HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-10-28, Page 81
Business seminar
plannetl for club
A business management
seminar, primarily for people
interested in small business.
will'be held in Goderich at the
Sunset Golf and Sports Centre
on Monday, November 22,
Arranged .;, by • 'the
Management Services
Department of the Federal.
Business Development Bank,.
M ea -operation with Goderich
Businessmen's Association,
the seminar will be one of
several , hundred conducted
by the Bank in cities and
towns across Canada.
Some 25 to 30people in-
terested in business are
expected to attend the
seminar.They will be using.
the -case study method to
examine a small business, its
personnel administration,
management controls and
financial statements.
The Bank's Management
Services has three main
spheres of activity':
Management Training,
Management Counselling and
an Information Service.
The Information Service
,.I, provides' details- of ap-
proximately 100 " Federal
Government assistance
programmes to business.
There 1s . also a 'pamphlet.
series' entitled "Minding Your
Own Business" which now
contains -14 pamphlets on
various. subjects. The Small
Business News is issued
The Management Coun-
selling provided .by .the Bank
is done mainly by 'retired
executives and concentrates
on solving the prgblems of
small business whioh'cannot
afford to employ experts on a
full-time basis. This service is
provided at' a nominal daily
The Management Training
program, as well as providing
seminars on various subjects
of interest to business people,
also provides management
courses to provincial
educational institutions for
the owners and managers of
small businesses.
Terry. Crowley
GOD.ERICH; .Landon
524-9075 s •
representing �
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When the Huron County Children's Aid Societyheld the
annual banquet in Clinton. on Thursdayevening, a cer-
tificate recognizing 10 years service as foster parents was
presented to (left to right) Herman and Jannie Van Wieren
Speaker says humor helps
C.A.S. holds
'. Guests at the annual Huron County
Children's` Aid Society banquet held at
Clinton; last week were told that foster
parents 'and volunteers. bring more joy
than could be measured.
Angela M. .Armitt, director . of the.
department of summer schools and
extension at. the University of Western
Ontario, .regaled' those attending as she
spoke on the topic of `Communicati
with People'.
Such communication, according to
Miss Armitt, is'best Conducted through
humor. "If we can ,laugh, together, so
much tension would 'go out of life,". she
said.. .
of Hensall and Howard and Ann James of .Egmondville. -
Presentations were made by C.A.S. staff member Marion
Hindmarsh, the social worker, responsible for foster
parents, seen at right. (staff photo)
foster parents' banquet
Miss- Armitt told the gathering that
there was humor all around if they would
listen for it. '
"The only way to enjoy true humor,"
she -said, "is: to listen to what's going on
around you."
During the banquet•the Children's Aid
Society honored a number of its long
term foster parints and ' volunteers.
Special certificate's recognizing 15 years
foster parents went to Grant and Jean
Williams of Mississauga. Certificates
recognizing 10 years servicewere.
presented to Herman and Jennie Van:
Wieren, of Hensall, Howard and Ann
James of Egmondville and. Cornelius
and Anna Brand of Clinton..
Five „year certificateswent to John
and Kathleen Siertsema of Bayfield,
William and Frances Grosz of Ferdwich,
George and Patricia Gibson of Goderich,
Ralph and Sharon Darlow of Wingharn,
'John and Carol:Boneschansker of Ethel
and, George and Eunice Lynn of Ethel.-
A 15 -year certificate for service as a
volunteer was presented 'to Audrey
Tyreman of Gederichwhile five ,year_
certificates as volunteers went to Roxie
Adams of Goderich, Charles Adams of
Goderich and Vernice'S‘tanbury of.
Goderich.. _
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For vinyl tops e convertible tops • car upholstery
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• Van sunroofs • Pinstriping
CALL 524-2136
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Travel Arrangements '
The Coach House
Hamilton St., Goderich 524-8366
Exeter Travel
Main Street,,,Exeter 235 0571
. fin 2.tolassoiti
Winner will receive:
Skylark liipliday for two persons; One week at the beautiful
Ambassador Hotel.S Golf Club Nassau; Round trip jet flight
1rom Toronto, Ont. to Nassau; Canadian Airport departure
Tax; Continental Breakfast Daily. The prize is based on the
Dec. 12, 1976 Departure depicted in the Skylark Brochure.
Winners may elect to change dateon payment of applicable
supplement and subject to space availability. The prize Ifas
no cash exchange value.
To Enter
Drop into Suncoast Mall ana pick up
an entry torn). Fill it in and ch -op it
into the large box in the Malt.
SkyLark Holidays
, 3
Winter Sunshine Holidays
on a Budget from SkyLark
Sunday DePartures
1, week from
Winter Sunshine Holidays
for Families from SkyLark
--''SkyLark Holidays
3 Luxury Charter Winter
Sunshine Holidays from SkyLark
Charter doesn't mean cheap. Here are three luxury
holidays which combine the first class inflight service of
Wardair with superior hotel.
Saturday Departuret
1 week from
At the popular Beach Club Hotel with accommodation in
the poolside cabanas. Swimming pool, beach and a wide
variety of restaurants and entertainment aroqnd you.
Children (2 to 12): $189
Stay at the beach front Hawaiian Inn, where the rooms 0
have two double beds and colour TV: Large s,wimming
pool and restaurant With entertainment. Kitchenette
fatilities are available for $50 supplement. Day trips
to Disney World, Busch Gardens and Sea World are
Sunday Departures
week from
This holiday featiVes a super meal plan including fill!
American breakfast and a la carte dining on all one week
holidays. The casual drub -like atmosphere of the
Vittoria Inn makes this a great spot for a low prided
Week in the sun. '
Sunday Departures
Saturday Departures
1 week from
.141 '
The perfect place for a holiday in San Juan, La Concha
Hotel, now operated by Hilton Internationil. Located op
Conclada Beach, the hotel 'has a wide selection of
restaurants and entertainment facilities' including a
casino. SkyLark also includes all the features of the Le
Lai Lo festival...t65 worth of sightseeing, F,REE!
Friday Departures
1 week from
, Children to 12): SI7S,
SkyLark!s orosvenor Court on Paradise Island offers
one and two 'bedroorn firist class apartment accortimo-
dation with Kivate Sandy beacti, 'night life and:
' reataurants are within walking distance.
1 Week from
. $2
Spend a carefree week at the Acapulco Continental on
Condesa Beach. All roOms overlook the bay. Swimming
pool, night clubs, restaurants, bars, boutiques and
tennis courts. A self-cOntained rescrrt in the centre of
Acapulco's famous strip.
Sunday Departures
2 weeks from
A week at the Emerald Beach Hotel, located right ort a
beautiful ifieich and close to lots of hightlife,
watersporta and entertainment. Complimentary tennis
and green fees for SkyLark,guests. We -also includeen
island beach party and a Bahamian cocktail party.
SkyLark Holidays prices include: • Round trip air trans-
portatiortfrom Toronto with complimentary inflight meals and
drinka 46,Transfers and baggage handling 7 nights accom-
modation (double occupancy) e.Continental breakfast daily
(lona and coffee) Full breakfast at Victoria Inn • Welcome '
P4ghts to. Freeport are vra Norden. 737. Nassau and Pt Lauderdale flights are
Not Included: Taxes: departure 'taxes, service Charges, and gratuities.
Pilot quoted are per person and are the minimum price during January 1977
See the SkyLl brochure for NO season supplement and cortypiele details
Children (2 to 12): $409
Beach front • partment accommodation at Sunhaven
with brand new pool and snack bar. Close to town and
other restaurants and supermarkets. See the SkyLark
brochure for details on' other apartnients and hotels
• SkyLark Holiday prices include: • Round trip air tranSpOr-
tation via Wardair 707 trorri Toronto with inflight meals and
drinks • 7 ni9hts accommodation (14 nights in' Barbados)
double occupancy, children.,(2 to 12) sharing room with two
adults • SkyLark passenger service representative .and
beach beg,
Noflncluded: Departure taxes, hotel servrce charges and taxeS. gratuities -
Prices quoted' are per persorrand are -the minimum price availabfe during
January 1977 See the Skylark bro,,hure for, high, season supplements and
The Miramar Beach Hotel combines 'traditional service
• with superior accommodation, splendicl_cuisine and
complete resort facilities. Internationally recognised •
and the holiday chpice of those who demand luxury.
SkyLark Holiday pricesintlude: • Round trip air transpor-
tation VVardair jet from Toronto 'with inflight meals and
drinks e Transfers and baggage handling • 7,or t4 nights
accommodation (double occupancy) • Continental break-
, fast (rolls and coffee daily o SkyLark Passenger Represen-
tatiVe service and beach bag.
Not Includech-Departure taxes, local taxes. seryice charges and gratuities.
Prices quoted are per'person and are the minimum price available during
January 4977 See the Skylark brochure kir Inh season supplernents and
complete details