HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-11-25, Page 8TN.., E,XET li TIMES J. TEWART P)3(011Th1 16 'Lha Honor li,{is' ties rug from at rfuslet`on ttf afrt, ye,�tiyl -.gutters oea to"e out its ombeddcd grit, and s4 yrotouye its lira Give her a Hoover and you give }:cr n lifetime cf pride in an im:::.:cu'_cto licrne. Vct giveheran electric carpet -beater t1.1..1: I: utter: cut all injurious cl.:ctriz czrj.ct-swccx'cr that c', ..c „: n' t .Li r, ithi?raws all t bbo il,, clinging litter; a' a•t electric suction cleanor~':.,t.le.,tovc3curf ced rt.On1 Th_ Hoover t•ti.,A.�'1{i L.r L,t1c. S,: t'.. .... C•`.r� t:z1 C.r\Ft, t.d 3.l oils, dfl JT II e I. l:t LE A TS. ... as it S ecps c3 ? t. C:c,ira c 1.,t • ''.trr:)ns r::tt' T 1') HOOVER. (,' l,,l.r ow: i ' or l:r 43 tt ' V:l., a 1 i.r:Vt r for a week's t':.: 1\'t.,til.•'i. i!i•;li_t CI ....). ; C. ! Jv. t::,.r.. (,..7:iVe',....._, i..1.15 1:: , 'i c ,..-. agt.al. CHRIS AL4.S HANDKERCHIEFS We have a splendid as- sortment of Fancy Embroi- dered Handkerchiefs with colored and white designs. They are samples and were bought right ands will be sold the same way. INDIAN LACE CENTRES Our range of Lace Cro- chet is surely swell for the person looking for some ,nice Xmas. Gift.. They are in all shapes and sizes. Pri- ces 25c to $6.00. Highest prices paid for poul try and all Produce, Aa Market Report -'1'be following fs. the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday. Wheat $1.80 Oats 46e Barley 65 to 75e Family Flour $5.90 Shorts $2 35 per 100lbe. Bran $2.10 per 1001bs. Feed flour $3.25 New laid eggs 76c Held eggs 55e Creamery Butter 62e. Dairy Butter 54c to 57e Lard 35c. Hogs 15c Potatoes $1.50 *-1.)e.•as►e443mD4041***0 9'v/e 4$40.♦ LOCAL •• • em .00. l+1ir*041ee Miss Vera Marshall is improving from a mild attack of appendicitis. Mrs. Noyes, of Oakville, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. T. S. Woods. Mr. Sam, Beavers is confined to { his home suffering from rheumatism. Mr. S. L, Fear, of Toronto, visited his sister, Mrs. W. S. Howey, over the week -end. Mr.. Ernest Pym returned home on 41 Friday of last week after an extend- ed visit of three months in the west. Rev. W. G. H. McAlister is in St. Thomas attending the annual meet- ing of the board of management of Alma College. Dir. and Mrs. Thos. Brevard, and son, Frank, of Flint, Mich., are visit- ing Mrs. Brevard's parents, Mr. and :1lra. T. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cassady, of Charles City, Iowa, have been visiting with relatives and friends in Exeter and community. Mrs. Jabez Short, of Mt. Brydges, has returned to her hone after visit- ing for a few days with Mrs. Beverley?' and Mrs. Hy. Welsh. Mr. Douglas Stewart, of Toronto, and Mr. W. G. Stewart, of Kitchener' visited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, over the week -end. Mrs. Robt. Elsie, mother of Mrs Geo. Anderson, celebrated her 95th birthday on Saturday. Mrs. Elsie is enjoying remarkable health for one of her years. Messrs. Milton Lydd and Ronald Witwer returned home last week from Kitchener. They report that there are many men out of employ- ment in that city. Mr. W. D. Sanders has returned from East Elgin where he addressed a number of meetings in favor of the T.. F. 0. candidate, who was elected in the by-election on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sims returned hone last week from their wedding trip. On Thursday evening a num- ber of boys chivareed them and they say Bill "came across" liberally. Mr. J. G. Jones, who has been con- fined to his' bed is "doing fine" and hes been able to be up. Mr. L. Har- dy, who was so seriously i11, is ini- proving and is able to be about the house. Mr. George Crawley is also slightly improved. Mr. and Mrs. David Whyte, of Haniota, Man., who have been visit- ing in Hensel). and Usborne, are vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs, Sani Ross, Mrs. Whyte and Mrs. Ross being sis- ters. This is Mr. White's second trip east in 40 years. Dr. Mary Johnston left on Monday for Toronto where She will attend the wedding of a college chum, Dr. Ruth Cale and Dr. Anglin. She will then resume work in the Mountain Sani- tarium, Hanilton., Dr. Johnston has been enjoying a well earned rest with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston. The annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys Association of Toronto, will be held at the Y.M,C,A. building, 40 College street, on Mondayy, Nov. 29, at 8 p.m. An address on "Huron Reminiscences" will be delivered by Rev. J. A. Robinson, of St. Philip's church, Spadina Ave. Refreshments will he served. Rev. W. G. Howson died at his home in London on Sunday follow- ing a month's illness from stomach trouble. He was 70'` years of age. Mr. Howson was a Methodist preach- er and among his charges were St. Marys, Mitchell and Wingham. Rev. Mr. Howson preached in Exeter a few months ago in connection with the., Brotherhood movement. Among those ''Who attended the funeral of the late Henry Makins in Exeter on Tuesday were: Mr George Making, of Norwich; Mr. Levi Makins wife and family, of Seaforth; Mr, and Mrs. N. Patterson, of London; Mr. and Mrs. John Smitb, and Mr. and Mrs. Snaith, of Zurich veti........a*csv Mrs. Green, of Zurich; Jas. and Lloyd Makins, of Varna; Miss P. Makins, of Clinton and Mrs. Fletcher, of Sea - 1 orth. ea-forth, A Christmas Gift_ a Beyond Value Your Photograph 1 _MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO -DAY Senior Studio Exeter, Ontario ABOLISH FINANCIAL PROLOLIFNG " Y YOUR E A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY WILL DO IT Gives a larger return for life than is obtainable from any other form of investment with absolute security. Free from Dominion Income Tax. Any person resident or domiciled in Canada over the age of 5 may purchase, to begin at once, or at any later date desired, an Annuity of from $50 to $5,000, to be paid inmonthly or quarterly instalments. Any two persons may purchase jointly. Employers may purchase for their employees. Apply to your postmaster, or write, postage free, to S. T. Bastedo, Superintendent of Annuities, Ottawa, for new booklet and other information required. Mention age last birthday. Furniture & Undertaking We wish to announce to the public that we can now supply a motor hearse in connection with our undertaking business.. M. E. Gardiner OPERA HOUSE BLOCK R. N. 1 OWE THE UNDBRTAICER AND EM1,3ALMER We have added a motor hearse :o our undertaking business. Phone 20'. PHONES 74W and 743. DON'T WORRY About the high price of suits. You Won't need a new suit if you will let T. II. ELLIOTT do your Clean- ing, Pressing and Repairing. Agent for The American Dyers and Dry Cleaners, London, Ont. T. B. ELLIOTT SUDDEN SERVICE SflOP A, 7J. TENNAN!' Veterinary Surgeon • The weather has been soft for a Few days and the snow has almost disappeared. A light rain fell dur- ing Saturday night and on Sunday morning the sidewalks and roads were covered with lee making travel- ing very difficult for both man and east. There were.not a few people s well as horses that slipped and ell both on Sunday and Monday but o aoeidents have been reported. Ow - ng to the slippery condition of the oads it was difficult driving an auto n Sunday morning one auto was n the ditch three trines between Eire- er and Thames Road Chitral. Just outh of town several cars took . to the ditch during the day and. 501130 ante very close to turning over, b a f n Ia Office --McDonnell's Sales Stables on J Folin St, Phone calls receive prompt e atteiltioit Phone 26vr With the Churches. OA,VEN PRESBYTERIAN CRURRQR Rev. James Foote, 13. A., Minister 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Classes. Services next Sabbath conducted by Rev. Dr. Fletcher Prayer service Thursday at 7.45 pan. JAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev, M. J. Wilson, B:.A„ rastor. 11 a,m,-»"The Smuggler and his Friend." 3 p.m. -Sabbath School and Bible Study._ 7 p.m "Winter evenings and Read- ing." Helpful Music. A hearty welcome. The James St. Anniversary .1/e0. 5th. The Clinton Doherty Male Quartette at both services. MAIN ST. RIETHODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, ill. A. (Phone 21, r3.) 11 a.m.-"The Lord's Sermon" 7 pen, -"The Shadow of Egypt" BETHANY, 2,30-"A Doughy Cake" DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractor William and Sanders streets. Tues- days, Thursdays & Saturdays, hours 10 a.iu. to 4.30 p.m. Consultation and examination flee at office. MEETING OP HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich at three o'clock in the afternoon of. Tuesday the 7th day of December, 1920. All accounts against the county must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of the douneil. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk Goderich, Nov. 15, 1920. C. 0. F. NOTICE The C.O.F. will meet on Monday, Nov. 29tH. Special business. F. W. Gladman, Secretary ,LOST OR STRAYED -A yearliug, with a pig ring in its left ear. Fin- der kindly notify Wni. Welsh, Phone 174r3. LAMB-LUXTON A very pretty home wedding took place on Wednesday, Nov. 10, at six p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Irving, when their sister, Miss Minnie Luxton became the bride of Mr. R. A. Lamb, of Grenfell, Sask., the Rev. 3. Adana Smith officiating. Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present. Allan Dale and Miss Ethel Luxton were the attendants." From the Grenfell Sun. THIS IS THE WEEK TO ORDER YOUR Personal (greeting (garbs OUR. ASSORTMENT IS LARGE AND THE DE- SIGNS ARE EXCLUSIVE We also have a.. contplek. I', nzo of 72:21111S. and, . New Year Cards and Booklets and a spcC- iivl offering in Art and Novelty Calendars Senior Studio And at Store alters WE HAVE A FINE AS- SORT:MENT AT PRICES "THAT RANGE PROM $1 TO $2,50. Our line of Blankets, Robes and Mitts is complete and on some lines we are offering very attractive prices. See our stock before you buy, 1. R. CARLING B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conunissio>!er, Solicitor for the Molsons Bank, Etc.. BUY VICTORY BONDS $1000.00 Bonds due 1934 for $939. ..500.00 Bonds due 1.934 for $405. To yield ;0 14 per_.cent.. Interest half yearly 'at any Bank Orders received by Pie. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest, OFFICE: -Carling Block Main St., Exeter Gold Fish Are Here 10c -15c -25c -50c each Crumb food in tin boxes -1,5e- Wafer 15cRTafer food 10c Fish Globes 50c to $3.50 Secure wour supply early. Gold Fish are amusing things and people grow very fond of them. Daily we are reeceiving Xmas. China, Toys, Novelties, etc. Look over our stock and have anything you wish put away till Xmas. .A. small payment secures anything. Shipment of new Columbia Re- cords this week. Come in anytime and look around. Phone 122 Phone 55 -POWELL'S . £A Z L i .tR R Phone 55. The Dome of the New Edison COMPORT IN BUYING MEAT HERE. Comfort in the seats provided for customers, more comfort in the con- fidence that you are getting the very choicest meats at the very lowest prices. Come and enjoy selecting a roast, a steak or some chops. You'll appreciate the lowness of price and above all you'll enjoy as never be- fore the meats -served on your table. BEN, IVIAKIN.S THURSDAY, NOVEI/t13EE Zia , 1920 The GREATEST HIT IN YEARS ,ijIsO 4 saDortaccaawntr\eiPtdeortsoe\dtZiby $ONQ Uht2inrooir.lwtheJcllNl•aluarxen>lrecwyrns, pWreordspaid, ant(Addrtss:3.htusic 5e, Postage ren CaocKsa Pansy, Le.rxms, Pubitshers, ¢a3 and 50 Lombard Street, 'Toronto, Out, USE "DIAMOND DYES" Dye right! Don't risk your material, tach pack- age of "Diamond Dyes" con- tains directions so simple that any woman can diamond -dye a new, rich color into old garments, draperies, coverings, every- thing, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy .`Diamond Dyes" -no other land -then perfect re- sults are guaranteed even if you have never dyed before.. Druggist has "Diamond Dyes Color Card" --16 rich colors. The strong winds of the past few days brought down many of the ap- ples off tb.e trees and the ground in the orchards ere covered with this class of fruit. TILE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50, a year, " ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising --Made known on application. Stray Animals.. -One insertion 600 three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 500 each insertion for one month of four Insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent. Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and found locals 25c. Local reading notices etc.10c per line per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advertising 100 and 5c s line. Cider Mill O. K. Steam Cider Mill running every day, pressing cider, cooking apple butter, Custom work done as rapidly as possible. Sweet cider and apple butter for sale. 4, S. J. V. Cann, Exeter Phone 115. 0 PI vour Chr Shoppk!g u yo'n get it here its all right It's easy to upset good form with an out of form tie. That's why it so often happens. The remedy is here in good form 'ries, Scarfs and Four -in -Bands. Gloves, Collars, Shirts, everyything in Men's Outfit- tings correct to the minute. OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK. IS HERE Vareisgsaatfallatvxmcsomernaystbsoessermas J W. T A A N PHONE 8a a `$ ,.-i',1 •-fix?° r3�t°+4i -: ✓1 W. j. Beer 1 Q :A.. limited number of auto. batteries stored and cared for this Winter. v/ SPECIALS!: SPECJALS! COATS & , .ESSES 18 Beautiful Silk, Sef ge, & Tricotine . Dresses, All new from the makers, this �s is a special purchase and regular prices up to $55, Don't miss seeing them. Your choice of any dress 29d 50 rr [Baby Lamb 20 Misses' & Ladies' Coats All this seasons styles & fabrics including good warm blanket Cloth, Velours & Saver - tones, Your choice of any Coat &'Flushes not included] 24 95 Wear Dominion Rubbers & Rubber Boots We sell this known nown brand and . can recommend them to our customers. BOUT COTT S. ewer srOSISMITC-ARn!? C-ri.3 IE4110itA.:le.. 3s� tT T/ eeee' :/I a• / ' - 7 'lrik.