HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-11-04, Page 22GfODERIiCH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1976—PAGE 11
School hoIds�rent, Teacher annual
The annual meeting of the
Parent and Teacher's
Association of the Clinton and
District Christian School, was
held on the evening of
October 27 in the Christian
Reformed Church. Chairlady
Ina de Haan opened the
The minutes of the previous
meeting .were read •b.y
secretary Janny Postma and
the.. treasurer's report was
given by Leni Haverkainp:
Appreciation was expressed -
to Glace Hamming, for, her
work as ,assistant librarian
for the past three years..
Another round of applause..
showed appreciation to the
ban_c et committee who do so
much work behind the
scenes, raising funds for the
PTA's various projects,'
Mrs. de Haan•,:introduced
the gtiest speaker,.Ml•s. J. K.,
Boersma, wife of the pastor of
the Vanastra Christian
Church. At present, Mrs:
Boersma is teaching a class
on Family Involvement
Training at Vanastra, and she
spoke on this subject.
She *explained that this
course was set up by the.ff
of the'Pine Rest Christian
Hospital, Grand Rapids, 'to
help parents cope with ithe
many problems of , child
rearing.' Parenting is a dif-
ficult task these days and
very often during the teenage•
years, there is open rebellion
against.the morals and values
that we as parents try to,
instill in our children, This.
course -tries to help the parent
deal with home situations and
problems in a permissive.,
ratherl.than, authoritive way,
thus giving the child a chalice
to think for hitnself'and so be
Harbor Report
October 26 the Canadian
Coast. Guard cutter Rapid
returned from Port Stanley.
October 27 the • E.B. Barber
arrived light from ' Parry
Sound for salt.
October 27 the . Franquelin
arrived from Thunder Bay
Earl Salter romances Anne Robertson as a dejected and tearful Judy Langridge looks on. with grain.
The group was rehearsing the children's musical, Troll Out Of Tune, which will be • ,October 27 the E.B. Barber
presented as part of Trigon this weekend. (staff .photo)
•-- .
jgh. dee
By. Const. G. Lonsbary& Const. P. Mason
Everyone 'knows that this is beautiful time of the year,
with the vivid colours,of our trees in Goderich..But.! with
MO leaves falling to the ground this can create several
hazards. With the leaves on the roadway this may cause
the .streets to become very slippery. Motorists must pay
extra: attention as your vehicle will not Nave the same
stpoping ability as on dry pavement. . '
LEAVES -'Parents should caution your children mot to
play in piles of leaves that'have been gathered4f the
sides of the streets. In the event that a vehicle iriay drive
through'these leaves, this could, cause serious fatal
injuries tb. your. child. Also children. should be advised of
the dangers, of jumping into piles of leaves incase there
are foreign objects hidden by the leaves. 't
Residents of the Town of Goderich. are reminded of the
' Municipal By -Law governingthat it is an offence to burn
' leaves. Persons violating this by-law are liable to'a tine
of not less than $5 and not more than $25.
Definition.of burning - Town By -Law. No person shall
light., ignite or start a fire of any,kind whatssheevenin the
-'open air within the limits of the Town Of Godekichfor the
purpose -of burning leaves, rubbish or any other material
without first obtaining written perinission from the Chief
of the Goderich Fire Department.
This by-law excludes a barbecue for the purpose 'of
cooking, and an ^ appliance used in .construction or
maintenance -which requires an open flame. •
Motorists must also. realize that with "OLD MAN
FROST " upon us this causes .many driving hazards such.
'as your vehicle windows being covered with frost. The
Highway Traffic Act requires that drivers are respon-
•sible for assuring" that the windshield and front side
windows are cleared and that the rear window is,
• cleared or that your vehicle is equipped with a mirror or
mirrors in gooa conattion to, afford tie driver a clearly
reflected view ofthe roadway to the rear or any vehicle
approaching from the rear. Remember that even though
you have the frost off your windows; it is still' on the
-- pavement and this causes slippery,driving conditions..
We 'are well into the 76-77 school year. now. The
evidence of this is seen each school day, nt'orning and
' afternoon,. when the large..chrorne yellow school buses
use our highway to transport- our children to and from
v^ school.
The precious load these vehicles carry is the most
• important thing in most of our lives. Yet we, as
motorists, still endanger their lives.
It seems even in our remote County, free of the large
city type hustle and bustle,. we still have most motorists
rushing on our highways, many -times to go no where in
particular, over the speed limit. They find it annoying to.
wait behind, a school bus taking on or discharging our
children. -
People, who are annoyed at being slowed downby a
school bus or any. other slow- moving vehicle on the high-
way (including sight seeing motorists)., get frustrated
especially when oncoming traffic leaves not quite enough
• room. to pass this doddling'vehicle. Dangerous chances
-are then taken toget around the vehicle sometimes
causing head on collisions, peopie being forced off the.
road, and even passing an the right (driving off onto the
shoulder).• Any of these situations involving the slow
vehicle being overtaken could result in an accident. If it
was a school bus, think of the little people who would be
injured or killed. One of them may be your son or your
• daughter.
In an effort to reduce the. possibility of a school bus
accident, 'we encourage all motorists to think of the
pt~,ecious cargo carried by the schoolbusPLEASE don't
take your frustrations out on our children. •
Thinking along these.sarne lines, but now to the school.
bus driver, we urge that when possible, thinking of
safety, you take a few seconds after a pick up and drive
onto a hard shoulder to let any build up of traffic pass in
anattempt to prevent accidents by frustrated motorists.
I hope it is understood by the motoring ,public that
when a schoolbus alternating red lights are flashing, and
the school bus is still moving, the lights are a warning to
you that the bus is about to stop. You may pass darefully
at this time. You MUST STQP when the lights are
flashing and the school bus is STOPPED -- anywhere. '
Irip to Quebec City
Onthe .en......,. o..ns�.,.� ,.i each .pay their air fare o
On -recommendation of ' fare o
the Director of Education the
Huron County Board . of.
Education. this week • ap-
proved ;two applications for
student field trips. '
A group of 44 French .
students from grades nine to
13 at F.E. Madill Secondary
School, along • with two
teachers„ will travel to -
Quebec City between
February 11 and February. 14
next year. The objective „is to
involve the students in the
cultural . milieu -• they hear
about in class."
The group will travel by bus
from' • Wingham to • Toronto
and then by air. .to Quebec
City. The board has agreed to
pay the ;cost of ..the bus, y
$316.80. and the students will,
cleared harbor for St. Joseph,
Michigan, with salt. •
Ootober 30 the Agawa Canyon
arrived light from Bay City
for salt. -
October 30 the Franquelin
cleared harbor light for.
October 30 the Black River
arrived from Thunder Bay
with grain.
October 30 the.Agawa Canyon
cleared harbor for Muskegon,
Michigan, with salt. •
•.O.ctober 30 the Senator of
October 3.1. the Black River
• cleared harbor light for
Windsor. •
N.overnber 1 the Senator of
Canada cleared' harbor for
Baie C6'rneau with born.
Boardapproves Canada da arrive
d fight from
Ten students from grades
11 -and. 12 at South Huron
District High School, calling..
themselves the South Huron.
Outers, will gain canoeing
and cold weath• r camping
experience over the weekend
from November 11 to 14 in
Bruce County on Rankin.
River- and Boat Lake. The
excursion involves wily one
school day, Friday,November
Cost of the trip will be $10 to
each of the students with art'
additional $62.necessaryfrom
the board to cover the/cast of
one supply tea -cher. Teachers
Bruce Perry and:.J. .
Marshall will be in charge of
the excursion. •
Theatre Passe Muraille
Theatre. Passe Muraeille's .small Toronto clique the
hit production of 1837: -The ' "Family Compact". - which
Farmer's Revolt is returning •.controlled the government.
to the,area this month..' Led by people such as Col.
The show originally toured Anthony Van Egmond from
the area in 1974 and left many Huron County, aF rebellion,
people feeling i it was tl-ie was -planned in Toronto in.
theatre's best production yet. 1837. It was a failure .but did
It will return fbr a limited . bring about eventual
number of performances • government reforms. -
including a stop November Tickets for the show are
17,. at Blyth Memorial Hall al, available . in Goderich at
Campbell's, in Clinton at the
N,ev s -Record or by - c'alIing
3:30 p.m.,;
The show deals with the
trials- of the pioneerfarmers
of Ontario in dealing with the
Let us custom frame your photogra.phs,'originals,
print's, orneedlework of any kind with an almost en-
dless choice of Italian, Swedish, German, or Canadian
picture mouldings. We also offer a fine selection of
- mouldings for mirrors, and prepackaged do-it-yourself
At the--Raintree, we urge you to compare our
selection of over 500 picture framing mouldings; our
Prompt (usually 1.2 weeks) framing service. ' •
Choose a fine print from our catalogue of oyer 2,000
old and modern masters with a fine representation of
better known Canailian artists. We are sure you'll find
.the rightartwork for your •home or office - ih
traditional or contemporary themes. ^
We welcome your visit, and look forward tc the
opportunity to be of assistance in completing your
decorator's dream. • •
independent by the teenage
years, he said.
Three aspects this course
covers are: active listening;
conflict resolution, how to
resolve problems and value
transfer, how to teach the
child morals and values.
After an interesting • and
thought provoking presen-
tation, Mrs. Boersma was
thanked by the chairlady,
Coffee and cake were then
served.. and after that.
pleasant interlude, . elections
took place.
Karen Krip of Exeter and,
Grace Hamming of Blyth
were elected to serve on the
PTA board.
Since the -financial report
was so good, it was decided to
buy the school an electric
stencil machine, a wor-
thwhile expense.
Ralph .Schuurman then
closed the:. meeting with
praytr., .
-2 Bedroom Apartment
Includes fridge, stove, cable
TV, air conditioning, and
utilities .
For information call
81 East Street, Goderich -Phone- 524-8994
"P . r:x-Sea"
Phix-Set is. an. Hair Reconstructor.and Styler with Nucleic
Acids.. • •
Phix:Set is a Styling lotion designed purposely to suit • the
seasons and to giveyou maximum bounce andlasting sets - and
protect your hair from the elements and %ie. an aid to limp, fine.
hair or hair that has lost its bounce throuh illness. We find it
Phix-Set does something for the hair, not to the hair. Give your
hair the care it deserves and use only Acid balanced Nucleic
acid products on your hJ'ir. •
July 1 - July 31
Is your birthday July 1 to July 31. If it is you can have a hair
treatment free with your shampoo and set or blow styling./These
services also applyto.our men patrons. .'Tuesday and Thursday
evenings. Senior citizens' ,discounts Wednesday afternoon.
For professional hair care and services phone THE BEAUTY
LOUNGE 524:8994 where...
The Nicest People In The World Walk Through Our Doors.
Mrs. Russo
Get Away From The Ordinary
With `Samsonite' "Caribbea 11"
Luggage Far Men and: Women
.Wherever you're headed, use the luggage that travels light and -in
style. "Caribbea 11" by 'Samsonite'. Faslkioned from wipe -clean
vinyl that packs in those extra storables en route. PVC (polyvinyl
chloride) frame has strength 'without Weight and resists twisting
out of Shape. Features include heavy-duty polyester zippers, color
matched interiors. Women's Pullman, overnight and men's suiters
designed with elasticized inside pocket and straps plus comfortable
dandle and "double zippers with lock -key. Tote, gadgeteer and
stowaway bags with adjustable straps. Buy your "Caribbea II" at
Schaefer's. - -
Women's Styles: Choose Camello Tangy (Light), -
Marino Blue (Light) or Lido Green (Light) .
Shoulder tote. ' • $32
22" Overnight. . $ 49
• Gadgeteer tote $ 3 5
Stowaway. tote., . • $49
24" Pullman S 5 9
26" Pullman - • $69.
29" Pullman • *79
Men's. Styles: Choose from Camello Tan (Light)
or Espresso Brown (Medium) -
Carry -on suitcr -
Gadgeteer tote
Stowaway tote ^
Two-suiter ;,Includes 2 plastic hangers, hanger
$ir 5
track, and folding frame.
Three-suiter. Includes 3 plastic hangers, hanger $
track and folding frame,