HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-12-9, Page 2'ME QUANflTES 0 F FIREARMS FOUND POLICE AT GLASGOW Six Sinn iner's Arrested—Explosives and Propaganda Lit- erature Taken in Raid by Police— Charged With Treason. A despatch from Glasgow says:--- officers who raided the houses, and Three men and three women, whom its aptness may be gauged from the the police believe to be active Sinn fact that the seizures included ten Feiners; were. arrested titre early en pounds of gelignite, large quantities Fein rs, eerrmorning, The of gun cotton, gun powder and .f'us- police raid ing material, detonators and hand was carried'out in several houses in grenades, two revolvers and a pistol, the Garzigad district, and, in addrtion Quantities of Sinn Fein literature, to the arrests, large quantities of drill book of the "Irish Republican fixearma were captured. Army," and a membership card of A chargee of treasonable conspiracy the Sinn Fein organization also were against his Majesty's Government found, Garngad is a typical work - and the forces of. the Crown has been ing-class district, and the prisoners, made againstthe persons in custody. two married couples and a young The activity and scope of the Sinn, man and woman, understood to be Fein in -Scotland has been known for sweethearts, were of working-elass some time, to be fairly extensive in! appearance. They came before a several areas, and the captures are local magistrate at the district regarded as of great importance,Police Court, on. Thursday and in ac - "A. regular arsenal," was the de- cordance with the usual procedure scription applied by one of the 100 ' were remanded to the Sheriff's Court. Hay Reaches Highest REV. J. SPRACKLN Price on Record TO STAND TRIAL A despatch from Paris .A despatch from Hamilton AllowedutBail '� on of says less? says: ---Flay reached the high -20 000, Y than 1, Oa � � persons, an average of 40 a est price on record in these A dispatch from Windsor, Ont., day, were sentenced to death parts on' Thursday afternoon, says:—Rev. J. 0. L. S ra klii p c �, pastor by Moscow revolutionary tri - it was said, when it sold for of Sandwich Methodist Church and Essex County Liquor License Inspec burials and executed in Mos - Essex per ton. Three farmers tor, was released in $20,000 bail on cow during September, who brought loads in and sold Thursday, after. he had been connnit- cording to the official ixcnal S viet get S them stated that they received ted to jail by Magistrate Gundy, in Windsor Police Court, to ae ait trial organ, Isvestia. $76, 81 and $80 respectively on a charge of killing "Babe" The same paper throws for them. Trumble, proprietor of the Chappell light on the desperate fuel sit- When the snow comes the House, Sandwich, Nov. 6. uati ,,fie,,+rear* ceeteet /r"Y GErP4R1//tttrrgt Brans SrArions Su15r anon'$ X „ Ti eco SrArfc!rs rr'2,reesm '/}:.e/,''t' .j 84Y 'DOMINION QF CANADA. ^ ONTARIO 5r€Ann 11`ARU.,IN ;i di' a , a,O,N/C,� .Jf /ACOirtj ,i.CR �,cnXA CN,I�rONl,�- , A RM • st f/Ifcorrate 0 • Heave 3 p0 N Ml IONS EXFErilfvlEN7AL, FARMS. The above line cut shows how the farms and siations are located in various parts of Canada, Forty Executed Daily By Russian Government • The Leadiug e arkietSei� Toronto. Manitoba wheat—No. 1 Northern, $1.84%; No. 2 Northern, $1.82%; No. 3 Northern, $1.78t4; . No, 4 wheat, $1.69x;. Manitoba oats—No. 2 CW, 5414e; No. 3 CW, 50c; extra No, 1 feed, 48%e; No. 1 feed, 46%e; No. 2 feed, 43tic. Manitoba barley—No. 3 CW, 95c; No. 4 CW, 78c; rejected, 71tie; feed, 7134 c. American corn -$1.05, nominal, track, Toronto, prompt shipment. Ontario oats—No. 2 white, 45 to 48c. Ontario wheat—No. 2 Winter, $1.60 on in Moscow by stating to $1,70, per 'car lot; No. 2 Spring, 5,000 wooden .houses $15to of $1.G .shipping points, accord_ price of hay will he even high- Provincial Officer James P. Smith took Spraeklan to Sandwich Jail after that er than $40 per ton, was the court had cancelled the $20,000 bail have opinion hazarded by two of bond on which the minister had been the farmers. released after his arraignment a week. ago. ;•r••--. Later in the day County Judge Coughlin ordered that Spraeklin be WARNING TO GREECE admitted to bail, fixing the amount REGARDING 'f'1.,N0 at $20,000. This was furnished by -__ J. A. 'Stone and W illiani Wright, Vancouver B C A 1 members of the Sandwich i41' cow peop Rye-l—No. 3, $1.45 to $1.50, nominal, according to freights outside. Manitoba flour—$11,1Q, top patents $10.50 Government standard, Ontario flour—$7,25, bulk seaboard. Millfeeti-•,Car lets, delivered Mont- real freights, bags included: Bran, per ton, $38 to $40;; shorts, per ton, $40; •good' feed flour, $2.75 to $3. Cheese --New, large, 27 to 23c; twins, 27% to 2S',< o; triplets, 1R h to. 4c; old, large, 02 to 35c;. do, twins, 32% to 334 c. Butters --Fresh dairy, choice, 49 to 50c; creamery, 2nds, 55 to 58e;;. finest, 58 to 61c. Margarine -35 to 37e. Eggs—No. 1, 68 to 69c;; selects, 74 to 75c; new laid, in cartons, 85 to 90c. Beans—Canadian, hand-picked, bus., $4 to $4.50; princes,. $3 to $3,50; Ja- pans, 9%c Lianas, Madagascar, 10%c; California Lintas, 12%e. Maple products—Syrup, per imp. been torn down in Mos- Peas—No. 2, laonriiral, $1."r5 to $1.80. gal„ to 40 to $3.40. $3.50; q'• per 5 imp, gals., Barley -78 to 83c according toMaple sugar, lb., 27 to to provide fuel for the freights outside. g 30c. m- Honey -60-30.11, tins, 25 to 26c per Ie. Bucki'Vheat—No. 3, 95 to $1, no ib. Ontario comb honey, at $7.50 per atria. 15 -section case; 534-23A lb. tins; 26 to D e e e °minion News in Brief 'Methodist the sulphite wood pulp made from Allies Are Opposed to Res- Church, who previously hadgone on British Columbia lumber and shipped toration of Constantine. Spracklin's bond. to Japan is returned to the The charge upon which Spra d lin p province A despatch from London sa; s-- will be tried is "For the slaying and in the shape of artificial -silk garments Moose Jaw, Sask.—A large brewery The allied Premiers in conference on killing of Clarence B. Trumble." has aroused great interest here. No plant here formerly used, for the Thursday agreed to send a note to the Itwas announced that when the i steeps yet, however, have been taken manufacture of beer has been taken Greek Government, declaring that case comes up for trial the request establish a silk manufacturing over by the Mid -West Packing Com - of Mrs. Trumble business in the province. pang, who have converted it into a restoration of Constantine to the ,widow of the slain' meat storage warehouse. Winnipeg, Man.—Th'e R. J. ''hula Company, wholesale dry goods. have s atement that official figures recently published showing production for the first six months of 1920. To the end of June the output was 8,069,000 tons. pian, for the substitution of some A new freight service has been representative of the Crown to act established between Vancouver and as prosecutor, instead of Crown At- t Californian ports by the Pacific Lime 'Throne of Greece would be regarded as ratification by that country of Con- stantine's hostile acts, and would cre- ate a new and unfavorable situation in the relations between Greece and the allies. Scientist.Favors-...,._.-. Raw Foodstuffs A A. despatch from Paris a3rs:"•--"If one lived on cook- ed food alone, he would die within one year," stated Pro- fessor Lunniere, of the Aca- demy of Sciences; reporting the *results Of experiments. Professor Lumiere has con- eluded from his researches that the healthiest diet consists of raw vegetables, grain and fruits. asserting that, cooking is the root of all diseases; .since it destroys the vitamin.es, thus inducing inanitiozr, ered, $14.75; do,. weighed off cars, $15; do, f.o.b,, $13.75; do, country points, $13.50. • Montreal. Oats, Can. �e� Z t,. Na... s, 77c; Can. C West. No.3, 73%e. Flour, Maitoba Spring wheat patents,'firsts, $11.10. Rolled oats, bag 90 lbs., $3,90, Brain, $40,25, Shorts, $42,25. Hay, No. 2, per ton, ear lots, $31 to $32, Cheese,. finest Easterns, 19 to 20c. Butter, choicest •eieamery, 47 to' 4.7?r2 e. Eggs, fresh, 67 •to 70e. Po- tatoes, per bag,, car rots, $1,85 to $1..90. Good veal, $13 to $14; med., $9 to $13; grass, $5 to $5.50.' Ewes, $4 to' $5.75; lambs, good, 11.150; corn., $8 to $10.50. Hogs, iselects, $16; sows, $4 less than selects. HON. G. H. 'FERGUSON IS NEW LEADER Former TOtinister GiV:en Major- • ity on First Ballot.• A despatch from Toronto says:— Hort. G. Howard Ferguson, Minister of Lands, .Forests, and Mines in the Hearst: Government, was chosen lead- er of the Liberal -Conservative Par in Ontario on Thursday. In a'thre cornered contest in which his oppo - oral ty e - 27e per lb. nents -$v ro two f ger colleagues Smoked meats—Rolls. 35 to 37e; Brig. -General A. E. Ross, .of King - hams, med., 43 to 46h;'heavy, 38 to •stoic, and Hon. George 'S. Henry, 40c; cooked hams, 58 to 63c; backs, termer Minister of Agriculture, he boneless, 58 to 62e • breakfast bacon, ' was given 'a clear majority of ` v of e 48 to 53c; special, 56 to 58c; cottage 1 y o es_ rolls, 40 to 42c. on• the first ballot and upon the mo- Green meats -out of pickle le lesstion of General Ross his selection was than smoked. made unanimous. Then followed a Barrelled meats --Bean pork, $41; demonstration by the sixteen hundred short cut or family back, $48; fo'r odd delegates who voted that swept same back, ,boneless, $53 to $54; Massey Hall from end #o end and pickled rolls, $60 to $64; mess pork, provided ample assurance that, in his $38 Dry Saltedt meats—Long clears, in task of reorganizing the Conserve= tons, 27 to 29c; in .cases, 27% to 28%; 'Rye ranks and malting' the party clear bellies, 3031 to 31%c fat backs, 'again the dominant force in the grow- 23 to 25c. ince; the new leader will have the torney J. H. Redd, will be granted, Company. There has been urgent .increased their , capitalization from Lard• .Tierces 27. , to 28%e; ; united su ort 'of the need of a better service for some time $2,000,000 to $4,000,000. 83, to 29e; 3a tubs, serve yank and file 2 ,galls, 284 to 29�c• of Conservatism and the �• Abbreviations. new inauguration will pro- It is stated that .there rill be no t _�,h Teacher: -What is `can't' the abbre_ i vide an ei� teen -day schedule. Lime shortage of teachers in. Manitoba this The text of the note follows: viation of, Charles'" twill comprise a large part of the winter. The Board of Education esti- "The British, French and Italian Charles• "Cannot " . southbound cargo. and dried and can- mated that 3,300 teachers would • be re- t � is have canstantl 1 in the past given proof of their goodwill toward the Greek people, and have favored the attainment of their na- tional aspirations. They, therefore, have been all the more painfully sur- prised by the events which have just occurred in Greece. "They have no wish to interfere in the internal affairs of Greeee, but feel bound to declare publicly that restora- tion of the Throne of Greece to a King whose disloyal attitude and con- duct toward the allies during the war caused them great embarrassment 19 to 1934a per lb. ° b r the convention: Government by,. .the -responsible - , o I1lin ter • 7 ,s of the C amvn n �• a z int • b my, what is 'don't' the abbreviation' British oft" • ment of Jimmy: "Doughnut." I consisted. print's, 30 to 31c; shortening tierces' FelIow'ing is the platform adopted Choice heavy steers, $11.50. to $11.75; good heavy steers $10.50 t $11; butchers' utch ors cattle, choice, $9.50. to. $10; do, good, $8 to $9; do, 'med., $6 to $7; do, .com,, $5 to $5.50; butchers' bulls, choice, $8 to $9.50; do, good, , 7 to $8; do, corn., $5 to $6; butchers' cows, choice, $7.50 to $8.50; do, good, $6.25 to $7;. do,'com., $4 to $5; feeders, best, $9 to' $10; do, 900 lbs., $8.50 to $9.50; de, 800 lbs., $7.75 to $8.25; do, corn., $5.25 to $6.25; canners and cut- ters, $3 to $4.50; milkers, good to choice, $100 to $1fi5; do, coni. and med.,' $65 to $75; lambs, yearlings; $9 , .75; sheep, $5 to $7.50; hogs, fed and t,at • Teacher: Thats right. I�ow, Jim- nod fruity and salt the northbound. Jim- 1 this port President Wilson in response to an land• Columbia's first export ship - apples of the 1920 season of 12,000 boxes, which left for Australia and New Zea - invitation from the League of Nations Council, has agreed to use his good offrzes and to proffer his "personal I mediation" through a representative he may designate "to end the hos- tithes Calgary, Alta.—Large areas of sun- flowers planted in many parts of the province are yielding from twenty to thirty tons of fodder to the acre, oncost of which was placed in silos. The that are now being �va;ed to $9.50; do sexing $13 05 to $13 A11 Government posts for returned n f crop is becoming increasingly popu- quired and this number has been al- ready obtained. The Province of Manitoba has dis- posed of several ' !Maks of bonds amounting in all to $4,500,000, which were all sold in the United States'at a rate to yield the investor a little over eight per cent. The bonds were five years and bear six per cent. Manitoba's potato. crop this year will be 3,700,000 bushels, the Provin- cial Department of Agriculture an- , after the 'conclusion of estimate based on reports from ns o the province. c. o y eoniinisaion. Endorsation of a .protective tariff for the Dominion for the 'develop- ment of Canadian industries for Ca - di n d an worlanen. Publico h' d d 1 of Hydro power: as enunciated by Sir James Whitney. and Sir Adam Beck;. the canalization of the St. Lawrence River, and the development of its water• powers. ' " • ownershi an eve opment. 1 against the Armenian people." r Ian, as evidenced by the erection this ounces t 1 an calves, good to chaice $16 to $17 1 , year of many new silos. In the Card- P all -Sound and progressive labor , legis- sectio f tl kation. • - . - soldiers where qualified. and lass, could only be regarded b on District alone eight were built them as ratification y �1K � a last summer and so successful have ation by Greece of his ,. 1 1 II � SiS . g 8 the sunflower crop began, 'between 100 and hostile acts. 9 s proved that the farm -125 cars ers plan on erecting one hundred next each containing an average of 1,250 "This step would create a new and " I year and inerea.sing the acreage de- bushels, have passed through the city unavoidable situation in the relations! 1 , id e voted to the fodder plant from about each day between Greece and the allies, and in; - 50 to 1,000 acres. Toronto, Ont.—The' new tcol plant s that ease the three Governments re- (fs(lgl� �� 1R lob. 1 A contract has been entered ,into of the Baldwin Canadian' Steel Cor- i to themselves complete liberiNi potation has commenced' operations in dealing with the situation thus' by the Imperial Oil Company, Ltd., incl is turning out steel in large Cor - created." 11lilburn's Lama -Liver Pills stimulate and the Great West Natural Gas Cor- quantities. g, After reading the text of the allied l the sluggish liver so that it will regulate I poration, Ltd., for the development Montreal, Que.—The Laurentiide note to Greece,. Andrew Bothe lllie t of Saskatchewan and Alberta; oil and Paper Company no the Government Leader, replying tat the flow of bile to act properly on the 1 gas fields. Under the contract, the hydroplanes in i w•maintains three bowels and thus clear away all the i oil nom an will takepossession of its aviation -iCh are a question in the House of Commons, waste and poisonous matter that is i any oil strike madement at Lac a 1.� Tortue, vviiicli are said the declaration obviously meant by either tom - responsible for constipation, biliousness, ' party, and to the gas company will engaged in exploration, photograph ear urn, jaundice, etc.: accrue any gas encountered M h'll ''other company in its dxill" n�• Since the movement of the wheat that if the Greek people choose to take a step which this country would deplore, Great Britain and her allies would have no intention whatever of resorting to a hostile action in the sense of force to prevent them giv- ing effect to it. The value of Canada's fish produc- tion in 1919 was $56,485,579, of which $40,473,536 was the product of British Columbia and Nova Scotia, British Columbia 'can'ned.salmon representing $13,842,140, NEA T aid NERVES 1 BOTH,- E� HER to Housework Player Her Out. wi More generous expenditure for Dads and education- in,the Northland., Vigorous enforcement • of the On- rio Temperance Act in accordance th public opinion. • Retention of 'direct aj3peals to the Privy Council.., - Mrs. Earl Farr, Ogema,. Sask.,.writes — ' "Three years ago any heart and nerves - began to pother me. I could not do my. housework without being almost com- Sinn Fein Involved pletely played' out. After sweeping a German Plot small room would have to sit do - ` . • wn and' rest, and would feel as if I could not get Leery few nights I would knave horrid says:..—Premier Lloyd George m.t, and mapping.: A large budding dream's; such as the well 'caving in while sick headaches,h tb by the has been erected for the tori I was pumping a pail of water or thea stated in the House of turn aer.� storing and enough air. A despatch, from Loizdon lice e r , apanee, Ont. ; A despatch from En gs. repairing of these machines, and these writes: --"I was very badly run down and p England states are about fifteen men engagedin had a torpid liver for over four months. f that the Prince of Wales has collect- workxthe besides the five or I tried several remedies, but got no relief. • ed big game from Africa assir experts. One day my husband brought mi e home -• well a- Th smaller jungle animals from Austra- a vial of Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and lia and other. •countries ' visited in his before I had used half the vial I' was much better. I only used two vials and Empire tour, for experimental pur- I am a different person to -day. - 1' can !poses on his ranch in Southern Al - safely recommend Laxa-Liver Pills to I berta. Some of the animals travelled any one troubled with liver trouble." f with the Prince on the "Renown," Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25e.' and the entire shipment will be made a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on • to th-e E. P. Ranch in the spring. . receipt of price by The T. Milburn ; Proof of the 'development of the Co., r'im'ted, Toronto, Ont. 1 Alberta coal industry is provi a. chlichen, .or sny husband fallinga in, and mons or Thursda that docu-' could get no rest eawa as I would b k V e some time after. i went•to my doctor rnents found: in the possession and he told me it was my •nerves, that of Eamonn de. Valera when he e new newsprint paper machines they had been shaker, by a previous ill which will extend the company's out- ness. He gave me some medicine, but was arrested in May, 1918, would ; be irnoIuded' in those which the Government was about. to make public: These d documents, asserted. the Pre- mier, implicated the Irish Re publican -army in the German put at Grand Mere will be in opera- at, ,soon as it was gond I was as bad tion at the 'beginn;;ng of the year. as ever again. I got half a dozen boxes of Milburn's Heart- and Nerve Pills, and The Canadian Government Merchan5;, they helped me so much I got more, and Marine now numbers 88 vessels with can truly say I have no lack. of health a deadweight tonnage of 203,000. "The. dew, anc� don't feel so tired after a.goo Canadian Victor," built by the Cana- days work, °mill did before after sweeping ciian Vickers, Ltd., is the last vesica thoso horrid. de small reams haveformonthsmof d to be added to the fleet, and there months.'/ _ and ded by are another 28 vessels yet to be added. i Price 50c. 'a box at all dealers; - It's a Great Life If You Don't Weak conspiracy. Crts 'noLO'(NIE Nk-T P+4•EttIC'•( SgNT ME OVER... '11-Seaf SAID `400 SM6N1Eb A COOK 7pv S, s'( (OV HANENT A REFEt2EtiGE • rRQh1 10 JR 1 -AST P•t.etee t DID %(.0 'ttANIE ANY HASTY tNORR V4 t'i'H `{OUR MUSTRE.5S eEFo' E LEPNIN1 • OH 'NOMAM� SNS WAS '' t'AKitls A be'IZH At•4' t JUS' LOCO D 'THE O.TTel- ROOM 00, OR.0 pACKED , ME NI NbS AN' esIENT OU AS QUiel AS A Manse By', . ack Rabbit rr's FIN 6. NOLJ •it • E 1– `re .- I to u w "„ Ifo -ll �. ....7 '• 0'11 fire;l 6A%neaoon TRAIT 'PERSISTENT HACKING, RACKING COUGH Carl, Be Ql«+ickly. Relieved Ry 0r. Wood's Norway Pone Syrup. Tho terrible, hacking, lung -racking cough that sticks to you an spite of every- thing you Have done to get r;cl of it, is a great danger to your health, and the longer it sticks," the more serious the. menace. becomes, The constant coughing keeps the lungs and bronchial tubes in such an irritated and inflamed condition they get no - chance to heal. Youwill find in Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup a remedy that loosens the phlegm and heals and soothes the lungs, thereby fortifying them against serious pubnorary disease. Mr. J, W. F, Whitely, Verrniliou,, Arta., writes;—"I wish to express my thanks for what Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup has done for me. For a number • of weeks I had been suffering from a very severe hacking cough, and all the remedies I tried failed to relieve me. At least I secured a bottle .Of "Dr. Wood's," and after taking it I secured great relief.. Needless to say it is now any intentiten. to always keep at supply on hand." "Dr. Wood'a" is.35c.'and 606. a bottle . at all dealers. The genuine is put up in a yellow wrapper; tlireo pins trees the . trade 'mark; mauufacturec> only by The T. Milburn Co.; Limited, Toronto, Oirt, Human Nature. Beneath "these troublesome dis- guises that we wear" we are much the same, and if the most supercit ous . of fine ladies or the •moat fastidious of nen only knew, We are very slightly changed From the semiapes who ranged India's prehistoric clay. In the little interval of time given us upon this planetwe arefilled with- the iththe most fatuous assumptions cf hu- man vanity, and- the reason for thein does not appear. We ridicule the savages for what they clo, and could Anything be more savage than what we palefaces were doing from 1914 to 1918? We call those queer who are not of our outward ways and seinblanees, though in the real stuff of character they may be better, as Gunga Din -was better than the thirsty man lie served. It doesn't take enrich to set us back from our 'acquired character to aur:; original nature. Sometimes a leene spell of sickness discovers tee s`ivhst we really .are, as compared with the fine creature -we "like to pretend we are. Starvation will bring old friend to the point of clutching each oti threats, .. and i an excess' ..ofbo' dal . y 1. tigue may curdy the sweetest temper: Let us not hear that any human be- ing has an angel character till he has been under some excruciating trial and has emerged with honor- from the ordeal. The very serious trouble with most people' is that they are human, like ourselves. They react in the same way under the -same stresses. They also want sympathy and are 'looking for a friend. They, too, heartily en- joy being appreciated or at least understood. Burdens that are heavy for cis are heavy for thein, -It is as 'easy for them to watch ether peep's -- at work as it is for us. They like- wise 'enjoy picnics and parades. It is time to get over the idea that wehave. to be •coanfortable because we were brought up that way, while others were predestined to eery and pare so hardened to their condition that we needn't bather. One effect of -travel—if the trav'elee• 'is impres- sionable, and some travelers are not— is to show us that no country has a monopoly of eeertain homely virtues that take root and flourish in the ble'akest as in the richest soil. Nor is -any other country particularly i'n- • - terested in our introspective studies of how good we are and our ingrowe ing imagination of our greatness: Boastfulness ,is a `posture as unlove- ly for the millions as it is for one. Let us give credit to -others for ,one. sessing.some off •the qualities we •ardw mire so much in ourselves. PIMPLES and aLOTCHES ALL OVER HER FACE. Pimplest blotches and all other un- sightly skin troubles are caused ' beetle 'blood being in an impure condition. Those little festering sores, appear on Au, forehead, on the nose, on the chin, and • other parts of the body, and although they are not a dangerous' trouble ,;they are very uneightly. , There is only one way to get rid of them, and that is by. purifying the blood of all its impurities. . 'Burdock Blood Bitters is without, a doubt the best remedy for this purpose. Thi valuable medicine has been on the ' mar et for the past' 42 years mid i is repuw ' tation is such that you are not experiment. ing with some new and untried remedy. MIse Marguerite ihigloy, 61 11 [trine Ave:, Halifax, N.5., Writers' -`II have suffered very mettle during the last' two years, from pafnples and blotchee, having them all over my face, 1 tried different remedies without any relief. I was advised to try Burdock I3lood Bitters, which 1 did, and after taking just two bottles I have been, • as I believe, penman•• ently relieved, as I haven't lead a pimplet or blotch since, 5 • can highly! room, mend forelock Blood Bittors. B.B.B. is tut u only by The Z Milburn Co., Lirn tcd, Toronto, Ont. '7fr'�