HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-11-04, Page 27•
. " , • , • '.
G,ODE R I CH S IGNAL-S TAR.. THUltSDAY, NOVEM 14, 4, 1976—PAGE 0 ' •
ORTON - In loving memory of a
ear husband, Fred, who passed
way Nov. 2, 1971.
ilent thoughts of times together
old memories. that will last
adly missed and ever
emembered .„,his Wife,
ONNELLY - In loving' memory
oili• dear father and grand -z
ather John Connelly who passed
way ,seven year's ago Nov. "5,
Happy home we once enjoyed
ow sweet the memory still
ut death has left a loneliness
he world can never fill.
BOGIE -The family of the late
Ernest James Bogie wish to
express their sincere thanks to
relatives, friends, and neigh.-
bours for their floral tributes and
donations to the Heart Foun-
dation during the loss of a dear
husbend, father and grandfather:
Speclal thanks to Rev. G.L.
Royal, the McCalliim Funeral
Home, pallbegfiers, flower •
bearers, Dr. Hollingworth, and
Mr. and Mrs..W. Stirling, and all
those who helped in any way.
Your ,kindness will always be
remembered. Mrs. Ernest Bogie,
Mel and Dorothy,, Eldon and
Madeline Ritchie, grand-
children. -3--45x
adly missed by his children and
grandchildren. -45
WISER: To my many relatives,
neighbors and friends for their
many kindnesses while we wete
moving.—Sincerely Madeline
and Tone Wisser.-45x
RODGER: We wish to take this
opportunity to thank our
• relatives, friends and neighbors
for cards, treats,flowers and
Visits while we were patients in
Victoria Hospital, London. Your
thoughtfulness was appreciated
ver. much.HEmer arid
Phyllis.,-45nc •
McGRAV-The family of the late
Alice McGraw would like to '
express their heart felt thanks to
their kind and wonderful neigh-
bours .and . friends for their
beautiful floral tributes; -cards
and other acts of kindness during
•.otirrecent bereavement. A
special •thanKs to Rev. L. Royal,
Rev. R. McCallum and to the
officers of the Salvation Ariny,
• Cant. Hirber and Capt.
McKenzie, also to the Home
League Ladies -mho served a
lovely lunch. Thanks to the OPP
who located relatives at North
Bay, to the McCallum Funeral
Horne, and a.special thanks to Dr:
Cieslar and Dr. Deathe..Also to
nurses and staff on the first•floor
who were so kind to Alice while in
Mrs. G. Knitting
The executive of the men's division of, District Eight fairboards didn't change at their
animal Meeting held in the ,Clinton Legion Hall, last Wednesday. Frorri left to right are
William, WeStrnan, MilvertoW, director ; Robert Gibbings, Clinton, associate direttor and
Donald Young, Auburn, secretary -treasurer. (News Record photo) f
f.4" • • , ..., .x,4,.
The ladies division of the District Eight fairZIFI;whi:h•:'..'co:64.4rs all the fairboards in
•,`, :
Huron and •Perth Counties, elected their new executive last Wednesday evening at their -
annual meeting held at the Clinton Legion Hall. Mrs. Chribtine Eveleigh, left of Whitton is.
the new secretary and Ms. Rosemary Schaefer, Kirkton in the new president. Mrs. Verna •
Seely, St. Marys, is. the outgoing secretary and Mrs. Jean .Reaney, Mitchell is the
outgoing president. (News -Record photo)
. _
Ahmeek of nurse tell
The November meeting of
the Ahmeek Chapter of the
I.O.D.E. was held at the home
of Mrs. Roger Neville. The
Regent, Mrs. Gordon Hen-
derson, opened the meeting
with the I.O.D.E. prayer
repeated in unison by the
members.. The flags were
then presented by the
Standard Bearer, Mrs. Chas.
The minutes of the last
meeting were read by the
Secretary, Mrs. A. }label;
Business arising from -the
executive meeting was the
announcement of the 'gift of
two flags .and stand from the
• - Chapter to_ the new Helen
WOMEN'S INSTITUTE will be 'next, Monday evening. Phillips Chapter in Mitchell
. , .
?he October meeting of Group Two have chosen their which held its Charter Night
Tiger Dunlop Women's club name - "The Grains of en October 29.
'Institute was held in Colborne .. Life". ' Treasurer . Mrs. Neville
•G gave her report and read
TiftVnship • Hall, Thursday Tiger Dunlop - 4-H roup• -
October 28. The_ President, Four's, Elaine • Haggitt, • •
Mrs. Earl Sherwood reported they held their fifth
welcomed all present. Mrs. meeting at the home bf Mrs.
RobertBean wa..s at the pianb. Bert '• Dougherty; Monday.
Roll Call "Display a Craft" evening. , This group call
was answered by 23 mem- • themselves -the "Bran
bers, and guests were 'eight Babies". The meeting opened
members from Dungannon with the Pledge and the Roll
Institute, twenty-one • Call , "Three things I 'haVe-
members from Goderict, learned about flour" was
_In tit te and five other given by all girls present.'
guests. Several of the members were
Minutes of last meeting not able to.attend because of
were read and adopted and sickness.
• business was attended. to The girls then made Peanut
• Card of thanks from Mrs. Krispies • and discussed
Ernest Bogie, Card of thanks "Pastas" (macaroni, et.)
and generous donation from "which also was interesting.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brin- The meeting closed with the .
• dley and family, Mrs. Wilmer Creed and the girls will meet
Hardy thanked Institute for again next Monday evening.
. flowers received while a §OCIAL NEWS
patient in the Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph.
'Several bills were presented Hermann have built a new
for attention. Achievenient home on the Carlow road on
Day for 4-H Girls on the -their land near Loyal corner
project "The Cereal Shelf" and moved into their home
will be in Brookside School last weee.
Saturday December • 18. Visitors with MrS. Pope last
Two humorous poems were week were her. son Mr. James
read, "How do I know" and Pope and Mrs. Pope Of '
"Middle Age" by -Mrs. Waterloo, Quebec and *Mrs.
Sherwood Pope's daughter Mrs. Velma
recommendations regarding Quebec and Saskatchewan
donations to the funds .for are not included in the.
Provincial an& National program.
Chapters. • After discussion,, -The source of the vaccine
these were passed. It was also comes • from .A ustralia ,
moved that the chapter give a Britain, Germany, and U.S.A.
donation to the Poppy Fund . It is costing the province of
and purchase a wreath for
November 11.
The guest speaker, Miss
of Public Health and former oard
Catherine Walsh, Supervisor
Ontario 9 million dollars. All
persons over 65 and the
chronically ill are _advised to
be inoculated. The shots are
effective' in two to three
weeks and will last twelve to
eighteen months. Swine Flu
names staff
member of the World Health
Unit, was introduced by Mrs. w
Miss Walsh spoke about
A. Hugill.
Swine Flu, a timely subject,
stating that 20 people At its regular November
in the world died with this meeting the Huron County
disease in 1918-1919. A soldier Board of Education named its
at Fort Dix died with Swine representatives to the Staff
Flu in 1976, thus triggering Improvement Plan Corn -
the movement to inoculate all mittees. Appointments are
adults in U.S.A. and na_.i-tS of subject 'to finalization of
Canada: The provinces Of salary eegotiations.
On the Secondary level the
ovements reps.
Kaitting and Mrs.
The President then • in- Lowson, Toronto also visited
traduced the guest. speaker her mother over the weekend.
th meeting Doug. Guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Feagan who gave a very R Buchanan were their
interesting talk on his year in
Scotland as a teacher an,d and Mr. Marzo and son
'showed slides of Sccitlarid and Nathan from Hamilton. -
part of Ireland. Mrs. Sher- • M'r. -and Mrs. John Pat-
uron Board agrees to
short. cafeteria agreement
At their Noveniber • meeting on -
Monday the Huron County Board of
Education agreed to support a recom-
mendation from R. P. Ritter, principal.
of F.E. Madill Secondary School in
Wingham, that a one year agreement be
drawn up between the Board and the,
school's cafeteriaoperator.
The recommendation came following
informal •cliscussiatee with the operator
who had indicated that he did not•wish to
enter into another long term agreement.
A five year agreement is just ending.
The new contract will cover the time
peiiod of November 15, 1976 to
November 14, 1977.
Director of Education D. J. Cochrane
pbinted out that the Wingham cafeteria
operator was one of few remaining
operators. still W • g under a long
term 'agreement. Most agreements now
simply call for one month notification of
termination by either party.
Following approval of a date change
fora Professional Development Day at
daughter Mrs, Phil. Marzo
wood thanked Mr. Feagan. terson of Seaforth visited with
Mrs. Isabel Riehl spoke of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kaitting
the proposed bus trip to the on Sunday.
Area , Convention in ^ Sorry to report Mrs.'
Tillennburg November 9. The Norman Allin is a patient in
President announced .that ,Alexandra • Marine and
new sinks have been installed General Hospital, Goderich.
in the kitchen and extrb. • We welcome Mr. and Mrs.
cupboards, which are an James Thompsbn and family.
added convenience, . in to Colborne Township.'' Mr.
catering. and Mrs. Thompson have
•The meeting closed with the purchased the farm formerly
Institute Grace after which owned by Rudolph Hermann '
all enjoyed a social half hour', at 'the Loyal Corner, and
with lunch served by Social moved to Colborne last
E i • k d
Committee with Mrs. r c
Reaburti convener. A Penny -
Sale was conducted by Mrs.
J. Horton, Mrs. H. Brindley
and Mrs. Carman, Feagan.
Be'veiley Lamb reported
for 4-H Tiger Dunlop Groups
one and Two. They met in
Colborne Township Hall
Monday evening at 6:00 p.in.
This was a combined meeting
or meetings five and six and
was a supper meeting. The
meeting, opened with the
Pledge and the girls then
made Lasagna and Brenda
Feagan and Darlene Jewell
brought salads. For dessert
the •.girls had gingerbread
withilemOn sauce.
Tice girls talked about the
Roll call for the two meetings,
"The three things that I have
learned about flour" and "My
two free choice cereal recipes
from the • members patio-
phlet". The meeting closed
with Darlene Jewell reading
the Creed and next -Meeting
wee en .,•
• local office
• South HUr011 District High School the
Director of Educatiori asked that in
future all school principals plan "further
ahead and make all changes before the
Board submits its calendar of • events
. with the Ministry". ,
South Huron principal J. L. Wooden
had informed the 13da,rd in a letter that a
• two day staff session -at the Benmiller
Inn was planned for January 27 and 28
and asked that the session.plannekfor
• April 29 be moved up to January 27.
In other business the Board authorized
the Director of Education to respond to -a
letter from Local 1428 of the Canadian
Union of Public Employees indicating ,
that the board. Was prepared to com-
mence new contract negotiations. The,
' CUPE local represents non -teaching..
employees of the's< and informed the
Board in a letter'dated October 22 that
they wished to commence bargaining
with a view to amending the existing
collective agreement.
appointments were Clarence
McDonald, Charles Rau;
Dorothy Wallace and Marion
Zinn. The Director .of
• Educatiiites 'appointment was
J. W. Coulter who will serve
as secretary.
Appointed to the
Elementary Committee were
Jack Alexander, Harry
Hayter, R. K. Peck, • arid
Wilfred Shoitreed. The
Directors appointee, to serve
aAsn-asnecretary, will be R. B.
The appointments were
brought in by the Chairman's
Advisory Committee, which
had been authorized at the
October meeting to appoint.
the Board's representatives.
In Mee business the Board
accepted the resignation of
Assistant Accountant L. J.
McCabe who has. accented a
new position as Assistant
Deputy Clerk with the Town
• of Goderiph..
• In his letter of resignation
Mr.. McCabe said that his
decisiOp-to leave the Boards
was "in no way determined
by either dissatisfaction of
job or co-workers, bet rather
• a personal desire to accept a
job oppertunity at hand."
kills within 24 hours. _
Miss Walsh then spoke of
her experiences for eight
years with the World Health
Unit' which includes 135
countries and is Under the
jurisdiction of the U.N..
Her assignments took her
to Vietnam, Malaya, and New
Hebrides. She helped to train
local natives to be health •
nurses and midwives using
more up-tp-date methods. She
also helped in the treatments •
of diseases' such as V.D.,
marlaria, and leprosy.
Organizers. ,fer Planned
Parenthood annbunced this
week that they have opened
-an information center in
Anyone interested in
planned parenthood, • or
"wishing information on birth
control, is welcome to drop by
the new -facility at 67 North
Street, Apartment B.
The group is also actively
seeking membership and
volunteer workers.
Mohdeen Professional Services •
-One,-Step \.
Ear Pierci
• Pre -sterilized studs & clasps
• 24K gold plated
• Newest, fastest -safest way to •
• Enjoy the beauty of
pierced earrings!
our regular SUM fee for
piercing and installing 24K
gold plated keeper over
_Surgical steel is now only
Painless and safest way to
pierce ears.-
•Charles' Beauty Salon -
A ao dok
74 Victoria St., Clinton ate ke
starting •
Saturday, November 6
10 A.101.•15 P.M. •
• _toRn_ER„
80 KING ST.,-CLINTON (aTcloniTc:F
Come in and Browse Through
Our two floors of
'unpainted Furniture
for every room in your house. With unfinished -fur-
niture, you add the finishing touch to suit your personal
• taste. And, you save money. •_
Also Opening
Lecatedin Corner
Furniture Stores.
Nominations for ... •
Reeve •
Deputy Reeve
Three: (3) Councillors
1 Representative on the Huron County Board of
Education representing Ashfield and West
Wawanosh. •
Representative on the Huron -Perth Roman
Catholic Separate School Board representing the
Townships 'Of Ashfield, West Wawanosh, East
Wawanosh, and Colborne.
--- for the years 1977 & 1978 will be held during the
period Thursday November 11, 1976 and •until 5
P.M. of nomination, day Monday, November 15,
197I6.ncase a poll is demanded, polls will be open
Monday, December 6, from 11 A.M. - 8 P.M.
Advance poll will be held Saturday, November
27th from 11 A.M. to 8 P.M.
Donald M. Simpson
Returning Officer
'Departs January 29, 1977 • Tour No. 772-2 - 28 DAYS Departs February
• Day 1- Dayton, Ohio - We leave this morning 12, 1977•
• .
on our long term Florida Sunshine tour as we , Day 1 - Dayton, Ohio - We proceed south to
, head south past. Detroit to. Dayton, Ohio : Dayton, Ohio where our overnight ac-
commodations await us.
Day 2- Cartersville, Georgia - Continue south
today on Route 75 via Lexington and Knox-
ville to Cartersville, Georgia. .
Day 3 - Silver Springs, Florida - Today we
• where we stay overnight.
Day 2- Ca rtersville, Georgia - Continuing
south today on Route 75, we pass Lexington,
Knoxville, and on to Cartersville, Georgia
. ,
where our accommodations awaitus.
Day 3 -St. Augustine, Florida - South on Route proceed from Cartersville To Silver Springs .
75 to the Sunshine State of Florida with a stop where we will-taye ample time to visit the
for an official ',welcome at the Florida Springs and ride the glass bottom boats.
Welcome Centre. From here we travel on to , Day 4-7 - St. Petersburg, Florida - This
St. Augustine, the old Spanish city, where we morning we leave Silver Springs and travel to
spend the night. .•• • St. Petersburg where our accommodations
Day 4 -Ormond Beach, Florida - This morning will be for the next four nights. Ample time to
hivp a tour of St. Augustine with its explore this area, relax poolside at your hotel
and take in the warm Florida sun.
Day 8 - Orlando, Florida - Today woJeave St.
Petersburg and travel to Cypress Gardens to
area. , see the Gardens and the Water Show. We then
Day 5 - 23 -Ormond Beach, Florida - While in go on to Orlando for overnight.
Ormond Beach you will stay at an oceanside Day 9 - Orlando, Florida - Today will be our
• luxury resort hotel within walking distance of ' day at Disney World with overnight at our
- a shopping center.,Sightseeing tours and car Orlando Hotel. Those who do not wish tp go to
rentals can be arringed at the hotel. Disney World can relax or shop.
Day 24 -Silver Springs, Florida - Today our Days 10-24 - Ormond Beach, Florida - We
motorcoach will arrive , at approximately • proceed to our hotels located directly on -the
noon in order to pick up our well tanned and beach, to Ormond Beach where we stay for
rested tour members to travel' to Silver the next 15 nights.
Springs to give you a chance to _explore this Day 25 - St. Augustine, Florida - Today Our
area, take a ride in the glass bottom boats and motorcoach will be available to begin our
return to Canada leaving Ormond Beach as
narrow streets, the old fort and many more
sights. The..n. continue on to Ormond Beach,
part of the greater Daytona Beach resort
have ample time to do some lasi
Florida shopping. Overnight Silver Springs.
Day 25 - Cartersville, Georgia This morning
we leave Silver SpringS and travel On „Route 75
north via Perry and Atlanta to Cartersville,
Georgia where *our accommodations are for
we travel north to St: -Augustine where we will
tour the old -Spanish City, take time to shop,
relax, and spend the night.
Day 26-. Cartersville, Georgia - This morning
we leave St. Augustine travelling north to
-Cartersville, Georgia for overnight.
Day 26 -'Dayton Ohio - North Again'today via Day 27 - Dayton, Ohio - North from Car.
Knoxville and Lexington to Dayton, Ohio tersville te Dayton. Ohio for overnight.
where we pause for overnight. Day.28 - Home - Our arrival home will be in
Day 27 - Home - We arrive home in the late the late afternoon or early -evening of March
afternoon or early evening of February. t4th.
' of •
Authorized Agents For Sunfliiht,
Wardair, Air Canada, Skylark
Out 04 Town Call Collect