HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-10-28, Page 66} i,. Adults, Too, Can Benefit, from . ...:.' . H.ozv"Students .Were Brie ed for Gas Economy KEEP SPEED DOWN. Tests conducted with a popular American car have -- indicated a 25 percent.im- provernent in fuel econ- omy *hen speeds are re- duced from 70 .to 50 miles -per hour. Wind resistance increases as car speed in- creases, -and more energy_ isthus required to move • the car at higher speeds. AVOID: `JACK RABBIT" STARTS. Gradual acceler- ation in city driving can save as much as two miles Per gallon compared to rapid acceleration. T at's because it takes a mit of extra energy •to :increase an .automobile'saccelera- tion rate. A power valve, located in the. carburetor, lets -More fuel into the cyl- inders under 'full acceler- ation. '.In addition; an ac- :. celerator pump provides extra fuel to avoid hesi- tation when the gas pedal is jabbed. • KEEP SPEED -CON- STANT. Driving at steady • speeds helps to save gaso- line. Unnecessary acceler- ation activates•theaccel- erator pump and power valve, thus in,jecting.extra -'and wasted — fuel .into the system. * * *. ANTICIPATE STOPS, It. is best to plan ahead for all possible traffic condi- tion& This allous•for grad--, • ual, rather than abrupt, stops and this smooth driving contributes to bet- ter fuel economyr Iri addi- tion, gradual braking pro: longs the life of brake lin- ings. * AVOID EN'GrNE ID- ' LING. An idling engine wastes energy; it does n'o useful work' while consum- ing fuel. Excessive -idling may also, shorten engine' life if .the practice 'is re- peated over . a long term period. As a guide, drivers should not idle engines for more than three minutes, if possible. * * WARM ENGINE BY DRIVING. Drivers .wrll ob- CARE FOR.. YOUR CAR CROSSWORD PUZZLE ■i:: nisi: MOM MEM MIME 1111111111 MINIM NM MEM MOM ■mss■ ��� MEM. MEI 111.11 Ell111111111111111 1111111111111 MEM MEM MEM MEM. MEM 111111111111 Milli ii �in:i ACROSS 1 What a tuned 'engine does. 7 What an unfurled engine .does. 13 What you can get for defective ' headlights. • 1.4 To work out (Colloq.). 15 ";'/—'Flying • Down,lp Rio. 16 Preacher ---. 18 Sometimes part of tire. ' 19 Opposite of • motorist (Abbrev.). 20 Police racket • • squad. 22 SE Asian New Yeat. • ' 23 One thing to look for on tire. ' .24 Phone Company dept. (Abbrev.). 26 Various small • car engines. • '29 St: or Henry. • 33 — Kleine Nachtmusick. 34 --The Cows Come Home. 35 Cry of Bacchus. 36. What 23 Across. can cause. - 38 • The art of writ- ing poems - (Arch.). 39 — Jose, 40 --Lizzie: 41. Important part of emission system. 44 Snow White's Dwarfs. 46 • -• ignition, • dangerous engine condition, 49. When I was —1--. 51 Sadat's country. 52 Composer Janacek. 53 Accumulates a' tab. 55 What ignition system produces. 57 Messrs. Tucker and Corelli. 58 There's :no for neglecting 29 30 DOWN 1 What good "` brakes help you do. 2 When ignition is out of --- mis- • fire occurs. 3 Battery -- can corrode cables. 4 -Movie Organiza- tion 5 Thee (Spanish) '6" Part of some suspensions: 7 Common service facility business lure. • 45 8 Transactional 46 Analysis (Abbrev.). 9 Common insect. 10 Uncouth persofn,._ 11 Vital service for chassis protec- - tion 12 Printer's term. 17 Ignition key position. 20 Big motor vehicle. 21 Province hi Can- ada (Abbrev:). 23 Indy '500' Pit 25 Important Car Air Condition. Element. 26 Washington's Birth month (Abbrev.). 27 Change this at recommended times. 28 Former United Nations initials. Car service area - Been Work- ing on the Rail- road. 31 Type of lettuce. 32 Turns on ignition. 34 Vital tosaving gas, quick starts. 37 Western Hemi- sphere Group,, 38 King — vital front end com- ponent 40 Concise.2" 41 Car component. 42 Hint. 43. Man's name' •. (Alt. Sp.). s^.. Neighbor Md.. Home of the Incas. 47 Tropes .loyal to General Park. 4,8 Latin form of • To Be. 50 'Motor City - Cul- tural Group. • (Init.). 32 Body of water in Quebec. , 54 Abrahath's"birth ` place. - Military shopping center. 56 For Correct Solutioiut See Page .. 3 tain better economy by driving the, -car to warm the engine, rather than ' allowing it to idle exces- sively. This speeds up the+ warming process, and thus saves gasoline.' The driver must remember, however, that • a cold engine does -not respond as quickly, so care must be exercised in all traffic situations where, engine respOnse.is critical. ' •* * MINIMIZE THE USE OF AIR CONDITIONERS. Air- cbnditioning puts a sub- stantial load on automo- bile 'engines, and should, therefore, be used only on the hottest-. days. While driving at 30 miles per hour, for example, use .,of -. the air cbnd'itioner can re- sult in a, fuel economy loss of two miles per gallon, . As a rule, use of the air conditioner cuts gasoline mileage by 10 per cent. * °* MAINTAIN CORRECT TIRE PRESSURE. Under- inflated tires redtice- gaso- line .mileage,.slightly. Soft tires also wear out more gtiickly, and may adverse- ly `affect Vehicle handling, thus creating a potential ' safety hazard, Many auto- mobile manufacturers rec- - ommend ,,incr.easing the tire air pressure ,by • ap- • proximately four pounds. before'high-speed driving. Tires should not, however,: ' be inflated above the max- . imum .recommended area-. . sure. • • KEEP THE' ENGINE • TUNED UP. Spark plug • misfiring may result in a significant increase in. fuel consumption. In . Tabora - tory tests at speeds of 30 and 5.0 miles per hour,. for example, spark plugs mis- firing 10 percent of the time resulted in an eight percent increase in fuel consumption. In addition, ignition timing 'deviating from the .manufacturer's setting resulted in a sig- nificant decreasein fuel.' economy.. For example, a 10 degree retard -in basic spark timing may result in anaverage loss of 1.3 miles per gallon. at speeds of 30, 50, and 70 miles per hour. Drivers ' should be reminded 'that these and other obstacle§ to efficient engine performance can be eliminated with a com- plete tune-up. SERVICE AIR FILTER. A dirty air filter can cause" a decrease in Mel econ- omy, and a decrease in power output; by restrict- ing the flow of air to the engine. Drivers should therefore be advised to change the air filter at specified intervals, or ac- - cording to the manufac- turer's recommendations. In addition, frequent air filter servicing is .regttired if considerable driving is done in • sandy or dusty conditions. at- ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE t to 065 IN ALL `YOUR. MOTOR1.NG- NEEDS • EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE. • PERSONAL TRAVEL. PLANNING • BAIL and ARREST BONDS (U.S.) .• PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE. $150.'00• TRIP GUARANTEE SERVICE We would like to tell you about these and other services too. 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