HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-10-21, Page 36ilt; • • PAGE 14A :•7 C • -777 7.7'''''''7'..71.77•77"7".."771""7777771`"qr,r7^.7.771, . • ODER 'CFI SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBERV, 1976 CHESS CLUB NEWS Last week the Goderich Township Chess Club welcomed the' refurn of ,Bob Dick and Nick Gantner. The Club would also like to welcome newcomer Ron DeLeary. , We have, a three way tie for first place between Chas. MacDonaldoDave Weary and Jim -Kingsley. The, three members are deadlocked with perfect 4 and 0 records. However, the deadlock between , Chas. MacDonald and Jim Kingsley will soon be broken as they are presently in an adjourned game which is dead even -after 24 moves and 2 hours of play. After losing his first game of the season,., Louis Stadelmatui came back to win three in a row last, week to take over first spot in Level two.: Young Jim Gower had thetest night of all winning --four games to leap into the second Level after losing two games the first week. Sam Hassan held the lead in Level three .by picking up. his first victory of the season. Barry Page won two of his • , fbur games to raise his win loss percentage from .333- to • In Level.. 4 play, Pete Herlufsen got into the win- ning track with two wins. Pete has been the busiest player in the club playing nine gimes. If you are interested in playing Chess and would like to join the Goderich Township Chess Club phone Jim Kingsley at 524-9019 for detain. ,,The standings as of October 3, 1976 ate as follows • LEVEL 1 W.. L .. PCT. Jim Kingsley ' 4 0 1.00,0 Dave Weary 4 0 1.000 Chas. MacDonald 4 0 1.000 John Kloeze 2 , 0 1.000 ' LEVEL 2 . . LouisStadelmann 4 1 Brian Miller 3 1 JimiGower 4 2 Don Bogie 4 3 • LEVEL 3 • -Sam Hassan 1 , 1 Barry Page 3 4 Larry Gower 2 4 NickGantner 1 2 LEVEL 4 .800' .750 .667 .571 .500 .429 .333 .333 Ron Vandertinde.. 2 5 .286 Pete Herlufsen .. .2 7 .222 Ron Deleary 0 ' 4 .000 Monica Page 0 5 .000 • ' . • HONORARY MEMBERS Darrell Kloeze 0 .1) .000 Bob'Dick 0. 1 .000 • .,/) • , :Piters..16101t.-prOposeitleolijOiloiru coulahtlyo."..inerit for waterfrontiv*wp 1 IV The Waterfront Municipalities of Ontaricris a new organization recently formed at a • meeting in Hamilton at Hamilton Place. From,that initial meeting has come a resolution that is to be : put to a joint -meeting of federal, provincial and municipal officers Monday, lactober 25, Councillor Jim Peters, chairman of • the. Goderich Survey delayed (continued from page 1A) necessary to revamp the existing by-law which covers. the question of such permit's. At present the Building Inspector iS authorized to deal with such permits, he pointed out, and the by-law would have to be revised to bring permits involving the designated area through • The Goderich ArchitectOral Conservation Advisory Committee is a group ap- pointed last July by Town Council to advise on questions of architectural preservation. Appointment of the com- mittee came in the wake of provincial legislation in. March-, calling for establish- ment of such groups in municipalities across Ontario. Among its programs the committee .had intended to look into the designation of five years awa g At least five years o planning and study mould be necessary,- to recrimp the Goderich harbor and improve its commercial viability according to Huron County Development Officer Spence ' Cummings. Mr. Comm ings was • speaking in an interview with the Signal -Star following a remark .at Goderich Town Council last Thursday regarding. the possible developthent of facilities at the local harbor to handle containerized cargo. According, to . the Courity„ Development Officer there is' no doubt that Goderich -i-14tri,o4. • Grain Grinders The third meeting of Auburn III 4-H club was held at the home of Mrs. Jiine Robinson on Saturday, September 25 at 5 :00 a.m.. Some members 'demon- strated how to make nuts and ,bolts and cheerio bran squares, Cathy Foran discussed the different types of cereal grains and their uses. The fourth meeting of the "Grain Grinders" was held at Mrs. June Robinson's at 900 a.rtr on Saturday October 2. The meeting Was opened • with the pledge. The method of making apple coffee cake land bran muffins was demonstrated by sornect the members. Miss Foran discussed flour - the differentAinds and the uses of each. Harbor would be more commercially viable if the federal government could be persuaded to develop con- tainer handling facilities. ' "At the moment," Mr. Cummings noted, "all you have 'to do ,is 'chive along • Highway 8 to see the number ,of containers loaded on trucks headed east. These shipments could well be loaded aboard ships right here at Goderich." Most of the containers to which Mr. Cummings referred are shipments of white beans headed for ports at Montreal and New York for onward shipment to England and Europe. The containers are filled and shipped overland by truck or rail to the salt water ports. "The railways will say that because of weather, the long history of strikes at ports, and "go•on it's better .to ship the containers overland," Mr. Czummings noted. "But we don't know that for sure. Obvidusly they don't want to loSe the business." • The Development Officer also pointed out that a wide variety of other products,, such as steel; come into Goderich and questioned Whether or not this might be shipped by water at lower,„ costs if there were facilities . at the local harbor to handle off-loading. • He also suggyted that perhaps there were industrial_ concerns as far away as Kitchener -Waterloo who might use Goderich harbor at a considerablesaving if the. facilities were available. • To gather the information necessary to answer all these questions .would be a long, - involved and expensive job. A • market study 'would have to be conducted, a • complete survey of available property at the harbor and a study of the engineering aspects, "Five years -Lot planning and study • would be necessary," Mr. •CUrnmings suggested. Only after that would officials be in aposition to decide if •container facilities were feasible" for 'Goderich Harbor. Studies of such a magnitude would be expensive and just where the funds might come from remains as the initial concern. 11111111111111111111111111.11W Government Assisted Homes 4, Under e A. • . . C.M.H.C. Approved & inspected Sale Price '34,323. Dawn Payment '1,700. • Buy .flow and choose your own colors ,of floor coverings; kitchen Cupboards and interior decor. • Houses are in Vanastra. • • .M.1.1.C. Grants and subsidies available to'reduce effective .. interest rate to 8 percentror any 2040ple. • Applicants for subsidy portion may also qualify for further, free money to reduce monthly payments. • Gill today .., these wont last long, . . • HAROLD.WIIITE HOMES 4824550 OR 482-3809 • Harbor C.ommittee, reviewed the resolution briefly for town council when its members convened Thursday evening. He asked that the document be referred to his committee, and that the committee be 'given power to act on it. Council conctirred. „ .WMO members day it is generally recognized by municipalities in Ontario with harbor facilities, that cargo .• •ireee that quare area as being of significance as a whole,A study , was. to have been prepared on tbe. question, for presentation to council, under funding from the Ministry of Housing. According . tIot committee member Dorothy Wallace, the Ministry of Housing has "changed direction" in this area. Funds are no longer available from the Ministry and Mrs. Wallace explains that, for the moment at least, the committee is "ham- strung for4ack of funds." It was suggested though that funds may be for- thcoming in the near future from the Ministry of Culture and Recreation. Wawanosit bury cable Clayton Nicholson of the Huron -Kinloss Municipal Telephone System attended the regblar October meeting of- the West Wawanosh Township Council' recently to oatline plans of the utility to install a system of un- derground cables on many of the township roads. The. co-operation •of the Township. Road Superin- tendent was sought, and promised, . by the '• council members. Two by-laws • concerning drainage Matters were. passed. By-law No. 11 im- poses a special rate on two properties in the townshipof cover tile drainage loans, and • By-law No. „A covering the Millian drainage works. On a motion by councillors Hickey and Cranston the Road Superintendent was authorized to apply for the interim .subsidy .op road • expenditures incurred thus far in 1976. Council also approved -general expenditures of $9,806.47 and expenditures'for road accounts of $3,357.12. Standard A— AUTO GLASS LIMITED "THE GLASSMEN OF ONTARIO" For vinyl tops • convertible tops • car upholstery • windshields • body protective mouldings. • Van sunroofs • Pinstriping 356 BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH CALL 5242136 . , THINKING. . • OF AN 1, 'Check these features: /QUALITY MERCHANDISE ILOVVEST PRICES • I FREE LESSONS • /LAYAWAY PLAN -• p /BANK FINANCING All organ; ordered or purchased during October include o free draw, to the value of $25, to $100. in vouchers*. • redeemable at anystore in the Goderich Suncoast Mali • Will see you at the Suncoast Mall - October 8th and 9th, 22nd and 23rd, and October 29th and 30th. . • PULSIF ER 1111,11SIC.-. . MAIN ST., SEAFGOTH 527.0053 bealers in Wurlitzer, Zachary, Mark.O.Sonic • organs', • Iniu,r1i11ieri Willis, and Currier movement -ports and facilities are an important part of the 'national . transpqrtation and economic syst,em. Mbnicipalities with such facilities support in principle the need for a more Uniforni planning and financing of the national port system, but feel that harbors and harbor lands are. of a laCal as well as a national .interest. • The brief 'from WMO noted that harbor facilities are often used by citizens of the community for recreational activities. Besides that, local municipalities often are required to provide services and infra -structure to support 'Oft facilities, and in some cases (Toronto was cited as - the . example) have waived surplus funds and conveyed land and asSets to local harbor commissions. The resolution, therefore, is that the land area of the port facility should be adjusted in • co-operation with.. the province ' and local municipality to ensure that both the national and the local interests are maintained. This would apply especially to those lands not required for port facilities and . not federally owned. - • The resolution states that the development of these lands should ..be •subject to A Terry Crowley GODERICH, London 524-9075 Lire :representing • normal mynicipal centrol, as provided for in The Planning Act of Ontario. The resolution further asks that the membership of the• proposed Local Port Com- missions, be either five or Seven as determined by local negotiations, and that the majority of the appointed be from the municipal level of government, municipal elected representatives not to be exempted. The chairman -1 - of the Local Port Commission would be elected by the members of the commission. The surplus funds and the conveyed, excess lands or the value of the conveyed lands should be returned to the local municipality, where applicable, the , resolution points out. Also requested is a definition of local respon- Sibility for day-to-day management, 'especially os it pertains to personnel, labor,. relations and security. Harbor Chairman Peters told council that -s.uch legislation would have been of vilue to -the Town of Goderich at the time the harbor dredging was going ori. "That was , entirely a federal affair," • claimed Councillor • Peters, who recalled criticism of council for not Utilizing the sand removed from the mouth of the harbor by the dredging equipment, on the beaches. "You It have French in the school house and sand on the beach," quipped Mayor Deb Shewfelt. • working days urdH thimilllondoll�r $5 gO4ypuSchcinces • at $1 million ---Halloween night First draw live onIV October 310. The 71a Provincial A better chance for everyone. • ONTARIO LOTTERY MRP°RATI°N -4,4f t•tmle'l,cop-A OMINION HARDWARE • t't!bir.,,tre'4".rarts,rciy1,4l.r'tntiWr-i,r,.tri4tr. r FLUORESCENTLIGHTING STRIP. Ideal for indirect lighting in bathrooms. -kit- chens and bars. White finish .with • plug:in cord. 18" long — 15 watts. CGE COOL WHITEliuorescent lamp for above. • 6 ea.. VINYL•EX (01-astic) COATED' COPPER WIRE CABLE perfect for. • home ar cottage rennovations. NMD 7 14/2. wire •• ground. • 10.41.40. Wimp 'Light Dimmer I , ,11"ntensite ;`,"r variable foot ' FULL RANGE LIGHT DIM, ' MER SWITCH. 12 month guarantee — solid state,-cir- cuitry.push cin/oft. 75 — 600 watts -120 volt 60 cycle. For incandesbent use ohly.Installs in -minutes with joist a screw - .driver. ' 1.27ea 541tea PORCELAIN -LA MPHOL OE R. GALVANIZED SHALLOW• WITH PULL CHAIN NOW -250V SWITCH. 80) .velth cable — for..temporary or permanent . clamps aria support n• stailation Whitett,-. brackets 54¢ea 4 OCTAGON OUTLET BOX will connectors 180 ea. 450 ea: 130 ea. 450... SWITCFRPLATES BROWN OR IVORY ROCKER SWITCH,— DUPLEX BAKELITE DUPLEX 3 WIRE SEMI SILENT Ivory OUTLET PLATE — ' RECEPTACLE 15 Dr brown — 15 amp BROWN OR 'IVORY amp 125V ivory or • tor surface Mount brown bona • ea. NOMA — BLOCK HEATER EXTEN- SION CORD WITH POWER TES- TER determines with the press of a button that your block heater isworlo Ing — helps save -wear and tear caused by cold starts. • . • 99 ea. SERVICE...DOMINION .117. • GODERICH . • • •• • • • - • RE :5248581