HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-11-04, Page 36• ki '?i PAGE 18A—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4,.1970 Jack'rjnftngs 8y lack Riddell Noon --Middlesex MPP The Ontario Legislature reconvened for the fall session on Tuesday, October 26, 'with a number of Ministers n stars glengthy .makin statements explaining bills to be introduced later in the'day., Some .. of the more significant announcements. dealt with family law, farm income, stabilization, a. delay inmoving to market value assessment as' a basis for prpperty taxation, and' an agreement .entered into between .Reed Paper and the Provincial Government concerning forestry rights over .a vast area of ,Nor- thwestern Ontario. The Farm ,Stabilization �Bill - which was introduced by the Government on the opening a incorporated many of the amendments made by the Opposition . Members to the Bill which was defeated in the ` spring session. The Minister pf Agri ure responded 'to. Oppo ion de ands" to grin in I gisiation to provide vol n tary. contributory t ut or Y Pl � co ring all commodities. "T a 'new legislation is h.i.ng d. to the Federal Stabilizatiof Plan, whicht guarantees farmers uJ to -90- percent of the averagit of the i last five years' prices on certain 'named commodities. Other commodities under the Federal Plan can be designated for a. price guarantee of up to 90 percent in ally one-year pending the decision of, the Federal ri Farm stabilization T.Ott Government after taking into consideration the, existing market Brice and the effect that theprice would have on producersand future -production.- . Under, the proposed legislation the Province will' all commodities the. Onta rio assurance to the consumer o ce .' an ..adequat.e supply of high ve u . qalt t foo at d Y _ reasonable er prices. ge'. When`' introducing Abe Family: Law Reform" Act, for )7 9 G, the Attorney General, n. „the Honourable' Roy McMurtry. said that 'the Y existing common and statute law has failed: to keep pace 1 with the challenges of modern e family life: - He said that the e new Bill sweeps away the n ramshackle structures of the n law governing matrimonial property and support obligations in. a marriage breakdown situation. The bill contains, new rights available. to both spouses` protecting, the security:. of the family, home.' and ' abolishes the ancient right of dower. The„ bill comprises. five parts, each dealing with distinct though related subject areas. - Part One deals with the division of family ,assets between the spouses where the . marriage breakdown gccurs. The basic rule in that is that family assets will be divided. equally. between 'the spouses. Fatnily assets which ,com•prise' property owned by either or both spouses, the things that . a. family use together as a family, Would Plan supports the differen between 90 per Gent of .the'fi year aver age price and 95 p cent, of the five year a vera price. This is satisfactory commodities named and f be shared equally by the spouses on a marriage ,break- break- down regardless who had bought the property and irrespective of which spouse held legal -title. 'Part two concerns the obligati obligatipns• of spouses to support each other and their children, whether born within or outside` of marriage, and of children to support,their parents in accordance with the needs and capacity of each party. This part also creates a limited obligation of. one common law spouse to support the other. - Where two ' persons lived together as, if .married, one. person 'frequently becomes dependent on the' other, `" especially if there is a,child of the union. If. one of these two'.. people is no - longer self- sufficient, it is reasonable to look to .the other to assist in restoring. him or her to. financial independence: Mr: McMurtry said it was more desirable to place • a support obligation on com- mon law spouses than have a large •number of persons, who are living 'common law., looking to public welfare for support: A common law' spouse : can claim support only after at -least two years cohabitation ad() another five per.cent on to ,•. the' Federal .. Plan guaranteeing. 95 per cent on named .commodities under the Federal Plan which:must be-supported'to a level of at least 90 per: cent. But for any commodity that. • is not covered to the 90 per' cent level by Ottawa, the Ontario Plan will simply`acld another five per cent of the last five years' avei-age. market price of , that: commodity' to , the, prevailing market. price: For • the. Feder -WI– "Stabitizati Plan but it is extremel punishing for, commodities not covered by, the Federa Plan. As: critic of th Agriculture Ministry for th. Liberal Party, I feel that i the absence of a Federal Pla the Provincial Plan should provide full protection, ' Another weakness in the bill is the method of indexing for. adjusting payments' to keep up'with 'the inflation. Th'e.cost used for indexing in accordance with the bill are cash cost :and in my opinion the indexing system should cover all production costs. This could include a return for the farmer's labour and investment. There is also the danger .in this bill that the, support level on named cominodities under the Federal Plan is too rigid;.The Bill states that the support evel must be 95 per cent of he five year average price djusted for changes in some nput costs.: In some com- modities where . over roduction is feared,. roducers may not want a upport'level that is that high. .All in all we in 'the Liberal arty are pleased that the rogram is to be voluntary nd that farmers are to ontribute. Apart from the pport level for unnamed or redesignated " commodities • der the Federal Pian we e .pleased that all com- odities are to be covered d that there is provision for' nsultation with farrri ganizations . and an op- rtunity for the Federal. vernment to share the st. As I indicated previously I uld• like to see some endments to the bill and if proved then I feel we have en a major step forward* inging some kind .>"f bility to the.. agricultur'' . ustry ' in Ontario and 'the, a p p ' s • P p a c su u un ar m an co or po •••.Go .-co wo am ap tak br. sta ind Seven young ladies proudly: display their certificates as they moved up to Girl Guides last Friday, The new Guides fromleft are Heather Gingrich, Nancy Bugler, Mary Beth Alexander, Susan. Pinkney, Kristen -Bugler, Debbie Moore and Caroline Wirtzfeld. • Welcoming the new Guides were Joyce Pinkney;: Brown Owl; Guides, Gail Pinkney,. Sandra Fraser and Stacey Ward and Lieutenant, Diane Buchanan. (staff photo) Gaunt opens office Huron -Bruce MPP Murray, Gaunt has opened a new constituency office in Kin- cardine at the old Canadian 'Tire Store next to the Bruce Inn on Queen Street: Before • the office opened, residents of this area had to call long distance to reach Mr. Gaunt. - Constituents -wanting help with problems . concerning -: provincial niatters are asked to call the office at 396-4735. Mrs. Norma MacPonald,. of Saugeen Township, swill be operating the office. Tact: the ability togivea person a shot in the arm wit1)out making him feel the nee e.. • YVY, •,�..�a•4h.,La1..r, W. J. Denims FLOWER - SHOP Phone' S24-8132 DAY ..: OR ' f.'Tf>® NIGHT "pent for'..244lr. ' igf;Awl oNILQPINQ i i'ICcir SX -.450 AM -FM STEREO RECEIVER NNW 4•111111 MUSIC'S PRICE 5229 RETAIL 249.95 The Pioneer SX -450 receiver is ideal for aver- age size listening rooms and can be the heart of a rnodest priced,. good sounding system, Provisions -for two sets of speakers, phono, micophone, auxiliary and tape recorder. Come in fora Listen. • Power 15 watts RMS per channel +' Distortion less than 0.5% - • FM sensitivity 2.0 . Warranty two years ii; llutario Ntrcef• Silrjttf+,r,I'. 271.284;0 • Nomination. Day 1976 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15th • UNTIL ' 5:00 P.M. Notice to all persons seeking to be nominated as a candidate in the 1976 Municipal Election: Thursday, November 11th isa legal holiday, therefore.the• period for filing in the Clerk's Offite wffl-'be' Friday, November 12 h, from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., and. Monday, November 15th, from, 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Suggest y.ou °obtain- more than the required' number of electors in case some are not qualified. - This notice is issued for your information and guidance as under the Election Acts,' Section 34 (7). The onus is on the person nominated for election to an office to file a bona fide nomination paper. Returning Officer...! NOMINATIONS Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Town of Goderich in. the County of Huron that the period during which nomination papers may be filed in the office' of the clerk for the purpose of municipal elections will commence on November .1lth at the hour of 8:30 `O'clock, a.m. and close on November 15th at the hour of 5 o'clock p.m. for .the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office(s). of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy -Reeve, six Councillors, four "Public Utilities Commissioners, two Public School Supporters' representatives on. the County. School Board for the Town. of God�-rjch • of which all Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and further take notice that themannerin which said nominations shall be filed is set -forth in section 34 of The Municipal Elections Act which provides that: How nominated - 34. --- (1) A person may be nominated as a candidate for an office by filing in the office of the clerk,` during the normal office hours of the clerk within the period in which nominations may be filed, a nomination paper irl'prescribe}l form which: (a) shall be signed -by at least. ten electors whose names are entered in the Polling lists of electors en-_ , titled to vote in an election to such office; (b) shall state the name, occupation and address of the person nominated in such manner as wilt identifyhim and the office for which he is . nominated; and. (t) shall state the name and address of each elector signittil'- he nomination paper and, where the office for which the person is norninafed is a member of a school board, that'such nominator is a public elector or a separate school elector, as'the..fact -is. 1974,s.20(1). s Consent and declaration to be filed (2) No nomination is. valid unless there is, filed with the nomination paper a consent in writing to the nomination a1td a declaration of qualification in the prescribed form by the- person nominated. Public school nominators (3) A•nornination paper nominating a person for an office'the holder of which is required to be elected by public school electors shall' be -signed by public school electors . only. 1974,s20(3!. Separate school nominators (41" A nomination paper nominating a person for an office the holder of which is .required to be elected by separate school electors shall be signed by 'separate school electors only. 1974,520(3) Separate nomination papers (5) Each candidate for election to an office shall be nominated by a separate nomination paper, but an elector may sign the nomination papers of different ,candidates: Clerk to keep nomination pape' (6) After a nomination paper is filed with the clerk it shall • reinain-the possession of the clerk., Onus on`persons nominated (7) The onus is ontheiperson nominated for election to an office ' Jo file a bona fide nomination paper. If a greater number of candidates than required to fill the said offices, are nominated and make the required detlarafions, notice of the time for the holding of the poll, including the advancepoll and notice of the last day for making applications for• a certificate to vote by proxy, will be :given forthwith. Giverrunder my hand this twenty-first day of October 1976. J:Harofd Walls 51 West St.i.Ggderich Returning Officer 4; • • Part -three of the Family Reform Act, 197G,rovide p e rules for insuring that the matrimonial home is not dealt with by one spouse so as to deprive the other or the. children of a hd'me. This part provides security for the',, members of the family by requiring that both spouses join in any sale or mortgage of the matrimonial home. The family's right to shelter is protected. -against "the unilateral act of either' husband or wife.°Provision is also -made for either spouse to obtain an- order 'to exclusive possession of the home and its contents, where . financial support alone would, be' inadequate. Part Four of the Bill per- mits spouses to enter into comprehensive marriage contracts covering their respective rights to property, support, custody and education of children and any other matters arising during their marriage or on an eventual marriage break- down. A marriage contract could prevail over any of .the provisions of the Act except (continued on page 20A) TIIE flOWE TAT Wy N T ¢E pEYr LARGEST STOCK IN THE COUNTY ° WORK BOOTS - --Industrial; - Farm *' - Factory Plain or safety toe PUNCTURE PROOF SOLES SS • SHOE :SHOP 142 The Square Goderich, • Ont. House to House POPPY NVASS by members of Branch- 109 'Royal Canadian Legion Frlday,N�y. S 6p.m.to9p.m.e.. AND Saturday, Nov.6 THE'POPPY IS THE MEANS BY WHICH LEGION "BRANCH 109 IS ABLE: 1) To raise funds for the relief of distress among veterans and their dependents. 2) To provide bursaries for deserving sons and daughters of veterans. ") To preserve the memory of those. Canadians whordied;in the service of their Country, tt 4' 'V BERRIES E ha s P abouPert the.e was p.lannin: Strawberry They worker making colt) .advertising suPerlativl festival. 'tickets by tl people for m They wen eagerly wait of the fabulot Unfortunat drought whit failure, 'of crop. But, the been done,. .been sold, ,musl,go on. for juicy st Whefi the their mouths' were met w read, "Due strawb serving the Arun a let And what peopleWhat get closely at ou ''`i3bserve our they look their appeti the Christians strawberrie a closer loo to their dis dried • up pr push it :asi fully, "If on what they sa They sa .y , we se n carietng anio They: say but they are the people cocktail lou "They peacemaker them ' fig themselves and creeds. "They say and we ofte necked and'. "They.sa pathetic; y. understand sfmembers .of "They'sa and virtue afraid to s counted ove ove the day: And`so on The world and gets so There is ,,day. Franc' wandering Italian vill •'humble pe from behin at.sleeve ' 'Good M. be asgood averhis The Chu Community in'unpreCe d thisays. furiouButps s a stron Christians r f?ehave like to. Tobe wh •