HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-10-28, Page 38G.E,16A�-GODERICB SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1976 • R• Q In 1976,, its Golden Anniversary Year, The Royal Canadian Legion has decided to organize a very special campaign, known as OPERATION SERVICE. It is aimed at making contact with every war veteran and ex -service person and their survivors, to make sure that they are fully aware of their rights and privileges. VETE NS' BENEFITS -- AN. OUTLINE The main benefits" currently available to veterans and dependents..are: PENSION ACT: The Pension Act provides for pension to be paid in cases where disability or death was incurred during or was due to service if the service was rendered during wartime. In cases of peacetime service the requirements are stricter. It must be shown that disability or death was directly+•caused by service. There is no means test conr;cted with a.disability pension or under normal circumstances, with a widow's pension. The same is true of pension paid on behalf of children. Provision is made for certain other awards •including dependent parents and dependent brothers and sisters. Economic circumstances are considered along with degree of dependency, WAR VETERANS .ALLOWANCE: War- Veterans Allowance provides a maintenance allowance for eligible veterans who by, age or handicap are unable to provide for themselves. Widows, childrenand orphans of such veterans may also receive an aUc wance. Eligible veterans are those who have attained the age of 60 years, or earlier if the applicant is permanently unemployable, and who have seen service-. in a theatre of war;or receive a disability pension or entitlement; or have served in both World Wars. Veterans of alliedlorces must have.10 years residence in . Canada to quality. • Civilians, subject to certain conditions of length and area of serviceare also entitled to an allowance (Canadian Merchant Seamen, Canadian Fire Fighters, etc.) .®LL A veteran in receipt of War Veterans Allowance receives complete medical attention free of charge. Payment of.the:allowance is subject to an Income Test. FUNE L .ANDL BURIAL EXPENSES: ::,Under,cdertain circumstances and subject to a meats test in some cases, the funeral and burial expenses of • a veteran who dies en the treatment strength of the Department of Veterans Affairs, or of a War Veterans Allowance -recipient or equivalent whmdies in Canada, or 'of a disability pensioner who dies anywhere, may be paid in whole 'or in part by the Department of Veterans Affairs. •A non-government organization, The Last Post,Fund Incorporated, 'ensures that nb indigent or friendless veteran of Her Majesty's or Allied Forces receives a pauper's burial. P.O.W. COMPENSATION: Eligible are; (1) Members. of Canadian Armed Forces who were prisoners of war for 3 months :Gr more: . during or subsequent to. World War Il. (2) Members of British or Allied Forces whq werp,domicil_ed. in Canada or Newfoundland at time'of enlistment and were prisoners -of war for 3 months dr morn during World War 11. (3) Civilians., as defined. in Parts, I, II, VIII, IX, and'X of the Civilian War Pensions'and Allowances Act, who were prisoners of war for 3 months or more during World War II. • BENEVOLENT FUNDS: Grants of limited sig : to meet emergency situations are made by Service Benevolent Funds (Army, Navy and Air Force) pend by British Benevolent Funds in the case of those who served with the United Kingdom • Forces, Grants vary with each Fund but by and large' few of the Funds exceed $500,00 tlough•some d'o authorize barns in excess of that amount. a The Veterans' Charter, one of the best in the world, represents ti ii.gible recognition •of Canada's debt to those whogave their' -services and, in some cases, their lives for theirhomeland. Yet, astonishingly, large numbers of ex-service.persont; and. probably an even higher percentage of widows, have failed to seek the benefits to which they are entitled. wens.ssna®r------w®ss — eaUE0 ATTENTION:. STIONNAIRE This program's prime ainr'is'to contact veterans and.d.ependents who may be eligible for • veteran's benefits, namely Disability Pensions, War Veterans Allowances, etc. but are unaware of their rights and privileges. Those, already receiving these benefits, need not, other than in special circumstances .complete this Questionnaire: h (a) Did you have.Military Service (including Merchant Navy, Auxiliary Services, etc.) with Canadian or Allied Forces in: • W.W.I W Wal[ 1 •Regular Force "Special Duty Area (e.g. Korea, Egypt) • or•Alliied:Forces .• (b) Are you the widow or widower of a Veteran/Ex-Service person? 2. Are you interested in receiving information regarding seterans • and/or dependents benefits? • 3. Are you 60•years of age'or over? .4, Do you receive a Disability Pension as a result of military service. or are you a War Veterans Allowance Recipient (Civilian War Allowance)? CANADIAN VETERANS ONLY: 5. Were you a Prisoner---of-War 6.. Are you,in receipt of compensation, W.W.II guly YES NO W.W.I, WWII - IF ,YOU WISH FURTHER INFORMATION TO THAT WHICH IS GIVEN IN THE BRIEF OUTLINE ON THE GHT SIDE OF THIS PAGE, THEN COMPLETE THE INFORMATION ASKED BELOW. .PRINT ALL ANSWERS . 1. Name ,. (Surname) (Given Naives) • .Date . (a) -Regimental No. • 0 (b) Canadian Pension Commission No. ' •- (c) War Veterans Allowance No gyp. (d) Social Insurance No. (Complete (b) and (c) where applicable) Applicant Rank • (Widow or other dependent ' 2. Address Telephone No." 3. Date and Place:of Birth 4 Marital Status - 5. Sex and. Age of Dependent Children 6. Dates, of -Enlistments and' Discharges . 7. Unit/Ship/Etc. • Theatre(s) of Service . State Nature of your Enquiry? - The Royal Canadian, Legion has my authority to process my claim andto inspect my DVA file and service records. Signature ' fill UN111• lieOM lib IMO I.MBMit wog an Nam wag .11los mie op we Ns somime ow■imesores•mom menoon 1iMID ill B CUT OUT ALONG THE -DOTTED LINES AND MAIL 'TU - 0 ROYAL.: CANA1MAN L} (dON, ONTARIO COMMAND)—SERVICE 111.:1 I At BRANCH 109 GO1 ER1C11, ONTAIti(lj