HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-10-21, Page 4PAGE 4AwGODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY,, OCTOBER 21,1976 r ”4-•,A7%.-0,'I,M...-,e4R'4---.. --...N" ,....-1,.lR M1.fMMf.-.RA.•,!!l....1......rt+yl.....+,►.11.,".....!•1..^4+...7....-.....1..1w.4M. ../.•\.1,... +•.....R-..l.t•T•.-A!. Saginaw TV Ch®nnel 5 �- ' Schedule fortOctober 14 to October 20 (Exclusive to Signal. s •a li 1:1.l-V!!,1-.."nM.1.!!�!!•w..V�1....!!.V.Y,wA.T 01.7.0 ,T I .MORNINGS MONDAY THROUGH 'FRIDAY 7:00 - TODAY SHOW 0.00 - IRONSIDE OW f 10:00 - SANFORD AND SON 10:30 - CELEBRITY SWEEPSTAKES , 1 11:00 - WHEEL OF FORTUNE 11:30 -"HOLLYWOOD SQUARES 12:00- NEWS AFTERNOQNS- MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAYS 12.30 p.m.10 4:00 p.m. 12:30 - THE GONG SHOW 1:00.. THE FUN FACTORY 1:30 - DAYS OF OUR LIVE$ 2:30 - THE .DOCTORS 3:00 - ANOTHER WORLD 4:00 • DARK SHADOWS [SS • THURSDAY, •OCTOBER 21 ' i AFTERNOON • ° t 4:30 - STUDIO FIVE:"SAFARI" - Victor Mature, Janet Leigh '56 - African guide -seeks Mau Mau ]] leader and band who killed his family. On safari, he f • encounters them and with help destroys them. .1 EVENINGS 33 6:00- - NEWS t 7:00- ADAM - 12• 7:30 - MICHIGAN STATE LOTTERY SHOW 8:00 . - WORLD SERIES GAME NO. -5 .11:00 - NEWS 11:30 - TONIGHT SHOW t 1:00- TOMORROW • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22 4:30 • STUDIO FIVE FAMILY FESTIVAL: "GEN- TLE GIANT" Dennis Weaver, Vera Miles '67 - A small .boy befriends a bear cub and his father busy the animal for him. EVENING j 6:00 ' NEWS ; 7:00 WILD KINGDOM 7:30 THE MUPPETS 8:00 = SANFORD AND SON t 8:30 - CHICO AND THE MAN 9:00 - TV NEWS SPECIAL 9:30 -. DECISION '76 (Presidential Candidates f Debate) j 11:00 -NEWS= 11:30 -'TONIGHT S1-1OW- 1:00 - TOMORROW ( SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23 . MORNING 7 00 - KIDS FROM'C.A.P.E.R. 7 30. - MUGGSY • 8 00 - WOODY ,WOODPECKER SHOW 8 30 PINK PANTHER 10 00 - McDUFF THE TALKING DOG' • . ? 10 .30 - THE MONSTER SQUAD 11 00- LAND OF THE LOST }}. 11 30'HOT FUDGE .12:00 --=Sl7UL TRAIN ( AFTERNOON . • 12:30 - . WORLD SERIES GAME NO. 6 IF NeCESSARY ' •4:00 - WE LIVE WITH ELEPHANTS + David Niven l , stars in the fantastic story �f the family that lives with elephants. Photographed where they live, in, the wild bush country of Africa • t 5:00 - CANDID CAMERA 5:30 - ANDY WILLIAMS SHOW ') EVENING r _• L 6:30 - HEE HAW 7:30 -• BOBBY VINTON S:00 - EMERGENCY4 , r •: 9:00 MOVIE:"DIRTY HARRY" Clint Eastwood, Harry Guardino 11:30 MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE:"THE YOUNG LIONS" - Marlon Brando., Montgomery Clift B&W '58 - Powerful, mold-facetedGernert-- story of three young men --two Americans and a Getran it -the cam- paigns of World War I1: NOTE: If there is no World Series Game No. g; WNEM- TV-will. run regular programming;. as follows:- •. ,1 :00 SATURDAY AFTERNOON MOVIE i "CRACK .IN THE WORLD" - Dana Andrews, Janette Scott '65 Scientist plans project to acquire unlimited energy in earth's center to benefit „mankind with his assistant's opaosition. 3:00 SATURDAY SPECTACULAR :"ASSAULT ON -A QUEEN" Frank Sinatra, Virna Lisi '66 - Woman j. BRANCH_ 109 CANADIAN LEGION' adventurer and her ruthless companion talk an ex- submarine officer into joining • them in raising a sunken German submarine. SUNDAY,. OCTOBER. 24. MORNING 6:46 - DAVEY AND GOLIATH 7:00 OPEN CAMERA 7-:30 - REVIVAL FIRES 8:00 REX HUMBARD . 9:00 - ORAL RowitiS 9:30 TELEVISED MASS 10:15 - ABBOTT & COSTELLO' 11:45 - LAUREL & HARDY • AFTERNOON 12:30 •w MEET THE PRESS 1:00 - NFL FOOTBALL 4:00 - NFL FOOTBALL EVENING 7:00 - DISNEY: "20,000' LEAGUES UNDER SEA". THE MONDAY, OCTOBER 25• AFTERNOON % 4:30 - STUDIO FIVE: "STRANGERS IN /A" - Andy, V t Griffith, Ida Lupine '72- A New"York couple become }} the hostages of a gang of young thieves planning a ,i daring bank robbery, EVENING 6:00 NEWS 7:00 ADAM., 1.2 7:30 BEWITCHED - 8:00'' - MOVIE: "AMELIA Susan Clark as the famed 11:00 - NEWS 11:30 - TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 - TOMORROW EARHART" starring 1930's flier and feminist, TUESDAY,- OCTOBER 26 AFTERNOON • 4:30 - STUDIO FIVE"YOUR MONEY OR YOUR WIFE" Ted Bessell, Elizabeth Ashley '72` - An imaginary plot turns into an almost perfect crime when a scriptwriter takes revenge onan actress by writing her into a kidnapping scheme. EVENING • - 6:00 - NEWS 7:00 - ADAM - 12 7:30 - BEWITCHED 8:00:- BAA,AA,BLACK SHEEP' - 9:00 - POLIO WOMAN 10:00 - POLICE STORY 11:00 -NEWS 11:30 - TONIGHT SHOW • . WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27 •ter: AFTERNOON • 4:30 STUDIO FIVE: "A TASTE OE EVIL" Barbara Stanwyck, •Barbara Parkins - After seven years in a mental institution, a young woman returns to the Victorian mansion she is to inherit on her 21st birth- day. EVENING 6:00 - NEWS 9 30'7 n0 ADAM ' 12 CLOUD"• : - MYSTERY MOVIE:"BONNIE AND Mc: 11;,30 - CINEMA FIVE:"WIVES AND LOVERS" - Jo Janet Leigh, Van hnson B&W '63 A struggling author and his wife suddenly become wealthy and • move to the suburbs. Success puts a strain on their happy marriage. - <'r QKTOBERFES.T: HALLOWEEN .THEME,. . u SATURDAY, OCTOBER .30/76 11 Dancing 9:00 P.M. Music by MOCHA -TEMPLE DEUSTCHMEISTER BAND Costume Prizes, German Food . TICKETS S12.00 PER COUPLE Proceeds for Shrine Hospital & Legion Building Fund K:=2.0c—te4tt 'U3c_t consumer information r. What is Consumer Information? It is a service developed by Union Gas to provide consumers with information on a variety of topics: . appliance purchasing metric conversion , menu planning . laundry' problems `What is Consumer Information? 1 It i5 information for the whole family!. Just phone your local Consumer Ser- vices Representative at Union Gas. She is ready fo help you with household and consumer problems. ,. • - Fol' Areas free -calling to London • • .Dial/34450S For all other Areas (Toll 'Free ) Dial 1-800.265.4174 7:30 - BEWITCHED' 8:00 - THE PRACTICE 8:30 - MOVIE: "RICHIE BROCKBLMAN .PRIVATE EYE" 10:00 - MARCUS WELBY'M.D:. 11:00 -NEWS 11:30 - TONIGHT SHOW SQUARE MEAL SQUARE DEAL TRY - NOW NOW FULLY LICENSED. GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAKHOUSE=.& TAVERN Ltd. # ' LICENSED UNDER. 111E. LIQUOR LICENSE ACT WEST STREET 'Education4 grants • to 'bo . rncreased '• Education : grants to Ontarioschool boards will. increase approxin'iately .10 ° per cent next year, Education Minister Thomas Wells said' last week. . • • - Mr:. Wells. • said . that the amount eligible for grant at the .elementary level for 1977 will be $1,197 per pupil, an increase of 10.8 per cent over. this year. The amount at the.. secondary revel will be $1,71.2 ' per 'pupil,- a 40plea*"-Cent•in- crease over this year: The Ministry, Mr. Wells". said, will continue a special grant to' assist, school boards in metria conversion progra-rns and: will also continue a. special gram;'' of $500,000, toward . community school development programs.' ' - Mr. Wells said that the •per- pupil:, er-pupila grant for French - language instruction will •remain the same' as this year but, he added, that this will'. not prevent a school board from expanding its current progr-ams or •starting new ones;' 'die said the basis of providing grants for French-. language instruction will be revie_Wed -. when the ,present research studies. on French - language instruction costs have been completed. - Grants for night and summer school have also been -held tothepresent level. The Minister termed . the move on night and summer school grants "An interim' measure necessitated by the • OUR ANNUAL FALL REGULAR PRICE 40,.00 :3.5.00 530.00 525*0.0 • 518.00 ^r • E SPECIAL PRICE $35.00 $ 3:0.00 $. 2 5.00 0:00 $1:56004<. , BECKY, GAIL, MARY•LOU, REINA and SHIRLEY are all looking forward to seeing •yru• during the A nu'al Fall Perri speciar at: HEATHER BEAUTY SALON 108, LIGHTHOUSE St.524-7461 • Trevor. Martin and Frazer Abbott were part of alarge contingent of boy scouts selling apples in town last week.. The troops from Knox and North Street'United Churches sold 35 bushels over thd'weekend. (staff photo), Stir Poisoned roans destroyed By-law enforcement officer-' have been eating some grain. Dick Eisler told Goderich that . had been chemically Town`Councillast Thursday '.treated. evening .that he had Mr. Eisler also reported:a responded ' to several ' calls number of skunks moving' in about •raccoons behaving, '.the' town but said they ap- ,strangely in the west end of peared to be normal. in the life town and . in the beach area. ' habits: • For the safety of children and :In all( Mr. Eisler reported adults, he explained, it was he had investigated 16 necessary to destroy them •complaints . concerning but further investigation has - animals during . September' • shown that the,anirnals may. Ile took one dog to the pound and had to, destroy one ddg•as well. To date, he reported,•627 • smilmmuummaimmumwmmisumummummmammonmommummummummo ■ widely different . in-. terpretations of continuing education''. Mr. Wells said the in- creases will mean that the province will'. pay a total of 1.88:billiondollars in grants to scli&ol bdards next year, an increase of $165 million more than this year. • . 4• Review your R.R.S.P. now .Now: s a-good.time to '.compare i ri• Registered Retirement Savings Plan. with theG.t.,C. 'Plan available from V and G Currently each S1;000 inVeSted is. guara-nteed to be worth Sj,648.40 five. years hence under our plan. How does this compare with. your. present -plan? Discuss R.R.S.P.'s today at Victoria and Grey. • Member.CanadaDeposit Inttrance Corporation VG llM and GREY , TRUST COty1PANY SINCE 1889 Manager A.A. Weatherby 524-7381 Goderich. dog tags had been issued this year. Under the watering bylaw, he reported -responding to four complaints, noting four violations and issuing. four warnings. No charges were laid... Under the parking bylaws Mr. lister reported issuing 98 tickets, fourteen warnings •and laying 13 charges. * He reported no con- traventions-of" the open fires bylavw. ■ .; • X1877• CULBER.T'S BAKERY 1976 •1.. C "THE` HOME OF TASTY PASTRY" •• Iii• West St., Goderich, 5'24-7941 • I, • For something different try our homemade white or whole wheat bread. ' :. .:.. „. r. �, • Many varieties of,donuts every -day _ ^... 1 Birthday, wedding and anniversary cakes a specialty. •▪ • Lighf and dark Chrisfmas.calies now available. • ' :. .e Pumpkin pies every day. Lemon pies and tarts, Saturdays • only. . -• • ■ iaanaatanaaaammuumamemimeimpuaaaaiiaaaaaimmeas r! . " For "a Tasty Treat Try 001, IN Phone 524-2242 Eat in or Take out NEW HOURS: Mon.-Thurs_ 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Fri. -Sat. 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Sun. 11 ••,m.-10 p.m. Closed Wednesday • s quire Restaurant . The Square Goderich , L�.ss�lIneOrch�rds t'h MILES FROM NO, 8 HIGHWAY. ON DRIVE tti'ROAD SOUTH 01=' GODERIcH ►24..7772 a.. ti •