HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-10-14, Page 35•
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eside in London.
Beautiful arrangements of pink- gladioli and white
laisies formed the setting in St. Peter's Roman Catholic •
Church, Goderich, Sat,urday, August 28 at 'four o'clock
• when. Catharine Rose Hamilton became the :bride of
Brian Charles MacKenzie. The marriage vows were
heard by the Rev. R. MoynaharC in. a double -ring
• cereMony.
. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Norman
Hamilton and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John
• MacKenzie, all of Goderich.
Mrs. Joseph Herdman,-Goderich, presided at the organ
• ,,,?riclaccornpanied the soloist Warren G. Robinson, also of
Goderich, while he sang The Wedding Song and The
Wedding Prayer.
- The bride was given In Marriage and escorted to the -
•altar by her parents; She,wore a formal length, high'
• wpisted gown of white chantilly lace over silk taffeta •
with a rounded neckline and full 'pliffeil chantilly, lace
, sleeves A chapel train of chantilly.ace. fell from -the'
back waistline. Her finger tip'Yeil, made from the same
• lace, was held in place by bouquet of white daisies, pink
miniature carnations, blue stephanotis, baby's breath
and Myrtle.
Attending the bride were her sister, Mrs. -Norma
Lafromboise of Sudbury as matron of; honor; and as
• bridesn5SidS, Miss Sherry Shaw of Bothwell, niece Of the
•brideMissLowisa McDaniel of Goderich, friend'of the
• bride and Miss Laurie Ryan of Goderich, niece of the
bride. The girls were -gowned in pastel colours of mint.
green, coral, yellow and pink. Their short sleeved ''swiss
dot dresses were designed identically to the gown of the
• bride. Picture hats in the same. shades of pastels ac-
• centuated. their dresses. They carried white baskets of
white daisies with contrasting shades of baby's breath
and white satin ribbon streamers.
Flowergirl was Miss Donna Lafrornboise & Sudbury,
niece of the bride. She, was miniature •replica of the ,
bride in white swiss dot patterned on the same style as
• the bridesmaids' dresses. She 'wore a white bonnet
trimmed with frilled lace and carried a- small white
basket of mixed flowers in shades of mint green, coral,
yellow and pink with white satin ribbon streamers.
•Groomsman was Gerald MacKenzie of Brantford,
brother of the groom. Ushers were Messrs. Bruce Stoll of
Goderich, friend of the • groom, John MacKenzie of
Windsor, brother -of the groom and Brad Hamilton of
Goderich, brother of the bride. The groom and his at-
tendants wore • light blue tuxedos ' trimmed with satin
braid. • -
A reception followed at The Royal Canadian:Legion
Hall,. Goderich where a three -tiered wedding cake
centered the bride's table. For her daugtter's wedding,
Mrs. Hamilton chose a formal -length -gown of turquoise
blue knit with a_g,orsage of white. miniature carnations.
The groorn's mother wore a two- piece ensemble of
polyester crepe in a transseasonal print with a corsage of
yellow miniature carnations.
• Following the reception the bride changed to a two-
piece, pantsult of mint green polyester with white ac-
• cessories and a corsage of white ,miniature carnations:
The bridal couple left for a one week honeyinoon in
Acapulco; Meirico-.•
• The couple will reside in London.
- Prior to her wedding,' the bride was guest of honor at
several showers. Mrs. Ben Hamilton of Auburn, aunt of
the bride was hostess for a shower for the bride's
• relatives. Mrs. Mary Ellen Mangile, sister of the-groOm
gaye_a shower fOr the groom's relatives at her home in.
Amherstburg. Miss Lowisa McDaniel Of Goderich, friend
of 'the bride, gave a miscellaneous shower for friends ,of
the bride.
• Bpth the bride and the groom are former graduates of
Yen: thought- walk:through the valley
'of the shadow of death, rsholl fear no
evil. for Thou art with me. s •
—23rd Psalm
`1" •
Mrs. Evelyn Hartman, 64
Picto St Goderich, died
October 8 in Alexandra
Marine and General Hospital.
She was 54.
She was born February 9,
• 1922 in Clinton, the daughter
of George Monk and Edith
, Vaxiderburg. She moved to
Goderich at the age of 10 and
married Austin Hartman, on
September 6, 1941. She was a
• member of St. George's
Anglican Church.
• She .1p, survived 'by her
.Parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Monk, Clinton; a daughter,
Mrs. Murray (Tena) Hunter
Of Goderich; two sisters, Mrs.
• Bruce (Phyllis) Ryan and
Mrs. Anthony (Mildred)
• Hartman, both of Goclerich;
and two-grand.children.. •
,Funeral Service and
committal'was conducted .at
• Stiles Funeral Horne, Monday
,October 11 by the Rev.
William ICraven., Interment
• followed in ' Maitland
dernetery. •
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• •Mrs. • Joe Courtoel 523-1119
Congratulations to Grant
Robert Ferguson, son ofMr.
and Mrs. WillianrFerguson of
Lucknow .and to Diann
McGlynn, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James McGlynn of
Kitchener. whd were married
by the Reverend Father Ed
Dentinger in, St, loseph's
Parish • Church at
Kingsbridge on Friday
evening, October 8.
Recent visitors with
• Brother Carl Voll, were Mr.
and Mrs. Robert 'Von of St.
Clements, Mr. 'and Mrs.
Jerome Voll, of. Kitchener;
Mrs. Margaret Leindardt of
Waterloo, Mrs. Sylvia Burnet
of Elmira and Mr. and Mrs.
• Alfred Voll of St. Clements.
•Joe Austin', son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Austin' attended
the Second Annual t.Con-
ference of the . Canadian
Youth Pro ;Life Organization
held in the Westboro United
Church in Ottawa ox
Saturday and Sunday'Octob2r
9 and 10. :One of the main
speakers was Miss Joanne
Nash, a British Pro Life
Journalist who has been
involved with the society for
the protection of Unborn
Children. Miss Nash will be
speaking at the V.E. Madill
Secondary School in
Wingham on Thursday
evening, October 14 at 8 P.M.
Everyone is welcome to come
out to hear this speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Theo Van
Diepan were honoitred by
members of their family at a
dinner party held at the Log
Cabin Restaurant in Lucknow
on,Saturday October -9 On the
occasion of their 25th Wed-
ding Anniversary: It was also;
Theo's birthday. Mr. and
Mrs?- Van- Diepan haye a
lathily of four boys, Arie,
Tom, John and Peter and
three girls ; Johanna of
Kincardine, Lia - Mrs. David
Christie of Bayfield, and
•Cathy at hoine. Close neigh-
bours and . friends also.at-
• '7
• , • ' • ••.." • • .
Mr. and Mrs. , Dirk
Logtenburg and family at-
tended the Fellowship"
Evening held for her nephew
Mr. Simon deBoer and .Barb
Morris' of. Chatham at the,
Lingside Community Hall on
Friday evening, October 8.
• Mr. and . Mrs. Wilfred
- Austin were „dinner guests at
• the home of Mr. and:Mrs, Don
,Hildebrand, of RR. NO. 2
Clinton on Friday evening,1
October 8 on "the occasion of
Mr. and Mrs. Hildebrandt -a
•° -Twenty First Wedding
Anniversar4 and . Mrs.
• Hildebrand's birthday.A
social everting was enjoyed
• and cards were played. .•
Congratulatiens to Peter
and Louise (Dalton) Martin
on the arrival of a baby
daughter at Victoria Hospital;
in London on Tuesday,
October 5. This is a first
granddaughter for . Mrs.
Clarice Dalton.
Mrs. Joe Courtney h '
eld a
Sarah .Coventry Jewellery
• Demonstration at her herile
on Friday evening, October 8.
The demonstrator for the
occasion was Mrs. Jill (Ross)
Robertson of London.
Mr. ane. Mrs. Dennis
• Champagne and 'daughter
Christine arrived 'home on
Thursday, October 7 after a
three week holiday with
friends -and •relatives in
• British Columbia. Leaving
here on Friday,. Septemb.er 17
they travelled North to -Fort
Nelson, BritiSh Columbia
where they spent five days
with her Sister Mr. and Mrs.
• Merle (Valerie) Donovan and
nieces. Then south to Van-
couver where they visited her
"uncle _ Graimond 'and
cousins. At Nelson, British
Columbia they visited with
former scliool buddies of Mrs.
Champagne's fir a few days..
On the return journey, they
• went ,sightseeing at Banff,
Alberta and Visited with her
-aunt Mrs. Anita -Carroll anti-
family at Sioux Lookout,
The annual dinner meeting
• of the Goderich and District
Pro Life Grpup will be held at
the Kingsbridge Parish Hall
on Monday evening,. October
17 at 7 p.m in the form of a
Pot Luck Smorgasbord. The
guest speaker will be.Doctor
J.M. -Bannister, Founder of
Physicians • for Life and
Angticarls for Life.
•Houseleague Soc,cer is ,
progressing at. St. Joseph's
School, Kingsbridge„
However, 'inter -school
competition is nearing. On
Tuesday, October 12 the
schodi sendiiig two boy's
'teams to. Sacred Heart School
at Wingham to play the senior
and junior teams .Of that'
school. The girls' teams will
play Precious Blood. at
Exeter, but are awaiting the.
results of the • Junior boys'
game before arranging a day
as the boys will then be
playing Exeter in the next
Cross Country is to'be held
on Wednesday, October 20th
against the Goderich and
district schools, but due to the
-soccer not so much emphasis
has been placed on this event.'
The lode' schools, both public
and separate will as usual be
competing in a soccer
tournament in the town on
Saturday,, October. 30th.'
Joe Mills, :one of the
Htzolif•Perth Systems new
superintendents, was 'at the
school last Monday, October 4
visiting all the classrooms
and talking with students and
teachers alike, Mr. Mills
emphasized that special
education hold's art important
position inthe System and
encouraged -the teachers to be
aware of the facilities.
available to them.
• Students -and teachers
enjoyed the Thanksgiving
Holiday weekend. Horne from
Universities and Colleges
were: Ken Doherty, with his
,parents Mr. and Mrs-. Frank
Doherty; Peter and Margaret
Frayne with their parents
Mr. and Mrs. Don Frayne;
Lawrence Hogan with Mr.
and Mrs. John .fo‘Yard and:,
, the Hogan family; Debbie
iVlaise with her .parents Mr.
arid 1VIrs. John Maize; Ben,
Len and Marianne Milten-
burg with Mr. and Mrs. John
• Miltenburg; Benny Milten-
burg with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Reis •Miltenburg;
Kathleen and Nancy O'Keefe*
• With their parents Mr„- and
Joe O'Keefe; Glen
Tigert with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Tigert; Lizette
and Frank VanDiepanbeek
with their parents Mr. and
Mrs. Frank , VanDiepanbeek
and Bernadine Vingooy with
her parents Mr. and Mrs.
John VanRay.
Several from this area
attended the Teewater
Fair held on Saturday,
October 9 while others
travelled to Kitchener for the •
Oktoberfest there.
Mr. Robert Scott of- Ash-
field Township was released
from the Wingham,... and'
District General Hospital on and chinWagging and Marie
Tuesday, October 5. • went along with her brothers. •• ,.•
Mr. Francis Hogan, son of to Sudbury where they visited
Mr. and Mrs. John Howard • with another sisterNancy.
and District General Hospital and family. Mr., and Mrs.
on Friday, October 8. His Herman Mirsman. are now • :
friends wish him a speedy visiting in Quebec, then going
recovery. on to Montreal" to visit with • - ,
Mr. • and Mrs. Herman more farrAily before returning •
Marsman of Utrecht, Holland to Utrecht,
are spending -25 days vacation, Mr. Morgan O'Connor son ••
with their seven brothers and • of Mrs.:Marjorie O'ComrcitOf
Sisters here • in- Canada. Pickering and nephew Of
Arriving in London, Ontario Dennis ,aregayrnOnd Dalton : •••
they. spent four days with his of Kingsbridge.is a patient in
brother Mr. and Mrs. Arnold ' St. Michael's• Hospital
Marsrrian and farnily. Mrs. Toronto where surgery was to.
Marsman is ...the former be performed on Tuesday,
Frances Dalton, daughter.of October 12. HIS friends wish • •
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dalton 'him a speedy redoveric
of Kingsbridge. Arnold and 'Thanksgiving weekend
.Frances accompanied the visitors with Mr. and Mrs. • .;
Marsmans to visit with their Dennis Dalton were Mr. and
sister Marie (Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Arnold Marsman and ' •
- Reis_ Miltenburg -and family) family of London and Mr. and
here: at .Kingsbridge. Four Mrs. Brian Dalton and family', • •
days were spent sightseeing of Palmerston, , •. ,. • -
was. admitted to the Wi gham Mr. ,
and Mrs. Hank dearaln
. . • •••• '
. 81 East Street, Goderich Phone 524-8994 oO
We are very pleased to announce that Gail Louton is joining us
at The Beauty Lounge.'
Gail comes to us very highly recommended and with some Very
interesting ideas in hair styling and cutting,
So that you may become acquainted With Gail, we are offering a
Free Style Cut
• with each shampoo and set on Tuesday and Wednesday, October •
19 and 20 and,Ttiesday and Wedn'esdayeOctober 26 and 27.
Gail is looking forward to these days. For your appointment
• phone The Beduty Lounge where... .
The Nicest People In The World Walk Through"Our Doors.
Mrs. R Us SO
•s By Blanche Deeves
Worship service',was, held
Sunday at Holmesville United
.Church. This being the
Thanksgiving 'service, „the
• church was_ decorated with
fail flowers and fruit. Sunday
School was held in the church
hall. Rev.. J. Oestreicher
• officiated.
• Keith Orr was atterne for
the Thanksgiving weekend.
Doris and Bill Batkin and
• Mrs. Huller had: their
Thanksgiving dinner at the
home of Brian and Kay COx of
• London. •
Mrs. Bill Townshend ac -
O companied by her daughter,
Mrs. Mary Simmons and
• Elaine Townshend of Clinton,
• attended the conVention for
• cerebral palsy of Ontario last
week, where Elaine had been
• invited to be the guest
speaker at the luncheon,
Sunday. -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Norman
were happy to have_their
family at. home for '
Thanksgiving dinner on
Monday. •,
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Feagan had as their dinner
• guests for Thanksgiving:
their daughter, Jean from
Windsor University, Harold
and Donna Tyndall'. -Ross and
Betty-Feagan and Donald-and—
Women's Institute met •on
Monday' / evening in the '
auditorium of the Holmesville
Public School with—Mrs.
Helen Fuller in charge of
• program. The president, Mrs:
Bernice Mcllwain opened the
• meeting with a poeni, 'The
Diet', The roll call was an-
swered with the name and
• position of a county or
to.wnship official.
Mrs. Fullez-, thanked Mrs.
Christine Hoffmeyer of
Godericti Township for
showing her excellent pic-
tures of the beautiful country
of. Greece and the ancient
ruins there.
Mrs. Hazel McCreath and
Mrs. Alice Porter presented
an amusing skit 'Taking the
Census'. Mrs, Kaye Harris
won the draw fdr some tulip
The 62nd annual convention
of Women's Institutes for the
London area will be held in
Tillsonburg on November
and 10.
• Remember registration for
crafts next Monday evening,
October 18 at 8 p.m. Please
return quilt blocks, bring
• scissors, • needle, thread,
ribbon roses and bows for
corsages and - gift wrapping
will be taright.
The meeting closed, and
lunch was served by the
group in charge and everyone
enjoyed a social time.
God wouldn't have ,
given us feet if he
• didn't mean for us to
*use them.
• Walk,
Isobel Harris. '
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Jervis of
Ottawa spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs, -Les Jervis.
Ross and Betty Feagan
attended a 50th anniversary
dinner .at Blyth for Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Feagan of
Goderich ori October 9.
The Goderich Township
Walk .4 black.Taday.
• - • Mrs, Jack Clements 521-7641
• Air Control Officer Donald
Sproul, Mrs. Sproul, and
family of Kodiac —Island,
Alaska, and his mother, Mrs.
Andrew Sproul 'of Capac,
Michigan, vitited.withiVIr.
• and Mrs. Howard Sproul,
Mrs. Treenie Dilworth is in
Goderich hospital.
„ Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs, Terry Noble on. the
arrival of a baby girl on
Friday. It is a second gran -
dchild for Mr, and -Mrs.
—Harold,McGee. 4
There will be no Sunday
School this codling Sunday
• because of The anniversary
service. It is at 11 a.m. with
special mimic by:.5'The Sounds
of ' Faith", from Stratford.
The guest speaker is to be the
• Rev. Cook of Trinity Church,
Ashfield. All are welcome to
• come out to church.
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