HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-12-9, Page 3Si�CC � OF CISH
FIFTY4.W4 HATCHERIES Tell the Story of Watery Blood
AND PONDS. HOW to Regain
a] hood Color
Fishermen of the Great Lakes To .be,: run downin health .and to
lose theirattractiveness is the double
{ Are Therefore Able to Pur misfortune of many young girls. Their
sue Their Calling. pallid cheeks and dull eyes tell,every-
;.;. .p. one that they' are dcoinfal, to days of
The' conservation of natural re- wretched headaches and aro victims
sources has always been a prominent of breathlesszzees and bloodlessness.
though ,,the Dominion mind,.. and The,• anaemia girl,' 11 silo neglects her
Canada as a country entering upon health, 'may "bo a sufferer' all her We;
her youth, has the experiences of old- for an active happy .woman cannot be
er countries from which to profit, and developed out of a bloodless, consump-
the opportunity to benefit from the tive 'looking girl, without the help of
}� }utter destruction which follows u ni , Nz. 1 1e1ood.
caw on.
Gtea.ts'.��t.1.:,,�n.11 eel,
eetal'•rlia* §l is .sdl iize'd •Mrs. iWurtz,..of 7.?igeon, •Michlg
' . as been, vasiltegr:hei:. sister,:
As Per Instructions,
Mistress; "Why, Bridget, what .on
earth are you doing with all the
broken dishes on the shelf?"
Bridget: "Sure, alum, yez towld me
01 wur to replace everyone 01 broke."
Riding His Elle
A visitor at a country fair •noticed
one melancholy individual who, des-
pite the fact that lie was apparently
aufferi,ag greatly, persisted in remain-
ingon oneof the merry-go-rounds.'
Eventually the looker-on spoke to
him and asked him if he liked it.
"No; I don't like it a bit," the man
u i &- ufib an
par ti thing makes me
an, R. 7ulabkirk, at e
Ctrs,. The'deceased was;'a 'will. going
er two years lent was e.
Their Treatment by Your Local Druggist.
Your own druggist, who bus known, the people of his locality
for years, has a pretty good Idea of whet remedies are giving
satisfaction to his ' customers, No number of testimonials from
far-dletant persons counts halt as much with him as the results
he gets -from sales over his own counter.
That'd why hundreds • of druggists from Halifax to Victoria
recozxmend Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules, Each of these
hundreds knows of eases in his vicinity where T.R,C's have
brought amazing relief. Men and women of ail ages find free-
dom from their pain In T.R.C's, Mr. W. A, Hawley, of Campbell.
ford, at the age of 84, was entirely cured, after being helpless
with Rheumatism for months.
Scores of druggists, write of the satisfaction given by
T.R.C's. Here are the statements of three from Ontario:
Ross the Druggist, Midland, Ont.:
"Every sale of Templeton's Rheu-
uratic Capsules has meant a satis-
fied euatomel) I have yet to hear
of a person ,lot receiving beyond
what they had hoped In results
from their use. In many cases the
benefits have been wonderful and
these long sufferers tell their
friends. X have many calls for
Rheumatic ;Capsules and X never
hesitate to recommend them."
0. F. Vicars, Fenelon Falls:
"T,R.C.'s is the most satisfactory
of any line of rheumatic remedy I
have ever handled.'"
l3. J. Cook, St. Thomas: "We
have never had a preparation for
rheumatism and neuritis that has
sold like T.R.C.'s. The sale is won-
derful and reports from our cus-
tomers good. X figure --a satisfied
customer is the beat advertisement"
Sounds, too good to be true? The explanation Is that Tenipleton's
eumatic Capsules act directly on tho poisons in the system that in
e persons cause rheumatism, in others lumbago, sciatica, neuritis
Craigia. Their composition is the result of thirty years- of patient
d experiment, long years of experience to the treatment of
trial package of T,R.O's. or Raz-Mah for Asthma from
or from Templeton Limited, 66 Colborne St., E., Toronto
e statements for yourself. These remedies are ab -
sq, or our druggist -agents wouldn't advise the use
our own druggist recommends a remedy he is sure
eke or condemnation, He won't risk the loss of a
ommending a remedy In which he has no confi
ruggists and hundreds of othere back
Cookstown. Win. McKay
Deseronto, W. 'J. Mailer
Dresden, R. R. Dustin
Dunnville, R. J. Mo Cee
1hurham t4. MoBeth
ra, F. J. Capell
r, S. R. Sadler
n Falls. G. F. Vicars
L. R. Miller
R. I. Johnson
V. Armstrong
o1 1bbon es Co.
A. Coughlin
D. Denike
'ug Co.
No. 9740—Misses' Dress. Price, 35
cents. Two styles of elmevzn two-
piece skirt in two len'gthe attached
to lining; with or without two-piece
tunic. In 8 sizes, 16 to 20 years.
Size 16, with tunic, 4% yds. 40 ice.
wide, or 8% yds. 54 ins. wide; with-
out tunic, 2% yds. 40 ins, wide, or
23/e. yds. 54 ins. wide, Width, 1%
This pattern may be obtained from
your local McCall! dealer, or from the
McCall Co., 70 Bond 1St., Toronto,
Dept. W.
The safe way to send money by mail
is by Dominion Express Money Order.
Aids to Travellers.
On the back of a hair brush intend-
ed for travellers is a mirror, which
can be removed for use, while a comb
slides into a recess beneath the
, bristles
?dinard's Liniment For Dandruff.
During the epidemic of 1918 ten
persons died of influenza in the United
States for every life the AmerIean
Expeditionary Faroe lost hi battle in
r DO TJITS 'WANT 1D -•--age 21 to ffiG—
dLk Ave feat nli:4e inches; salaryy! i
year .$1.450, next two Ye, are $1,664; aI
third Year $1,950; sub3ect to 7 per see
deduction for benefit fund, and nenslon
eight hours; ono day off weekly; 14 day
annual leave three-quarter ear when
siek;. uniforms supplied. Apply Orderl,
Room, Police Headquarters, Toronto.
borg's great work on Heaven a
hell, and a real world beyond, Over 40
pages, only 25o postpaid. U. B. Lair
486. I,uclid Ave., Toronto.
T ANallTI D --Produce and Poultry
kinds. Writq for prides. Crosl,,.
473 Roxton Road, Toronto.
Chalk exposed to the .air frequently
becomes thmder than many forms ax
MInard'a Liniment Relieve* Igistempe1
Turner, the famous artist, was the
trait of a Sheffield 'barber.
Girls! Save Your Haiti,
Make It. Abundant!
Immediately after a "'•. )anderine'•
massage, your hair takes on new life,
lustre and wondrous beauty, appear -
Ing twice as heavy and plentiful, be-
cause each hair seems to fluff and
thicken. Don't let your hair stay lite..
less, colorless, plain or scraggly. You,
too, want lots of long, strong, beauti.
ful hair.
A 35 -cent bottle of delightful "Dant
derine" freshens your scalp cheeks
dandruff and falling hair. This stimnc
lating "beauty -tonic" gives to thin,
dull, fading hair that youthful bright-
ness and abundant thickness—All