HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-10-28, Page 26P.
PAGE I6-�-
!iirs..Wes Oradaock
The October meting of the
Auburn Women's Institute
was held last week in the
.tCommunity Memorial hall
with guests present from
Londesboro; Blyth and Tiger..
Dunlop Branches. The
president Mrs;;.,' Eleanor
Bradnock was in charge' of
meeting. Mrs. Catherine
Jackson was pianist.
After welcoming the guests
the minutes were approved as
read by the assistant
secretary • Mrs. Kenneth
N McDougall. She also gave the
• financial statement. Ve roll
call was ''answered by each
member telling what you
° would like the public to know
about the Women's Institute.
' , A letter of thanks fpr the
dinner served. . the
superannuated teachers of
Guelph was read from Mrs.
Marguerite Chopin. .An in-
, vitation to the Burns .U.C.W.
bazaar was read and the
delegates to the London Area
convention at Tillsonburg on
November .9 and 10 will be
Mrs. Donald Haines and Mrs. •
Thomas Haggitt.
Mrs. •Thorii'as Lawlor will
make the article for the craft
table. Mrs. Keith Webster of
Blyth asked that four or five
assist in the kitchen for the
Huronview Bazaar on,
October 26.
Plans to cater to .a banquet
on'December 4 will be made
at the November meeting anti
it was announced 'that the
Achievement Day for the
Auburn groups will be
November 27,
The members agreed to
hold the annual family 'night
with the Horticultural S ty
on November -26th. "The
Directors. and the Executive
will' 'm'eet with the Hor-
ticultural committee at the
home of Mrs.'Donald Haines
to plan -fol• this event. The
card report was given by
Mrs, Andrew Kirkconnell and
UNITED CHURCH WOMEN McNee taking her Io - Toronto
Bessie McNee opened the Airport and went onto
well -attended U.C.W. Toronto to visit Mr. and Mrs.
meeting ' with the theme • Jas. Austin, (nee Ruth Bere).
`Count Your Blessings". Remember the Blood
Bessie McNee read, in story.. Donor Clinic on Wednesday,
form, 'about several people November • 3 from 2:00 - 5:00
. and their blessings. Emma p.m. and from 6:00 -'8:00 p.m.
Rivett assisted 'Bessieby in Goderich Collegiate. Blood
taking solo parts in song, donations are urgently
accompanied by . Dorothyr .needed:.,.;
Pentland. • • Mr. and Mrs. Bert Schofield
The business, minutes, , and Mr.. and Mrs. 'Frank
correspondence, • -and . Wolliston, all of London
treasurer's report followed. ,• visited Mr. and Mrs. Chris.
• The hostess, Jean Errington, Shelton last week. The ladies
was thanked for the use of her . are sisters of Mrs. Shelton.
home, Thanks were extended Mr. and Mrs. Allan McNee,
to Mamie: Stewart•for her Edward and Paul of London
faithful service, as Explorer
leader for the last five years. -•
The .1977 Church Calendars
have arrived and can, be
picked up at Helen Dawson's.
Marjorie Pentland gave a
comic reading entitled, "Oh,
the Joy of Getting off the.
Harvest."' . Bessie McNee
gave a topic on Missionary
. Profile "The United ;Church
and Medical Care": This was
manlypertaining to
Donald Watt and his wife and
their work with the .church
and medical centre. - .
A social time followed with
lunch hostesses being Emily
Drennan, Ruby Finnigan and
Jean Errington,
A cross country. run took
place at Point Farms on
October 20 involving several
area schools. Brookside
School made a good showing
and won five of the eight
• .The individual results were
as follows: Junior _, girls,
Linda Taylor secaR�d; Jen-
nifer Drennan third'; Peggy
Gibson fourth; Allison
Graham fifth:
•Junior boys, George Alton
first; Glenn- Raynard fifth;
Roy Martin seventh; Mike.
Durnin eighth.
Intermediate girls,' Collette
Kenyon second; Karen
Metzger . third; Michele
Dickson fifth; Kathy Little
Intermediate boys, Gerald
Cook second; Jim Young
third; Bernie • Burgsma
fourth; Allan McWhinney
'. Senior boys, Eddie
Davidson .first; • Karl
Morrison third; Simon
Forster sixth;. Brian Hackett
The Grade eight classes,
accompanied by Mr. Jewitt
and Mr. Liddle, took a field
trip on Friday morning in to
the Museum in Goderich
where they spent an in-
teresting and profitable time.
she read the hank -you notes
received The motto `Let us
be done with fault finding and Mr. William. Rueger and
leave off self seeking' was .Carol of RR 2 Clinton visited
given,by Mrs. Frank Raithby. on Friday evening with Mr.,
The 'co.hecio.n was received and Mrs. Donald Cartwright,
by Mrs: Gordon Powell. David, Derrick and Lbrie.
The Hostesses planned a Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
progressiye euchre and ; Robertson of Meaford and
crokinole games.Mrs. Mrs. Bonnie Armour and
of Waterloo spent theThomas. Mrs, Thomas , Juire
Lawlor was in _charge. Prize weekend -with Mr. and Mrs.
winners wereMrs. Mollie Thomas, Jardin and; Mrs.
'Grant, Blyth and Mrs.Elva Straughan.
Eleanor Bradnock, Mrs. Visitors et the weekend _
Keith . Webster and Mrs. with , .Mrs. Frances : Clark
Edgar Howatt both of Blyth. were -Misses M. Jean Houston
Prizes went to Mrs. Richard and Miss Jean C. Jamieson of
Buchanan for' lucky chair, Toronto and Miss.Rosemary
• Mrs. Margaret Taylor, lucky 'Clerk of Guelph.
cup, Mrs. Les Reed for lucky . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raithby
• serviette and the closest . of .Goderich and Mr. and Mrs.
birthday Mrs. Bert Shob " William Raithby and peter -of
brook. The prize for the lady Brantford visited friends in
with a family picture in her .the village•tast'Saturday.
purse went' td Mrs. Pearl ' Recent visitors with Mr.
Watson: A delicious lunch and Mrs. Major Youngblut
was served by Mrs. Thomas were Mr. Murray Youngblut
Lawlor, Mrs. Roy Daer, Mrs.
Major Youngblut and -Mrs.
George Hebert. Thanks to the
Auburn Branch Was ex-
pressed by Mrs. Bert Shob-
brook . of Londesboro, Mrs.
Keith Webster of Blyth and
Mrs. Earl Sherwood of Tiger
Dunlop Branch.:
The Little-, Seedlings 4-H
Club held their third meeting
at the home of Mrs. Donald
Cartwright. The president,
Sherry.Verbeek opened the
meeting and the. roll call was
answered by naming a
and. Miss Anne Maclnnis of
Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.
Sheldon Warren and Justin.of
London..: .
Mrs. 'Thomas Haggitt
returned home last Friday
after being a week in Clinton
Public hospital with a frac-
tured ankle.
Card parties have started
in the Auburn Community
Memorial hall with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Robinson in
charge. A good crowd at-
tended and it is hoped that
more .people wanting to play
cards will attend. • Prize
winners at last 'Tuesday
evening's game were High
Man - Tom Hallam, Low Man.
popular cereal product: The . Tom Haggitt; High Lady
hand-out sheets - Cereals in Mrs. Warner Andrews and
many forms
Low. Lady Mrs Beth Lansing
ins tulle
On October 5., the . new
District Deputy President,
(Sister Mary Fisher) of •
Exeter Lodge and her staff,
installed .the new officers of
'Goderich Rebekah Lodge.
The Goderich officers• are
as follows: Noble Grand,
Sister ,Grace Fuller; Vice
Grand, °Sister Ada Fritzley;
rec. sec., Sister Ruth John-
ston; " financial secretary.,
Sister Gladys ' Nicholson;
treasurer, Sister Mary
Chaplain, Sister Violet..,
Bridle; Jr.. P.N.G., Sister Ile
Crozier; Warden, Sister
Vernice Stanbur•y;• Con-
ductor, .Sister, Jessie Beach; B
Colour earer,. Sister Mary.
- Inside Guardian, Sister
Nora Jeffrey; Outside
Guardian, Sister Velma Vint;
Mncirian. Sister Elmira
Finnigan; R.S.N.G., Sister
Marguerite Horton;
L:S.N.G., Sister Elva
Osbaldeston; R.S.V.G., Sister
Margaret Bowra;
Sister Jean. Pinder.
R. Altar Sup., Sister Amelia
Straughan; L: Altar Sup.,
Sister RubySnazel; R.rSup. of
Chaplain, Sister • Mary
Harman Sup. Sup. of Chaplain,
Sister Jessie Snell.; R. Sup.
Jr. P.N.G., Sister Mary'.
Holmes; -L. Sup.Jr.. P.N.G.,
'Sister Smith; ' and Degree
Captain, Sister Anna Blundell
Colborne Christmas Fair candles
always popular item
Teen Tones Enjoy weekend sing
A • discussion took place Novelty prize- ' Murray Last weekend the-Goderich, and to get .to know the•new secretary, Debbie Shaddick; Taylor; alto'representative,
Cereals• and all made Nuts Rollinson. Teen Tones. travelled 90 miles members of the choir -much first soprano representative, Dale Simons.. `
and Bolts and Cherry Bran Mr: •and Mrs. Robert to Camp Ambassador, near better. The highlight of the Lori Taylor; ' second New choir uniforms were.
Squares. . The meeting closed Turner attended the Golden - Owen Sound. . afternoon was going hor soprano representative, Lori also discussed,
with the 4-H Motto. The members were c'o.m- seback riding.
Wedding anniversary fortablyg
The fourth meeting of. the housed ' in a large, Later in afternoont,,.the,
celebrations for his sister,„
Auburn I, Little Seedlings 4-H warm building with the group Rev. Watford. - Davis of Port
and .brother-in-law, Mr. and
club was held"at 'the home of MrsEdgar Allen held divided into three rooms - Elgin United Church came to
Mrs. Donald Cartwright with each with 10 bunkbeds and a `hear the . choir sing. He is
Sherry Verbeek in the chair. recently in Northside United --counsellor. Counsellors were producing the ``Singtime
Church Seaforth. Irl' Stewart, Mary Hearn, Christmas Special" which
visited Mr. and Mrs. Graham :The roll call was answered by The Auburn U.C.W. of Knox g p
McNee on Sunday. giving their recipe using a United Church have been and Barb Ruhl. will be aired on CKNX at 6:30
Mr. Eric'Wiggins and ready to eat cereal. A Breakfast prepared the P.M. on December 20th. The
gg' selling tickets on.. their
friend of Vancouver are .discussion tgok place on choir for the morning of Goderich' Teen Tones will
Western Variety concert and erform on that program.
spending a couple of weeks Flour the ;many' kinds and Western
are: selling well,' rehearsals ahead. Each p
with . Mr. and . Mrs. W m: their uses. All took part in -the Pleaseget them in advance• e_ tion of the choir first After' a roast beef supper,'
Wiggins.' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil making of muffins and the soprano, second soprano, and the evening ` was spent in
gg' and bg sureto see this�concert
Orser of Detroit spent a few ' meeting was closed with the with local talent and the alto •had three separate, 45 roller skating and viewing a
days with Amy and Bill ..last 4-H.motto: W minute rehearsals: This was movie - called . "Thoroughly ,
y Bradley Family of Clinton on
week. Mrs. Grace Gibson is The Little: Seedlings 4-H the main purpose of going to Modern Millie.” Marring
Friday evening November .-
at' C.nm munity camp - to learn the Christmas
visiting with them •and with club held its fifth meeting
her mother, Mrs. John Young the home of Mrs. John
and Art. Hildebrand The president
Miss Beryl . Elliott, New Sherry Verbeek opened the
Liskeard, is visiting relatives .meeting bythe roll call which
in this area. was answered by each
Mrs.. Cecil Blake visited member naming three things
with her cousin, Mrs. Lorne they had learned about flour.
Woods, in Lucknow on Sun- . More plans were made,for'the
day. exhibit for -Achievement Day
- Cereals..around the world.
Everyone helped make -
Baked Lasagna and left it to
cook at the next meeting.
Cereal's around the clock
were discussed and the dif-
ferent kinds of , pastas
available on the market. The
meeting was closed with the
4-H motto.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt Irvin,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Irvin
and family were guests at the
wedding of Dan ;Curran and
Susan Forster in Stratford' on'
::Saturday,_ Mr. and Mrs.
Curran will make their home
in London where Dan is
employed with electrical
Mrs. Irvine Eedy ac-
companied Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Henderson of Goderich H�� to Millbank on Sunday to ping
Open House held in honour of
their uncle, Mr. Scott Coulter ,
on his 90th birthday. It was
�he1d at the home of: his son . Han mark
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Lindsay Coulter.
Thornton Eedy was' also
amlthose who attended 26ong ' years
the Open House.
Sympathy.. is extended to
family and friends. of the late
Mr. Ernest Bogie who passed
away on Thursday. The
funeral service was on
Sunday • afternoon from
MdCallum Funeral Home
with interment in Colborne
The ,D.ungahnon Explorers
will hold their operi'ing
meeting-on''Tuesday, October
26 at 7:00 p.m. Alt girls 9 - 11
years • of age before
December• 31 are invited. The
leader is Mrs. Donna Snyder.•
Pastor Zehr `will meet with
the New Believer's Class on.
SOCIAL NEWS Saturday afternoon at. 3:00
Mr. and Mrs. Ross' Spry, p.rn. All new believers are
Niagara Falls, N.Y. visited welcome. •
with Mrs. Lorne Ivers and On Saturday evening the
went •to see Mr. Ivers in. Young People from Christian Carroll winning the guessing
hospital last' Sunday. Mrs. Fellowship Church met at the contest."
Spry remained to spend" the Dome of Mr. and Mrs. Murray
week with Mrs. Ivers.. Martin, it was announced A cash donation was
Sympathy is extended to. that all th'e1potatoes grown in presented to Mrs. Carroll for
the family and friends of Mrs, the summer project have the workshop for retarded
Edna Black of Goderich • been sold. The_Young People adults: '
. whose funeral took place on ' are discussing sponsoring a The members of the
Thursday from Stiles Funeral childoverseas in the coming Helping hands reported 217
° Home, ' . year° The new Study. Series visits and 619 deeds done
Miss Debbie Vella left on `•`Lucifer . on the during the year.. ,Three gifts
Saturday to spend her two,... Loose," was begun, The first 'ladbeen forwarded to
weeks' vacation with her ,.study ' was `Wiped -Out f'ngland.
parents and family in ov4. People", dealing; with the Upon leaving, all guests
Scotia. Mrs. Mary Bore anddestruction Satan 'causes in were presented with bouquets
J`itimie accompanied Mr. Earl nett ►le'ii lives of flowers.
of service
Mrs. Nora. Fitzsimmons•
and son Brian along with Mrs.
Evelyn,Carroll were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. -1.H.
'ohnstone recently for the
26th anniversary of the
Helping Hands Club.
Mr: Johnstone read the
scripture lesson and prayer
was led by Mrs. Johnstone,
The motto was repeated in
unison and, their theme song
ry"The Love of God" was sung.
The minutes were read by
Mrs. Jean Baechler.
Contests were enjoyed
during the evening, with Mrs.
• .
th in the -
Memorial hall.
. Auburn, and Disrtr,ict
residents are reminded of the
Blood Donors clinic to be held
on Wednesday November 3rd,'.
2 -p.m. to 5'p.m. and from 6:30
p.m: to 8 p.m; in.the Goderich
Collegiate. •
repertoire for the coming
• In total they sang about five
Julie Andrews.
The choir held its .own
church service Sunday
morning, then sang three
hours , which Was very •. selections of music for the
• beneficial to the choir. staff's service at 11:00.
After lunch the members At the business meeting; ..
learned the second reason for the choir elected a new
going. to. camp. This was • executive ,as follows:..
simplyto have a good time 'd en Mar t M -Jo Perrott;
press , y
George Turtonl
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