HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-30, Page 370
That's the first word that
comes to, Sylvia-Brady's mind
when someone asks her how
she and her Girl 9,1008.•frani
Goderich andncardine
enjoyed their recent trip to
• Mexico.
The girl's reserve com-
ments like "wow", "it was
_like a dream come &u -e", "it
was the chance of a lifetime'j� The children began by ad -
and "the two weeks seemed dressing- the Guides as
more ' affection in their
gratitude than the• girls are
accustomedto•in Canada.
"They all want your at-
trtion badly -.and they work
hard to please 'you and - to
make sure you see what they
have done," said Nancy,
• She recalled the antics of
the youngsters of the parish
after one of the .craft lessons.
like two days" to describe
,their feelings on the two week
adventure. •
Despite the vaf•ied ' ex -
i pr• essiens the girlsuse to
describe the trip 'they all are
trying to -make the same point
- the point being that -the
experience was one they
never have had before and
One' they will likely never
experience again. It is
perhaps best described by the
phrase "you had to be there".
The trip was one that very
few .girls the age of the
Goderich and Kincardine
Guides will ever take part in,
Eleven members of the First
Goderich Guides and three
members of the Kincardine
Guide troop spent two weeks
in Our Cabana, a Guide
centre :in Cuernavaca,
Mexico.' oThey, along with
leaders Diane :Buchanan and
Sylvia Brady joined other
Guides from all over. North
America and from Bezile in
Central America • to devote
• two weeks to special service
projects' ; sponsored in the
Cuernavaca area • by the
Guiding centre. •
The, Goderich and .Kin-
cardine girls chose two
groups of youth to work with
on. their projects. One group
was poor children from - a
nearby parish and the other
was young Mexican :girls
living in a correctional school
"`senorita and if the .,girls'
were busy with something
else and didn't answer right
away the children soon
changed their •call to
".missie". That failing they
Would begin to tapthe girls
and point calling "lady,
"Pretty -soon you had 14
pairs of little hands_. in, your...:
face holding crafts for ap-
proval," said Nancy.
Paula Butler also ex
perienoed . the warmth and
affection the - Mexican
youngsters used to show their
gratitude. Paula workedwith
some of the young girls in the
correctional school teaching
them folk"'•dances She ex-
plained that the girls at-
tending .the • school were .all
the age of the Guides or a
little older arid were at the
school because they had
stolen something of were
unwed mothers. 'The school is
a parallel to • .Canadian
reformatories and the girls •
work and receive an.
education at the same time.
Their schedule is hectic -and.
adds to -their gratitude for
efforts like. the Guides were
main g
k ,
Paula said that she. •liad
beenteaching the -dancing
and- when she finished and
prepared to leave one young -,
girl 17 years oldmade it
obvious. :she °didn't want the
operated by Catholic nuns. girls to leave..,
Their 'projects, ranged from "She came"up .to me and
teaching craftwork''to began hugging and kissing
teachinggroup games.: and me," Paula recalled
dancingThey also took small nostalgically. `.1$11e
gifts from themselves and • desperately wanted me to
from people in Goderich tos.tay,"
donate to the Guide centre to . These and .other 'similar
distribute amongst the area rewards of the trip are •what
poor : children at Christmas the girls have trouble relating
time: to people they are trying to '
The programs the girls put .describe. their trip to. A staff
together were 'a' total success member at Our Cabana had a
according to Sylvia. She said similar effect on • the girls.
her .girls were more than Llama, who is a midget lady
prepared for 'their projects
the United States, works
and proudly adds that they' full time at the Guide centre.
were the only Guides at the and won over the hearts of the
centre who-' had .prepared girls and .will be fondly.
remembered by all of them easily described and in fact deer season in Huron County
ho.J;11: ; t e.,n-•3 rru)d, x l I2-�iRaPn ibl .�k� 1976.,with the ``exce do f
it • to Mexico, ready to•m
chance to return and visit Emotions such as joy, a seasonor`oow arow
only, from Oc+ b•er=-•25,i to
November 30."
Bayfield Reeve Ed-.
Odd'leifson, in making .the
motion .to • object, called the . _
hunting -with bow, and arrow
The Guides who took. the trip to Mexico tried to capture their experience on film and by
short explanations and recently entertained the Goderich Lions club with pictures and
stories of their trip. The girls are .(front row .from left) Glenda' Walpole and Carol Hill of
Kincardine and Rita Lassaline and Nancy Bird of Goderich; (second row from left) Paula.
Butler, Marlene McDougall and Deborah Buchanan; . (back row from Left) Diane
Buchanan, Joan Coulter, Sue McFadyen of Kincardine, Kathleen McCready, Sylvia
Brady and Kim Brady. (staff -photo)
them an opportunity to see
the underdeveloped' portions
of the country. • A trip to
Taxos, ' which is • about 45'
miles from Our Cabana, took
21/2 hours as the car wound
around no fewer than 295
curves. Quite few Mexicans
still use donkeys extensively
for travel' and to carry heavy
loads' and the donkeys.
-delighted the. girls with their
slides and pictures of the trip
and try to recreate. their
adventure, an adventure
about which can be said "you
had to be there".
The Guides are willing to
try however to explain their
trip. They will tell anyone
who' asks about the two weeks
and will soon be bubbling with
Pictures the girls took of C
one donkey drinking out of a O . • • •
.bottle proves" the impression .
the animals -keftt on the •
Canadians.. The animals �/�'�
apparently pick' the bottle up v W.
off the around with their teeth
and,tilt: their heads, up and Huron County. Council
back 'to • drain the contents passed a motion, with only
into their• mouths. They are two ,. members opposed, at
also not particular about the their. Friday meeting to 61
contents of the bottle and are. . ,jest to theMinistry of Natural
as appreciative of fine. wine Resources over the
as their owners. • Ministry's intention to allow
The adventure was also hunting of, deer within the
educational for the Guides: - county with bow and arrow.
They learned about some of • A letter of information,
the history of :Mexico -and of • signed• by H. Lancaster,.
life in the country. They also • Forest .. and Land
met and got..to know girls Management . Supervisor of
their age from other coun- the: Ministry of Natural
tries and learnedto un- Resources; ha"dd""-!leen placed
'derstand and appreciate their' in 'the report of the
way of life.. Development Cominttte:e
The result of the'trip is not noting that there would be no
distribute. She was referring -her. `
to the materials the girls The good times a group of
accumulated at home and put
into units to distribute to the people have together in.
children they were teaching. situations like the Mexico trip.
The : packages .. contained
are also personal memories
not easily explained When
everything necessary for the the girls tell of short sheeting `
children to complete their their leaders' beds and of
craftwork and meant that all
the Guides had to do was hand stealing the dinger of the bell
out the. packager and show used' to get them up in the.
the youngsters what to do. morning for their . 7:15 roll
call the
The success of their en -
people hearing the
leavers was made evident on tales don't appreciate their
their second trip to the parish true meaning. They pare all
church where they ,were part • and parcel of one of the
. classes. most exciting periods of the
holding their craft
When their car 'approached „lives of the Guides so far and
the church the . parish perhaps for the remainder of
children raced out to greet their lives:
them making it obvious they The entire two weeks were
had been anxiously .waiting not .spent being .Guides. The
for . their' new Canadian girls had time to play tourist .
and saw a good deal of the J J J�rz.,IIJX-1444Z-Z21J J J JZJ JZJZJIJZJZJZJZJ=J J J J J J�
friends. scenery and historical spots
• The- problem of differing .
sorrow, nostalgia, excitement
and the lasting impression
the cainaraderie the girls
came to knowcannot be
conveyed to- a listener. The
girls canonly show, their
HoirlesviIIe. 4
prepare squares
the excitement they , could
barely 'contain when .they '.
were nearing their departure
time. But don't be afraid .to
ask. You • may have your '
memory jogged and recall a
time in your life when you
experienced a similar ad-
venture or period of joy. -
halt deer
"Cruel" and askedthat
council request cancellation.
of the season..
• Mr. Oddleifson said the
animals • are often only
wounded and could take days-
to die.
, Kenneth Campbell;.Deputy
Reeve 'of Stephen Township,
seconded -the motion.'
Seaiorth, Ontario
Save Hundreds on Pianos & Organs
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languages : the' girls were fbr which Mex.icoisiamo_ns-:...
Th h of
worried about prior to leaving They visitedthe . site the
for Mexico proved'to be a Inca pyramids and took the
minor one according
to time to • tour the famous
Nancy Bird, one of the churches that show the
Guides. Nancy said the wealth of the country in their
children .Made it evident. they massive gold altars ' and
appreciated the efforts. of the:'decorations.
Guides- and showed much One such excursion gave
Registrations .at Conestoga College, Clinton
Campus are still being accepted for the following
- courses: •,;, ...
Drawing afld Painti'ng
▪ Bartell • ing ec matte
• English - Level 11'I-or'tV-(by home study)�Ma'thematics Level I11 or IV(by horse study)
Course starting dates will be established.as•soon
as sufficient registrations are received. If you
are interested give us a can at 482-3458 from 8:00
-` a.m. 4:30 .p.m. '
Come in and see
a foot specialist from London
Mr. Parsons will be at
o •
Thursday, October 7th
o 1:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
° y ;y
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J .jl
Beautify. your ,
Get out on the street.
Take a walk.
cecYtrecLaxe ind
cereal boxes, -wheat, cracked
wheat, farina, bran, wheat -
germ, bulgar, ready to eat
wheat cereals, • oats; rice,
corn, barley, rye; buckwheat,
soy beans, tapioca, sago and
flax when the Holmesville 4-H
"Wheat Germs" club.. held
-their third meeting on Sep-
tember'27 at the home of Mrs.
A. Betties.
The meeting demonstration
saw the club`members
preparing Cherry Bran
Squares. . -
The group also filled in
handout sheets entitled
"Cereals in many, forms'.
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` Factory Trained Applicators - ••
weee out 550o now. ..
We're Ontario Overfill -lent employees.
members of the Ontario Public Service •
Employees Union. •
Thanks to Pierre Trudeau and William
Davis we are out by about•S500 a year. .
That's how much the AIB and the • .
Davis Government rolled back our s •'airy
increases. Yet impartial arbitration boards
judged that we -Were entitled to those
• sala'ries.
Ontario government employees: know '
how well the AI•B works.- it -cost each
one of us about $500. .•
And then Mr. Trudeau spendsan
additional SI iiiillio•n'to •tell everyone that
the cost of fighting inflation is high.
Sure it is,
ust as ora lair Re`arty; Thiry
company's profits increased by. 50.2 pct
centduring the first half of 1976,
Or take Victoria & Grey Trust. for
instance. It enjoyed increasedpl•r)lils of
33 per cent in the first nine months of
controls., -
As a direct result of government
policy, gasoline and fueloil prices increas-
ed five cents ti gallon on 'September 1: • -
This move will add from one to 1.5
points to -the consumer price'index.. It will
also pump millions of 'dollars into the
coffers Of multi-national'oil companies..
Yes. we all know what i1 costsao fight
'inflation. Some of,us better than
The Ontario Public Service Employees •
Union has endorsed the October.14 Day
of Protest: •
.This is a day for alt Canadian workers -
to voiceand show their opposition to
wage controls.
OPSEU members will be asked by a
secret-haldt)-t->_t-e--to-l.e.nd_.tl.Lei.r_sup.puxt ti) _
the October 14 protest. These'vo(es will"
by held at area union meetings across
If vouare an OPSEU,ntember, you
•can hear all the facts about controls and
your wage~. You'can vote to takeVart in
the October 14 protest at:
Saltford Vally Hall
off Hwy. # 21
Wednesday, October 6
1:30 p.m. and 8 p.m,
. . ;We should be out
.Published !,
The Ontario Public -Service Employees Union .