HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-10-28, Page 24PAGE 12w-GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER. 28, 1976 Extolls virtues of Huron, 4 By Don Pullen Huron Agriculture' Representative Huron County - "the bread basket of Ontario" this is the :,appropriate maxim" which • appears on the front page bf an attractive pro.motional ,. folder inviting. visitors to the International Plowing Match and Farm Macninery Show near Wingham in 1978. Among Ontario counties, Huron is the leader with over 60b,tl00 acres of improved farm land. In fact, close to 9.0 percent of our acreage is classified in the top three classes according to the Canada' Land Inventory. These lands are -very suitable for the growing . of a wide • range of crops with few, if ' any, limitations. Huron ranks first in v Says county is "leader in many ways. poultry, cattle marketing, barley, mixed grain, ensilage corn, rutabaga and white bean production. Ow county is second in,cattle value, and pig population and third in milk production and total cattle population. It's quite an impressive record! ,. The people of Huron County must be proud to host the International Plowing Match one of the largest outdoor agricultural events in the world: This year, over 20.0,000 visitors were attracted to - Bruce County near Walkerton where they participated • in the most successful Match ever held.- Certainly, the committees in. charge' of. the Match deserve. much credit for their hospitality, quality of exhibit's and organizational abilities. - The 1978 Plowing Match will be staged in our own Morris Township, just east of Wingham on •the Jim Arm- strong and adjoining 'farms. More than •1000 acres have been reserved for pia -vying competitions, parking, field '• ,crdp demonstrations and other "Match activities. "Tented City", featurjng more than 400 exhibitors, will• occupy over 100,aci'es. There will be "something for everyone".; The Huron Extension team located - at the Ag'r'icultural office; Clinton, recognizes the importance of our highly di -versified rural county to the agricultural economy. Accordingly, staff respon- sibilities in farm management are divided into several priority categories •in crop and livestock man..agemen.t. Your Agricultural office personnel provides a number of farm business management programs and services.' This includes assistance in farm records and business analysis... The analyzed record is a most useflil tool for pointing out strong and weak points of various en- terprises. Farm business planning assistance is available in budgeting, cash flow, current_ financial position and,, financial counselling: 1 • As well, advice is available in connection with -operating" and transfer -agreements. 'Moreover, • estate planning Runaway grader causes damage-:, The Goderich Public Utilities Commission was called out Friday afternoon to effect , emergency repairs to the train crossing csignal on Huron Road after a Dominion Road Machinery Company grader sheared the warning lights.off at the ground. The grader, operated by Charlie Johnston of .RR 6 Godjich, went out of control on Huron Road when the lean wheel cylinder pin. ' weld broke leaving. th-e machine's steering mechanism usele.ss.. The grader veered to the side of the road, jumped the curb and struck the standard. A Canadian National Railway work:. crew , repaired the standard Saturday. (sta£f- photo)? • STRICKL:AIID MOTORS LTD, 33,.4 HURON RD.. GODERICH 1975 MONYE CARLO 350 2 barrel V8, power steering, power brakes, whitewall Radial ply tires, radio. This is a locally owned one owner gehicle: Only 21,000 miles. 'Finished in Classic Black with red interior. LIC. NO. JFR 024 ,$A114.4 111 SOF 00 HALLOWE ACT.NOW-THISU.sA ' V 'rIC SPECIAL ONLY and tax - management counselling is available. A wide range of publications -about money management, crop and Harbor. - Report • BY RON GRAHAM October, 13 the E.B. Barber r rived light from Windsor for salt. - - October 13 the E.B. Barber 'cleared harbor for -Montreal -with "salt. ' October 15 the Soodoc arrived :from Thunder. Baywith grain:. October' 16 the Algorail arrived light from Prescott for salt. October 17 the Soodoc cleared harbor for Thunder. Bay with salt. . . October 17 -the Kingdoc arrived from Thunder Bay • with grain. October 17 the Algorail cleared harbor for Port Huron with salt. October 18 the Kingdoc cleared harbor light for Thunder Bay. - . October 19th ugboat Argue Martain arr a to tow a barge away. , - October 21 the Algorail arrived light from Kingsville for salt. October 21 the Algorail cleared harbor for Holland, Michigan with salt., October 23,tj,e E.B. Barber arrived light from Toronto foe salt. October 23 the E.B.. Barber. cleared harbor for Bay City with salt. October 24 the Canad)•axl Hunter cleared harbor light for Sarnia. October 24 the Westdale cleared harbor' light for Thunder Bay. October 25 the E.B. Barber arrived light' from Bay City for salt. October 25 the E. B. Barber cleared harbor for Parry• Sound with salt. • • • livestock - production and related topics are available at the County Agricultural Office: ' • One of the nfain objectives of staff associated, with the County Extension office is;to assist • in 'the creation and maintenance of viable farm units. At the same time, it is important that every farm family generally agree about what they:. want. from life. When objectives or . family goals have been established, it then becomes important to do a good job of managing money and other available resources to meet these wants. Agricultural courses will be again offered at the Centralia College ' of ' Agricu'ltur'al Technology beginning in January. Derails about the topics 'to be covered at. Centralia and other locations in the -County will be publicized in the near future. Finally, we welcome constructive comments from anyone • concerning our Huron Extension. Branch programs. - Our staff - members are always pleased to co-operate with rural families where possible in the area of farm business • management,. agricultural engineering, home exonomic's, youth ' extension and related agricultural matters. • RED CRASS BLOOD CLINIC weave:aar, NiV, 3 2:00-5:00and 6:30-8:30. GDCI AUDITORIUM Advertisement Published By DOMTAR CHEMICALS LTD. Sitio SaltWDivision, Evaporator Plant SEE OUR DISPLAY THIS WEEKEND SUNCOAST MALL GODERICH Goodbye, Colt -Goodbye, Elan Goodbye, most used • machines Here.'s a new • Arctic Cat for only 51099.00f!Lis the Lynx 2000-5,'a 'L -cylinder Ca that's perfect for Morn or for the youngster who's outgrown his kitty Cat (2000T 2 -cylinder model slightly extt-a. 1 So u all your thoughts have run to Cat except the price -- canna runrunt; i(, today We've got. your Cat at your pricer 1.1,t71L L G UL SPORTS & RECREATION LIMITED: Varna Ontario Dial 519-262-5809 THE SEPARATE SHOPPE MAIN CORNER, CLINTON .(NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S. MEN'S WEAR) • OPEN 1.-6 PHONE 482:7778 PANT SUITS SKIRT SUITS 2 PIECE DRESSE.S•. BLOUSES — SKIRTS - PANTS OPEN. 1 -¢ BALL -M ACAULAY:•PRESENTS FIRST LADY KIT•C.'..HENSBY BELVEDERE Whether ydu are building. a new home or remodellingyour 'present one; insist on Belvedere craftmanship for long-lasting beauty and -quality. Belvedere Cabinets are all hardwood construction, available an 6' .designs and .7 Cati-Lac no maintenance finishes. We can help -you design a new kitchen you will love forever. SEE: US TODAY FOR KITCHENS BY BELVEDERE CLINTON 4.82.3405. BauMACAULI.. tY BUFLDING SUPPLIES SEAFORTH • HENSALL 527.0910. 2.62.2418 cam, ILDING tom: