HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-10-28, Page 64fr• •‘• Page,.•22 • • President rness" • "The American economy now consumes about 17 million barrels of oil each • day. Our inability to,meet this demand from domes- • tic supplies has forced us • into increasing depend- • ence on the oil -rich Mid- dle East and other foreign suppliers." • •. So ;,says a statement from the U.S. Department • Of Transportation, special- ly prepared for this sup- plement to present the • goverzunent's point of view on the gasoline crunch. The statement continues. ' Transportation accounts ' --tor nearly 60 per cent of all the liquid fuel con- sumed in the United States and the more than 102 million automobiles regis-. tered throughout the na- tion account for approxi, • • •mately half of transpor- tation's total use. kl a major Step toward .the • President's goal. i• • - Need action now Ent President Ford has emphasized . the urgency of whipping inflation now. To bank on•the long range« solutions of increasing do-"' mestic energy suppliesand • improving automobile fuel efficiency is like praying for rain while flames lick • through the roof of the house. President Ford- struck at the heart of the matter when delivering ' his ad - dregs on the last October he asked all of us' to reduce our driving by • ' 5 per _cent in the effort to both curb inflation and to ease the energy demand.. • • p Actually, the ,President's. request Was a modest one. Our studies indicate the :average car owner could reduce his driving by 10 per cent without seriously . affecting his job or living §tandard. ' Fights inflation Obviously, incre as ing the fuel efficiency of our cars will go a long way toWard decreasing our de- mand for petroleum and easing the inflationary pressure created by that demand. ° • P• resident Ford has es- • tablished the goal of in- creasing the fuel efficiency of the 1980 model cars by 40 per cent over 1974 mod els. Our research indicates that the President's goal is entirely reasonable and — that the goal can be reached by. the manufat- • tureis through improved technology, engine resiz- • in.g and a relatively lim- ited marketing shift to ' smaller cars. Indeed, the average fuel economy- of • 1975 model automobiles has already brought about a 13.5 per cent improve- ment over 1974 models — Save 10'billion • If that average car owner, now driving 13,000 miles a year, would cut his driving by 10 per cent he would save some 100 gallons of' fuel annually. Ahd, if the 100 , million - plus cars on the road each achieved similar reduc- tions, the savings would- , exceed -10 billion gallons of gasoline a year with the very significant sav- ings iri fuel cost of •$5 billion. • • The plain truth is that •most of us too casually • and too wastefully use our automobiles at needless -cost to ourselves and to the disadvantage of our society. • Many trips are, made for purposes of bious value. And the num- ber Of worthwkle trips 4 070 FACTS ."...,,-4.. , 0,... • ; :. ,. . . , ... s "--4'--N 0012'i ord GA"Ni5 ,.....4.. :. ..., . __ 00,,Low OF WATER ift-..... 17u: FALLS. AMERICAN CAR ,i 1 . OWNER. WASTETHIS MUOI - ' ...• ..- ,. \ '\ ! CA050 m ENGINES AM 6.4$01.4/10 EVER/ WSW SO \ NOT 0-41C0P RUNNING Cann- 119,45.- OVER HALF-me_CARS ' I • . ONINE ROAD ARE WASTING NEARLY TWO GALLON'S; PER --- TANKFUL ANO MOMS 'TO -...,,,..,,,,.- , AIR POLLUTION OECAuSE OF ....... ENGINE MOGI-OCT • - ----.; GAS -DOWN THE, DRAIN ACWRIPING /0 • • CAR CARE COUNCIL, WO CAMP SAVE S •LGILLION 6ALLON4 OF GAO THIS )AR IF ALL. CARS WERE OFT IN 600P ax41- HELP toN- 46W0 OuR FOOL. RESOURCE:0 ANP CLEAN UP 1140 AIR �Y HAVING YOUR CARS ENGINE Cf-I.K.KW AND OEINICEP IF NEC- . &MAW YOU'LL •SAVE MoNeY,100. H.. • , s save gasoline could -be greatly; reduced by better planning and • organizing our daily rou- • tines. Double up, save Although the typical car seats fou} persons, its ur- ban work trip occupancy averages only 1.4 persons. • This statistic tops all others in supporting the • • charge of waste and inef- • ficiency in the 'national transportation system. . Raising the occupancy rate nationwide to an av- , erage or even two persons per automobile would save ' an extraordinary five bil- lion gallons of gasoline a Than One." • The reduction in the use' of fuel that a concerted national carpooling effort could bring about would significantly ease a major • inflationary pressure on the economy. • Additional goals that carpooling can help achieve are reduction • year. • We at the Department of Transportation have -' placed • top • priority on -encouraging greater na- • tionwide participation in carpooling. Our theme: "Double Up .America Two Can Ride Cheaper • of _urban air pollution and an easing of traffic con- gestion oti the streets and highways in and around our cities. • Slow down How we drive should rank with where and when • we drive in any considera- tion of the ways a driver can save fuel. Just how muchcan be saved by avoiding excessive speed will -vary from car to car, but tests indicate that a 25 per cent improvement • in fuel economy is a...rea- sonable expectation when highway driving is re- duced from 70 to 50 miles per hour. Another way to donserve gasoline is to .make sure all vehicles are properly maintained. For example, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports "keeping an automobile tuned up can, on the aver- age, improve fuel econ- omy six per cent as com- pared to an imtnned auto." The agency added grossly •maladjusted and under - maintained vehicles- can waste 20 per cent or more ' fuel. ,•co An estimated 3.8 billion •gallons of fuel couldbe saved annually • through • • • proper engine mainte- nance. -• Could destroy country In delivering his eco- nomic address to the na- tion last October, Presi- dent Ford said, "Inflation, our -public enemy number • 1, will — unless it is • whipped — destroy our country, our homes, our liberties, Our property, and finally our national pride — as Eurely as any well-. • armecrenemy." • That is the dimension of the challenge we face. Such simple things as how, when and where we drive Will go a long way' toward• determining how we shall . • meet that challenge. - • Crossword nTnaktiEtteleMill ninmET mho ann anehm ill I- N a.mom, an, nu., m amo ann ttufl Mal nrinnntim i eh “ ill iron nem OLAM nuNsm, a Me e N wrfill11 arinnri aAm air imEnLm Ofirl ORR main naARms din fix crisil Energy n CHECK YOUR A14.1111:[: - MEM NOW ! [quiplient:....(t. Do. The.: • . Job , • An •out of date beating system squandertpreciOin'thei and:cash. • Let us up -date your present heating system with with a CLARE HECLA heavy duty Oil or Gas Fired Furnace. The New Clare Hecla. Oil or Gas Fired Low Boy is the basic unit for your total home comfort system, " •• This multi -rated unit covers -4 wide range of homes. The New Styling completely conceals the -Burner-Control assembly in a vestibule section to fit unobtrusively into the basement or utility room setting. The Entire Casing is fabricaied from zinc clad heavy gauge steel and -finished in oven -baked enamel providing double protection against basement dampness. • The Heavy Gauge Grum Type prime heat exchanger is followed by a wrap-around Secon- dary Heat Exchanger. The hot gases flow completely around the "CyClonic Radiator" • before entering the flue - squeezing the maximum heat from your fuel. The Heavy Duty Clare Unitt carry the 20 Year, Clare Guarantee on the Heat Exchanger. The Clare Single Port Burner with "Flame Retention" is a "Time Proven" unit that provides trouble free operation- with high efficiencies. a • INQUIRE ABOUT THE CLARE HECLA FURNACE - AT • HOFFMEYER.. PLUMBING and HEATING Ltd. 55 1,(Ittg0011 Goderich 524-7861