HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-10-14, Page 21i
od.Twp. wants
Goderich-Township Council
wants to meet with . Clinton
Town Council to discuss a
recent surcharge the _town
*placed on non -taxpayers or
non-residents • of the town
using Clinton's recreational
facilities. The 'surcharge is
$15 a head and is designed to
give out-of-towners the right
to,use Clinton's facilities on "a
year•round basis.
The. Clinton recreation
board recommended the use of the rink or ball parks
surcharge ; in a special..
meeting on September 21 and.
`backed it up with a system
that offers proof of payment
for users of the -facilities. The
committee suggested that the
manager of .a team making
collect the money . ftam
players from out-of-town and
that 'when 'the money Is paid
the persott is issued a card
that allows: therm to continue
using the facilities in the
future. >.
The Knights of Columbus held an Okfoberfest dance
Saturday night and were graced with the presence of the,
Past 2
Grand Knights of the Father Nagle Council 54 0. The
g g
* grand knights are (frgm left) Vic Walden, Tony . Wisser,
Helmut K•rohiner, Pat Osborne, Kax Brudnicki, Ray
Ducharme, Paul Dalton, who represented the elate Mark
Dalton, and GerrPetrie, Absent from the photo was Pete
McCauley. (staff -photo) •
cilary increaseapprove
• ,,By Wilma•Oke
Salary rates for the Huron=
Perth Co-nnty • Roman'
Catholic Separate School •
Board office staff are to be.
increased. $13.65 per week.
eachfor- the calendar, year
The board inerea"sed the
hourly— rate for school
secretaries from $3.63 to $3.94
per hour for the school year.
DonaldCrowleyof Gadshill
reported that arrangements
for the official opening of -the
school addition at St. •:
Patrick's'. at Kinkora have'
been completed.. He : said
• Auxiliary. Bishop John M.
Sherlock. of London will
dedicate, ,the addition at 2
p.m. on.October 31..
•• In other business at the
board meting in 'Dublin
Tuesday night, approval was
given to donate $125 to the
Kiwanis Music 'Festival in .
Stratford., an increase • of $25
over last year;
• John Vintar, director of
education, in his remarks to
the board, said that there
• does notappear to be any
capital monies available for
building ,additions or doing
extensive..: alterations to
schools in 1977: He . said the
board's 1976 priorities hold
liftle chance of receiving
• ministry approval for at least
ane - ter year.
Jack Lane, Superintendent.
of, 13iisiiiess, ••presented.. a
summary, of the - an,
nouncereent of the minister,of
education in'•a memorandum.,
to school boards on Octeber 1
regarding the 1977 general
legi� slatyve_ grants. Mr. Lane
evealed that the • board's
expenditure per pupil• wieuld
increase' `from $1,197.54 to
$1,2•54.22 or ,13.24 •percent in
1977. Translated, he said, this
means . the total 'ordinary
expenditure ~for grant pur-
poses may increase by..
'1303,800 .or 9.7 percent. He.
explained the difference
between the . per • pupil in-
crease arid the total; yield in
dollars is -•lite to. a 'projected
decline in enrolment.
The following resolution to
the Minister of Education was
approved bya.narrow margin
(6 to 5).: -"Whereas the
:determination of the nti nber
of trustees and • the
. distribution, of those deter-
mined for .separate ,s.;bool
board is set out in Section 110
of• thea Education 'Act, 1974;
and for ....purposes of the
distribution, the ,equalized
assessment of resident'lal aid-,
farm properties only is to be,
used, and in the proposal for
the . Reform of Property.
Taxation in Ontario, . farm
land and farm buildings are
to be 'assessed at 100 percent
of market value with the
waxes paid -by -the :Pro'v'ince;
•and if the proposal in it"s
present-' form . •should ,pass'
final. reading • in the
Legislature, ,.a • question
arises; 'Will farm land and
form buildings be deemed to
be: .(a) business and corn-
,mercial assessment, or (b)
residential and farm
• assessment. • "
"Therefore be it resolved
that attention, bedrawn to the•,; '.
Ministry of Education ex
pressing' concern that—unless
farm land and farm buildings
have a category of distinction
other than ."Residential and
Farm", the assessment' so
created by 100 percent -of
market value wi11 weight the
rural versus urban trustees to
be 'elhctecl ;to a . separate
school board following im
plementation Of .the Tax
Reform Plan, and be it .fur-
ther' resolved , that .. the
ministry ` of education be
requested to monitor the
proposal. for Property'' Tax
..Reform` with a view to
amending. the Education Act
1974 to meet the intent of the.
Copies: will be sent to the
Commission - on Property
Taxation Reform; : ,the
Ontario Separate' School
Trustees Association;, and all
separate schoolboards ex,
cept Toronto, Windsor arid
Ot>:avva (not to them because
they are, completely urban).
• When lists -of the teach
staff for 1976-77 were handed
out to the -trustee's;- Francis•
Hicknell ' of - Seaforth
questioned why a:-rni ied
' A group of Goderich
Township'. ladies met with
their council to enquire into
the 'townsliip's .position , or
attitude to the . move by
Clinton: The ladies said they
preferred to remain
anonymous claiming they
had children involved in
Clinton programs and didn't
want the children to be
centered out.
The ladies proposed several
suggestions to the township
council that would provide a
possible alternative to the
0, surcharge. They suggested
that perhaps if a levy was
necessary, the town. may.
consider setting a charge up
on a use basis rather than a
flat rate of $15. They felt that
if a person from the township"
was making use of several
facilities throughout the year
that $15 may not be_steep but
if. the person was using only
one then it was a bit costly. members embers couldn't
comment on the situation
since they, like the ladies,
were not aware ' of the
reasoning behind the costs.
Their only source of' in-
formation on the issue had
been taken front a story on
the matter carried by the
Clinton News -Record. The
story merely outlined the
proposal and did not delve
into the reasoning.
The township •cotinci.l'•said
they did not want to develop
any ,hard feelings with the,
town of Clinton but. agreed
that some sort of explanation'
or discussion amongst the two
groups would have been
appreciated. The township.
does offer some recreational
programs and according to
one spokesman, many of
those participating are from
Clinton and Goderich.
The township council wrote
Clinton Town. Council a letter
•requesting that a meeting of
the two or their represen-
tatives be set up-. They Would
visit Waterloo
Senior students and some of .
their teachers from some
Ontario high schools will be.
visiting the University of
Waterloo :• on- SaturdAy,
October 16. Some Goderich
District,. Collegiate Institute,
students - are among 132
students involved.
The students will spend the
day learning about coni= -
puters. They - will .attend"
lectures duringthe morning
and in the, afternoon will use
one of the multi-million dollar
computers on the UW Grampus ,
to find their own solutions to
problems. .Those with suf.
ficient computer knowledge
may spend the eritire day
working with . computers.
.;Consultants will be available
toassist them.
Students° with no previous
computer science:experience
w:i11 receiv-e. lectures
problem solving and actual -
use of the computer .using a
FORTRAN. -like language
'eaalled TUTOR. Instruction in.
languages will be available to
those _students having some
computer background.
UW has been offering these
"computer,.scieni;e' days": to
high school students for more
than 12 years. Last year'8,500
students from 227 Ontario
schools visited the campus.
UW feelsit is important to
inform young people " about
computers o
m s ,. since
creasinglye-society is. looking
to the computing profession
to solve its ' information-
processing problems.' '
Waterloo also permits high
school. • students who have
completed grade 12 and who
have a working knowledge,of
FORTRAN. to enrol in one of
its courses (carrying one-half
credit towards -a
mathematics degree).
Students wishing to par- -
ticipate . in this course must
have the consent of their high
school -i-mathematics teacher
and principal. .
like to discuss a possible levy
whereby the, township could
pay an, amount of money that
would perrtiit their residents
to use Clinton's facilities at
the same cost as .residents of
town. They also Would like to
discuss a possible breakdown
of costs to give people using
only one facility a cost break.
The town of GoderiCh haa.
two levies for. out-of-town,
residents but' they are. on
specific facilities. Out-of-
town residents pay one dollar
more th�an..Godprich residents.
to take part' in programs at
Judith Gooderhain poet in the
town and out-of-town.
organizations pay two dollars
more an hour for rental of ice.....
at the arena.
The levy. isnot charged fora
non-residents, or non
taxpayersr playing hockey in
the Goderich Minor Hockey
program_ and" there is no
charge for any other
facilities. • • . •
In other business, township .,
council . heard a presentation
by Ron Sarrfways req`liesting
that part of Lot 40 on Con -
•cession .Two, be designated
urban for the purpose of
establishing a mobile home'
park on the •land presently
being"used for a trailer camp
site. The request was tabled
Pending a special meeting •
council• has planned. for
October 14 when they • Will -
meet with the county planner..
A.requ:est by Cale.Doucette
for. '•-a building permit was
denied by council but Mr,.
Doucette agree • to wait 10
days before starting legal
action that may force the
•Permit to : be issue. The.
. council want the 10 days to •
lapse to a o
ll w:them to. meet
with ; the county planner. to.
make 'absolutely sure they
are within ` their rights •
denying the permit
Radford's Construction wa"s
awarded' ' the` tender .for
loading and 'hauling -pit run .
gravel to the townshipon'the
strength of a 59 cents per yard
bid._ The only other bid on the
lob was put' in by 1Vlerner's
and it was for one dollar a.'
The Johnston requested
council to 'issue a•_ building
permit for an addition to a
driveshed, David Dalzell:.one;
teacher is permitted to ase •
her maiden name on the staff
list wh n her husband is afro
on the teaching staff. He was
assured this was perfectly
legal if she wished to use her
maiden name: and he was
referred to Maureen McTeer
'(who refuses to be called Mrs.
Joe Clark). • •
Mr. Vintar presented • a
letter .. from . the Auxiliary
Bishop of London,: John M.
Sherlock, requesting the
board members as in-
dividuals and as an important •
diocesan .Organization to
undertake a year long
crusade' for the" 'success of
Renewal 77, •and to strongly
encourage the members to.
participate in the special
:deanery masses.which will be
held throughout the coming
year to encourage the entire
local church to assist our
Priests at Prayer.
The trustees were invited to
attend the sessions of :the
Professional Developm.ent,
Day for the teachers . to be 1
held et St. Patrick's School,
Dublin, on October -18, when
the special speaker at the
day -long event will be Rev.
Michael .Prieur-of St.' Peter's
Seminary,, London, ,who will
speak on The. CaII of the
the—teaching . Christian in 15376--a d Living
"(continued on page 22
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• 2 door hardtop, power steering, 'power'brakes, radio, sports
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Graham and a1I of ers were
ending a' certificate of
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