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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-10-28, Page 29
r GOP RIC SIGNAL- TA8';'THURSDAY, CT,E€8R 2 „:111r7r »it'Ai"arE;1 12, AUCTION SALE 12. AUCTION SALE CONSIGNMENT SALE Ourr 3rd Fall Consignment Sale for this season, Of Tractors, Farm: _Equipment, Tools & Misc. Items will be held. on friday, Nov. 5th 1,0. a.m. sharp At the NORWICH SALES YARD, Highway 59, just south of • Norwich: Three Auctioneers selling at orie time. If you have extra equipment or tractors to sell, consign them to Ontario's largest and most Widely advertised auction sale, with buyers- and sellers from the Eastern Provinces and U.S.A. We are equipped to load and unload all trucks.' Small toels.and misc. sale starts at l0 a.m. Farm Equipment; starting with ploughs at 10:45 a.m.. Tractors and Trucks sell at 2 p .m. Tractors sold inside, • Livestock sale every Wednesday - Daylight "saving time sale starts at 7 p .m. Standard time sale starts at 1 p.m, Lunch available. For information contact: Harry Jansen - Sales Manager & Auctioneer • •. , Phone - 519-863-6820 Auctioneers Les Shackelton, Carmen Denton,. John .Shackelton. Not- responsible for accidents.' 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE DAiLY •CAR.REIVTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391 I9tf 1 SKELTON APPLIANCES Inglis-.-Moffat--Beatty-- Sales—Service Repairs to all makes 36 -Britannia Rd. W. • Ph. 524-7871 —17t1 13. SERVICESAVAILABLE VACUUM. CLEANERS SALES .& SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB --PECK VARNA 262=5748 gcttn SEPTIC TANKS -;: CLEANED Modern equipment.: Two trucks to serve • -you. Phone H.T. Dale, Clinton 482,3320 ands Seaforth 527-0284. LYLE .MONTGOMERY' .CONSTRUCTION• SAND— GRAVEL — AGGREGATES BACKHOE - EXCAVATING. Screened Tpp SosI , Phone 482-7644 , Homeowners — . Contractors SAVE ENERGY Loose Blown Insulation cellulose fibre'=•R factor 3.63 FREE ESTIMATES Phone Scott Pearson -GODERICH INSULATION 524-6844 (Call Collect) GRAHAM ELECTRIC LTD.. 62 CAMBRIA ROAD N GODERICH Electrical Contracting APPLIANCE •SALES. 8 SERVICE. We service what we sell OPEN TILL 9:00 P.M. - ON FRIDAY PQI.c'Qfl:� signs SHOWCARDS DISPLAYS4' ARCHITECTURAL teI -54-60.48- -TRUCK LETTERING after - POSTERS &. BOARDS 6pm 13. SERVICES .AVAILABLE" '- 14. NOTICE TO ..CREDITORS PAVIDSON Hearing Aid•Servide; .,free hearing tests, 45 day trial, batteries, chargers and repairs. City and country house calls: 334 Queens Ave., phone 4x2-9951,- London.-24tfar CARPET DIRTY Do it • -© yourself and save Rent , The pro UL) fTEfl Carpet Cleaner WIIIYYI 1410Yfy�; rYood 11Gu110111 ingt In+sn Have the experts do. it • • tearn get& -.the. dirt other met hodg'don,t reach. • Removes old shampoo•. t► Carpet dries quickly. CARPET CARE 216 Wellington'greet S, Godericli 5242440 ..._ MATHERS - - 'LANDSCAPING & • `LAWN .- MAINTENANCE Specializing in landscaping and ; your complete lawn needs. \Nione: 52.4-2401 : 524-7044 40110.1.1101=11Mk 111111111111=1 Carpentry Work Home Renovating Furniture Repairs & Refinishing- (30. Years Experience) (No. Job Too Small) 524-2591 or 524-9386. 'Between 12 &-1 p.m. or after 6 p.m. . FOR YOUR Carpet and Upholstery' Cleaning Needs Superior Maintenance ' • . Now Offers STEAM or DRY SHAMPOO For Free Estimate Call 524-8892 - 257 Warren St., Goderich J.A..MORRIS: CONSTRUCTION' • General.• Contracting ' • 'Jobsi.te Management For. All Your Home Im- provements And Building Ideas. e FREE ESTIMATES CALL 524-2916 BACKHOE SERVICE BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS. DUMP TRUCK BULLDOZING SEWERS - Septic Tank Installations Government. Licenced FREE ESTIMATES Sidziruinsma Goderich. 524-866'8. Wm. R. Nelson CARPENTER Area Representative for TRALEE KITCHEN CABINETS and vanities - .5.28-2949 FREE ES'tiMATES, iimemmiassimmium HOFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. • *APPLIAN.CES 55 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC - Inglis washers, dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges' - GAS .- Ranges. barbecues, .lights, ranges r 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, ALL persons having claims against • the Estate • of HEN- DERSON ROY ARMSTRONG, late of the Town -of Goderich, in the County of Huronrwho died on or about tete 20th day of Sep- tember, 1976, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned -by the 13th day of November, 1976, as after that date tite-assets.of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, O:ntario,' this 14th•day'of:October, 1176. PREST and EGENER,, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. —43,44,45ar ALL, persons) having claims against the Estate of 'JAMES EDWARD' KETCHABAW, Repairman, late ,of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or' about the 1st day of October, 1976, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 20th' day of November, 1976, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed., DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 21st day of October, 1976. PRESTand EGENER, Barristers, etc., „33 M9ntreal Street; 'Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. —44,45,46 ALL , persons having claims against the Estate of SUSAN NOBLE,.. Retired Storekeeper, late of the- Town of Goderich in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 2nd day of October, 1976, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 20th day of November, 1976, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 21st day of October, 1976. - PREST and EGENER, • Barristers, etc„ 33 Montreal Street; Goderich, Ontario: Solicitors for the.Estate. —44,45,46 • NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the -Estate of MATTHEW JAMES AINS•LIE, Retired Butcher, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 14th day of. August, 1976, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 6th day' of November, 1976, asafter that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 7th day of October, 1976. PREST and EGENER, • Barristers, etc. 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate. 42,43,44ar • • • 17. LOST AND .FOUND. LOST - Lady's gold ID bracelet. Fine chain and engraved on both sides. Phone 529-9854.-94 20. TO. GIVE. AWAY.. ADULT -. Collies to good farm home. Phone 526-7232,-44 -• TO GIVE away three 31/2 month old pups. Medium height, black and white. 529-7810.-44 WILL give away to a good home, one ,year old,male -_Cat. Rei children's pet. Phone.• X 524- 8876.-44 - 15. PUBLIC 'NOTICE 21. BIRTHS HOGAN! Tom and Karla -Hogan, RR 3: Goderich, age happy to announce the* birth of their son, Dennis Carl, on October 22, 1976, at Wingham General Hospital: A little brother forRhonda, Tommy and Tarn my.-44nc BAUF;R - Terry and . Ann are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their 5 Ib.. 9 -oz. daughter Tanya Leanne, in St. - Joseph's Hospital London .. on Saturday, October 16,' 1976, Tanya is now home in Sauble Beach with her two brothers. Michael and Elliott. -Proud grandparent's are Mr, and Mrs. Julius Bauer and Mr.,a,nd Mrs. James Leishman. -44 NOTICE To the Municipal Electors of Colborne (Township The 1976 Colborne Township Municipal Electors'' Voters' list will be posted in Colborne Township's Municipal. Office at RR 5, Goderich (Carlow) and polling divisions November 1, 1976.` • Nominations for the Municipal Office of Reeve, Deputy- '. Reeve and three -(3) Councillort will be received at the Clerk's Office concluding at 5 p.m. November.15, 1976. - Nominations .from ,Colborne Township for Public School Board will be received.by the Clerk of Goderich• Township. Wilmer Hardy, Clerk -Treasure, Colborne Township NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims' against the ' Estate of MARY,: • •BELLE RYAN, •Widow, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who • died on or about the 20th day of September, 1916,- are required to:file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by. the 20th day' of November, .4976, as after that date the assets of the estate will. be' distributed. DATED' at Goderich, Ontario, • this 25th day of October, 1976. PREST'and EGENER; -• Barrister.s.; etc. 33 Montreal Street, •-• Goderich, Ontario - Solicitors for the Estate... ' . —44-46 15. PUBLIC NOTICE, TO THE CITIZENS &. - CHILDREN OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH The Halloween celebrations in the Town: of Goderich will officially be held on Saturday, October 30th, 1976. J. Harold Walls Town Administrator - 1.976 TAXES - TOWN -OF GODERICH THIRD AND FINAL INSTALLMENT DUE. NOVEMBER 5, 1976 . Payable • at any local char- tered bank or Victoria & Grey Trust Company. Present your tax • bill when -making payment. ,Interest at the rate of 12 percent per annum added to overdue installments. J. Harold Walls, A.M.C.T.,C.M.C. Tax Collector 1C PERSONAL pipimi WE Itit. l'i'1', engaged couples to yisit the' Arbor (tiff shop To Clinton. Receive a free gift and tell your friends about our shower "trod Bridal Registry Service.. No charge, no obligation -3d PRELIMINARY LEST OF ELECTORS FOR TOWNSHIP F EAST WAWA OSH 0 N 1976 The Preliminary list of.all .electors prepared as required by the MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT, 1972, was publicly, posted in the office of the MUNICIPAL .CLERK on the 22nd day of October. 1976. Electors should examine the list to ensure that their names and relevant information are correctly shown, including School Support, etc. - • • Application for inclusions, additions :or corrections to or deletions from the list may be made by an elector by con= pleting and filing a form obtainable at the office of the••Clerk; The LAST DAY for filing applicatiorfs concerning inclusions, additions, corrections'or deletions is: NOVEMBER 5th, 1976. Dated this 22nd day of October, 1976. • Winona Thompson, • Municipal Clerk. East Wawanosh Township RAT'EPAYER'S MEETING TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH Tuesday, November 9, .1 976 at 8:30 p.m. . The Council of the Township of East Wawanosh has set the night of November 9, 1976 at 8:30 p.m. in the Belgrave Community Centre Room to hold a meeting for .the •Ratepayers of East Wawanosh. This is an opportunity for the ratepayers to show an interest in .their: Township by at- tending; to question members of Council; also for proposed candidates to meetthe"ratepayers. Let, us have a. good at- tendance. THE COUNCIL.OF•TH€ TOWNSHIP 'OF - EAST WAWANOSH 15. PUBLIC NOTICE.' Trea'surer's Sale of Land. In Arrears • • of Taxes • CO.UNTYaf.HURON, NOTICE IS •HEREBY. GIVEN that a tax sale will be heldin the Council . Chambers of the Court. House Goderich, On- tario, on Tuesday, December 7, 1976 at 10:.00• a:m. re any unpaid taxes still outstanding at that date, as shown on the list published in the Ontario Gazette on September 4, 1976. NOTICE I5 HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that if any of the unpaid lands remain unsold, an adjourned sale will be held on'. ,.Tuesday,. December 14, • 1976, at the same hour and place. Lists of properties -involved may be secured at my office in the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, • BILL G. HANLY, Treasurer COUNTY OF HURON • 23. ENGAGEMENTS 26. CARD OF THANKS BRINILEY: The family of the hate Gerald . Edward . Brindley express` their sincere • ap"" preciation to • relatives, neigh 41 hors, business associates . and. friends for the large number of beautiful floral tributes, donations -to the Cancer Society, the Heart Fund, the ` St: John Ambulance. Brigade, the many cards of sympathy, for the food prepared and :brought -into the home, for the. offers of help_ duringtheir recent sad bereavement. Special..thanksto the Ontario Provincial Police, the • • Rev. Ralph King, Dr. D. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. E. Stiles, Mr. Wm. Stiles, International. Assoc. of Machinists,.Gearco Ltd., Schutz . Motors, the staff' and students Colborne Central School, 4-H girls, Clinton Junior Farmers, the Tiger' Dunlop Women's . - Institute who prepared and • served lunch after the funeral, the pallbearers and everyone who assisted in any way our many thanks.—Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brindley and family. 44 Mr. and Mrs. George Fielder are pleased •to announce the for- thcoming marriage of: their. daughter, Heather Christine, to Timothy Andrew Stark, son of Mrs. T. Stark, Zurich. The marriage will take place on November 13, 1976, at St.•Peter's, Roman Catholic Church, Goderich at 4 o'clock. -44 25.1N MEMORIAM ASHTON:'in loving memory of a dearson and brother, Harold James,: who .entered. rest* 'eight years ago, October 31, 1968. . Our, family circle has been broken, - A4ink gone from our chain; But though we're parted for: a while, We know we'll' meet again. It broke our hearts to lose you, • But you didn't go alone, Because part of us went with you, The flay God called you home. —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Mom, Dad, Linda and family. -44x. .BURLEY -In:loving memory of.a •. dear sister and aunt who left us six years ago, October 27th. . You left us sosudden•. Your thoughts unknown With love and' memories We are proudtoown, • Gently we gather and treasure them all, With hope we will be what you recall. - Dearly missed 'by; Pete, .Chris, Judy, Jahn and Mil5e.-44 NOTICE Preliminary List, 1976, of. the .Township Of Goderich County of .Huron NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 23 of The Municipal Elections Act, 1972, and that I have posted -up at my office on the 27th day of October, 1976 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the municipality at municipal elections,- and ,that such list remains there for inspection. - And I hereby call ugon all electors to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, • The fast day for. filing complaints is the 5th day of November, 1976. - . - •• The place at which the: ':vision will corn - Mance is the Clerk's Office. • • . • The time at which the revision.,will com- mence is October 24th, 1976. - • Dated this 26th day of October, 1976. R.E. THOMPSoN Clerk, Township of Goderich 26. CARD OF THANKS ANDERSON - I would like to thank all those who were so kind to me with treats, visits and flowers while I was, in 'hospital with my broken arm. Special thanks to Dr. J. Wallace, nurses on 2nd West, Emergency staff and my :roommates. Randy Anderson. -44 . HARMER:" The families of the late Mrs. Annie Jane. Harmer wish to express. their thanks for flowers, donations and words of sympathy'. Special thanks to Rev. Wood and Stiles Funeral Horne. Your •thoughtfulness at the time. of our recent bereavement was very much appreciated. Thank You. -44 ANDERSON - The. family of the late 'Ronald Anderson wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends' and neighbour§ for the support and 'thoughtfulness shown ' • through flowers, donations and expressions of•sympathy during the loss. of a dear son. This kin- dness will 'always be re -mem- bered. 'Special thanks to Dr. Thomson, Dr. Walker the nurses and staff of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, 'Dr. Warwick, Dr. Whyte and Dr. Wyatt at Victoria Hospital In London, Stiles Funeral Home and Rev, Royal -44 • MacFARLANE - 7 sincerely wish to thank friends, neighbours and relatives, for cards, lovely flowers, baskets of fruit and gifts during my recent stay in Alexandra Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Lomas, nurses and ail staff connected. Thank you. John S. Macfarlane. -44 ZIEGLER: I' wish_ to take this opportunity. to thank my relatives, friends and neighbors for cards, flowers, • treats and visits, while I was a. patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks to Dr. Lo.Inas; Dr. Wallace, nurses of A.. & G., Goderich, and to Dr. P. Fowler, nurses and staff, 8th floor, Vic- toria Hospital, London. -Marion Ziegler. --44 BLACK We wish to express our sincere appreciation to. neigh- . bours, relatives and friends for -the expressions of sympathy, - flowers, donations to the' Heart r. Foundation. and for kindness shown us in the Toss of pus loved one, Mrs. Edna. Black. Special thanks to Dr. Thomson for his diligent care, to the competent , staff. at • Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, to Rev. G.L. Royalfor a service .we will never forget and to Stiles Funeral, Home for their .usual expert arrangements. The omfort we felt from -theseacts did'much to ease-th'e pain of dosing one we all found • so very special. The fa oily: 14 , 'HARRISON - I wish to thank my relatives, friends and neighbour . for their flowers, cards and visits while I was a patient at :the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. .Lynch, the nurses and girls for. their special care. , Lenore. Harrison. -44 Dr. Sisel to speak Dr. Eric Sisel will be. a guest :speaker at the . Huron Men's Chapel this Sunday night at 8 p.m; . . Dr. Sisel, pastor at the Lake of Bays in the Muskokas, spoke to the congregation of North -Street United Church in May on the occasion of tete 144 : anniversary of .the church. 'Dr. Sisel was educated in France and received his doetor'ate in sociology from Sorbonne in 1954' •,ana.•4the :University of Vienna iri 1956. He later 'travelled to the United, States and lectured in Sociolgy at Marquette .. University in Milwaukee. He emigrated to Canada and worked for ten years with the Toronto Telegram as a reporterand editor. before - preparing for the ministry of. the ', gospel. - He . entered Emmanuel College of the United Church of Canada and completed studies for - or- dination of the ministry in 1969. During that time he was appointed Human Rights Officer by Premier John Robarts, North St. CGIT meets Fridays, The North Street United Church C.G.I.T. 'group had their first meeting October 15 in the church hall. ' Election of officers took place - with the following results: • President Laura • Raithby; Vice Presi;;lent'Jane Carter; --treasurer Lynn Ulraith; and secretary Laurie Hassel. . The group : is led by Mrs: Lois Wykle with Mrs. S. MacRae and Mrs. P. Peters helping. . Girls Grade 7 and up are welcotne' to join the group each Friday from 6:30 to s p.m. �.c ,gid ";::,