HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-12-9, Page 5�>E>iJBSl)4 ", ]'
°EMBER %'.01.1..i..10
1 i'► 7RJJA'k, +,tl
n as !Oh, ' O
dor 9.4..040,1,610044W.
G r ai
(Deland int, the ntAAa3le6
Miss Mali McGregor tts. tneccnw 3n ig,
from an attack of. soarlet evei.
Mr. and Mi'0, John Etta ieson.a59enti
Sunday with Zr#esister,, ,Mrs. .1WI.j
The children of the iihurahes ;here`
are practicing for thein Christmad
concerts. The Grace c'hurt% chd1 i
theirs Dec, 00t1i a nd eige a'1h vet
Will be C1ii'istittri,s night;
A. special service ter %wonnon. 'wai
held t1eMctto iS
evening,: Mrs, JR. '112ollarcl o4
,Grand Bend* Was ..present .and gave
an earnest ootid tho4tgkhtful,aplaeil for
better serVtee to thre . iwe rrd ;and
'ti at`l i'r3g Nixas :solemnized
41104t;d Z''Yet 's. ce.f } 1t1ees
9 erity. Tlie:4brideRwill,be4)attolveats-
:sed4..nunday*sohoel•and. aincoug%4Ver'
anatr'ytold •friendstthere. ,
:lt+tr 'It'oht. '13ott tto'n:hhas ben:. 1:T
.x11:.rr.'1;411e:,homeidahis daughter,•' Grs.
C? >tnpsoix,. of. Brucofield.
:>Nuvenlber ags busy anonth-nat 'the
: Hen 411: station, '"1There Were
cas4ioads of.:frrial*it. handled..du:ring
:�Mr. Blight, dormer resident,o�
this. locality ivlto;dt.as-•spent the. past
164••7rears in Manitoba;.has returned to
Hexrsall where,he w?i11, spend :thg+Awin-
.Mrs.":Wurtz,,.of Pigeon, .Michjgan,
as: been. vasitazaag.hett.sister,,1VIrS.
'''heernentiznient•to t ;eR/allen'heroes
in tiie.4iate War °xtas•�t4rr vee Mid lbws
been ai3laced in . positta t in (rent of
the •Town, ail. Lke,:column bear-
,ing the -names . is Ottirnfnounted by a
solderer; - life :-size, :Staddingat , ease..
The *ho'ia,structuz'e`frem the base to
the -top 4s 15 • feet:+lxigh and weighs
7000 :pounds. McOtars. Cunningham
& Pf'yde, of Exeter,ahad the contract.
A quiet wedding.tookplace at the
Methodist .parsonage ,on Nov. 27th
when Miss, Pearl •MEore and Mr. John
A. Sharp; . of W atyerd, were united in
m Yt a e?. :The
ceremony was per-
formed ti Rev.:aG.' 4w. Rivers. Mr.
Sharlr:'#s d brethersa Mr. Thos. Sharp
of Hensali.
The death. took place at the home
of his parents in 8eaaforth of Wm. d,
R. Irlabkirk, at the age of 20 years,
The'deceased was'a semi -invalid for
er two years hilt was able to be
Over 2154 liras been contributeft.
at '7Hei1 Let r 'the •China and Tndiu,
•fdmine food.
•14frs, deet Wright returned home
'On Friday after spending aweek
'with friends in London and .Tram-
Rev. Jefferson and ' Morley 'Wass
are. attending the •Methodist Con-
vention at Chatham this week.
;A•ve#}y interesting debate was giv-
en at the league on Monday night,
entitled • "Resolved that Paul was a
greater -xnan than Moses." The re-
sult was 1.7 for Moses and 18 points
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Milison of.
London., spent last week around here
and.at:Zion visiting his crelatives.
tuber from here • are at
U.lsr ata C-r4441'04A1W1
•lost solER V4114, CnR14,,NsitlA41aa,
1WOE "CA ts:441 10 430. tR, ttArt' W0
140.1 a FR}EM.3 4441q DO1*,stkArr
FERS tATEW►EP3 ��, CsO4 C }n8'EEt)
"Co 1,4SSE14
Jr, 21).d.—W. ZLeld. 910; M, Grauit-
ner 824; W. Evelaud 823; N. Pas -
sold 796; E. Witmer 7$3; P. Wein
692; P. Bender 651; S, Oenttner
568; L. Staubus 410; A. Stirs 263.
Sr, Pt. 1.—H, Nadiger 736; E.
Kraft 682; E. Guenther '643; R.
Rinker 561; W. Wein 543; G. White
506; i.: Stire *373.
Jr. Pt. IL—V, Kraft 504; A. Mor-
ens 461; 1P. Sehade 396; O. Stan
bus 391; R. Vincent 244.
Sr. Pt. 1--R. Kleinst7iver 649; S.
Held 637; Z. Nadiger 592; B. Edig-
h er577• V
V, Burmeister
Jr. Pt. 1—•.M' Restameyer 533;
V. Kraft 509; M. I{lumpp 490; "E.
Fisher 492; E. Heid 419; E. Stire
*243; S. Stire *155; H. Miller *124.
Class A.—H. Sohlundt 210; M,
White 170; L Geuttner 160; H. Rin-
ker 100.
Those marked * were absent part
of the time.
Pearl Tiernan, teacher
that ail ,who are intere tai. I
tion would consult tin �anrrnan
other members of the Board, or Px
ci,pals with a View 'to lending .t'ilan ;
aid to this worthy obiect. Prospeeti
donators will find .the Board ttnxior
to give them every-ept,artun ty
pressing their iincli:vidual preterenct
in Mathernati s, English; Science, HI.
tory, Art, or Languages, The princi;
als of the Exeter Schools have stti.
ratted at the request of the Boar
of Education, suggestions of some c
the most urgently needed scholarshiT
Stop acting it
' 'Coal requirements axe the grYeat-
est in 'history,
To help in -solving this problem.
• the home user is called upon to
greatly'reauce his fuel consume,
tion for the coming months. •