....1+..••..•••vu•_• r w..••v...+�.i•+4aw ..r+..•r•►r.ru•+.W1." 4W 6.411 .iiaki. wNir.i.ill .. .y • a