HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-11-04, Page 12• .•p FA"sE 12A.-GODERICHSIG:NAL-STAR,'t`HURSi1AY,'NOVEMBER 4, 1976 �..�'YM,+t„Ai�r^'M•..�M.w, 1.�.�,.. .F,.•e�Ir4er+n.•w e• .."�..•r1.."�r.r'!w.'"wer'+....w.. w.•�•. �., 1..-.n..•n•.• •. 1.. .n.. •iw.•�n...sn•.'w•.'�e•-{ V Channel' 5 SaginawSchedule for November 4 to. November. 10 (Exclusive to Signal -Star Pu alishin9) MORNINGS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:00 TODAY SHOW` 7:30 - TODAY SHOW ( 9:00 IRO$SIDE { 14:00 - SANFORD AND SON 10:30. CELEBRITY SWEEPSTAKES ; 11:00 - WHEEL OF FORTUNE ,. 11:30 - HOLLYWOOD SQUARES , 12:00 - NEWS , , t AFTERNOONS...MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAYS. 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 12:30 - THE GONG SHOW 1:00 -' 50 GRAND SLAM 1:30'- DAYS OF OUR LIVES j 2:30 - THE DOCTORS. f 3;00 -.ANOTHER WORLD' • 4:00 - DARK SHADOWS ▪ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4 • "( 4:30 - STUDIO FIVE "WONDER WOMAN" Cathy •Crosby, . Ricardo Montalban. Classic wonder woman � leaves her hone in Paradise Island to undertake a [ special mission for the U.S. Intelligence Agency., % EVENING 6:00 -.NEWS • t! 7:00 - ADAM - 12 • 7:30-,•MIC1-ITGAN-•STATE. LOTTERY. SHOW ( 6:00 - GEMINI MAN • j 9:00 BEST SELLERS - CAPTAINS & KINGS BOOK % V• 13:00'- VAN DYKE AND COMPANY ( 11:00 -NEWS . 11\ 30 - TONIGHT SHOW • % 1:00 TOMORROW i FRIDAY NOVEMBER 5 4:30 STUDI.O FIVE FAMILY FESTIVAL "GRIZ- ( ZLEY AND THE TREASURE"- Documentary '75. The compelling story of a Man's obsggsive search for gold in the Alaskan I ondfke of tI a 1890's. Filmed on location. j EVENING I • 6:00 - NEWS E.- 7:00 - WILD KINGDOM ( 7:30 - THE MUPPETS ' 8:00. - SANFORD'_AND SON %r.:. 9:00 ROCKFORD FILES ' 10:00-:'SERPICO 11:00 NEWS " 11:30•- TONIGHT SHOW 1;00 - TOMORROW. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 6 :MORNING 7:00 - KIDS FROM C:A.P'.E.R. % 7:30 - MUGGSY. 8:00 - WOODY WOODPECKER, SHOW f 8:30.- PINK PANTHER - . - • I 10:'00 - McDUFF THE TALKING DOG %- 10:30 - THE MONSTER SQUAD 11:00 - :LAND OF THE LOST' . 11:30 - HOT FUDGE j :1200 - SOUL TRAIN • j AFTERNOON • 1:00. SATURDAY AFTERNOON MOVIE "WAY-. { WAY OUT" Jerry Lewis, Connie Stevens '68 Timid • , outer space trainee is urged to marry a woman {: • astronomy student so they. can man the U.S. {• weather. station on the moon, • l 3:00 SATURDAY SPECTACULAR . "DEADLY i HUNT" Peter Lawford, Tony Franciosa '71 Youngs / • couple bed'ome the quarry forwo paid killers; j • terrifying chase amid a raging 'forest fire adds to the thrills. • ; 4:30, THE GONG SHOW '.5:00 - CANDID CAMERA " j . 5:30 -• ANDY. WILLIAMS SHOW j EVENING / 6:00 - NEWS 6:30 - HEE HAW • • 7:30 - BOBBY VINTON 801) EMERGENCY.... { ( 9:00 - MOVIE: "THE GREAT WALDO PEPPER" - Robert Redford . 11:00'- NEWS f 11:45 ;MOVIE "THE BOSTON. STRANGLER" - Tony • Curtis, Henry.Fonda '68 Investigations yield little in % • tracking down the Boston Strangler until _a man • with teeth marks on the back of his hand is arrested for breaking and entering. 1:15 FIVE STAR THEATRE "THE BEGUILED" Clint Eastwood, Geraldine Page '71 Wounded Union corporal finds refuge in a southern girls' school. • SUNDAY NOVEMBER 7 I MORNING „" 6:45 DAVEY AND GOLIATH ' • % 7:00 - OPEN CAMERA ▪ 7:30 REVIVAL- FIRES • r 8:00 - REX HUMBARD • j 9:00 - ORAL ROBERTS / • 9:30 - TELEVISED MASS • . ▪ 10:15 - ABBOTT & COSTELLO' ( .11:45•- LAUREL & HARDY' AFTERNOON 12:30' - MEET THE PRESS • �E 1:00 -. I DREAM OF JEANNIE ( • 1:30 - DRAGNET r' . / 2:00 - NFL FOOTBALL - Cleveland at Houston r 5:00: WORLD OF. THE' BEAVER Oscar -winning • ; Henry Fonda tells the heartwarming story of Castor / • the friendly.beaver as he and his new family build a ( new home in the wilderness. ( EVENING 6:30 - WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS •° 7:00 -DISNEY • • 8:00 - THE BIG EVENT "GONE WITH THE WIND" Part I NBC The premiere television presentation of the classic motion picture, the David 0. Selznick ( production of Margaret Mitchell's best-selling jchronicle of the Civil War and Reconstruction eras 3 in the Deep South. Part II will be Monday, November 8, 840 P.M. • /5 11:00 - -NEWS' f 11:30 - CINEMA FIVE "A CASE OF RAPE" Elizabeth Montgomery-, Cliff Potts °'774;, Deals- with the frustrations of a rape victim who finds that the law ° • enforcement and jttdicial system dehumanizes her and makes it difficult to convict her attacker.% 'MONDAY NOVEMBER a.. • 4:30. - STUDIO GIVE "GO. ASK ALICE;' William jj Shatner, Jaime Smith Jackson. Lengthy struggle of 1 it • a teenage girl tb'overcome,her addiction to drugs. Based on the real life story of a teenage "girl. 1. EVENING, 600-NE'WS i 7:00 ADAM - 12 7.30 BEWITC1riED 8;00.- LITTLEMOUSE Q14 THE PRAIRIE 9.30: NEWS SPECIAL ". 1 f 10:00 - DEAN MARTII4'S 'RED HOT SCANDALS OF 1926 - Dean host a'nostalgic look at the 1920's. 1 • t 1 j 11:00 - NEWS 1 11:30 - TONIGHT SHOW TUESDAY NOVEMBER 9 Jj AFTERNOON '3' 4:30 - STUDIO FIVE Frederic Forrest, Tyne Daly '74 A young man is institutionalized and. considered retarded all his life until an enlightened and compassionate therapist discovers, his real, normal intelligence. Based on a• true story. • EVENING 6:00 - NEW•S • 7:00 -ADAM -12- ' " 7:30 - $.TJITCHED 8:00 - BAA, BAA BLACK,SHEEP ' 9:00 - POLICE WOMAN - 10:00 - PO"LICE STORY • 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW r WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 1,0 AFTERNOON m 4:30 STUDIO FIVE:"GIRLS OF HUNTINGTON . HOUSE" - Shirley. Jones. William Windoin. - After the breakup'of a long romance, a teacher takes a position, at .Huntington House, a small:school"•.for • pregnant' girls. 6:00 -NEWS �. 7:00 - ADAM - 12 7:30 - •BEWITCHED 8:00 - TNF PRACTICE EVENING - - 8:30 - MOVIE ".RUNNING •FREE" David Jansen, Trish -Van Devere, 10:00 - MARCUS WELBY M.D. 1.1:00 NEWS 11:30 - TONIGHT SHOW' BAVARIAN TAVERN HWY..21.SOUTH OF BAYFIELD 6Sktultrn DAILY AT NOON tAVERRI. • LICENSED UNDER LLSC, Full Course -Meal Dinner served from 12 to 1:30 p.m. Join Us Today For Superb Dining All Our Dinners include,a Salad Buffet , l0 p.m. I OPEN DAILY fromfrom 11 a.m. to 1 a.m.: Sundays 11:30 a.m. to *Book Now: for Christmas Parties* 565-2843 GDC/ art students are volunteering their lunch and spare time to help senior citizens become involved in leisure activities. Nursing home program director.Ann St. Jean is hoping to .enlist the use of volunteers .to help the senior citizens become more active in any type of leisure.ac- tivities. (staff photo) (SUGAR 'N' SPICE An • Engli•sh poet (Browning?), asked a rhetor,48al ; question .,,. years ago: , What is so rare as a day in June?" The 'obvious. answer is "Nothing." _-.. Maybe so. A day in June in England on which. it is not raining -is a rare thing indeed, and something quite fine. The world is green and soft and effulgent with the sights and scents of flowers. :• P. �4'WIiYW�IILi.V:�WY..tl•4i.tl+V **.V..14.** 4.eti W.iY Programs subjectto change without n Last Night • NOV. 4 THURS. Recommended as . ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 'THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN' UNIVERSAL rl(T1l:•-- ' LEE LO WALTER & HARRY VA clIEF LILH GO TO N.Y. Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT THE Mit '-. ; -^ CHjLDREN'S 'MATINEE RUMPLESTILTSKIN SAT:, NOV. --6 starts 1:30 One Showing 8 p.m. • SMALL TOWN -Pt TEXAS SQUIRM. , •,AD i iirit. ATTENTION Showtime. for Fri. & Sat. unknown NOV. 10 —.1 3 WED. - SAT. WED. - THUR. 8 P.M. or. "SII.EN-T MO VIE" RICHARD HARRIS.,. 'THE RET OFA MAN CALLED HORSLy. Watch your paper for more information' or phone Theatre. • " • r. Park But the sentiment hasn't much .meaning to a.Canadian. A day in June usuallymeans a heat wave and'mosquitoes. - Soggy armpits,- and • an irritating whine in the bedroom. Making much more sense to a . Canadian would be: :What is so rare as a day in October?". I don't know about you, but for me, there is nothing on God's good earth S.ALTF.O RD VALLEY HALL FOR RENT - 524-9366 D AIIEETING To Form Ad.• ARTS COUNCIL For Goderich SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7 •,7:00 p.m. Duchess Room, Bedford Hotel Interested people are asked, to attend. tri firl1 nfirsl tri: of • r _ eIJV. /J,1..U6. AU_ Aa /JI.l VA/JJ./JI1..VV./JU. /_JI,5,.UV_••VVAIeJJI•_ll_JKMWJJ�.1JJ.,: Goderich United' Soccer .Club THANKS Goderich United Soccer Club would like to take this opportunity to .h publicly "thank .everyone who has contributed to our club and shown their support of our aims: to., popularize soccer in and around Goderich and to keep healthy and active through sport. We surely appreciate"your efforts in our behalf and a large part of our success is due to your kind generosity. Lakeport .Steel Industries Refflinghaus Construction Gord Smith' Graham. Electric Goderich Electric McCallum Funeral Home LA.G Niagara Dominion Roads Machinery Co. Toronto -Dominion Bank The .Met Store Captain's Quarters Huron Sunoco MacEwan Insurance Goderich Restaurant Jim's Pizzeria - Club Grill. Bedford Hotel Alf Hoy Motors Goderich _Elevator & Transit • Blue's Supermarket Strickland Motors Canadian Tire 'Corp. Jeffery Lumber Goderich Sports French Dry Cleaners Bluewater Cleaners Glenmark Lumber ' Jenkins Auto Wreckers SPONSORSARE CORDIALLY INVLTED TO ATTEND OUR i Enol. Of Season Dance . FREE OFCHARGE NOVEMBER 6, LEGION HALL, 9:30-? g 0111 SMILEY flaming bits back onto the pile. A time for children to stay, up late and poke the bonfir-e—with sticks. It should be a time for incantations. We to equal a golden October are cremating our beloved,, day, when the air is as clear with tenderness and regret, but without sadness. We know as the thoughts of a saint, the they will live again. land lies .fallow, and the wild, Maybe that's. what October free honk of the goose sends is all about. It is a time of the chills up the spine• dying, when life flares, up in In the West, the poplars' all its splendour, briefly but shimmer with their burden of brightly, before going quietly gold coins. In the East, the and with dignity, to the grave. runk• Master. Painter has got d Sometimes all these things and •is slashing unbelievable ' come together on a Canadian. colors across the landscape. Thanksgiving Day. What is so Mother Nature has rare as a day in June, indeed! delivered the fruit• of her. Give me an October womb,. and is still feminine, Thanksgiving, . with• the lying back and 'suckling her yellow sun filtering through children, "spent but resting._ __the wild ecstasy _.of the Shehas not yet done her . maples; and the and a water transvestite bit and changed sky so blue' it hurts, andand into the clothes of Old Man give you a -glimpse of glory. Winter, quite another kettle • Come in from golf, . or of fish_ or hunting, or just On the golf course, the' turf , into the incredible is still green and springy, and • f roasting turkey, and it's almost a pleasure to lose a had a glimpse of ball in a heap of fallen leaves. . -On the bays the water is a .• me up to a blazing blue so intense that it shouts' • oak logsrand the bite of back in mockery to'the 'deep, rye, and the women calm blue of the "sky. • gravy in the kitchen, , _ Around 'the pot -holes and the grathe kitchen, Ydren sloughs;- there is'the tense g all over me, and a thumping,of the heart as the ion of those other. ducks head in to land, or take s, the Toronto off with a suddenness„ in Argonauts, and.. I ouldn't , morning, that makes the laces with the Shah of adrenalin pump. he Queen of England, On the rivers, wrapped likeeQ Eskimos, the anglers tease hen I have my personal for that last, lurking rainbow fishing, walking smell o you've paradise. Draw fire of a good • making and climbing discuss turkey trade p Iran, .t or the Pope. It's t •trout that will go ten pounds. • (continued on . page I 5A ) There, is thump of :leather on leather. as the football heads for a climax. And there is the: Weediness of track meets, where the young push every sinew to jump farther, ^ run faster: " There is the ritual raking of the leaves, and the jumping in the leaf -piles by the little folk. And, if your town . hasn't passed a stupid by-law against the burning of leaves, there is the sheer joy of that. Let me hesitate a moment there. The burning of the leaves is'just as symbolic as the planting of the first seeds and bulbs' in the spring. It should be a time for neigh- •hors to be out, • chatting quietly and rakjng the WELCOME ...SERVICE would like to call you- with. "housewarming gifts" and in- formation about your rrw location. The Hostess will be ..glad to arrange your subscrip- tion to the Signal -Star Call her at 524-2057 Entertainment FRIDAY & SATURDAY November 5th & -6th ROYALAIRES Treat yourself and your friends ,,•. for your convenience our Hot Buffet is served THURS., IL, FRI. 12 noon`- 2 p.m. 'Casual Dress Dine by Candlelight SUNDAY SMORGASBORD S-^p•m. to 8 p.m. BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON SPECIALS EVERY DAY Visit the.KEG ROOM 4- Colour. TV + Relaxing atmosphere Candlelight Restaurant & Tavern P Licensed under L.C,B.O. BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH • 524.7711 fi n,13x--oklr