HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-11-04, Page 8ERIC I SXC,xNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1976
Brenda Brissette -and Terry MacDonald' were 'married
September 11 in North Street United Church, Goderich.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brissette,
Goderieh.. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank '
MacDonald, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. MacDonal&are living
in Clinton. •
Pension tips
(Q) Briefly, what „aye the
eligibility requirements for a
Disability Pension • payable
under the Plan?
(A) Contributors may qualify
for benefits if they:
(a( are under the age o1 5..
• (b) are determined to be
disabled within the meaning
of the legislation.governing
the Plan.
(c) have matt valid con-
tributions to the Plan in the.
required number -ef years.
The requirement now is five
years of valid contributions.
(Q) What -do you mean.by an
impairmeh't being "severe
and prolonged?"°
A). "Severe" means that you
are incapable regularly of.
pursuing- .any substantially
gainful • occupation•.
"Prolonged" means that the
disability is likely to be long
continued and of indefinite
duration, Or is likely to result
in d
• Would you be willing to NOT induce vomiting if burns
trade two hockey games and and stains about the lips
a Kojak to save a.life' Seven • indicate a corrosive • sub -
hours is about the time it stance has , been taken
takes 'to watch these (bleach, dish ,' washer
programs. Eight hours is all ' detergent are dangerous!)
the time it takes to complete a Too many children each
St. John Ambulance First Aid year are .suffocated. Are
there plastic bags in your
• Gary Renaud, the division home that your child pan pull
superintendent of the:w over his head? All -bags
`Goderich Brigade of St. John should a be tied into knots
Ambulance Brigade spoketo before set aside for further
Women's Day Out when the use.,
ladies met .at 'MacKay HallCasualties ' t h have
last Wednesday morning. He
made them very much aware
of ; the demand of . first aid
'knowledge in everyday • oc-
currences in the home.
Were you aware that 47
percent of all fatalities are
caused by ,accidents, and o£
4.H Achievement.
Days set for area
\he Home - Economics
Branch of the Ontario
'Ministry of . Agriculture and
Food is again holding 41-1
Homemaking Club.
Ac vement Days in Huron
Cou y.
This club helped members
become familiar with cere
grains and the food products
made from 'them. Recipes
and ideas for . using-. cereal
based items featured •snacks,
supper dishes, 'desserts,
•muffins, squares and cookies.
Miss Jane Pengitley, Home
Economist for lauron County,
at • will be conducting the
stopped -breathing should be following' Achievement Days
gisen mouth to mouth throughout the County:'Blyth
•resuscitation. You have a • • .
maximum of -.four minutes to
revive a person who has
stopped breathing. '
As parents we all take extra
preeautions for safety when
that figure 37.4- percent ar.e children go for a swim -The
caused in•the.home? same safeguards must be
i e
vathe of being able to handle are in a wading poolor
any emergency by being -bathtub.' Young children have
prepared with some first aid been known to fall headfirst
know how, byalways being into a scrub pail and drown.
d bled this safety conscious, and reac To control bleeding, even .
(Q) I became isa
year and have been advised ting without panic: from a cut artery, apply .
by my doctor that it is • While. waiting for the direct pressure on the wound.
doubtful 'I will . be able to ambulance to arrive, each Use whatever is'available - a
return to work. IS there a' minute that goes by could towel, or • even your hand.
benefit • under the` Canada snake the difference between Raise the arm, • leg, or head
Pension' Plan for which I can saving or losing a life. Would above the
injuries level.
apply you know what to do:
(A) Yes. There is a disability' So many of the seemingly • falls thaxt from ,any other
pension p.ayable to those who harmless household clean -"cause except motor vehicles.
meet the requirements. sers are safety. hazards - even All fractures Must betaken to
There are also benefits potential killers. • It's. the ` the hospital. Don't transfer
payable to the dependent parents' responsibility to the victim until . you are
children of' a disabled con- remove all harmful goods', aware of what damage has
tributor who `meet the . from the child's reach. been done: Moving a broken.
requirements. Pills look like -Candies, -but limb before it has been
the results are terrifying splinted could • •result! in
Q) I am receiving a disability child. Never put poisonous •Extra attention should be
pension under. the Canada , liquids in empt"y pop, or•juice taken when working with hot
Pension Plan: `ivy wife and I containers. Teach the child to • . objects. Always turn handles,
are., considering adopting a
a have respect for any bottle or . kettle spouts and: plugs iii-
entitl Would this child be container that has • a ward so they. cannot.be•
. ent`it'led to benefits-? "DANGER" symbol.. . grabbed by a youngster.
(A) Yes, a benefit is now paid If ..a poisonous substance_ If ;someone is burned im-
for a child conceived or has been swallowed call your merse the injured area in'cold -
legally adopted after it is
doctor -and get the casualty to water to remove pain. Do not
determined'.under the act that the hospital immediately. break' blisters. Cover with a
a contributor :.` became
when they are swallowed by a permanent damage:
Identify the poison and take it clean dressing.
each. disabled• withyou. to the hospital. DO A child who has been
scalded•could be_covered with
'. a wet towel, or placed: into the
bath tub4Iedical attentio
• imperative ifor severe lit.
or mihor burns covering'.s: a
large .area. ..
Winter is approaching
much to our ,regret! Wear -
protective clothing for winter
activities. The best treatment •
. for frostbite is to gradually
warm the affected area by
body. -heat. - Apply hands. to
face • or ears'; place' hands
Wider armpits. DO NOT RlJB
Is •your "Home Sweet
Home" ar "Home Safe
Home"? Be , cautious, use'
common sense and avoid
• having your loved one
recorded as . a statistic on, an
accident report.
Ann St, Jean, program director for the Goderich and Maitland Manor.. Nursing Homes, is
attempting to involve the senior citizens In community affairsthrough volunteer work.
Karl Wilkinson is one 'of' -the seniors taking advantage of art instruction offered by
students of GDCI on Friday afternoons: (staff photo) •
Don't • pushy your son
through school too fast. What
if he• arrives . at. college too
young to grow a beard?
-!- -1- ±
Girl to date. "Gosh,ri•t'§ just
•like Romeo and 'Juliet =•-my
- ....father hates you ! „
�,.•<Y57M5 OLD
Government'Assisted Homes
• • Under
C.M•.H.C. Approved.'& Inspected.
Sale. Price ;34,323.
Dawn Payment ;1,700.
Buy now and choose your own colors of floor coverings,
kitchen cupboards. and interior decor.
Houses are in Vanastra.
C.M.H.C. Grants and subsidies available to reduce effective
interest rate to 8 percent for any 2 people.
Applicants for subsidy 'portion may also .qualify for. further
free itionw to reduce monthly payments.
Cal( today: .., these won't fast long!
482-3550 OR 4824809
,Area Achievement Day,
Blyth . Public Sbhool,
November 27, .Clinton` Area
Achievement Day, Central
Huron Secondary School,
December 4; and Dungannon
Aroa - Achievement- Day,
Brookside • Public ' School,
December 18.
All friends and relatives
are invited to. attend the af-
ternoon program which
begins at 1:15 p.m. The girls
will be, presenting skits and
° exhibits on various topics
related to this club. -
"Your presence will show
your support for the young `
people. in the County,' says
Miss Pengilley.
of his
NOVEMBER 1, 1976
we are agents for
The Casualty Company of Canada
Wellingtons Fire Insurance Company
We:Wel come
your inquiries and business -
46 WEST ST. GODERICH. 52.4-7878
Bargain Month
is here!
Now you can ` put
phones in every room
in your home.
Installation is free!
You can install Coritempra or
extension phones in any or every room of
your home.and the installation is free*.
Only the monthly rental charge applies:
All over Ontario and Quebec, people are
rushing to take advantage of this
incredible offer.
Now is the time for you, too, to change
that ordinary phone for. a Contempra and
get that extension for tie basement. Order
one. Order ten. Installation is still free.
But hurry! Bargain Month ends •
November 26th.
Call your -Bell Canada Business,
Office, today.
Save • up to $11:00.
'This ofi.er applies, to a ushng restderice services only—.; .
colour charge extra'w.here.apptitable