HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-10-21, Page 1Sonny Chisholm takes to the driver's seat of the 1911.
Cartercar, which he owned in partnership with Ken
McGee,. for one last spinshortly .before' the -.vintage
vehicle • went to the _ Canadian Automotive Museum in
Oshawa. The Goderich men elected to part with thenar
earlier• this month . so that it could enjoy the type of.
storage and care needed to preserve it properly. (photo
by Q. Buchanan)
.1' v. .102
Qt5vb ierf rCa
l'29 YEAR—
AY, OCTOBER 21,1876
One of the outstanding aspects of the Cartercar is -the
extensive brass ornamentation, it bears. This brass
cylinder, through the combination of water and carbide
crystals, generatesthe carbide gas which passes through
hoses to be . burned. in the headlamps. (photo by G..•
Peoud owners of the only such veJucle in Canada and one of
mess -than two dozen in the worlds peri McGee (at the wheel)
and Sonny Chisholm, take their wives for a spin shortly
formerly owned b •tt McGee andwo Goderich men, rei
This •181,•i Cartetloor; y
Sonny Chisholm; has swept the vintage automobile,t#ties in North America.
'It won `the national first prize at the largest shorn in the world at,ttorshey
Penn., the1) .. - f Elegant' Show' , ..
eitrleolt �1+var�s for 1vlost and lest in at the top
rated show at the inn on the Parkin Toronto and top awards at the Canadian„
National l xhibition:to name a few. `
',p y holo b G. Buhanan)
before the vehicle: was .sold to the Canadian Automotive -
Museum in Oshawa. (photo by G. Buchanan)
Sometimes you just have' to The Goderrc . teen.
look beyond -your own pride, originally •purchased the hand drive as itwas produced.
desires and aspirations. Cartercar' through' an • ad- before the advent of left hand.
Especially if your personal vertiseinent inan"antique 'drive in North America... .
reservin "apiece o istary bought it in the United States. getting air the brass,
p g f '-'The'ad elaimedathe car to copper, . glass, and wood:
and artistic craftsmanship. polished ..up for a show.took
Such was the case of the be in mint, eondition, ' Ken days, but it was well ow i
Cartercar. - • McGee recalls, -"but while The Cartercar.won the top
Ken McGee and'Sonny. that. term is tossed around a award at'the Canadian
great deal in such •ads, very National Exhibition over 250
few cars really are.'-' other entries, it:walked away
- But the Cartercar was:. It with all the honours at the •
had been restored to every largest Canadian :. antique
detail, from its brass or auto show held at Barrie, :In,
namented body and engine, to the highest rated show. in ---.-
the. copper muffler, to the Canada, held al the Inn on
pure leather seats which were the Park Toronto', it took
diamond tufted by hand and the Deitreich Award for the
contained not a stitch. 'Most Elegant' and 'Best in
Brass mot only ornamented' Show.' It was the' national
the body and engine but also ,first prize winner at the
the grease cups, the water•largest'sho,w in the world held
jackets,, running boards, at Hershey, Penn. in the
lights, roof mounts, luggage "United States.:
holders; and steering system.
Theerantique auto is unusual One,_ of. the outstanding ..
in other respects as.; well. It memories the men have .of
features gearless drive. A showing the vehicle was the
wishes stand in the tiway , of, auto magazine, . and- they - ..Just
Chisholm have had to part
with their. 1911 monument to
automotive engineering and
craftsmanship "under just
these circumstances.
-Because of the very nature
of the car, the me'nlexplain, it
had to go to a museum. It
demanded constant : upkeep
becuause of its brass and
wood, its .copper,.;. its pure
leather diamond tufted seats,
its everything. .
"The Cartercar needed
climate controlled
surroundings,'" " Mr. McGee
explains. "the humidity level
alone was veryvery im-
m -portant."
Sb, on October 7, after more _flywheel on.. the engine photographers. Miles upon
than two . months of . provides power and a lever miles of film have been used
negotiations the car went to controls a 'friction. coated to record the Cartercar.
the Canadian Automotive wheel which is 'slid over the,
Museum at Oshawa where it flywheel to transfer power to "No matter where ' we
will be introduced this week the wheels. When the clutch is "went, Mr. McGee recalled,
as the gem of that collection. " depressed the 'wheels come
"once it was' parked, it was
A gem because of its unique • together, the further its almost impossible toget-back
styling and engineering, pushed the faster the car goes. to it for the photographers."
because of its age and until the pedal is locked to the He also observed that the
because itis the only car of.its floor and the vehicle flies vehicle "commanded a lot of
type in Canada and one of less along at 35 miles per hour. respect".
The lamps operate on a
than two -dolt► left in the "Even if it were left alone,'
world. It may well be the only system which generates, and
the>;eburns, carbide as. he points out,".ao one ever
one of its exact type. g made an attempt to damage
The former eco -owners Cartercars, were built in„
admit that they could have Pontiac. Michigan for about 10 it or even laid a finger on it.
Sold ' it for more money in the ,Years before General Motors . In its new home at Oshawa'
United States but wanted it to purchased the company. the car will no doubt be the
stay in Canada. And needless • General Motors 'only con- subject for many more miles
to say the Oshawa museum is . Untied to turn out the vehicle of film and' ,confinue .to.
pleased. for a,few years after that. commend "alot bf respect":
uare survey_.
_for lack of funds
The Architectural`, Cdrt-
servation Advisory Com-
mittee .placed a' recom-
appropriate the Architectural
Committee", :tithe to consider
changes in the Square area
m:eridation before Goderich prior to . the issuance. of
Town Council ,on Thursday permits.
evening that "all buildina and The: "Square - area"- was
demolition permits in "the,,,,defined^"as the ares; -bounded
.Squa•r-er aree, be,„ referrott,y Nelson Street, Victoria
'Council for comment prion to Sfteet; Eton -Avenue-. and "That—conet'ittttes a.;pr nate-_
the issuance of the ap- Waterloo Street. meeting,''. • -
propriate permit." Councillor ..Leary .Harrison Councillor Bob Allen
out . that he felt the pointed out that if such . a
The committee "explained to ,pointedp .
Council that it was hoped such recommendation could not be • recommendation. were to -be
a procedure, would
allow iven serious consideration accepted` it "would be
(i, i ,,,:.. 'c .1,. .r� 1.. •. - ` .; "�'. e�..�yt3"fyrt,,ln�1 Ai nape 141A
at the Advisbry Committee
meeting. •
"There were only three
people there,x'.he told council,
?and ' there are seven on that
"committee., That doesn't
constitute a•neeting."
Mayor Deb •Shewfelt said,