HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-12-9, Page 8wimmeimonasyme J. A. STEWART PHONE 16 3 1=3 per cent off All. Ladies',. Misses' & Childrens Coats We have still a good rangeof Ladies' :Winter Coats in Salts Plush, Baby Lamb and Pony Cloth. Velours in Brown, Grey and Talipes. Also Browns, Greys and Blacks with Fur. Collars. All these iCoats are up-to-date models and must be sold before' stock -tak- ing. This discount brings coats do wn to "pre war" prices. Take ad - a. Vantage of this opportunity. '°140 ok," a $45.00 coat now $30.00; a $30.00 coat now $20.00. Make thisY :our Headquarters for Xmas Shopping MEN'S TIES. See our range of swell Ties for Christmas: They make a very suitable gift for men. Ask to see our specials at $1, $1.25 and $1.50. "No tax:" KOZY SLIPPERS. Red, Blue, Rose, Brown, Grey' and Black. Just the thing for a Christmas gift and very much appreciated by every lady. Also a full range in Chil- dren's Slieeers. SILK MUFFLERS. In the very latest patterns and designs: Every man should have a Muffler, Pick out yours now before they are sold out. FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS. In boxes and on separate cards, in very neat patterns with lace edges and corners, also colored borders. Priced 15c to 75c. INDIAN LACE CROCHET. This is the new thing for Centre Pieces. They come in all sizes in round and oval shapes. Priced 25c to $6.00. BATH ROBES AND KIMONAS For Men and Women and Children in a nice heavy ki monk' cloth in light and dark shades of very neat patterns. "They Make Swell Gifts." "Give Him a Muffler for Christmas." Highest prices paid for pouf try and all Produce. J. A. Stewart The Christmas Gift With The Personal Touch Your Photograph MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO -DAY Senior Studio Exeter, Ontario FINANCIALLISH \V ®R 1'i1 1 YOURPROLNG LIFE IFE A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY WILL DO IT Gives a larger return for life than is obtainable from any other form of investment with absolute security. Free from Dominion Income Tax. Any person resident or domiciled in Canada over the age of 5 may purchase, to begin at once, or at any later date desired, an Annuity of from $50 to $5,000, to be paid in monthly or quarterly instalments. Any two persons may purchase jointly. Employers may purchase for their employees. Apply to your postmaster, or write, postage free, to S. T. Bastedo, Superintendent of Annuities, Ottawa, for new booklet and other information required. Mention age last birthday. J `ft EXETER TIME.s Market Report --The following. is. the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday. ' Wheat $1,70, Data* 45e Barley 65 to 75c Faruily flour $5.60. Shorts $2.25 per 100 lbs. Bran $2.00 per 100 lbs. Feed dour. $$.00.. New laid eggs 85c a doz.. Held eggs 5 5 c Creamery Butter 63c Dairy Butter 54c to 57c Lard 35c: Hogs $14.00. Potatoes $1,25. LOCAL • • • Thirteen more shopping days till hri stmas. Misa,B. M;~B'owey was in London Monday. Do your Christmas shopping early and do it in Exeter. Reeve Beavers is in Goderich this week attending County Council. Mrs. Northcott is visiting friends and relatives' in •and around Exeter. Mr. J. S. Harvey was in Guelph on Tuesday atending a .meeting of mil- lers. Mr:.W. G. Medd was in Guelph this week attending the fat Rock` show, Mr. Wilbur Luker, of London, spent a few days in town during. the week. Mr. Clinton Sweet had a collie dog killed by being run over by an auto. Mrs.. Birk left on Saturday for De- troit where she will visit for a few weeks. Mr. and Mr's. Andrew Dougal re- turned home from the West Monday evening. Miss Lulu Hastings has taken a position in London and left last week for that city. Mrs. N. J. Dore and Miss Blanche ;Senior have been visiting for a few days in' Windsor. , With the Churches CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 1egular services next Sabbath, The Guild will meet Thursday ea- eying at 8 o'clock, Devotional Meet- ing. Annual meeting of pillars and teachers of the Sunday' ,school on Friday at $ o'clock, JAMES STREET lUETHODIST CHURCH iiev. M. J. Wilson. B.A., Castor. Social Service',iw.d Evangelistic Field Day 11 a rit,—ltev: J: H. Johnston, 13,Ay of Parkhill. 3 p.m. -Sabbath School and Study. 7 lam,—Rev, T. T. George, B. Parkhill. Good Music—A hearty welcome Bible A., of MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, AL A. (Phone 21, r3.) EVANGELISM AND SOCIAL SER- VICE DAY. 11.00 a.m- -Rev. T. T. George. 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible classes. 7,00 p.m.—Rev. J. a'Johnson, B. A., B.D. BETHANY -2.20 p.m.—Rev. J. H. Johnson. DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractor "^- William `William and Sanders'streets. Tues- days, Thursdays & Saturdays, hours 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Consultation and examination free at office. LOST OR STRAYED—A yearling, with a pig ring in its left ear. Fin- der kindly notify Wm. Welsh, Phone 174r3. Mrs_ John Hunter, of Exeter, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Murdock.—Hensall Observer. Mrs. Phillip Ryckman, of Drink- water, Sask., is visiting her brother- in-law, Mr. Ryckman, of town. Kindly have all orders for Christ- mas Cake and Plum Pudding in be- fore Monday, Dec. 30th.—Harvey & Harvey. Bread has been reduced to 12 cents for a 24 -ounce loaf in Exeter. Bread has been selling two loaves for 25c. The many friends of Mr. J. G. Jones will be•glad to know that he was able to enjoy an auto ride on Tuesday- . . •, ' • • Mrs. Wynne Elliott -Kerr, B. A., ex - principal of Port Rowan High School, is visiting Miss Stella Gregory for a few days. • Mr.. and ..Mae. Norman Lloyd and son Norman of the West, are visit- ing Mrs. Lloyd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Elliott. Mr. Frank Kernick is able to be around again after his recent fall from a load of chop, when one of the wheels came off a wagon. The, Exeter -Zurich hockey team - has been admitted to the O.H.A., al- so the Northern Hockey League. The groupings will be announced later. Mr. Amy Wexler lost one of the markers off his auto and replaced it with a cardboard marker. While in 'Laden he was fined ten dollars and costs. hIr. Gordon Heaman of London, ' who recently had one of his fingers cut off while working with a circular saw at'.Grand Bend, was in town on Friday for medical attention. Miss Eloise Baird has been ap- pointedorganist and choir -leader of Emerald St. Methodist church, Ham- ilton, of. which her father, Rev. J. W. Baird Is pastor. Furniture & Undertaking We wish to announce to the public that we can now supply a motor hearse iii connection with our under taking business. M. E. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Gardiner PHONES 74W and 74J.' R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER We have added a motor hearse' o Our undertaking business. none 20. DON'T 'WORRY About the high price of suits. You won't need a new suit if you will let T. II. ELLIOTT do your Clean- ing, Pressing and Repairing. Agent for The American Dyers and Dry Cleaners, London, Ont. T. H. ELLIOTT SUDDEN SERVICE SIIOP A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon. Office—McDonnell's Sales Stables on John St. Phone calls receive prompt1 I attention. Phone 26w Mr. Joseph Hawkins returned home last' week after spending the summer at Salvador, Sask. Mrs. Hawkins is expected home this week. Mr. Leslie Hearts of Hamilton, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ford over the week -end. Mr. Hearts pre- sided at the organ in James Street Church . on -Sunday. Messrs. Wilson & Sims who have been conducting a grocery business in town, have dissolved partnership and in future the business • will be run. by Mr, C. L. Wilson. Messrs, Bert Kernick and Her- man Dayman have returned home from the north where they were deer -hunting. The former brought home a deer and several of his friends have been enjoying some 'venison. 1efore.any owner of a motor vehi- cle can secure a 1921 license he will be .obliged to answer on the applica- tion• form whether or not his vehicIe is equipped with an approved non glaring headlight device, and if so he must give ,the name of the device he is using.. The annual reunion of the officers Of the 161st Battalion was held in Clinton on Monday evening, Decem- 'ber; Orli. The battalion was organ- i'l.'eci on the 5th of December, 1915, this 'being the 5th anniversary. Four- teen of the old officers were present. There was o, banquet and socia;] evening at the Clinton club. Major Heaman, of Exeter, wiz present. 1. R, CARLING B. A• narri$tpr, Solicitor, Notary Public,. Couu iiasioner, Solicitor for the Maisons. Bank, Etc, Will the party who borrowed Wm. Ward's wire fence stretchers kindly return the same as another party wishes to use them. 'Will the person, seen removing a vinegar barrel from the back of Mac- kenzie's store on Tuesday' night re- turn at once' and avoid further trou- ble •° NOTICE ' Having disposed of my butcher business I desire to thank the public for their support and bespeak the same for my successor. All 'accounts are now due and are payable to me. I will be at the butcher shop Satur- day afternoon. BEN MAKINS Buy Province Of Ontario Gold Bonds $1,000 Bond due 1035 at $943.40. $500 Bond due 1935 at $471.70. To yield (1,60 per cent interest. Interest half yearly at any 73ank. BUY VICTORY BONDS AT THE MARKET PRICE Orders 'waived by me. Money to !cul1 at lowest rates of interest OFFICE:—Carling Block Main St., Exeter Powell's The place of big Xmas- loins —Every Christmas brings joys and loads of fancy Chinaware, Fancy Teapots, Jugs, Cups, Saucers, Por- ridge Sets, Berry Sets, Sugar and Cream Sets, Tea; Sets, Aluminum Ware, Hair Brushes, ,Combs, Station- ery, Toys, Dolls, Decorations, etc., to this store. Home-made candy,— big assort- ment of the best grades of Choco- lates, loose, and in fancy packages. The place of big Christmas doings. GOLD FISH, ACQUARmMS. Read C. H. Skelton's advt. on the saving of coal, page 5. , ., Presents for everyone, at very low prices. Twenty-five phonographs and over 3,000 records, some at reduc- ed prices. —"Come early . and avoid the rush." Your buyings mire ap- preciated here. POWELL'S BAZAAR Phone 55. The Home of the New Edison NOTICE. Having dissolved the partnership between C. L. Wilson and S. W. Sims all accounts are now due and must be paid at once. WILSON & SIMS FOR SALE—One second-hand 3 horsepower gasolene engine, over- hauled and in good working' order. Will be sold with money asked. One nearly new Fairbanks -Morse 814 in. grinder and bagger. New Fleury "Rapid Easy" grinders, Vessott or Joliette grinders and Fleury roller crushers. WM, WARD, NOTICE. I wish to inform the public that I have started a livery at Baker's livery stable and will be glad to sup- ply anyone with a horste at any time. CLYDE • HEYWOOD. LOST—On Sunday, November 28, on Thames aRoad, a crank for an Overland car. Kindly leave at Jones & May's. Mr. J. T. Morgan who has been ill for several weeks. is improvilig and able to be out around. Mr. Frank Kernick has purchased the 50 -acre grass farm from Mr. D. Cottle on the Thames Road, adjoin- ing his own. This gives Mr. Kernick 150 acres and a T-shaped. farm. He intends breaking the fifty. Suggestion What vvoiild be nicer for a Xmas gift than an el ethic fix1 „ tine or. table lamp? W. j: Beer , 0 11POREATOST MT IN YEARS [?c disats4 to the United Partners U.F.Os, O wnad son?p ;+od by the well-known Eigng wnter, Mr, Morrie Manley. $Q N U 'Mods and Music 35e, postage t r Katmai. Address: catocgaa 'Rhee, L[MErso, Publishers, 48 and 50 Lornl,urdStrest, Toronto, Ont, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9th, 1920 , . We all want friends who will ex, 'pea much, wlio will have faith in us,, ' who will speak helpful words to us,., who will inspire us. We need hal- spiration more than we need infear. . mation USE "DIAMOND DYES" Dye right! Don't risk your material. Each pack- age of "Diamond Dyes" con- tains directions so simple that any woman .ean diamond-dye.;a new, .rich color into Fold garments, draperies, coverings, every- thing, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond?Dyes"—no other kind—then perfect re - emits are guaranteed even if you have never dyed before. Druggist has "Diamond Dyes Color Card" -16 rich colors. CENSUS OF CANADA WILL BE TAKEN NEXT YEAR. Every person alive in Canada on June 1, 1921, will have his or her name appear in the census records compiled by the Dominion 'Bureau of Statistics. Tiyo hundred and thir- ty commissioners, one in charge of each Federal constituency, and el- even thousand enumerators, will be employed to accomplish this feat. In the cities and towns it is expect- ed that the work will be concluded in two weeks, but it is anticipated that four weeks will be necessary to clear up all rural enumeration areas. The plan being followed is to have each constituency divided into enum- eration areas in cities and towns; each enumerator will have from one thousand to twelve hundred persons to tabulate, and he will be paid ac- cording to the number of names ob- tained by him.. The rural enumera- tion areas are being divided, how- ever, so that the 'enumerator in charge of each will have to secure from six hundred to one ,thousand names, with all particulars asked for by the department. TUE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year, ADVERTISING RATE - Display Advertising—Made •known . on application. Stray Animals—Oneinsertion, 5-00 three insertions for $1,00.. Farm or Real Estato,• far sale 550a each insertion for one,.mgntl4; otr !onr. insertion, Miscellaneous ;articles;. oft not mora' than five' lines, ' Fart Sale, To, Rent, Wanted, each insertion, 5-0c, Lost and found locals; 2;&e. Local readingnotices. etc., 10e per line per insertion. NO notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 0,0e. Auction sales, $.3- for ons, insertion . and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if andel-r• five• inches in length. Legal advertising • 10•c' and 6e a line. Apples Wanted I will pay 25c a hundred for Tallman Sweet aspics„ ,I position to buy a limited quantity of hard! tis, 0. K. Steam Cider Mill running every day, pressing apple' butter. Custom work done, as rapidly as possible. and apple butter for sale. am also in a cider, cooking Sweat cider S. J. V., Cann, Exeter Plan your Christmas r Sliopping flow If you get it here its all right It's easy to upset good form with an out of form tie. That's why it so often happens. The remedy is here in good form Ties, Scarfs and Four-in-hands. Gloves, Collars, Shirts, everyything in Men's Outfit- tings correct to the minute. OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK IS HERE MIME I• W. ♦♦ • T A M A N PHONE 81 a immosimmimism v ��^-�v v�?i ��--�y v.-::ri y r.r.:�i i `�-ci� !s�� �•�-;-?i ��;::?i c'i ��-:-y �.-�i �� rn.. ,.7A::.,•• 4 ; _ �., , � t' ��� _, -� .���ik r _�.!W Edi• ry SPECIALS! SPECIALS! COATS & DRESSES DRESSES 18 Beautiful Silk, Setge, & Tricotine Dresses, All new from the makers, this is a special purchase and regular prices up to $55, Don't miss seeing them. Your choice of any dress$29 50 COATS 20 Misses' & . 'Ladies' ,;Coats All ` this seasons styles & fabrics including good warm blanket Cloth, Velours & Silver- tones, . Your choice of any Coat [Baby Lamb .& Flushes not included] $24.95 Wear Dominion Rubbers. & Rubber Boots We sell this well known brand and can recommend them to our custoMers. SOUTIICOTT BROS. ^+',b^' -..•i�ce.�,..��Y,�v,:2y„*`-a«:>✓�-`�.'.n Vii'• d 1. z. /t,.ri�i�i.4.gp,, /,�s.•1•.li.�. ...mL3..5;� �:oJi. ��Si��r... �11SW disk