HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-10-14, Page 10•
Sunday hikes
(continued•from page 9)
they didn't want any of the
older hikers to lose their step
and tumbledown the hill on
top of them.
The trail guide stopPed the
group at a tiny .rise on the
river bank inviting everyone
over to what he called one of
tie `lookout points".
Expecting Co step out• of the
bush and be standing on a
high . bluff overlooking the
Maitland the hikers were.
disappointed only because
they were• not high _over the
river. The scene was
beautiful and 'the .hikers were
instantly proud: they had left
their soft chairs to come on
the hike.
The view was one provided
by standing on the bend of the
river not far ,below the falls.
Looking up river ;the huge'
trees that cover the bank of
the river provided a seaof
brilliantfall colors as the sun
• •At its last meeting, ALPHA."
Huron viewed a pictorial
sketch of the new arena
proposed for Brussels -
thanks to member Ralph,
.111 GIP
glistened off the water.
Fishermen stood in the river
in their hip waders and the
whole • image looked like
something you , see . on a
calendar. Downriver. was a
similar scene except no
fishermen interrupted the
.natural beauty.
Resting and enjoying the
s~cenery' the group was not
indignant when Bill Wisser
suggested they. move on. The
next section of the trail.was
along the flat flood plain and
the group was silent as they
seemed. to. be absorbing the
atmosphere. - Tall trees
surrounded .them with
branch.es that.served as an
umbrella about 50 fe°et up,;.
Falling leaves and the sigh of
the breeze seemed to relax
everyone' as. they walked
slowly down the trail.
The trail guide sensed the
mood and gave the group a
gentle reminder that because
they had come down a 'hill
recently they had to go back
up another.eine tp finish. the
The hill going up, however,
was nothing like the' one
corning .down. A tractor path
cut through the bush
descended the. hill "which was
a full 100 yards easy and steep
enough to. require the hikers
to lean over as they walked;,
Slowing the pace the trail
guide got the group up the hill
with little effort and even
gave them,a chance to enjoy
the terrain.
Once at the top' all that
remained was a short walk
down a lane to the •road where
New improvements made
Scenery. from a calendar
a truck was waiting to' take
everyone back to their cars
and their starting.point.
Over coffee the hikers
expressed satisfaction with
the excursion and given a
chance 'to- relax. they.'even
threatened ,to, return and
• bring a friend.. They had
learned what every hiking
enthusiast knows. Hiking is
one excellent way to maintain
• . physical conditioning. and '
• have fun doing it.
Watson. area will. Curlers expect to have banner: year
be available, to.- wheelchair'
'spectators on the- seoondlloor
via a service . elevator, and
washrooms on the' ground
level will be large enough for
wheelchairs. •- -
Pat Watson • and Elaine
Townshend brought the Zither
members up-to-date on the
plansfopa workshop for the
homebound in Huron County.
News was received from
Bell Canada about their Plans.
to adapt the Balanced
Armature Receiver for use by
hearing -aid . wearejs.
Because Bell -does not build
the telephone booths, ALPHA
decided to-eontactthe makers
' of the booths to inquire into
the .possibility of 'building
•them large . enough to ac-
commodate wheelchairs.
Members agreed to hold the.
October 26 meeting 'in• the
Brussels School. . Slides of
events at Pineview Stables -
a • riding , stable near New
Hamburg, which 'provides
lessons for the handicapped,:-.
will be shown.
Lunch was served, and all
enjoyeda-social-chit chat.
Believe it or not, it is. time
to think about the fast ap-
proaching ' curling season.
The Vanastra Curling `Club is
anticipating' its best year yet.
This' will be the. club's third
year of operation since it was
closed down by the Canadian:
Forces. For four years it
stood deserted and silent until
it was decided by the
Vanastra Recreation Com2.
mittee that its facilities
should be reopened . for all
those who enjoy the sport, -
Several cub members have
been very busy these past few
weeks preparing • for . th,e
coming .season. -Lockers have
been installed, Much needed
improvements in the.kitchen
have been made, • and new
round tables . will soon be
added •to the lounge area of
The upcoming curling
season promises to be a very
busy one for the club, Some of
the events slated for the 76-77
season are: November 20 -
Earl. -y Birds -and-Bees Mixed
Bonspiel; December 1 -
Ladies' Bonspiel; be!
11 - • Men's Bonspiel;
February 5 - •Men's.Bonspiel,
>ritish Consul ` Playdowns;
February 7 and 8 -''Ladies'
Provificial Dis.trlct
Playdowns; March 1 -:Ladies
Bonspiel; and April 1 and 2
Mixed Bonspiel.
As you can see by this .
schedule, they are a very
active club. Also included will
be several ladies jitneys and
mixed fun , nights ' which
proved so- successful last
The draw schedule will
remain much the same this,
-.year depending ' upon
registrat'igqn__. Monday night'is •
reserved ""fo`'r• the Hensel',
Curling Club; . Tuesday night
is ladies' curling, Wednesday
night is mixed. curling,
Thursday afternoon will be
ladies curling, Thursday.
night is men's curling and
Friday night is mixed
curling.., - • One week -of—open house
curling is planned for the wished, take part in jitneys
second . week of- November. and bons.piels and to enter in
with . experienced •• curlers provincial competitions. So
available for instruction and whether you are a new curler
to ' answer any question .you. interested in a good night out,
may have. Everyone is or an ..experienced -curler
- welcome to come out to the looking for keen competition,
curling club any evening of your needs will be met by
that week between 7 pm and . joining the Vanastra Curling
.10 pm. Watch for further 'Club.
announcements in your Why not give it a try!' See
`paper.•: you•on•the ice.
This is a young curling club
still in the gnawing stage of
development and new curlers.
are - both needed and.
• welcome. Curling offers good
exercise, fellowship and fun.
Economically, . curling at
Vanastra is . less expensive
than bowling or most other
winter sports and so should
appeal to many people.
Fees this year have been
' set at $50 for ladies, $60 for
men, and $100. for a .couple.
There is also a • 10 percent
discount for residents of
Vanastra. This entitles the.
member to curl as rrlanny
nights per week he:... or she
Monday, Tuesday,
Pact Schutz,
* Only Lions° Club members* are
authorized. to. receive your contributions
If trussed during •canvass, please forward donation
to Goderich Lions Club, P.O. Box 65, Goderich
Harold Knisley,.
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