HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1976-09-30, Page 30PAGE 22 -..Got) RICH SIf"ar$A' ,-STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER. 30, 1976. Angry Menesetung ratepayers threaten legal action ..... (continued from page 1 pt'eparfd to agree. Furthermore, although the had been assured in another order that the town was prepared to accept "all liabilities", none of the correspondence cited here had ever been placed before the Town Council, no report was ever made to council on discussions ' between Mr. Walls, Mr.' Rowland and Mr. Gower, and council was never informed that their solicitqr wasof the opinion that the trees should not be cut. Nowhere do. the minutes of Town Council show that the, issue was ever . discussed, much less voted on, by the Municipal ' Council of , the Town of Goderich. As'a result the Town, and the taxpayers, may be held' responsible for any damages , which might have to be paid. WHAT AUTHORITY? When asked under what•' authority ` the, 1VIUnicipality, 'carried out the cutting, Mayor Deb Shewfelt said he felt the council had approved the action by 'accepting the minutes . of ,the Airport Committee. meetings. However the 1976 council minutes show 'only two oc- casions when council acted on Airport Committee minutes, prior to the cutting - once on - January 19 and again on February 16 but neither of 'those minutes made any Cutin had . sideration of a b carried out. He indicated he "would,' protect the -council g in fact beeny-law which lwauld be bringing the. matter should an zndrvtdual action be up at the next' council. taken against any member. meeting. That- by-law was finally Councillor Jinn Peters said, passed on July 19, 1976, "I feel the town had per- The new by-law notes that mission from the owners, , "Each , m''einber ' of the responsible for damages. will likely' be decided ,upon questions of easements. Did the .town haje the right to enter uponthe properties in question and cut trees? somewhere along the line to M'unicipai4 Council of the e a r R e I1 I1 e r s A trim trees. Someone has Town of Goderich shall be '••• (continued from page 4) changed their mind between Indemnified ' and..- saved • then and now." harmless out of funds under deafening crash and . felt a Councillor Elsa Haydon the control and management terrific. jolt. Glass and steel h� rnore•to say on the matter. of the. Municipal Corporation' flew everywhere. My. whole though. "Council never tip -of the Town of Goderich from proved this' action," • she and against all.costs, charges •. claimed. "If anyone ap and, expenses whatsoever, proved it it must have been made, done or permitted by the Airport Committee." • him, inor.about the execution "If the, •question had ever of the duties of hits office." -been discussed at council," Simply .defined this means Mrs. Haydon noted, "I would that should • the Menesetung have asked Who had given the' Property Owners suc- legal advice saying the town cessfully sue the 'Town of could act.""' Goderich, "insurance or the Mrs. Haydon said she "did- taxpayers would pay .the not believe the Airport damages and—not.any in - Committee had the right to d-i'vidual' councillor or proceed, • without the 'councillors.. ' authorization ? of Town Whether or not the Town is Council. - "It .seems strange," she said, "-that we will ' discuss one tree at council but never discussed this situation which involved 100 trees." •She said she was -never !E made aware at the council table that the property owners were unhappy about the proposed plans. "I received some telephone calls the day the trees were being' cut and went out to the site to find a ' scene of devastation," Mrs.' Haydon body seemed to be turning inside out. I heardmyself scream - Suddenly I awakened. It' was very quiet. A' police of - fleet was f-fleer.was standing over me. Then I saw'a doctor. My body was: mangled'.I was saturated with blood.. Pieces of jagged 'were sacking, out all that I couldn't Hey, oyer dead. I'm a date glass over: feel that can be I've got supposed to grow Strange anything. sheet don't pull my..head: I' only 17,. tonight. I'm up and,Y}ave An easement is an-• agreement- under • Titch ap individual. • propertym owner allows' another person or. agency to enter upon his property, and carry out a woirtul life. T haven't lived yet. I can't be dead. Later I was placed- in "a drawer. My '" folks to identify me. Why dic "they have to see me like this? Why did I have to look at Mom's eyes when shefaced the most terrible ordeal of .her life.? Dad suddenly looked like an old • man. He told tile man in charge, "Yes - he is our son". The ° funeral was a weird experience. I saw all my ,„relatives -and friends walk - toward the casket. They passed by, one by one, and looked at me with the saddest eyes • I've ever seen. Some of "; certain acts, usually for a Once -paid fee . _... Near Sky Harbor. such agreements do exist on certain areas of the property now occupied by . Meneset my buddies were crying. A few of the girls touched my hand and sobbed as' they Walked away. Please - somebody - wake • me up! .Get me out of here. can't bear.to see my mornand dad so broken up: My. grandparents are • so racked with grief they can barely walk. My brother and sister are like zombies. They move like robots. In a daze. Everybody. ;No one can believe .this. ..And° I can't believe it either.. Please don't bury me! I'm not dead! F4iave-a.lot of living to do! :I want to laugh and run . r' . • Trailer Park am" on Some lots at the extreme south end of the Menesetung ° •Park. Da they exist for property on which the town cut trees last March? ' 'again. I want to sing ar}d dtheance. Please don't put me in ground. I promise. if you ' give' me just one more. chanee;.God,; I'D be the most ireful driver in the whole world. All I"want is'one more chance. Please, God, I'm. only 17 , Readers Ars cordially invited to exprssa their opinions of local,_ provin- lol and, federal •losues rough the Latter' .to the Editor column of The Goderich Slgnal•Star• All letters must be signed to be published, although pen nifines are permissible providing it Is understood that upon. request„ from another, 'reader, the letter wrlter'e true name will bs' revealed. While thera Ifno limit • to the length of a fetter', which can b1i offerettfo"f-- publication, the 'editor' does rese,ve theright to delete portion* of any .. copy submitted for in- clusion in th11i• newspaper. • Take an active interest In your • hometown newspaper. Write a letter.. to :the Editor today. e. reference to the proposed tree explained. •.M trimming. - "As an individual coun- . • Council's ; representatives .: cillor I feel I have been used on the Airport Committee; , because I : was assured that Dave Gower and Bill Clifford permission had been obtained both refused •to make any from the propertybwners and comment when asked on what authority the trees had been cut. . Councillor Leroy Harrison would say only, "Because .there' is talk of a lawsuit I am saying nothing." On . the question of the Tow n's authority{.: for action • councillor Bob Allen said that he was under the .impression the Airport Committee and the property owners in question had ' "come to an understanding", "But,he added, "if there is a lawsuit pending, I don't think I should ' make any statements." • Councillor Stan Profit -also indicated : that he ,thought some "agreement had been hammered. out. with. .the property owners." He in- dicated that ,he had •drawn that conclusion . from . • ex- planations offered by Dave Gower. Members of the Property Owners Association insist, "however, that no: agreement' was ever made which would have. allowed .the • town • to carry,out•cutting as they did:.. Councillor Frank Walkom said •'I _haxentt-any idea _ . _ what authority might be Bill Clifford was handling that affair." Mr. Walkom was under the •impression the matter was still pending and• did not even' know 'that the now .I find this w- of the' case at all, °' she note • STORM OF OT•EST en .. the• town actually proceeded ' withthe tree . . cutting work it unleashed a stormof protest on the part of - the property, owners as is typified in • •a letter dated April 10, 1976 and signed 'by four such owners, Susan Boone, A.V. Turnbull, Elizabeth' Kilgour and Joyce Meanwell. "We have just visited our property and found a scene of destruction and • mutilation .beyond repair. This letter is to put you on notice' that we regard the action of the Town of Goderich in cutting our trees in- the manner you have done asan unconscionable - andwanton act of trespass and environmental damagt," .. the letter says. . °"We have already been in touch, with the Ministry of, Transport and know how dubious they regard the color . of righ.tunder which you have presumed to act." "We intend ,to notify. all persons concernedaliti _'to ta7ce. W -ever steps `are available to obtain redress." • It is interesting to no,te•that little more than a monfh.after this letter the ."Town • of Goderich, first' began con - i • 3 a.m. the most dangerous haurforyou and your family. -UNTIE! 1 EARL`(SMOKE G ((� � HOME SMOKE AND FIRE- , DETECTOR IRE.DETECTOR 'Powerful Awakening Alarm Alerts You .to Smoke -and Fire Hazards in. Time to Save :• Lives and Property. FEATURES e Available in two models - battery powered or 120 volt AC Dowered, • . e Can sense smoke while still invisible before. noxious gases from fire reach danger level e it will not alarm in a room full of heavy smokers d Miniature in design, 51/2" in diameter -and 1rh2" high, Weighs only 10 ounces. - e. Fastens to ceiling in minutes 3 Year Warranty -Be _Sf • See the CENTURION Smoke Detector at SERVICE . 1111111001 fi-VIGof0RlA ST: NORTH •GODERICH. • 524 6581 '0 STOKELYS 28 FL. OZ. 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McCORMICKS DARE PALATI ODA1LB.CHOCOLATE 2LB.$0 CRACKERS BOX �H,P COOKIES BA w G 1.49 WESTON'5 WESTON'S WESTON'S . HUMPTY•DUMPTY 289c 28 FL. OZ. 5. SUNSPUN ITER AYLMER 32 t=L. OZ. CATSUP-�99-c NEW CROP CAN. NO. 1 'GRADE" AYLMEf3 WHITE' *HONEY • 'TUB $1.69 TJUICE. OZATO 1 LB. • DEL MONTE.•FANCY . F PEAS' OZF.`" 3R41 48 FL. OZ. DATE " '- RASPBERRY• " TURNOVERS PKG°55a BUTTERHORNS pKG.69C KLEENE200's ' 15'tJE KLEENEX ROLLS. R PAPER F TOWELS 2- 99c G GRANNY "POTATO.. • PKG. . TARTS O ,2 .19 =CHIPS• ePK z.. o •IWi• ' X9.1 VICTORIA .STRUT , GODERICK PRICES IN EFFECT' SEPT. 301,,T'O CLOSING TIME OCT. 2 1976 OR WHILE QUANTITIES -LAST WE `RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. 'OPEN NITELY 'TILL 10 P..14. . ROYALE ' RO• LLS BATHROOM TISSUE 2. 5_ •